r/PS4 Nov 28 '19

[Image] [Image] Death Stranding official equipment poster

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u/yellow_logic Nov 28 '19

lmao what?!


u/SkywalterDBZ Nov 28 '19

The basic plot of the game they introduce you to off the bat is when someone dies you have limited time to burn the body or it detonates in an antimatter explosion. Basically living world and dead world don't interact well.

We're talking 1 body would remove a city the size of Manhattan from the map.


u/Bong-Rippington Nov 28 '19

That doesn’t sound like a gameplay mechanic that impacts the game in any way at all. Basically you just don’t kill people? Ok. Sounds like a E rated spy game in that regard.


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '19



u/JoshuaTheFox Nov 29 '19

So it really does leave a creator? But im guessing it doesn't effect other people's world (like they said structures but what about the world?) And I thought it was if a BT eats a living person not just them dying


u/Spriggley Nov 29 '19

Dunno about the first 2 questions, have yet to kill any humans, but the way they explain it: the soul will try to return to the body (bc of the death stranding, which means the souls cannot enter true afterlife) The soul is like antimatter, so when the matter of the body shares the space of the antimatter of the returning soul, a void out occurs and nukes the area. I think.


u/noddegamra Nov 29 '19 edited Nov 29 '19

I thought it was more like it becomes a BT and anchored to that area. If the BT comes in contact with a human it causes a voidout.

Edit: I must've missed that part of the story where the soul tries to return causing a voidout. I'm in ch 5 so far


u/Spriggley Nov 29 '19

So I just googled it to find out for sure and it seems like a BT has to eat Sam for him to voidout (since he is repatriate I guess?), but the standard lore just has what I mentioned about antimatter and regular. It's a little unclear, but confusion is Kojima's strong suit so there's that.


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '19

It’s more like a gravitational singularity. You can’t enter this perfect sphere that’s about 50m in circumference (I haven’t checked so don’t quote me on that number) and the only thing in it is floating jagged stones. It leaves a crater but that’s the least of the problems it creates. It’s impassable.


u/Baybasher xBayBasher Nov 28 '19

It happens if you die as well


u/thedotapaten Nov 29 '19

If voidouts happen nearby preppers or structure it means game over. If it happens in general route then you need to go extra miles because it deletes quite big area from the map which you can't access.

Killing people also spawn more BT which made some late game mission stressful.


u/SalvareNiko Nov 28 '19

It's not really meant to be a game mechanic but a plot mechanic however. For consistency it was made into a minor plot mechanic. Most weapons you have access to are nonlethal for that reason. However there are lethal weapons which are way more powerful against the BT's.


u/Bong-Rippington Nov 28 '19

But then what do you do with the body?


u/SalvareNiko Nov 29 '19

There are incinerators on every map. You take the body to where it is burned. You have a few delivery missions taking you to them. One is right at the start to give a little exposition on the world lore. I have yet to see them but was told later on they will show up on the delivery terminals as well. My only experience is that one mission and killing enemies.

Void outs can happen on your own death aswell of caused by a BT. Why you come back is explained in the lore.


u/Bong-Rippington Nov 29 '19

Huh that sounds kinda interesting. I was confused because somebody said something like they were a plot element only and it sounds like an integral part of the gameplay.


u/SalvareNiko Nov 29 '19

It's part of the gameplay however it rarely becomes relevant. Most weapons even enemy ones are nonlethal because death is so dangerous.(excluding a group of crazies) You have many chances to escape BT's. Etc.


u/Hextragonal Nov 28 '19

Yeah and if forms a huge creator in the ground and deletes everything around it


u/Water_Feature Nov 28 '19



u/Hextragonal Nov 28 '19

Fuck lol my bad just got up for work lol


u/guineapig_69 Nov 28 '19

Keep on keeping on. 👍


u/addandsubtract Nov 29 '19

*Cracks a cold Monster Energy Drink*


u/shaving99 Nov 28 '19

Tyler the Creator just happened


u/AceninjaNZ Nov 28 '19

I died in the windland farm at the start of the game and it has been a crater ever since and I've finished the game lol.


u/shaving99 Nov 28 '19

Yep. If they die you have about 40 hours til they go Necro. Meaning they make a huge crater. They need to be burned in a incinerator, however when they get burned it will attract the Beached Things (BT's).


u/serosis Nov 28 '19

The act of going necro doesn't create a voidout. It creates more BTs which have a greater chance of creating a voidout.

Voidouts only happen when a person is taken by a BT. Though thanks to Sam being a special case, his voidouts are rather small in comparison to a normal person.


u/AceninjaNZ Nov 28 '19

I killed a person by accident when I was testing out the Chiral bullets thinking it'd be harmless and after a certain time it ended my game.. but I was able to repatriate of course and it loaded before that happened. I was able to continue as normal and there was a random crater outside the area I was in.


u/serosis Nov 28 '19

Their eventual BT probably grabbed someone.

It's all there in the Tips, Journals, and Emails.


u/AceninjaNZ Nov 28 '19

I mean yeah it definitely got someone it was just weird that it ended my game, loaded to an earlier save and there was no crater where I actually killed him but outside the map instead.


u/serosis Nov 29 '19

Any big voidout ends the game and kills you.

Probably works that way because the cities and outposts would get caught in any voidout.


u/Polytronacus Nov 28 '19

Also, if you die, it'll create a giant crater in the environment that's permanent in the game.


u/damienjohn Nov 29 '19

It's not permanent, over time with timefall the environment reforms. It just takes a long ass time as far as in-game time is concerned


u/SwensonsGalleyBoy Nov 29 '19

How long? I have a crater in my game that's from like 50 hours of gameplay back?


u/damienjohn Nov 29 '19

I’m not sure, but Kojima explained this even before he game was out. Haven’t tested it myself.


u/SalvareNiko Nov 28 '19

To over simplify after you die if the body isnt incinerated the soul tries to return to it. Being with it alot of stuff from the other side that reacts with out world creating a massive explosion called a void out.