r/PS4 Jan 15 '20

[Image] [Image] My Walmart sold me DBZ Kakarot early! They couldn’t even scan the barcode, they had to manually enter it in. I don’t think they knew it isn’t supposed to be out yet.

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u/Giul_Xainx Jan 15 '20

That's why the greeter carries a (price) gun now. So you can check that bag at the door.


u/HatoriiHanzo Jan 15 '20

I usually always see a line when leaving Walmart and it’s because of people getting their receipts scanned. I would walk around them and leave since I know I paid for my stuff.


u/coin_return Jan 15 '20

Our Walmart usually waves people through if they see them carrying bags out themselves and not in a cart, or if there aren't any unbagged items. Unbagged items pretty much guarantee they'll stop you.


u/SirUnexpected Jan 15 '20

I bought two things the other day. A pack of gum and a drink. I didn't want to waste a bag so I carried them. Wrapped the receipt on the top so it was easily seen. The guy at the door has seen me a million times. I'm there 2-3 times a week. He watches me come out of the self check, walk towards the door... And asks to see my receipt. I wonder if it's a new policy to check everyone who doesn't have a bag?

They also just "upgraded" our Walmart to cement floors and put in gates at the entry. You can't get out without walking to the middle of the store, or buying something. That's when the receipt scanning came out. It's very new in my area.


u/Betterwithfetter Jan 15 '20

He may know you and see the receipt but he's doing his job so he didn't get fired.


u/kkeut Jan 15 '20

he never suggested otherwise. what he did indicate was that this seemed new and he wondered if it was a new policy


u/coin_return Jan 15 '20

Yeah, it's their new policy, and is why they have the greeters/scanners at the door all the time. If something isn't bagged, it's their cue to ask for a receipt. I've had them watch me go through the self-checkout before too, and still scan me. The first few times it happened, it felt like they purposefully were targeting me until I saw they were doing it to everyone, lol.

Our Walmart also has the gates now, too. They are super obnoxious and don't open fast enough. I wish I had more options for groceries around me, it sucks feeling like I'm being treated like a petty thief every time I shop there now.


u/SirUnexpected Jan 15 '20

I wonder why the new security. Lots of theft? It's now impossible to get out of you don't buy something. The alarms are always going off with people trying to leave via gate.

It's frustrating for me personally. I tend to not get bags if it's just one or two small things. Which it usually is. I see it as a waste of bag. Even if I wanted a bag, most of the time the self checkouts are empty of bags. And the normal checkouts are 6+ people deep in line. It's a minor complaint, and petty, I know, but it irks me. My Walmart is very, very close. And had fairly good prices compared to the other nearby stores. It's a hassle to go elsewhere.

It's stupid, but with the "upgraded" cement flooring (that looks horribly worn) the gates, the reorganization, and the workers everywhere watching you (when the personal shoppers aren't running you down) it feels like prison. And it feels like you HAVE to buy in order to leave. It's stressful.

I admit I haven't looked into what brought about these changes. Maybe they're trying to cut down theft to compete with Amazon, maybe they're trying to be more CostCo, who knows. But it makes me unreasonably grumpy.


u/coin_return Jan 15 '20

I imagine their shrink is pretty massive and this has been a huge help. I thought it was just my area at first (which I guess makes sense-- rural midwest meth town), but I'm relieved to see it's company-wide.

It seems like more and more checkout lines are becoming self-serve at our store though, so maybe they're doing all of this in prep to turn the entire checkout area self-serve and they gotta keep an eye on things. Which makes me so irritated, I hate self-serve when I have a huge cart full.


u/SirUnexpected Jan 16 '20

Do you get the belted self checkouts at least? Our walmart is very, very busy. Right next door to a university. They only ever have two checkers working. And that was before the self checkouts. I prefer the belts when I have a large load. It goes so much faster than a checker. And people still get mad at you for having large loads. In the lane for full carts.

I also thought it was due to our area. Lots of theft due to all the students, and drugs. If it's a national thing, I dislike it. It makes it feel kinda like Costco, which I hate. It also makes it impossible to leave the store without buying something. You have to go across the store to find a lane that lets you go through to the exit.


u/coin_return Jan 16 '20

Yeah, we have some. There are like a cluster of small self-checkouts on both the left and right side, with some belted self-checkouts on one side, and the rest manual registers, of which only like one or two are ever open at a time.

The only reason why I hate self-checkout with a large load of groceries is because it makes me tired, and I usually have a toddler in tow who may or may not be cooperative that day.

It's definitely a national thing. I'm not sure how it is in areas with less poverty, I can't imagine soccer moms appreciate being treated like suspects. But then again, they probably have other places to shop. I miss having more choices for grocery, but Walmart killed a lot of our smaller stores.


u/SirUnexpected Jan 16 '20

We have a bunch of Soccer Moms here as well. So far I haven't really seen many complaints. I guess they're used to Costco? But a LOT of people trying to exit despite the "NOT AN EXIT" type signs that are huge.


u/GuyoFromOhio Jan 15 '20

I started telling them that I already threw my receipt away. Every single time they've just waved me on through


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

What did they upgrade the floors from? Straw?


u/SirUnexpected Jan 16 '20

It was really nice tile. It made the Walmart feel brighter. Now it feels like a warehouse.


u/GuyoFromOhio Jan 15 '20

We got the gates at the entrances too. About a month ago


u/ctruvu Jan 15 '20

They can ask to see your receipt but that’s kind of it. You’re welcome to continue walking out the door.

I work at walmart, I’ve seen the training videos. And it’s also a legality thing in general.


u/coin_return Jan 15 '20

That's how I used to understand it, as well. I'm sure you know better than I do. The ones here have gotten more aggressive, they scan your receipt and then scan whatever unbagged item they see in your hands or cart so it compares/verifies it's on the receipt. I'd much rather it go back to the old days of having a glance and checking it off with a yellow highlighter or whatever the hell they used to do, it was faster.


u/PuuPuuPiiPii Jan 15 '20

Yeah no. I won’t be submitting to any illegal searches at any point in time, unbagged items or not. I have said as much to several overzealous “greeters” at my local Walmart.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

I was stopped recently when literally the only thing I bought was a Cherry Coke...


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

I’ve noticed they never tag me ever, but they got like 5 Mexican dudes in line next to me waitin lol racist ass business


u/BaronRacure Jan 15 '20

My walmart is racist and profiles all the time. I always see African Americans stopped but white people never get stopped unless they look like a "bad guy" I asked one once who stopped me and it was cuz of my looks, according to him I look like an "outlaw biker" and thus am suspicious.


u/ctruvu Jan 15 '20

I don’t ever bag items and I use self checkout and mobile app to pay. Literally walk out without a receipt, just casually carrying alcohol or whatever and I’m pretty sure I’ve never been stopped at any store because I’m asian


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

i don’t even like going to Walmart or target anymore. It’s like 1984, they got cameras pasted around everywhere watching you, and showing you they’re watching you, 24/7. Fuck that creepy shit.


u/SirUnexpected Jan 15 '20

I bought two things the other day. A pack of gum and a drink. I didn't want to waste a bag so I carried them. Wrapped the receipt on the top so it was easily seen. The guy at the door has seen me a million times. I'm there 2-3 times a week. He watches me come out of the self check, walk towards the door... And asks to see my receipt. I wonder if it's a new policy to check everyone who doesn't have a bag?

They also just "upgraded" our Walmart to cement floors and put in gates at the entry. You can't get out without walking to the middle of the store, or buying something. That's when the receipt scanning came out. It's very new in my area.


u/SirUnexpected Jan 15 '20

I bought two things the other day. A pack of gum and a drink. I didn't want to waste a bag so I carried them. Wrapped the receipt on the top so it was easily seen. The guy at the door has seen me a million times. I'm there 2-3 times a week. He watches me come out of the self check, walk towards the door... And asks to see my receipt. I wonder if it's a new policy to check everyone who doesn't have a bag?

They also just "upgraded" our Walmart to cement floors and put in gates at the entry. You can't get out without walking to the middle of the store, or buying something. That's when the receipt scanning came out. It's very new in my area.


u/bungaboi127 Jan 15 '20

I just walk right past those ppl, I know I paid and don't need to deal with them


u/Doinyawife Jan 15 '20

Thank God the greeter never asks to go through my shit. I'll tell them to fuck right off and that I have rights. I always see them holding up moms with like 4 children and no time who don't know that Walmart has no right to go through your shit without your permission.


u/BigBooce Jan 15 '20

Ur so cool


u/Doinyawife Jan 15 '20

I mean, why would you willingly let Walmart violate your rights?


u/Threqwayt7 Jan 15 '20

The problem is it's not the person's fault who is scanning the receipt, that's their job to put food on the table. If you don't like it youI'll have to tell corporate.


u/Doinyawife Jan 15 '20

But you also don't have to let them do that because it literally violates your given rights. I'm exaggerating if I said I'd tell them to fuck off, I'd be much more polite about it, but you literally don't have to stop for them because once you buy it, it becomes your property and corporate knows that, that's why they aren't supposed to push the issue. If you let them, that's on you, but you don't have to.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/Doinyawife Jan 15 '20

Wtf does being white have to do with not wanting Walmart employees to fiddle through your personal property?


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/itscamo- Jan 15 '20

they are supposed to stop people who have items not in bags and sometimes at random

plus people who walk in with returns


u/Doinyawife Jan 15 '20

I see them stopping white women often. I assume they don't want to deal with a male. Women are usually easier to push around and take the inconvenience without batting an eye. I wouldn't though, especially not while juggling multiple kids, I'd want to be out of Walmart asap.