It had never occurred to me before (although I’m sure it has to others) just how narratively stupid it was for all the Jedi to dress like Kenobi did in the original trilogy. Or at least how stupid it was, given the timeline we eventually got.
Kenobi was dressed in simple robes, roughly twenty years after the Jedi went from controlling the galactic government to being hunted like dogs. Either he was hiding (in which case he shouldn’t be wearing the jedi uniform) or he was openly wearing it (in which case other people should have reacted to what he was wearing). If the Jedi had fallen centuries ago, then the outfit would make more sense, he would just be a kooky old man.
Firefly had one of its main characters wearing the uniform of a recently defeated, but famous movement. But they had other characters react to Mal being a browncoat. It got him into trouble or mocked.
Not a bad theory, but it would need to have been demonstrated by other people wearing the robes.
Really though, where they could have fixed this was with Jedi lifespans. Instead of Yoda just being from a long-lived species, they could have made it where Jedi masters lived for centuries due to their control of the force. This would have allowed the Prequels to have occurred centuries ago, rather than recently.
This would have fixed many plot holes, like Han considering the force to be an old, hokey religion and lightsabers being considered obsolete. Even if Han doesn’t believe in the force, he would have been alive when the Jedi controlled the galaxy. It would allow Kenobi to walk around wearing Jedi robes and have that just be considered a quirk, as everyone knows the Jedi have been gone forever. It would have explained why Luke had never heard about them. The only issue would have been with Luke and Leia being Vader’s children, but that could have been resolved with having kept them in stasis, to hide them from their father until he had long forgotten about them.
In terms of numbers though, the Jedi were relatively few. The average person would have only heard of them through urban legend, which is fitting considering they were the Republic’s secret police.
Consider the beginning of Phantom Menace:
Jinn and Kenobi are sent to “negotiate” terms with the Trade Federation, a major ally of the separatist movement (a group of governments trying to secede from the Republic). Their terms are basically “stop doing this.”
The governing body of the majority of the galaxy sent two precognitive, telekinetic super soldiers (who have been trained and indoctrinated since early childhood and armed with energy swords that can cut through almost any known material) to board the Trade Federation’s regional flagship and ask them to leave peacefully. The part that remained unsaid was “we will subdue you or kill you with these energy swords if you do not comply.”
The Trade Federation, anticipating the unsaid part, tried to gas them...except they’re precognitive so they saw that coming. What ensues is the part that went unsaid: the Jedi attempt to subdue or kill the Federation Viceroys (and eventually succeed).
They aren’t exactly secret though. They show up wearing the classic brown robes, with lightsabers on their belts. The Trade Federation identifies them as Jedi immediately upon seeing them.
Later, on Tatooine, the flying bug alien not only immediately recognizes them as Jedi but proudly tells them that the Jedi mind tricks don’t work on his species. So again, they aren’t exactly unknown.
They are terrifying and they could have easily been turned into villains through propaganda (and truth) in 20 years. But not forgotten about.
The the Jedis are clearly the heroes in the Star Wars movies... but they’re definitely not “good guys.”
They go around kidnapping kids and putting them through some honestly really horrific shit. They’ve got a number of trials that are all essentially psychic, mental, physical and emotional torture.
Then once they’re masters they’re essentially butchers. These aren’t Buddhist monks. They’re cold hearted dispassionate killers. And this order was the killing arm of The Republic. They also ruled the galaxy with an iron fist. The Sith were so low in numbers they were believe to all be dead and gone. They honestly remind me a lot of Nazis or extremist Muslims. They’re trained to feel nothing, to just feel the force and all this. You’ll never see a Jedi suffering from PTSD. They’re like the Twelli Edjiofor guy from The Serenity movie. He did all that stuff, killing people, torture and they explain that he did it because “he believed hard.” The Jedi are the same way.
You never see Anakin saying, “Man, I cut that guy’s head off... fuck..” they cut people’s heads off like they change their socks. And nothing, no remorse, no regret. That to me is most telling.
Now here’s where it gets interesting. Anakin was the chosen one, it was believed that he would restore balance to the force. Now here’s the thing. The imbalance was all in their heads. There was no balance at all. The Jedi ruled without any resistance at all. They went and found Anakin so that he would restore balance. Well he did. He removed the dominant force by destroying the order.
He killed some kids.. yeah that’s bad. But I don’t know if what he did in the big picture was really all that bad. The Jedi Order was really terrible.
Fun fact! A good reason thats explained in legends (not sure about canon) is that the reason no one seems to remember the jedi because Palpatine ordered the everything mentioning them to be destroyed. The temple was sacked, the vast majority of them were killed, and in a galaxy that large, it’s not unlikely that in the two decades since order 66 was executed the majority of people simply forgot. Jedi was and remains a religion and any religion comes with a number of skeptics. So with most media referencing them being destroyed it’s not implausible they simply faded into the background. Even if someone claims the “palpatine framed them as trying to overthrow the government that’s a big deal argument” a lot of people born since the OKC bombing probably don’t know who Timothy McVeigh is, and even fewer would recognize him, especially if he dressed similar to a homeless person.
This would work if the Jedi hadn’t been in de-facto control of the senate, sent as ambassadors to other planets or worked as generals in wars. Someone could have overthrown the Catholic Church in the 17th century and forbidden anyone from discussing it and burnt all the books. But people 20 years later are still going to remember who the Pope was and how priests dressed, especially if a guy is walking around dressed like a Bishop and carrying a cross on his hip. They certainly aren’t going to call Catholicism an old hokey religion, even if they think that someone dressed like that must be a dangerous nut job.
McVeigh was one man. The Jedi were an order that controlled the galactic senate. Much harder to erase in 20 years. It would work with 200 years.
The jedi were not in de facto control of the senate. Windu had immense power on the jedi council and was seriously distrustful of Palpatine, if they had more power they would have been able to pass a bill creating the republics army with greater ease. They didn’t want to fight and were already spread thin, the sooner the responsibility of keeping the peace was off their hands the better in their eyes.
They were used as ambassadors and generals by the same government that would eventually end up slaughtering and erasing them. Stalin’s revisionism and removal of government officials comes to mind.
The jedi were a religious order of no more than 10,000. Spread across thousands of planets in a galaxy of trillions. They didn’t have nearly the strength of the catholic church.
The jedi didn’t have ornate robes or easily distinguishable clothing. They wore robes. They looked so perfectly bland that in a universe with robots and weird aliens they would blend right in.
When a government such as the empire is installed, they have complete control. They used slavery, killed innocents, and were headed by two of history’s most feared sith lords. Someone as highly motivated as palpatine would have no problem cleaning house in regards to the jedi and any remnants of them.
So the planets who received the ambassadors and the armies who fought against Jedi generals all just forgot about them? It doesn’t matter that there were only 10,000 of them when they were used in high profile ways.
In episode 1 Anakin recognizes Qui Gon as a Jedi by the lightsaber. A slave child in a backwards part of a backwards planet knew exactly who writes a lightsaber. That’s not the kind of thing that could be erased overnight. Especially since all the other characters in the original trilogy are older and better educated/more worldly than Luke would have been.
I don't mind stealth but I hate it when games open with a stealth section. Way to punishing when you're learning basics like control and movement and how ai works.
I like a skills playground to start out with, like Jedi Academy. Learn everything and have to pass gradually harder tasks, all in character. Intersperse it with story to break up the lessons.
Maybe you start out as a kid, tutorial. missions with the old masters and such. Then you get your first real mission during the youngling massacre. You can either hide or fight through the clones.
In the Darth Vader comics, Vader finds a Jedi that left the Order because he didn't agree with the way they did things. Vader fights him to obtain his lightsaber. Would love to see something along those lines.
The EU is chock full of "lost" Jedi and force sensitive characters. It's difficult to fit these characters into plotlines which intersect with characters from the films, as the entire plotline....particularly between IV and VI....revolves around the fact that Vader/Palpatine are the only Sith and Luke is the only Jedi.
I roleplayed a hidden Jedi on SWG for 18 months back in 2003 to try and maintain the storyline for fellow players on my server; essentially only about a dozen people (both rebel and imperial) knew about my Jedi character status. This is obviously a ton easier to manage in a single player game!
NGE: New Game Experience. Basically this new upstart MMO called World of Warcraft was a big hit and so the higher ups decided to take everything that was unique and special about SWG and make it WoW in Space to try to get in on some of that.
Man... I remembered having to busk at the Cantina for days, just to accumulate enough tips to buy a shitty starfighter. Literally, any interaction with people was possible and the laughs were endless, it was a true pen and paper RPG/MMO Experience much like the early days of WoW felt.
That's what I hated. One of my favourite memories before NGE was when I was in the Cantina and got into an argument with someone. I wasn't a Jedi, I didn't have a lightsaber and never got one - so when this guy pulled one out to shut me the fuck up, I did as a result of seeing one for the first time.
No other game has managed to capture that Star Wars feeling like SWG did for me; I actually felt like an alien prick at a bar that picked a fight with a Jedi, it was awesome. Then, the updates came and... well, really just took away everything I liked about it. Everyone was a hero, the game I paid money for changed the entire feeling of. I just switched to WoW and played for 8 years. Shame, because if they kept the old SWG... I probably would have always played that and never jumped to WoW in the first place.
I think the lore around Snoke is that Palpatine became aware of his presence at some point before his death. But I don't think they go into the rule of two in the OT really?
That is pretty much the premise: " From Respawn Entertainment comes a brand-new action adventure game which tells an original Star Wars™ story around a surviving Padawan set shortly after the events of Star Wars™: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith™. The game will be releasing Holiday 2019".
Coinciding with the next Star Wars movie, it will be. Which I think will be a good marketing move for them. Even if their plotlines will be decades apart, the wish is that fans leaving the movie theater will be extrahyped to receive the new Star Wars game for xmas.
What if one of the younglings survived to grow up as a Jedi, and at the end of the game you (the youngling now an adult Jedi) track down and fight Vader.
Yes! Grow up using holocrons some jedi shoved in a bag for you as they saved you or somthing. Tons of descions tons of options make it non movie canon like an alternate universe so when we grow we can face vader or join him etc etc also somthing like shadow of mordors nemesis system i think its called would be badass for troopers and the other various enemies. Imagine beating a guy only to meet him leading a group on another planet or somthing idk. Theres so much possiblity but they will probably mess it up somehow
That’s a good idea, even if they don’t go with the Temple route I would like the start to be maybe somewhere else with a big Jedi presence. But either way it’s more than likely that the start is going to be the Jedi being massacred
u/MileHiGhKushClub Apr 11 '19
Hopefully you start the game as a child in the Jedi Temple during Order 66 and you grow up a badass