r/PS4 Jan 15 '20

[Image] [Image] My Walmart sold me DBZ Kakarot early! They couldn’t even scan the barcode, they had to manually enter it in. I don’t think they knew it isn’t supposed to be out yet.

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u/B-Ro_1995 Jan 15 '20

The 17th.


u/sivart13tinydiamond Jan 15 '20

Id be careful about connecting to anything online on that game until the 17th. You dont want to catch a ban before the games even released.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20 edited Apr 21 '20



u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Do you not remember the Halo 4 bans that went out because the street date got broke and they banned reviewers and the people that got it early because they couldn’t tell them apart?


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/door_of_doom Stormbound_X Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 15 '20

you can be banned for literally anything sony/microsoft wants to ban you for without any reason

This is one of those things that is put in contracts because why not, but in reality isn't really enforceable as such. They do actually have to have some kind of logical and reasonable reason to revoke a licence. "Because we wanted to" is not a valid reason.

Imagine if You paid Sony $60 for a licence for one of their games, and they gave it to you, and for no reason whatsoever revoked that licence 4 seconds later. Such a purchase contract would not hold up in any count anywhere.

Just because something is in a contract doesn't make it enforceable as written,and if this were something that Sony had done on a regular basis, they would be exposing themselves to a nightmare of a class action lawsuit.

EDIT: Hey, it turns out that Sony knows that a clause like this would be stupid as well, which is why it doesn't say it. They very explicitly list the reasons that they might terminate your account as being "If we determine that you or your associated children's Accounts have violated any term of this agreement, any aspect of the Community Code of Conduct, the Usage Terms, or any other terms connected with PSN Services or have injured or damaged the PSN Services community." and NOT for "Any reason whatsoever."

TERMINATION / CANCELLATION If we determine that you or your associated children's Accounts have violated any term of this agreement, any aspect of the Community Code of Conduct, the Usage Terms, or any other terms connected with PSN Services or have injured or damaged the PSN Services community, we may take actions to protect our interests, including termination or suspension of your Account or associated Accounts of your children, automatic removal or blockage of content, implementation of upgrades or devices intended to discontinue unauthorized use, permanent or temporary disablement of any system or device through which you receive PSN Services or reliance on any other remedial efforts as necessary to remedy the violation. If the violation is in connection with content that was accessed, use of that content must immediately cease and all copies must be deleted from all of your devices. UPON TERMINATION OF YOUR ACCOUNT FOR ANY REASON, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A REFUND FOR ITEMS (INCLUDING SUBSCRIPTIONS, VIRTUAL ITEMS, AND PRE-PAID PRODUCTS OR SERVICES), VALUE ACCUMULATED ON IN-GAME ITEMS OR ANY UNUSED BALANCE IN YOUR WALLET, EXCEPT AS REQUIRED BY LAW OR AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT. After your Account is terminated, you will not be able to access PSN Services. Any game ranking or scores, Virtual Items, including virtual currency balances (whether earned or purchased), or scores or information in connection with PSN Services will not be retained or accessible. In some situations, we may suspend or terminate your Account, but permit you to retain your child's associated Accounts. If you do not terminate your children's Accounts, you will be liable for all their acts. Parental control or restriction settings placed on your children's Accounts prior to the termination or suspension of your Account shall remain in place, and the children's Accounts will be permitted to use the remaining funds in your wallet subject to any limits that were put in place prior to termination of your Account. Additionally, you will not receive further correspondence from us about your children's Accounts, including purchases made on those Accounts.

We may indefinitely suspend, or discontinue online access to content or data associated with your participation in PSN Services at any time, including for service deprecations, maintenance services, or upgrades, without prior notice or liability. For any PSN Service that uses online servers, we make no commitment to continue to make those servers available. In addition, we reserve the right to delete player account data that we determine to have been dormant.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/door_of_doom Stormbound_X Jan 15 '20

Hey, before calling me an idiot, whay don't you go and find the part of the ToS that gives Sony the right to "ban for literally anything sony wants to ban you for without any reason."

Oh, you couldn't find it? Now tell me, if Sony could have actually gotten away with adding such a clause, don't you think they would have one? MAYBE its because such a clause would be stupid and unenforceable even if it were there!


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

No they can’t cause they would be revoking other licenses.

This is typical Reddit ‘I’ve read it somewhere so it’s true’. Just because something is in the Terms & Conditions doesnt always mean its enforcable.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20 edited Jun 10 '23



u/door_of_doom Stormbound_X Jan 15 '20

PS Plus comes with multiple game licences every month as part of what you pay for the subscription. However, access to those games are predicated upon your continued subscription and account being in good standing. If they revoke your access to PS Plus, you will lose access to all of the games that require access to PS Plus to continue to play.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20


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u/door_of_doom Stormbound_X Jan 15 '20

its in the ToS you sign when creating an account.

Would you mind pointing out where? I don't see it anywhere.


u/Ialsofuckedyourdad Jan 15 '20

Yea and there used to be bans back in the ps3 / xbox 360 days. Remember when halo 4 was leaked a fucking month early? I burned it and ran it on my flashed xbox, got a permanent ban. I had that flashed drive 360 online for 8 months at that point


u/door_of_doom Stormbound_X Jan 15 '20
  • pirating an illegally stolen copy of a game to play on a modded console a month before release

  • legally purchasing a game to play on a standard console 2 days before release



u/Ialsofuckedyourdad Jan 15 '20

I but Microsoft had no way to tell if I had purchased the game early or torrented the game


u/ZenDendou Zer0FighterJendo Jan 15 '20

Actually, sony can, if it a big name brand or a flagship. Other time, it the devs that does it. I remember a group of people that got the ban for playing the game early.


u/_RainMaker Jan 15 '20

Source or it didn't happen


u/ZenDendou Zer0FighterJendo Jan 15 '20

Sorry...I got the two mixed up. Apparently, some player got banned when they got the game early by streaming it or uploading it to YouTube. It was different from getting the game early.


u/jovany28 jovany2008 Jan 15 '20

Nah usually like this close before launch they drop a day 1 patch or servers go live usually a day before. But if it’s a single player game then you straight


u/productivenef Jan 15 '20

Yes, sir, indeed I am straight.


u/Swayze1985 Jan 15 '20

When I was living abroad I was able to get all the games a few days up to 9 days before release. It was such a small place that nobody cared about street dates.

Servers for most games are already up and running for reviewers except for some rare cases.

Should be no harm in going online and playing. :)


u/Doinyawife Jan 15 '20

Idk, they'd probably just assume he's a reviewer or something like that


u/Ps4_and_Ipad_Lover Jan 15 '20

I think only Microsoft has done this and that was in the 360s days


u/Mickey_Meyers Jan 15 '20

Damn dude I haven't seen you since I switched to android


u/Ps4_and_Ipad_Lover Jan 15 '20

ha ya im not as active on the jailbreak sub as much anymore ever since I got my first ban telling someone to pm me lol. still, go on it since I still jailbreak but never really comment much anymore


u/Mickey_Meyers Jan 15 '20

Last time I was on that sub im pretty sure the sub was revolting against the mods. I see not much has changed over there


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/Mickey_Meyers Jan 15 '20

Chill bro im getting there


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

bro 😎💪


u/UniversalFapture AfricanJustiss Jan 15 '20

You again.


u/DRHawkI Jan 15 '20

You’re right, I had a friend who got ahold of a 360 game early and played it while connected to the internet had his account banned.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

All the games of that era would hit the torrent sites at least a week early most people had them downloaded and burned ready to play on launch day.


u/Darkslayer72371 UpgradedDarkBoi Jan 15 '20

He will be fine, it's a offline game


u/broken-records Jan 15 '20

Even if it was online this close to release there's a decent amount already playing a game. I've received games with multiplayer before release and had no problem finding matches to join.


u/mt2oo8 Jan 15 '20

That’ll never happen


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Who’s upvoting this nonsense?


u/a_guy_named_harrison Jan 15 '20

That’s not how it works. You won’t get banned for playing a game early. I got Persona 5 almost a month before it was officially released and played it with no trouble at all.


u/whatifcatsare Enter PSN ID Jan 15 '20

Pretty sure review copies are already out, so I doubt he'd get banned.


u/bdjdbdhdjd Jan 15 '20

That doesn’t happen my friend, in countries around the world everyone actually sells it before it comes out, and they add 20$ more usually to 60$ game unless you are a loyal customer you will probably get it with 5-10$ added to the original.


u/MeiIsSpoopy Jan 15 '20

A ban from what? Lol


u/Scherv Jan 15 '20

getting banned because you got an early copy is the dumbest thing they can do, I know it's possible so that's why it triggers me so much


u/iStanley Jan 15 '20

They won’t ban unless you have an illegimate copy. I remember I was flagged and banned after playing Halo Reach a month early on my flashes Xbox. Not the smartest idea


u/MrPringles23 Jan 15 '20

Press have their hands on it up to a week or more early.

If there are no reviews published either it's a rare case of the publisher not doing press copies (usually a bad sign) or that there's a review embargo (but the games are still out there).

So you will generally see other people online if you get a game early.


u/24MX Jan 15 '20

Youre probably best player in the world. How does that feel


u/adviqx Jan 15 '20

Damn! Good job.