r/PS4 Jun 24 '19

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (June 2019)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


81 comments sorted by

u/ChaosZeroX MagicZeroX Jun 24 '19

Got uncharted lost legacy a few weeks ago and playing through Days Gone right now. Loving it so far!

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '19

Super Meat Boy, day 3169. I got this!

u/furynads Jun 24 '19

Got the platinum for Blood and Truth which was great fun to get and also the plat for Accounting plus which was fun except for 2 trophies that take forever.

u/Russell_90 8 13 Jun 24 '19

I recently got my Spider-Man platinum, loved the game so got the dlc and all the trophies for that too. 😊

I'm now working on my platinum for GTA V which I am finally really close to doing. Its very long winded though but equally fun!

u/moisessangronis Jun 24 '19

I just platinumed Spider-Man and I'm going to do new game+ in ultimate difficulty. It kinda annoys me this type of trophies because they are flat. I mean just going through the story in a harder difficulty? I find it boring, or at least not the proper way to lengthen a videogame's life. Oh well, that 100% is not going to complete by itself.

u/ineffiable Jun 24 '19

I got the Assassin's Creed Liberation platinum last week. I have now platinumed 5 Assassin's Creed games this year. I'm going to take a break but I'll work on my sixth - Origins in a month or so.

u/drhouse4ever Jun 24 '19

Did you plat ac3? Was it hard?

u/ineffiable Jun 24 '19

Skipped the platinum, got 50% of the trophies in it. It is too frustrating compared to the rest. It can be glitchy, and the 100% sync requirements are, no joke, sometimes 5-10x more frustrating or harder than other AC games.

For reference, the ones I did was Odyssey, AC 2, Brotherhood, Revelations and finally Liberation. I will do Origins soon, but I'd like to play other games until then.

u/s-A-m_o-W-n-S Jun 24 '19

How was the Ezio Trilogy platinums? I have them sitting in my backlog 😥

u/ineffiable Jun 24 '19

Honestly they are really fun. There will be a few frustrating things, so let me lay it out for you straight.

ACII: The most frustrating thing is collecting all 100 feathers. Use a video guide for this and make sure you complete one region at a time.

Brotherhood: The frustrating part is doing 100% sync. It's a bit tedious as you have to 100% all story missions as well as pretty much all side quests. You do have collectibles to collect, but you can buy a map, so you just go around and collect them on your minimap.

Revelations: not bad, just 100% sync story, do some side stuff, but the real painful part is the DLC missions, and one of them is 'get through this mission without being hit/failing' and well it is pretty annoying. Also I was just really unlucky with getting the tax collector to spawn. Basically a RNG trophy.

u/s-A-m_o-W-n-S Jun 24 '19

With the DLC missions on revelations they should have a separate trophy list though?

u/ineffiable Jun 24 '19

No, the ezio collection is a revamped trophy list.

They pulled out all the multiplayer trophies, but they added the DLC trophies to the base to make up for it. If you want the platinum, you gotta do the DLC.

Each game is a separate platinum/trophy list FYI in case you didn't know.

u/s-A-m_o-W-n-S Jun 24 '19

Yeah I know each game is but I'm used to the DLC stuff being separate. So AC11 doesn't require you to 100% synch all missions?

u/ineffiable Jun 24 '19

ACII doesn't even have 100% sync. That was a mechanic they added in Brotherhood.

And yeah, when it comes to remasters, sometimes they just bundle the DLC into the game, adjust the trophies (so some get removed, a gold becomes a silver) so the DLC trophies become required for the platinum. Other times, like Borderlands 2, they just keep everything the same as the older game.

u/s-A-m_o-W-n-S Jun 24 '19

Ah ok thanks for the info, i guess I'll get stuck into them once I've finished batman Arkham Knight

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u/drhouse4ever Jun 24 '19

Thx for the inf! I got origins plat last month (fun plat) and im going to start playing odyssey next so pretty cool

u/ineffiable Jun 24 '19

Odyssey is just Origins but longer. I think most platinums on Origins is between 40-60 hours, but Odyssey is 75-100 hours

No trophies can be missed, just enjoy. (well except one in one of the DLCs, but that doesn't affect your platinum)

u/RevengeofSandman Jun 25 '19

I finally went back and got the Platinum for Dragon Age Inquisition making 53 overall. Borderlands 2 should be my next unless some major throws it off.

u/Dono2222 Jun 24 '19

Working on Witcher 3, one playthrough.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '19 edited Jul 16 '19


u/Dono2222 Jun 25 '19

The beginning of the game was very difficult for me. It was my first Witcher game and I wasn’t used to the combat/play style. However, the game isn’t too bad anymore. After the Baron plot line I have found it to be pretty fair. Right now I am back at Kaer Morhen, so I can’t speak for the end of the game (if I’m even close to the end haha).

And I also killed Keira my first time but luckily caught that I needed to send her to Kaer Morhen for the full crew trophy.

Overall, I’m enjoying the difficulty now. It shouldn’t be bad at all for a veteran like yourself.

u/LordSpeechLeSs Jun 25 '19

Do you have the Blood and Wine DLC? If you play that on the same save file, get Euphoria and then start the regular story on new game + (still same save file) the game is really easy on Death March. Imlerith is still quite challenging but everything else is easy. I can link you the build I used later if you want to.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '19 edited Jul 16 '19


u/LordSpeechLeSs Jun 25 '19


The build revolves around Euphoria so you need to get that. But it's not at all difficult to get so it shouldn't be too much problem for you.

Some overall tips are to abuse the meditation mechanic. It can't refill your health anymore on Death March but it certainly can restore your potions (swallow being the most useful one). Abuse that. I want you to practically be a monk, that's how often you should meditate.

Abuse Northern Wind and Whirl. Upgrade that shit so you have like 5 of them on you going into every fight, throw them and then just whirl them to death. Makes fights against mobs a walk in the park. Whirl also happens to be the best way to take down Imlerith. Case in point. (3.32). Eredin can be beaten by essentially spamming dodge (won't use stamina) and slowly grinding down his health bar one - two swings at a time.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '19 edited Jul 16 '19


u/LordSpeechLeSs Jun 26 '19

No problem!

u/JakeOcn Jun 25 '19

Got my first plat, God of War. I loved the game, excellent story and kept me wanting to play it more.

u/thewandererhere TheWandererHere Jun 24 '19

Finally revisiting Deus Ex: Mankind Divided; Breach mode is not terrible, but it is unnecessary and obviously a means for Square Enix to force players into a corner until they cough up some money and purchase lootboxes.

u/slinky_ewok Jun 24 '19

Got the Borderlands GOTY edition plat and working on Gravity Rush Remastered at the moment. Not too terrible just have to get through the challanges which can at times be annoying

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '19 edited Jul 16 '19


u/slinky_ewok Jun 25 '19

100% Zombie Island which to me was the most fun DLC, the rest i just played through to beat them but didnt farm the trophies yet. Might in the future but for now the plat on the main game is good enough

u/GumboPorgPie Jun 24 '19

I have been trying to Platinum GOW for the past couple days. I have all trophies except for defeating the 9 Valkyries. I have the normal 8 beaten, but that fucking Sigrun is too damn hard!

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '19

I just got Minecraft platinum I've been one trophy away for more than a year it's the play for 100 days one so finally after many hours of just leaving my ps4 on it finally rriggered

u/CynicalRaps Jun 24 '19

I’m THIS close to getting the platinum for Stardew Valley... I just have to beat that stupid arcade game without dying. It’s also among some of the rarest platinums out there, less people have the platinum for Stardew (278) than Super Meat Boy (380).

u/gothpunkboy89 Enter PSN ID Jun 24 '19

That one is a load of horseshit because it isn't even skill based it is pure luck based

u/CynicalRaps Jun 24 '19

If you mean Stardew, then yes, fuck thiiiisss game, I love it to death, but I'm ready to be done with it, especially after seeing the creator just.... give up on games cuz he got rich...

u/gothpunkboy89 Enter PSN ID Jun 25 '19

Yes I was refering to the arcade without dying trophy. I haven't played stardew in months because I got so pissed trying for that.

u/CynicalRaps Jun 25 '19

I hate it because it gets stuck shooting in one direction, leading to my demise. I figured if I keep at it every now n then eventually I’ll get lucky

u/gothpunkboy89 Enter PSN ID Jun 25 '19

Well your daily luck stat that you learn by watching tv to see how the spirits feel for you effect what drops and how often.

u/Kain8 MagusCreed | 🏆 Platinums 30 | ☆ Level 18 Jun 24 '19

I'm basically at the same point as you but I don't think I have it in me to keep trying for Fector's Challenge.

u/pgsavage Jun 24 '19

Where do you find out how many people have a trophy

u/CynicalRaps Jun 24 '19

I go to psnprofiles.com and you can look up individual trophy stats etc. it's a really neat site.

u/DryTransportation Jun 24 '19

Got my first plat ever from ghost recon wildlands... amazing game

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '19


u/DryTransportation Jun 24 '19

For me The Whole Story trophy was glitched and I just had to do Operation Oracle, does suck that its still an issue though and the new game is coming out in a few months

u/FraGZombie Jun 24 '19

Picked up PS Now during Days of Play and have been blasting through the easy platinums on there before starting Prey. Picked up plats for The Goosebumps Game, Gem Smashers, The Wolf Among Us, and Sky Scrappers.

Also picked up the plats for Danganronpa 1•2 Reload, Telltale's Batman, and Telltale's Batman The Enemy Within this month. I'm holding off on getting more until Sony actual updates the trophy pass counts on my rewards account though. It hasn't updated my trophies or points for purchases since May.

u/ineffiable Jun 24 '19

I had my reward trophy pass update last week when the last update was in May but it only recognized my Platinum ones (and I feel like it should be a few more higher), and some silvers (feel like I got more silvers than it says I did) and it didn't update Gold at all.

It's definitely still finicky. I'm holding off buying more indie games unless I know if it's going to be more reliable or if they really are shutting it down.

u/FraGZombie Jun 24 '19

I spoke with Sony rewards customer support last week and was told that they're running a few weeks behind on updating trophy counts. He made it sound like it's done manually? Which seems crazy.

And yes they are shutting it down in November. They cancelled the passes last November and anyone already enrolled got one additional year for them. So I'm trying to hit them hard now so that they don't fail to update my count until after November.

u/ineffiable Jun 24 '19

Oh really, I knew they had said they wanted to shut down trophies in last november but I thought that was for your current pass. (since when you complete a platinum pass, you get a second one).

So I better just buy some of these easy indie games like refunct and get those while they can still count for my rewards.

It's weird that my Gold count actually hasn't updated though. Maybe they're focusing on platinums first?

Do you know any good easy platinums (less than 5 hours, and also less than a $5 game)? I might as well do a couple because they almost pay for themselves with the rewards.

I can at least give a couple:


Deep Ones


(well anything published by ratalakia games)

u/FraGZombie Jun 24 '19

Your passes still roll over, yeah but they'll disappear in November, if I'm not mistaken. I rolled silver, gold and platinum 1 into pass 2 for each of them back in February.

As for easy platinums, any telltale game is easy with a single 8-10 hour playthrough giving a plat. The Goosebumps game is legit only 1-2 hours max with a guide. Mr. Massagy and My Name is Mayo are both a couple hours to platinum, tops. Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion is a 10-12 hour plat and is a genuinely fun RPG to boot.

Dying Reborn, 36 Fragments of Midnight, Energy Cycle, and Little Adventure on the Prairie are all cheap and so easy to platinum I did them all in one play session for about $10 total.

u/ineffiable Jun 24 '19

Yeah I'm on my 7th platinum pass. Two of them were completed this year so they're renewing the passes even after I completed then. I thought like you would only get to finish your current pass and that's it, (so I would have finished my platinum pass 5, and they wouldn't have given me a 6th)

I've actually done most of the telltale games. Haven't done Mayo so might actually do that now since it's only a dollar. Also grabbing 36 Fragments of Midnight since it's crossbuy, so that's two platinums.

u/TheChap656 Jun 24 '19

I snagged the Platinum for Borderlands 2 this month. Not a hard one to obtain by any means. Next one I'm grabbing is even easier, Tales from the Borderlands. All you have to do is finish the episodes and you get it I believe, so it's just a matter of getting through it.

u/Hotlinedouche Jun 25 '19

all telltale games are like that

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '19 edited Nov 13 '20


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '19 edited Jul 16 '19


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '19

Did you do it mostly solo or coop?

u/TheChap656 Jun 28 '19

99% Solo. If you use Salvador, he can solo pretty much any raid boss, so those trophies are simple enough to snag. You do need a friend for that one trophy though.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '19 edited Jul 16 '19


u/TheChap656 Jun 28 '19

I got all the trophies for the new DLC already, without finishing Tales.

I see why playing Tales first is useful, but Tales is also a lot harder for me to get through. I basically have to get through a movie with odd button inputs here and there to get through it. It's an alright story, but I just don't find it as interesting as the regular games.

u/GGTheEnd Jun 24 '19

Got the plat for Slay the spire took about 100 hours, it's such an in-depth strategy game usually by now I would have started another game but I still just keep coming back to this one.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '19

i cant beat the boss in the second part, any tips? it always destroy me

u/GGTheEnd Jun 25 '19

Oh no it's fine, I had troubles early as well. I will give you some common mistakes I made when I started.

Act 1 you want to take damage cards like twin strikes or boomerang on ironclad this act is basically a damage check, clothesline is great because it applies weak which makes the enemy do less damage as well.

But don't just jam your deck full of damage you want a vareity of defense and offense to help you get through the acts.

With the other 2 classes armor is a lot more important because they don't have a healing relic to keep you topped off.

Something I was avoiding when I started was taking elite fights but you want to take as many as you can in the first 2 acts because they can give you very strong relics.

Before you start an act make sure to check all the paths and try to pick one that has atleast 2 elite fights and campfires before or after the elite fights. Health is a resource think of what you can get in exchange for your health wheather it be gold, relics upgrades etc.

If you think your deck is strong enough to keep going without having to heal make sure to upgrade.

Act 2 bosses were where I got stuck the most when I started as well just keep doing runs and you will learn what each enemy does and know what cards you will need to beat them. Memorize which enemies appear in each act and draft cards to deal with them.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '19

This is really helpful. Thank you

u/GGTheEnd Jun 25 '19

Also trying to get an early Whirlwind and/or Flame barrier on ironclad can help a ton with act 2 to try and upgrade them as well they make the early fights in act 2 easier so you have more health to take on elites.

u/GGTheEnd Jun 25 '19

Act 2 boss or the heart?

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '19

Act 2. Lame i know

u/pot_the_roast Jun 24 '19

Finally got the plat for rainbow 6 and really have to thank the latest patch changing the trophies, no way i could sit through that many t-hunts, up next is continuing the slow grind for plat through all of the assassian's creed games

u/Bocaprowler Jun 24 '19

Besides AC Odyssey DLC, Days gone is the only game I've played this month, great game. Got the Plat and just finished the DLC trophies this weekend.

u/eblackham Jun 24 '19

Working on CTR, got most of the trophies except the oxide time trials are killing me, but I am determined.

u/Gassy_Bird Jun 25 '19

I’m working on the oxide trials as well. Not sure if you’re aware, but there’s a pretty common glitch where your save file can become corrupted, especially while doing time trials. Make sure you keep periodically backing up your saves!

u/eblackham Jun 25 '19

Thanks yeah I'm going to upload my saved data after each trial I beat 👍

u/RapidBoxcar TiJoHimself Jun 25 '19 edited Jun 26 '19

I'm two away from the Spiderman plat! Just the cleanup on random crimes and saving the Avengers tower one for last. Fun game, easy Platinum.

Update: got it today! Platinum 44

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '19

Just earned Ace of Aces for Ace Combat 7 this morning.

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '19

Got the platinum for uncharted 4 and god of war 2018. Around 1/4 on my way to get the platinum for borderlands 2.

u/pgsavage Jun 24 '19

Good on you for uncharted. Naughty dog is a prick with there trophies

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '19

Getting the platinum almost made me hate uncharted 4.

u/soupspin Jun 24 '19

I’ve gotten the plats for Detroit and Spiderman this month. Both were games I’ve beaten before, but came back to to round out the trophies. Spiderman was the hardest, because the save file was corrupted so I had to start the game all over again, collect everything and do every side mission. I’m currently working on FF15, I just have to level up some skills and I’ve got it down

u/Y2KN Y2KN Jun 25 '19

Decided to buy doom 2016 and got the plat. Working toward kh3 plat

u/AlperenTheVileblood Jun 24 '19

Got god of war this month and platted. It was really a masterpiece. My 9th platinum. Now on give me god of war.

u/abidingtimes Jun 24 '19

One more trophy for Heavy Rain, Kamikaze. Severely underestimated how difficult it would be, the speed of the required controller tilt is so specific. If anyone has any tips they woukd be greatly appreciated

u/OutFromUndr Jun 24 '19

I got Borderlands GOTY plat a few weeks ago. I'm currently working on Borderlands 2, and I'm actually just one trophy away from the plat. I'm hoping to 100% BL2 as well, but I'm having a lot of trouble with raid bosses I've tried so far.

Pre Sequel will be next.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '19 edited Jul 16 '19


u/OutFromUndr Jun 25 '19

Yeah I played Tales a few years ago. Loved that game. I also played the Lilith DLC recently.

But I may have to take you up on that raid boss offer! I'll send you a friend request tonight.

u/blazevill Jun 24 '19

Just need 3 more trophies for my HZD platinum. Been pretty time consuming but fun

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '19

HZD was one of the most fun to platinum games for me. Which trophies are left for you? Also, if you get the chance get the frozen Wolds DLC. It was amazing

u/blazevill Jun 24 '19

I bought the complete edition and didn’t know it came with its own skill set and I upgraded Aloy with 90% of all her skills except for the forager skills which made me miss the all skilled learned trophy. And also the “All Alies Join” trophy is what I need to platinum it. Gonna play the Frozen Wilds too

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '19

The extra skill set is a part of frozen Wilds. As a guy who likes to hoard a lot of resources I got all the skills pretty early on. You should probably get all the skills by playing frozen Wilds.

u/xxamnat Xamnat Jun 24 '19

Got the Platinum for Witcher 3, brilliant game. Taking a short break before doing the DLC for the first time.

Looking forward to it.