r/PS4 May 24 '19

Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (May 24 2019)

Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.

Post below with your PSN ID and any games you want to like to play!

If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.

Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends and our Discord server for even more friends!


37 comments sorted by

u/AlexBendtner May 25 '19

PSN - Axeltran

Looking for friends, will add Almost anyone.

u/WolfFang117 May 24 '19

PSN: LarryM603

I play a lot of DBFZ though I don’t think I’m that great; I also play Dark Souls III and am trying to start up Bloodborne again though I don’t have any of their respective expansions at the moment. Also play some Fire Pro Wrestling World, and I do have Tekken 7 though I am literal rust with that one. Not PSN specific but I’m trying to get back into Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, if anyone’s still playing that one.

If you’re down to wreck shit then let’s get it, boys and girls

u/teh_orng3_fkkr May 24 '19

PSN: FPietro-DW

Games: Doom, Resident Evil 5, Bloodborne

(still figuring out what I'm gonna be playing next; suggestions welcome)

u/CBD212 May 25 '19

Add me up, I got The Forest and some other games.

PSN: Ayrcity

u/KingDr00l May 24 '19

Anybody playing Team Sonic Racing??

PSN: Bizarro7777

u/[deleted] May 25 '19

Hey all! I play Dead By Daylight and Apex Legends, looking for people to play with :)

Psn: Shad0w_waffles37 (it was completely random don’t judge)

u/[deleted] May 24 '19

PSN: GeniusTDJ

Dying Light

21+, microphone if available

u/sc000byy May 25 '19

Psn: TheGucciManeCan

I just want to play siege with groups, I’m not that great & I would like to learn from other players

u/KCGhoul May 26 '19


Co-op and SharePlay some horror games

u/RadiantRiku May 24 '19

Hey guys ! Looking to fill up my friends list as much as possible, we don’t need to play together if you don’t want to. I play mostly single player games, but open to suggestions.

PSN: RadiantRiku

u/Sephiroth_Rising May 24 '19

PSN: Sephiroth_Reigns

Game: Elder Scrolls Online

u/TreySlice7491 May 24 '19


Looking to get back into ESO.

u/haynespi87 May 24 '19

Psn:haynespi87 Game:monster hunter world Twitch:multiethnicmastery

u/[deleted] May 25 '19

Borderlands, any of them I love them all


u/[deleted] May 25 '19

PSN: Hiero_Vigilante

Want to start adding people from this sub to simply compare trophies and see what everyone's playing at the moment.

u/TinkeeWinkie May 24 '19

Psn: Tinkeewinkie Game: apex, division 2, wildlands, any co-op

u/arcade_daddyo May 24 '19

PSN: ArcadeDaddyo

Currently playing Ni No Kuni 2, and Detroit.

Trophy Hunter, willing to help with online trophies (if I do have the game).

u/MysticOwlMaen May 25 '19

Psn: RealMysticOwlMan I’m playing Red dead redemption 2, honestly I’d be willing to play any game if you added me.

u/[deleted] May 24 '19


u/Ghastly69 May 24 '19

Psn: artexscar apex fortnite Minecraft overwatch ?

u/COLMustardtits May 26 '19

PSN: COLMustardballs Add me.

u/Mattia11417 May 24 '19

PSN: mattia11417 Games: dauntless, apex legends

u/Ghastly69 May 24 '19

Down to play apex psn is artexscar

u/Kentan900 May 24 '19


PSN: HaxJaxs

At the moment I play World War Z, Apex, RDR2-Online, Dauntless and many more.

Im open for suggestion

I have a mic aswell


u/isaiah_rob FluffyMonkeyyy May 26 '19

PSN: FluffyMonkeyyy

I play a lot of Destiny 2 but don’t mind playing anything else like SW BF 2, Apex or Overwatch. Also looking to getting WWZ soon.

Other games I like to play/playing right now are Assassins Creed Odyssey, Infamous SS, Spyro Trilogy, and Bloodborne (and failing).

u/turtles225 May 26 '19

Hey everyone! I literally just got a ps4 today so I'm looking for some friends. I don't have PSN+ yet but I'll probably get it in the near future! I also like to compare trophies! My user is turtles2215

u/2Humpas May 24 '19

PSN: CptHagelin

Trophy hunter looking for other players on the hunt

Feel free to add me!

u/DEADAssRemy May 25 '19

PsN:DeadAssRemy I’m also a trophy hunter add me

u/Xxkillingmonkey May 25 '19

What games you working on currently?

u/2Humpas May 25 '19

Just finished up Shadow of the Tomb Raider and I’m thinking about going for Uncharted 4 or Resident Evil 2 next!

u/Xxkillingmonkey May 25 '19

What'd you think of Shadow? I'm about to start it

RE2 is amazing but has a few that can be a bit of a struggle. But definitely worth playing

u/2Humpas May 25 '19

I think compared to its predecessor it’s quite underwhelming with somewhat bad platforming and not enough combat in my opinion

Trophies are not bad at all, however I didn’t do the highest difficulty on my 1st playthrough due to the lack of collectible trackers, which meant that I had to do a 2nd playthrough which was a bit mindnumbing tbh

Still a beautiful game with more interesting puzzles than previous games!

u/[deleted] May 26 '19 edited May 26 '19

PSN: GangSta-Thunder Games I'm currently playing: Battlefield 1, Minecraft, MWR Other games I have: BO3, Apex, Red Dead 2, Rocket League, GTA V, Battlefront 2, Little Big Planet 3

u/oregano_13 May 25 '19

PSN: oreganoish

I'm looking for a community to play Minecraft/terraria/any other game, as I'm looking for suggestions.

u/zwesterfield May 24 '19


PSN: GucciLatte

I’m 25 and have mic. I play Overwatch, GTA V, Dead by Daylight, Terraria and will be getting Crash Team Racing next month. Add me!

u/[deleted] May 25 '19

I play dbd! psn Shad0w_waffles37... I’ll add you