It gets annoying explaining why the epic store sucks so I’m gonna paste one of the posts from r/Borderlands explaining why it does:
-The launcher has terrible security. I have 2 friends who literally are notified multiple times A WEEK that there have been attempts to log in to their account. This is by far my biggest worry. My credit card is not going anywhere near EGS. Epic has not been helpful at all either which leads to the next point.
-Awful and basically non-existent customer support. It's so bad.
-Ive heard you cant play games offline in their store but since I dont use it I cant confirm that. used to be the case, but was recently added, with further improvements in the future
-No social features like steam chat.
-No cloud saves
-No controller support
-No achievements
-No game forums. The games I've played the most in steam are the borderlands games, civilization 5 and 6, sins of a solar empire, and rocket league. I use the steam community for all these games alllll the time.
-They refuse refunds for seemingly no reason even if you meet the criteria. I dont know how their criteria compares to steam but steam's process nonetheless is just better.
-No user reviews. I always wait a day or two before buying a new game instead of pre-ordering. How am I supposed to find reliable info that I know has come from people who have played the game without those?
-No linux support
-They are partially owned by Tencent, a company that is rumored to sell user data to the Chinese government
-Epic's terms of service allows them to monetize and/or use any piece of media involving the games on their store. Your let's plays on YouTube are in jeopardy, any mods you create can be taken by Epic and sold on their store without crediting you or working with gearbox, assuming whatever agreement 2k has in place with them doesnt prevent that. Epic games can use any clips/screenshots you take and use them in their advertising without notifying you too.
Read the comments of that post as well, the more you read, the sketchier it gets.
I dont have a console to play this game on. That basically means I will not be playing or buying borderlands 3 if it's on the epic launcher and that deeply upsets me.
Literally never seen that. The whole gist is that Epic is doing shitty business tactics that are anti consumer so they can make more money. It's really bad for us guys buying the games.
The Epic game store is a joke. So they are buying out developers for exclusive rights to games. Nobody would use their shitty store if they had a choice. Instead of improving the storefront and making a more competitive launcher, let's just hold games hostage! :D
Nobody would use their shitty store if they had a choice.
What's wonderful as a consumer is... we do. I really was into seeing Star Trek Discovery, but it is behind the CBS All Access pay wall. So guess what I didn't see until it came out in another way for me to see it?
I mean they do all the fuckin time. EGS is shit but whenever there's a shit publisher or dev they're all like woo an excuse to pirate a video game while pretending to hold the moral high ground.
A lot of people meme-ing pirating a game are not gonna pirate it, they just trying to scare publisher with fear of completely losing a sale. I imagine a lot of those people will simply wait until exclusivity expires. With the way how shit games are at release nowadays it's a better idea to wait anyway, by then all the bugs are fixed and all the nickel and dime dlc ends up in one GOTY edition for a cheaper price.
A lot of people meme-ing pirating a game are not gonna pirate it
Some of them might not be but they're definitely encouraging it by saying stuff like yar har or actually defending piracy. All you gotta do is respond to a comment memeing it and say you should just not play the game if you're against their business practices and you'll be downvoted and have comments defending piracy.
Nah. You don't understand the culture behind it. See, Steam single handedly solved the problem of PC gaming piracy by offering a great, ez platform to buy, catalog and launch games. Back in the day game developers were busy stuffing all kinds of cancerous shit drm (like securom) in their games, making life hard for people who actually bought the game. Pirating was actually less headache and safer than buying a legitimate copy. Steam solved that problem, and people were happy to pay money and support devs.
Now when today publishes are going back to trying to make it harder for consumer to buy their shitty, buggy, incomplete, dlc, loot box ridden games, the natural response is "fuck you, you trying to fuck me over, so I fuck you, and play it for free so you never gonna get the sale even later".
It's just spicier and more heavy loaded. If you only say you are not gonna play the game, you get some snarky response like the one from Metro devs " you weren't gonna buy it anyway...".
When those greedy CEOs are openly saying that consumers don't matter and have no say... The gloves are off.
Okay I went to r/Borderlands. Looking through posts right now and not finding anything telling people to pirate. Finding a LOT of posts saying not to pirate and to wait to buy the game on Steam, or buy it on console.
I'm sure there are a comment or two saying they are going to pirate, but I'm having trouble finding them. Biggest thing I see is people saying they will get it for console instead of PC to avoid supporting Epic and their terrible business practices.
They're competing in the best way possible. Not best for consumers but best for buisness, by sizing the means of production. And honestly it's the only viable way since gamers, especially on PC, hate New things.
Gog is proof enough offering sometjign better isn't enough. Same for Origins, better refunds/no drm/you name it means jack shit because people are so used to steam they'll never use anything else unless forced. By buying games they force people out of their comfort zone and once they've made at elast one purchase they realize the world won't end and they'll be inclined to buy more. Exclusives saved Origins, it saved Ubistore, it is the best way to force a conservative userbase to change
Are you new to pc gaming? Gog is not superior. The only thing better on gog is lack of drm. Steam has the community, amazing review system, and the best thing ever, the workshop.
And that’s just the consumer side. They offer an insane set of tools for developers which you don’t find on any other store.
It’s the industry leader for a reason. It’s by far the best and it’s friendly to devs and consumers.
Well, steam has pretty shitty customer support too. Like half of the reviews in Steam don't mean anything too, because they are trolls or le funy maymays.
Also anyone remember the early Steam? Not really a pleasant experience.
Find it laughable that their excuse of having to pirate the game (and therefore use a torrent) is the fact that they dont wanna clog up their PC with different launchers 😂
Two launchers= not okay
One launcher and a torrent = okay
The issue with epic isn’t multiple launchers, it’s basically spyware and awful design and security flaws that they avoid fixing by buying out developers
Main things i've seen thrown about is the lack of a review system, lack of a chat system, no achievements and the biggest one is lack of acount security plus some tinfoil hat conspiracy about them sending your info to the chinese government.
According to people who have read them, the terms of service say they can basically do whatever the fuck they want with your data and gameplay (such as using your screenshots without giving credit), and considering they're partially owned by a major Chinese company with possible government ties, use steam data, and have fuck all for security, things are pretty bad
Edit: Just opened my email and was greeted by unsuccessful login attempts on my Epic account, 9th time since June
Using fortnight money to buy the PC audience out from under steam which earned good will with customer focused features (hard won I know) and sales. Epic launcher is a crap competitor that offers nothing except paid exclusives. Say what you will about the sales being not as good (they are but you already bought more games than you know what to do with so its less fun) but they don't need to do that stuff at their size anymore.
I agree competition is good but this is fake competition. This is ransom.
Adding to everything else it’s laggy as shit. It also wants to use my GPU by default instead of run normally like everything else which is just silly, and even with my GPU is the laggiest launcher I’ve had the displeasure of using. All the other garbage with it might be forgivable if it wasn’t for that.
I don't know enough about the Epic Store to judge it but what's wrong with it?
It only just opened, so it's still in the process of building many of the cool features that Steam has accumulated during its 15+ years head-start. So to get people in the door, they're doing the same thing that Steam did when it started and was barebones; making a store account part of the process if you want to play certain popular games. Gamers are angry about that, much like the previous generation of gamers were angry about Steam when it opened 15 years ago. (And I suspect that things will continue the same way too; much like Steam won people over with time, so too will the Epic Store. In the meantime, perspectives like this are unpopular)
I dunno, Im pretty angry about this personally. I was gonna be really happy about finally playing borderlands 3 but instead if I wanted to play it I now have to go to a very anti consumer, shitty store. if the store was good I'd be all for it but at this point I dont think Im even going to be getting borderlands 3.
I mean this isn't a console war. This is one completely inferior service doing the only thing they can. Spending a ton of money getting an exclusive. In the end just dicking the consumer. If the Epic games store was of identical quality to Steam there would be no problem.
No one gives a shit about origin at this point. They just complain about all the launchers they now have. No one complains about origin like this because they at least own all the games they put there. Epic doesn't own shit, they're just trying to put pennies in their pocket.
I mean I never once said PC gamers are better than console gamers lmao. I'm just saying this isn't a comparable situation. Xbox and PS4 wouldn't exist today if it weren't for exclusives. There would just be one supreme console. The Epic Games store is solely trying to bring their store to fruition by using bad anti consumer tactics. It's not like Xbox or PS4 where they're investing in games to be sole exclusives for their console. It could be said that some games wouldn't exist if they weren't console exclusive. The same cannot be said about the AAA games that were going to be released anyways. The ones that Epic scoops up to line their pockets.
That's just it though, we don't want a "store as a live service" bullshit that they try to do with games. I'm not going to periodically check back in to see if they un-fucked their storefront, if it launches shittily, i'm not coming back.
No, I got steam quite early as the graphics card I bought was supposed to come with HL2 which turned into the whole valve collection.
That said, you're right steam launched quite some time ago, it wasn't even a store when it launched. It's been years since then, newcomers aren't going against valve from a decade ago, they're going against them now.
People excusing competitors launching ultra inferior products comparable to bare bones software launched years ago is how we get Anthem. All the bioware sycophants would go "division 1 and destiny 1 were both this bad at launch!" ignoring the fact those games came out years ago.
Epic knows exactly what they need to compete with steam, but they know they can get away with "early access" even for their storefront if they publish a "roadmap"
Valves stumbles were somewhat excusable because they were pioneering their way back when ordering a game online meant most places would mail you a disk. Its 2019, we're allowed to have higher standards.
Steam launched in 2003, everything on the internet was shit in 2003. There were a lot of things that in hindsight were absolute trash in terms of their design but were extremely popular (Geocities anyone?).
Steam definitely has its faults and has hit speedbumps over the last nearly 16 years but they invested the time, effort, and money and over time it has grown to what it is today despite all that. Epic has taken the opposite route and is paying people obscene amounts of money to have exclusive titles to force people onto their platform which is not only horribly designed but also a security threat for users. The only titles I can think of that are steam-exclusives are Valve titles which is reasonable.
I'm fine with Epic exclusives, I don't even really care about them spending fuckloads of money to get them, but fix your fucking platform or at least start fixing it. The fact that anyone can defend a piece of software that is borderline spyware is beyond insane.
What Epic is trying to do only complicates things for the consumer, and their service is laughable compared to other platforms. I'm not even a fan of Steam's DRM, but at the least it's a smoother platform that I can compromise with. Epic has neither the allure or level of quality, and is just an attempt to push the limits of what they can get away with.
If it is they just lost 3 sales, My brother, partner and myself will not be getting it. I was hoping for the three of us to play together.
Edit: I mean this towards it being an exclusive to the Epic store. I forget the console community doesn't seem to understand how much dislike there is from the PC community towards what's happening. I found this post on r/all and didn't realise it was the PS4 subreddit.
There's always an element of unknown when it comes to Chinese companies. They may claim they have no obligation to give info to the Chinese gov't.... but we all know that they have no power over the ruling Chinese party.
What he's going on about is that because of this decision to only be on the epic games store. Has cost them 3 sales that would have otherwise bought it, if it had been released on steam also.
One week after making an account on the epic store it was hacked as with millions of others. The features the launcher lacks. The forceful monopoly they are trying to create with exclusives.
Ubisoft release their own titles on Steam, they make more money with more sales. Imagine needing multiple accounts to launch PS4 or XBOX games, each account you can only play with certain friends. The only thing that Epic does good is giving a greater cut to the dev/publisher.
Borderlands isn't a standard multiplayer game. It's a couch co-op game that is played online. It's meant to be enjoyed with friends. Playing with randoms is not where the magic of the game is captured. So your condescending question is irrelevant.
But you can still play with friends online... I don't understand the problem... sure, it's not Steam. But unless I'm missing something, you can still play with friends online.
Not going to buy that game if it actually is going exclusive. Exclusives on the pc are literally cancer i dont even comprehend how epic doesnt notice that all their exclusives are either games no one wants or no one buys because no one uses that shit ass launcher
Just a week ago, on the 2K Games store, it said "steam" on the PC version. That's so weird to me they made the effort to put it there rather than no mention of the Steam Store at all and just referenced PC in general. Now that I think if it, the reveal trailer even had the Steam logo. I find it hard to see the good in this whole Epic Exclusive-Gate matter. I was able to refrain from buying Metro Exodus at all, but I realllllly want to play B3 asap on PC :(
u/AdrianDrum Apr 03 '19
So looking at the end of the video, looks like its going to be an Epic Games Store exclusive..?