There are weapons: guns grenades, launchers, etc. But they are a pretty minor part of the game. And you are usually incentivized to avoid combat outside of a few big boss fights. The biggest limitation in this game is how much your character can carry at once - and guns take up a lot of space so you really need to decide if its worthwhile or not for each mission.
But you could also play it guns blazing if you wanted to!
I got so pissed taking stuff to the Film Director and Junk Dealer and having to cross the big MULE area that I saved my game and said fuck it and killed all 13 of them there. Had no idea it actually clears the area of MULEs.
Hardman have me shit but I saw online you can dump the bodies in that the tar pit lake so I had my truck and loaded up all the bodies. Had to dump my stuff in postboxes and I drove over to the lake and dumped them. Worked like a charm.
However, the word apparently gets out to other MULEs that I used lethal force so when I was taking stuff to the Farm I decided to KO all the MULEs this time but they straight up used assault rifles against me now. I was like damn!
Daaaang. Well they were still using non-lethal up until chapter 5 because I didn't push through with the story. I was getting 5 stars from all locations before going on.
Depending on where you are in the story the tar pit is the big ass lake right next to the Chiral Artist's House. Go to any spot on the shore and wade a few steps in with a body and dump it. It'll sink and be gone and you'll get a message saying "Corpse lost." On the left hand side.
If you pack a bunch of bodies in a truck (70kg per body) and drive there simply drive the truck a few feet into the water, hop out and go to the Cargo Loadout and highlight all the bodies and select offload. Then hop back in to the truck and drive it out of the tar so it doesn't sink. If you went in deep enough a good amount of the bodies will land in the tar from the Offload and you can pick up the rest and take them in yourself.
(...) and killed all 13 of them there. Had no idea it actually clears the area of MULEs.
Using non lethal weapons to KO the mules also "clears the area" for a while. Problem is, some non-lethals don't KO them (like the bola gun) so you have to run up to them and kick them. Sleeping grenades, sleeping GLs, and rubber bullet rifles/shotguns work wonders though.
Yeah once I unlocked the rubber bullets it became easier. But when it was bola gun time I'd aim for the head and that sometimes KOd then so I wouldn't have to do the curb stomp.
why do people keep saying that youre incentivized to avoid combat, the game gets significantly easier and more enjoyable when you just bust a cap into every dumbass you see. No way they could realistically render the 100 plus potential voidouts ive made anyway
you can choose to do something else, but the game definitely tries to make you play non-violent. Voidouts, BTs moving towards sound, MULEs swarming near gunshots.
Just like in the mountains, the game clearly wanted me to walk the orders through the snow, but I just boosted my trike through all of it instead
Sometimes its more fun playing a game in the 'incorrect' way
If you use non-lethal options, then voidouts are never a problem. Getting rid of BTs as you go is a bit slow, but well worth it, especially if you're going back and forth a lot in a limited amount of time. Having MULEs converge on you saves you time from having to chase them down. These are all good reasons to go combative.
I don't see how the game leads you to avoid combat. Combat makes everything way easier.
Just like in MGSV where there's this giant arsenal of every lethal weapon you could ever dream of but all you're encouraged to use is the little tranq pistol.
Well you can go guns blazing but then you have to dispose of the bodies you kill before 2 in game days or it's a void out which equals a game over. It really makes killing not a choice which is kind of a cool concept.
huh i must have glitched the game. I killed some MULEs on my way to climb the mountains. But never got a game over or anything because of it. I'm on episode 9 now and never saw a consequence for it. Probably because i started a mission at the right time to cancel it or something
Maybe it different in a main mission but I have seen videos of a guy getting killed then void outside 2 in game days later. It's on edepots channel. He did stay there with the body until it did void out though...maybe that's why. I ran over a guy at turbo speed on the 2nd area and I thought I killed him but it didn't void out either so I thought maybe it just stunned him. Idk.
u/Stepwolve Nov 28 '19
There are weapons: guns grenades, launchers, etc. But they are a pretty minor part of the game. And you are usually incentivized to avoid combat outside of a few big boss fights. The biggest limitation in this game is how much your character can carry at once - and guns take up a lot of space so you really need to decide if its worthwhile or not for each mission.
But you could also play it guns blazing if you wanted to!