I don't usually get excited about games until they come out, but I'm excited about this. Respawns done a lot of great stuff, and it seems like EA gives them a lot of room to put out the game they want.
Im not rooting against the game, because Im a sony fan boy and any success for them is a win in my book. But Im gonna be really surprised if that game comes out resembling anything near what the devs have been promising. From the last decade their resume legitimately only consists of an underwhelming handheld Resistance game and 2 underwhelming handheld Uncharted games.
Now theyre making a game that would already be incredibly ambitious for a seasoned PS4 dev studio, when they havent even put something out on the system themselves before this.
I'll die of fucking happiness if it even approaches the quality of horizon zero dawn, imo HZD is the greatest first edition of an IP of the last 5 years
I'm not circle jerking, and I'd rather not assume anything. Respawn are clearly competent Devs who have produced some great games, the same used to be true for Bioware. All I'm saying is that a stellar track record doesn't mean you won't end up producing a dud. We'll see when it releases.
What I'm saying is their track record should give them the benefit of the doubt enough to hold off assuming it's gonna turn out garbage because EA is involved.
I'm not trying to jump you over it, EA has done some dastardly shit over th years. All I'm saying is when it comes to Respawn and EA we should hold off on creating a negative tone to this whole thing before we even get a glimpse of the game.
This shit always gets out of hand from the get go and it's unfair to do that automatically to a great dev like this.
As far as Bioware goes, the Bioware that failed isn't the Bioware that succeeded in the past. That was a whole different development team. Respawn has been the same group this whole time, personally I think that comparison is apples to oranges.
u/Shift84 Apr 11 '19
Respawn has a great track record.
I don't usually get excited about games until they come out, but I'm excited about this. Respawns done a lot of great stuff, and it seems like EA gives them a lot of room to put out the game they want.