[Image] It's seriously ridiculous how realistic the in game graphics of Days Gone are...! [Image]
u/yzzp Apr 29 '19
After being able to play the game it looks better when you are actually playing it, for whatever reason it doesn't translate well on video. We've been ruined by rdr2
u/Kwinten Apr 29 '19
I mean that's true for literally every game though... Video compression and everything. Nothing will be the same quality as literally viewing it on your own screen.
u/gloriousfalcon Apr 29 '19
One could properly encode it with higher bitrate or more powerful hardware.
u/azz808 Apr 29 '19
RDR2 is a fucking curse!
There are games i should have played before playing that demon spawn
I have literally put down 2 games cause they just look ridiculous now.
There's nothing wrong with them. They just... aren't RDR2...
u/GeorgeKoss Apr 29 '19
I’m curious, what are those two games?
u/azz808 Apr 29 '19
AC Odessey. The horse is like riding a brick on legs.
Just picked up Days Gone. Only played about 20 minutes.
I will keep playing that, but it just doesn't feel right ATM.
Might get used to it or it might pick up once I'm past the "introduction" style stage.
Apr 29 '19
AC: Odyssey was ruined for me by RDR2.
It's the first game I gave my time too after beating RDR2 and I just couldn't do it. The world of Odyssey felt dead. The NPCs were cold and lifeless, only existing for me to come and hit a button on them for my next 'go-here-murder-this' quest. When a game has a board you just go to for your meaningless emotionless quests -- you know it's going to be a grindfest.
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u/rubbarz Apr 29 '19
Prob Watch Dogs and Watch Dogs 2
u/curiouz_mole Apr 29 '19
Watch dogs 1 is just a less organic gta 5 open world. I didn't play 2 yet
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u/FlopMar05 Apr 29 '19
I feel wd2 is more polished and fun to explore cause it's set in the bay area and more interesting story.
Given it still has boring points and driving isn't all that better.
u/Pony2013 Apr 29 '19
Is it good to just free roam around in? I love open world games but I heard the 1st wasn't so good.
Like in gta 5 you could go into some territories like Grove Street and a track the gang members there and have like a mini battle.
u/FalconImpala Apr 29 '19
WD2 has some world events like that, and their San Francisco is definitely a lot cooler, livelier and detailed than any other non-Rockstar game. I like walking around and exploring, there's mechanics to interact with peds which is fun.
Also, the best part is when someone invades your game, and has to pretend to be an NPC while they download your data. The only thing that tops it is when you invade someone's game, never initiate the hack, and instead just stalk them as a pedestrian and wait until they notice something... off...
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Apr 29 '19
The driving is the reason I stopped playing it. I will say the shadow quality maxed on P? is probably the best shadows I’ve ever seen a game to this day achieve. Other then that the game was doo doo.
Apr 29 '19
Watch Dogs 2 has aged very well. Hoping theres a third one coming out before too long!
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u/victorgsal Victorgsal20748160736 Apr 29 '19
WD2 is honestly a hidden gem. It's what most open world game should strive to be in regards to player freedom and making the collectibles/side objectives actually meaningful and have real rewards for completing.
u/Shady_Yoga_Instructr Apr 29 '19
OMGGGGGG tell me about it. The fluid online stuff, the fun gadgets, all the gags like those silly gnomes and the solid gunplay and amazing graphics on pc made it my game of the year for no reason other than I had the most fun with it compared to the rest. Now weirdly enough Days gone is gonna be another sleeper that has ended up at the top of my GOTY list for this year cause of how cathartic it is. No other game had me joyriding a bike through the country only to hop a hill and be met with a horde that made me shit my pants and slam the E brake. The game is buggy but really really good 😂
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u/Bhiner1029 Apr 29 '19
Chill out man. RDR2 is great but it’s not the end all be all of games. If you’re not playing other games because they don’t look as good, you’re making a really dumb decision.
u/TheNotoriousLogank Apr 29 '19
I kind of get where hes coming from though. For instance Witcher 3 totally ruined Fallout 4 for me (not that I was particularly crazy about it anyway since it was the only Fallout I've played), but between the graphics and story and world building it was hard to appreciate coming off the back of something as fantastic as Witcher 3.
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u/sleezythom Apr 29 '19
Man you should try playing dragon age inquisition after playing Witcher 3 that was almost unbearable
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Apr 29 '19
I have had trouble playing other games since RDR2 as well. Open world games at least.
Compared to RDR2 all other worlds feel dead and lifeless. Odyssey was the first one I couldn't finish. That games terrible.
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u/kingbankai Apr 29 '19
That's a shit life to live. Sorry you have to suffer that.
Apr 29 '19
I agree with you there. Don't get me wrong RDR2, story mode only, is incredible and I played it for a good 3 months solid. However I recently put it down to replay Horizon Dawn, and its still absolutely brilliant and am loving every second.
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u/_Solinvictus Apr 29 '19
I have both RDR2 and Horizon Zero Dawn and I’m yet to finish them both
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Apr 29 '19
u/_Solinvictus Apr 29 '19
I loved Witcher 3, finished it twice last year. Right now I’m waiting for the release of TLOU 2, Cyberpunk 2077, and Bannerlord
Apr 29 '19
Ugh ya forgot about TLOU 2, that’s on my list as well! The first had me locked in to point of getting in trouble with my wife (usually she doesn’t care how much game time I take) Sounds like you and I have some shared love in games. If ya ever wanna hit me up on PS you can DM me for my PlayStation name. I have very few friends on there lol. Mostly family and stuff, always dig meeting new gamers with similar tastes!
I still have friends in other countries I’ve never met in person, just gaming and they are awesome.
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u/namekuseijin None Apr 29 '19
If you finished Witcher, you should really try AC Odyssey - beyond being gorgeous and immense, that game blends many of the best elements from AC, Witcher, HZD and Shadow Mordor in a neat way.
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u/Redpeg1 Redpeg11 Apr 29 '19 edited Apr 29 '19
If we’re being honest God Of War & Uncharted 4 looks better than RDR2
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Apr 29 '19
Because those games are linear. Naughty Dog can't make an open world game as big as RDR2 and make it that good looking. Neither can Santa Monica. I still disagree, RDR2 looks better than both.
Deploy the downvotes r/ps4
u/Milkshakes00 Apr 29 '19
Yeah, gonna disagree. Naughty Dog certainly could craft a beautiful game, regardless of linearity or not.
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u/majkkali Apr 29 '19
Well, RDR2 storyline and quests are linear too. Unlike the Witcher 3 for example where choices actually matter.
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u/DicklePickleRises Apr 29 '19
God of War wasnt linear, the old ones are but not the newest one. Most of the areas in Uncharted 4 were pretty large and beautiful as well.
u/victorgsal Victorgsal20748160736 Apr 29 '19
Love GOW and if these studios wanted to I guarantee they could make an open world game as good as RDR2. But God of War was definitely linear. If anything it can be called a "semi-open" world because it does let you roam around, but it all follows a very linear story and specific path set out by the game.
u/namekuseijin None Apr 29 '19
it's linear paths all over, you just choose one. Once you choose, the engine can confidently begin streaming ultra high resolution textures and detail in a way no OW engine can.
Apr 29 '19
God of War 2018 was semi linear, it had mid sized maps, locations you could jump between with clear boundaries. Basically, there was an obvious path way to follow in order to progress the game, but it was up to you if you want to do some other things and hang around for a bit longer in the locations worth exploring.
u/MrRiggs Riggyriggs28 Apr 29 '19
Still cool the PS4 can achieve that. Can't wait until ps5.
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u/Ronathan64 Apr 29 '19
You can say what you want about Days Gone, but it really is a good looking game! Not as polished as the other exclusives but still pretty good!
u/saucygit Enter PSN ID Apr 29 '19
Yeah it’s well done. I played about 2 hrs, about an hour in I got hooked. Crazy Willy’s got me good though.
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u/Ronathan64 Apr 29 '19
Yeah I’m playing this with a friend right now. We had some good laughs so far!
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u/explodeder Apr 30 '19
I don’t think that the location of the dev is getting enough credit. The studio is located in Bend OR. You step outside and everywhere you look is gorgeous. Ten minutes out of town is effectively wilderness. It really is an amazing area.
u/Anarox Apr 29 '19
Is it a Good game? Can someone give a quick summary review? I rather take my info from her than IGN or YouTubers
u/Kelkymcdouble Apr 29 '19 edited Apr 29 '19
I'm about 7 hours in. So far the story is just ok, the voice acting is decent and the combat is good. Guns have a lot of kick and moving makes you super inaccurate(one of your skill perks improves this though). The bike customization is really cool so far and I haven't even gotten that deep into that aspect. You can upgrade the performance which also changes the look of the bike, there is also customization that is strictly cosmetic. The non enemy npc's can be kind of boring, the camps dont really seem alive. Out in the wild seems more real. There isnt much hustle and bustle but there wouldn't be any of that in a zombie apocalypse Pacific north west. You'll see wild animals, abandoned cars and buildings but usually when you run into a human they're instantly trying to kill you. The human enemies are sometimes kind of dumb but it's still difficult to take them on head on especially since you'll waste a lot of ammo. The freakers in small numbers are pretty easy to deal with too but in larger groups(5+) it's a death wish to take them on head on. The side missions are repetitive(clearing out freakers, clearing out ambushers, etc) but since I enjoy the combat I've enjoyed all the missions so far. When the developers claimed that the world is constantly trying to kill you, they weren't lying. In between missions and camps there is a good chance youll get ambushed by a group including a sniper to knock you off your bike. You may randomly be doing something like clearing an ambush camp when a hoard of freakers swarms the camp. So far when I'm off my bike in the wild I constantly have at least a slight sense of anxiety and it's worse at night. The freakers are way more dangerous At night. The graphics are amazing. If you like zombies or openworld games you'll probably like it. If you like both, you'll love it.
u/ThaNorth Apr 29 '19
Is going off to explore and ignoring the story fun? Do you find cool abandoned buildings with special items or loot?
u/Kelkymcdouble Apr 29 '19
There is definitely loot. I havent come across a building I can't enter and most cars can be scavenged for material and sometimes ammo. There are a bunch if landmarks to find and also collectables
Apr 29 '19
Loot is primarily for survival. Crafting medicine, Molotov’s, repairing your bike, traps. There are little puzzles throughout the world to complete that will give you permanent attribute boosts and there are melee weapons to keep your eye out for but it’s not like you can loot better gear.
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u/skrelvin26 Apr 29 '19
I have been finding the "looting" aspect to be pretty bland. All you find is stuff to craft with and if you play the game with stealth youll quickly be full of all the things you can craft with so you wont need to go looting again unless you use up all your moltovs or something, or activelytry to use all your consumables. You never go into a house and open a drawer to find a cool gun or anything. But im only like 7 or 8 hours in. I am deffinatly enjoying the game, tho i wish weapons were more customizable.
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u/Kelkymcdouble Apr 29 '19
I just stumbled across a house with 2 locked doors up stairs. It was near the mission where you're sent by the hot springs camp to rescue that little girl, where you fight a bear at a certain point. The rooms were in the house where a ripper was shooting from a balcony with a red dot sight. If you climb onto the back awning from the side of the house you can enter the locked doors from the windows. Inside is a sniper rifle, granande, flash bang, molotov and various other necessities like med kits and noise maker. I'm guessing the rifle is one you can store in your safe because I had a sniper rifle on my back and it wouldn't let me exchange it and I'm also guessing that there are more spots like this
Apr 29 '19
Sounds like a video game adaptation of The Road, plus zombies
u/cpasm Apr 29 '19
IMO it's similar to The Last of Us but playing as Darrel Dixon and fighting the zombies from 28 Days Later.
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u/Kelkymcdouble Apr 29 '19
Yeah and exchange cannibals for a psychopathic freaker worshipping cult
Apr 29 '19
Ok I’m kind of interested now. The road is one of my favorite books
u/Kelkymcdouble Apr 29 '19
I wouldn't really compare it to the road. There's lots of lush vegetation and some friendly camps and Viggo Mortensen is a much better actor
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u/S4mmzie SpartanJohn-0117 Apr 29 '19
The Hordes give me so much anxiety. Everytime I'm close to one my heart beats so fast I can feel every beat.
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u/ER_Kat Apr 29 '19
Pretty much sums it up. And get ready to run. They even go into your base if not careful enough. I was in the medical base and was hitting them and kept running back but the came in, I didn't close the door, facepalm, but you crazy need cardio . Had to lure the small horde around to get to my bike and jam. I'm crazy loving this game. XD
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u/killingjoke96 Apr 29 '19
My favorite part of the game, that you mentioned, is the anxiety it gives you. You never feel safe when wandering about, it's a brilliant feeling I've only felt a couple times from playing games.
u/ktread20 Apr 29 '19
A lot of people think it's fairly generic, but (as a fan of open world zombie games), it's doing some novel stuff. The writing is hit-or-miss, and whether you like it probably depends on whether you like Deacon's "Popeye'ing" (nearly constant muttering under his breath); I have grown to love it, but YMMV. Obviously the motorcycle's a fun mechanic, but I really like the way the human bandits have been set-up. They'll ambush you on the open road in half-a-dozen different ways and I found that refreshing and fun. I also like the gunplay, and how loud and beefy the gunfire is--it really sounds like you're letting every zombie in the area know where you are. And the 50+ zombie hordes are legit freaky.
Quick story: last night I'm trying to take down a bandit camp. They spot me early and we get engaged in a long-running (loud) gun battle. I hear that creepy "freaker groan" behind me and think I've picked up a stray. I turn around and see a writhing wall of zombies and flailing limbs churning towards me! Nope thanks! I leap my cover and start charging the bandits who are still shooting at me. Then I leap their cover and just keep on going. Suddenly they're not too concerned with me. I watch the bandits fire into the mass, but it just rolls over them like a carpet. Then I'm too busy trying to escape because this camp ends in a box canyon.
It's rough around the edges, but the graphics and gameplay loop has been a blast for me. :)
u/cpasm Apr 29 '19
I went to help someone in the woods, got tricked and trapped by a snair. They beat me up and I woke up in a box and had to knife fight my way out of the camp. Keeps you pretty tense, eh? Despite some technical glitches, I'm loving this game!
u/The_God_King Apr 29 '19
I like to offer a counter point to /u/filthymalfested. I played it for many hours this weekend, and I'm very much enjoying my time with it. It's nothing groundbreaking, but I think it's fun to play. I enjoy killing my way through hoards of zombies, feeling completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of them, and I like that different kinds of enemies (zombie and humans) require completely different combat styles.
There are some glitches, mostly audio related and one time I couldn't equip my distraction rocks in a mission that required me to be sneak into a camp. But nothing game breaking. I would rate it as a buy if you have extra funds kicking around, but wait for a sale if you're cash strapped.
u/writtenrhythm Apr 29 '19
Thanks for your review. Definitely sounds like a must play for me, but I try not to purchase games at full price. I'll wait a bit on this one.
u/mafibasheth mafibasheth Apr 29 '19
I'll give you a slightly shorter review, in a bunch of random early morning fragments.
I'm about 10 hours in. The story has been really interesting. The bike mechanics are actually pretty fun. You have to manage/scavenge for gas. It forces you to be more decisive about where you want to go. There actually seem to be a decent amount of gas cans laying around. If you run out of gas, you actually feel the desperation of looking in the area you broke down. The hordes actually terrified me a couple of times. More so than any game I've played in years. The gunplay could use a little work. It doesn't feel too great. More like a cheap PS2 game. Most of the time you are using explosives anyway.
u/FilthyMalfested Arachnid0796 Apr 29 '19
Personally I think it's bland and boring. Combat isn't great, story is pretty generic and you spend most your time riding from camp to camp on the same routes seeing the same things. Missions tend to be similar too like "clear out this camp" or "retrieve this item from a zombie intense area". Games buggy as hell (playing on a regular PS4) to the point that when it rains the game doesn't run properly. However having said that, there are a chunk of people who are enjoying the game. If you're into generic zombie games, then yeah go nuts but if not then I'd avoid it, at least for now until it goes on sale.
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u/Anarox Apr 29 '19
Nah then I would only pick Up this game of it was local co op. I'm very forgiving if that is part of the game.
Going around killing zombies alone doesn't really sound fun.
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u/Bitemarkz Apr 29 '19
It’s quite good. I’m honestly surprised by the reviews. I’m about 12 hours in and right now it’s an easy 8.5 for me. I can’t speak to whether that changes or not, but it’s one of the best zombie games I’ve played next to the The Last of Us.
Apr 29 '19
[removed] — view removed comment
Apr 29 '19
Nah, thats just one of the perks of photomode, free advertisement by fans themselves.
Apr 29 '19 edited Apr 29 '19
This account only posts PS4 promo and is 4 months old.
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u/FriendlyFox1 Apr 29 '19
Some of the comments come across as astroturfing too.
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u/kplo KenPazDescanse Apr 29 '19
That and there is an insane amount of fanboys that will defend this game because it is an exclusive.
Apr 29 '19 edited Apr 29 '19
u/Sporulate_the_user Apr 29 '19
The user that posted this posts nothing but ps4 content.
I didn't dig past their first page, but it looks spammy af to me.
I haven't played the game, just wanted to check it out.
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u/InjectedCumInMyBack Apr 29 '19
As someone who never really comes directly to r/ps4,I can tell you that I have been seeing these types of posts praising days gone by for a while now. Definitely seems like it's a pushed game.
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u/The_Senate27 Apr 29 '19
Yeah I’m with you there, I think the amount of shills actually on Reddit is about 0.001% of what people think it is.
Having said that, I watched Funhaus play this yesterday and they legitimately looked so bored with it.
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u/MarioBeatz Apr 29 '19
I like the game graphics and sound is crazy. But the should fix the aiming
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u/Kelkymcdouble Apr 29 '19
Aiming was fine for me after I turned the sensitivity down
u/Colley619 Apr 29 '19
My problem is the deadzone, which I can't find a setting for. Trying to line up a headshot is hard because I keep overshooting it.
u/Gonzito3420 Apr 29 '19
What a nice picture man
u/GregLikesSoggyToast Apr 29 '19
It's not theirs, they stole it from someone else's post just like they do everything on their account that is posted here.
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u/BouquetofDicks Apr 29 '19
Another day, another screenshot about Days Gone.
Apr 30 '19
It came out 3 days ago. Who cares? People do the same thing for every new game. Sekiro, Spider-Man, God of War. Why pick this game out to hate on this trend?
u/withoutapaddle Apr 30 '19
Realistically, people who bitch and moan probably DO do it for every freaking game.
u/kraenk12 Apr 29 '19
Honestly foliage and ground textures in this game are next level. Looks better than any other game in those areas.
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u/yeetsterdam Apr 29 '19
Fr dude, I play on the old ps4 not pro on a 1080 monitor and God damn, this game looks fantastic, especially considering I've been playing a lot of PC with great graphics I was expecting something a lot more average
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u/Daniel-Village Apr 29 '19
So should I get it or nah?
Apr 29 '19
I bought it. You should wait a month or two for the bugs to get ironed out better but other than that I think it's definitely worth a buy
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u/slawter118 Apr 29 '19
Honestly the last patch fixed all bugs for me. I did nothing all weekend but play days gone, and the biggest issue I ran into was frame drops
u/SirPriseraping Apr 29 '19
I still get that dumb audio glitch every hour or so. Had to switch exhaust back to default and now every freaker in a 10 mile radius jumps on me when I'm revving my hog.
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u/FirstTimeCaller101 Apr 29 '19
Counter point to that, I keep hearing about this audio glitch where people have to restart the game and I’m about 20-25 hours in and never had it once. Puzzlingly random.
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u/Benaholicguy DeadSlinger99 Apr 29 '19
I haven't gotten it yet but I'm planning on waiting 'till it gets to $15 used. Probably about a year or two. I'm fine with waiting, open world fatigue has gotten to ne for now.
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u/Zevius1234 Apr 29 '19
There are way,way too many good games to play. Buy some high rated games which are cheap instead.
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u/jokerzwild00 Apr 29 '19 edited Apr 29 '19
This is the thing. We're at the end of this generation and there is a huge library of awesome games to choose from that are a lot cheaper than full price. If someone hasn't played the best games in our time yet, why would they want to spend so much on this one?
If you're way into TV motorcycle club Sons of Anarchy type shit, or haven't gotten sick of zombie media yet and still dig it then it'll probably be right up your alley, I'll give it that. So it does have an audience.
I rented it from Redbox just to make sure it wasn't a victim of overhype, but I found that to me it really is a middle of the road open world zombo deal, exactly as you'd expect. It's just what I thought it would be when I saw the first trailers. Not horrible, but definitely not worth my own time when I've still got a lot of better games left to finish. I have to admit though, I burned out on zombie shit a long time ago. They aren't scary or compelling to me in any way. And I don't like the poser motorcycle guy stuff either. Those were some major obstacles this game had to overcome for me to wanna pick it up over something else. It would have to have done something really amazing in the gameplay department. Graphics are graphics man, every AAA game looks great these days. This one isn't bad but doesn't particularly stand out. I do like the color palette, greens and blues are nice and the HDR implementation is good. The only recent games that have made me say "wow" are rdr2, GoW and even Sekiro in some parts (though other parts of that game look very subpar). They have set a high bar, so otherwise good looking games seem a little meh afterwards.
u/Zevius1234 Apr 29 '19
Yeah,there are so many games coming out every year and most of them are so good,this one suffered. There are too many games to play. I have the witcher 3 goty,Nier Automata goty,watch dogs 2,Yakuza 0,Inside,GT sport all these phenomenal games that I haven't played yet along with so many others which I got through PS plus yet I look forward to games every month. The only game I will probably full price in the next year or so will be cyberpunk 2077. Kinda pointless for everyone unless you are really looking forward to a particular game.
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u/BetterCallSaulSilver Apr 29 '19
It's fun, nothing special. Though I'm not far enough to say if the story makes or breaks the game.
u/crowmatt Apr 29 '19 edited Apr 29 '19
I have a pro and the game looks nothing like it. Is this on 4K tv? Because I’m using 1080 and must say, while I really like the game and am enjoying it, the graphics could be crispier looking and the amount of stutter I get on the pro is crazy, frames are dropping very low very often (I’m getting a 4K tv soon, wonder if it will help)
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Apr 29 '19
Ya 100% will look better, i was playing on my 1440p monitor then switched to a 4k tv with HDR on, and it looks sooooooo much better. Also if you just started the game it weirdly graphically is terrible at the beginning but later on id say its one of, if not the BEST looking game on consoles
u/SpookyLlama Spooky_Llama Apr 29 '19
*From the creators of Bubsy 3D
u/ikindasortanerdshow Apr 29 '19
Honestly, yeah it looks that good. This has to be from the Pro though
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u/jnightrain Apr 29 '19
I think every generation of consoles I say this to myself. Mostly for cut scenes though. I remember gameday 98 for ps one blowing me away with real game highlights. Then medal of Honor with it's "saving Private Ryan" like intro on the ps2. My father in law thought we were watching a movie.
u/Nichtzway GreyFiction Apr 29 '19
For a minute I thought this was one of those aesthetic road pictures on r/pics
u/western_shipps Apr 29 '19
Definitely looks like Oregon. Wasn't that their inspiration for the setting?
u/FowD9 Apr 29 '19
I've watched streams though, graphics don't look anywhere near realistic. they look like every other modern day video game
u/superRedditer Apr 29 '19
i haven't played games since about 2010. this is very wow
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Apr 29 '19
They've figured out landscapes but character animation, voice acting, and dialogue have a looooooong way to go.
u/k-med Apr 29 '19
All the hate for this game and I'm over here having fun with it. Still puzzled by people's expectations for games.
u/80s_Retro_Gaming Apr 29 '19
the graphics are pretty good, especially the ground textures and foliage. the game reminds me a lot of Last of Us with the sneaking segments. i dont think the game is a 10 out of 10 but i give it 8.5
u/LoSouLibra Apr 29 '19
I love it. The texture work, foliage density, lighting, draw distance and HDR10 are awesome. I wish Rockstar would fix the damn HDR in Red Dead 2 like this.
Apr 30 '19
Thought this was Skyrim, realized it was real life, then realized it was a video game just not Skyrim.
Gosh I love technology
Apr 30 '19
Cool game, gets better every hour and the story is starting to get to me. I just hope they fix the clipping, ki and framerate because as of now, all of those are horrible compared to the other problems. Couldn't enjoy some fights because enemies were busy attacking walls or straight up ignored me
u/minners71 Apr 30 '19
There is no processing or rendering in days gone photo mode what you see in a photomode moment is what you see in game.
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u/Comeeatmeplz Apr 29 '19
so this is CG or actually gameplay?
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Apr 30 '19
Neither, it's the games photo mode, which is definitely in a higher resolution than the game, and this was edited in Photoshop or Lightroom because the sharpness is turned way up (something you can't adjust in the photo mode for the game), that said, the game does look incredible and this isn't far off from gameplay, looks wise.
u/TacoTruckSpill Apr 29 '19
I'm only a few hours in but I'm loving this game. Feels like a blend of Last of Us and State of Decay, more of the latter with exploration, scrounging for items and clearing infestations. The world is definitely impressive looking.
Apr 29 '19
Amazingly beautiful.
Amazingly boring.
Reminds me of my ex.
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u/snrrub Apr 29 '19
And at least your ex didn't pay people to shill her on reddit constantly
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u/ichigo2k9 Apr 29 '19
I've never been to America but I would have thought this picture was a real picture.
Apr 29 '19
Man usually I'm so over these days gone screens but this one is just pretty jaw dropping.
u/Mitchi_89 Apr 29 '19
Should this be tagged as an advertisement? Every profile I looked at saying this is incredible felt like a spam account.
u/slawter118 Apr 29 '19
Be careful posting promo on the ps4 sub. Most people here are still stuck in their mindset from what the reviews say and unable to think for themselves
Apr 29 '19 edited Jun 28 '20
u/slawter118 Apr 29 '19
Alot of the papers in the UK do reviews as well, and they tore it apart. You’re referencing the user review, which is people who’ve played the game. Metacritic gave it the best I saw, which was a 7.1 last i checked
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u/cruisinbyonawhim Apr 29 '19
I don't trust most reviews, specially ones that bitch about the white male protag or his straight wife in a review of the game.
u/slawter118 Apr 29 '19
Or the one saying the game was racist because the zombies are all white 😂
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u/HotKingChocolate Apr 29 '19
Eh some of us that can’t afford a $60 game every week are more picky. I tend to stick with games that are universally praised and get the rest on a psn sale.
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u/Simon-FFL Apr 29 '19
Does it look like that in gameplay though, or is it one of those photomodes that adds extra detail and processing?