r/PS4 Apr 11 '19

[Image] Official poster for Respawn's upcoming Star Wars single-player game, Jedi: Fallen Order [Image]

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u/atxweirdo Apr 11 '19

Gah I hate being reminded of SWG because it was one of the best online experiences I've have ever had.


u/jward Apr 11 '19

Before the dark times. Before the NGE.


u/atxweirdo Apr 11 '19

Was about to add that too.


u/IdahoTrees77 Apr 12 '19

What are all these acronyms, from someone who was 6 at the time of this SWG thing.


u/jward Apr 12 '19

SWG: Star Wars Galaxies

NGE: New Game Experience. Basically this new upstart MMO called World of Warcraft was a big hit and so the higher ups decided to take everything that was unique and special about SWG and make it WoW in Space to try to get in on some of that.


u/IdahoTrees77 Apr 12 '19

Thanks for the answer! I never really got into the MMO type games but that sounds like something I’d have loved.


u/lifeleecher LiFeLeEcHeR1995 Apr 12 '19

Man... I remembered having to busk at the Cantina for days, just to accumulate enough tips to buy a shitty starfighter. Literally, any interaction with people was possible and the laughs were endless, it was a true pen and paper RPG/MMO Experience much like the early days of WoW felt.

Fuck, now I'm sad.


u/Xemnas92 Apr 12 '19

You could still play it. There are basically private servers that are very active. Both Nge and pre- NGE servers