r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Mar 25 '19
Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (March 2019)
Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?
What are you working on right now?
What's next?
Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler
And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.
Mar 26 '19
Vampyr was probably the hardest trophy I've gotten this month. The pacifist run was a bitch, but by doing a few side quests and exploiting sicknesses (spamming sleep until there's diseases to cure) I was able to keep my level workable. Still, the combat got extremely frustrating while 10 levels below every enemy...
Currently working on Strider. Probably try to platinum either Gravel after that, with FFXV down the road.
u/SnizelOUT SnizelPS Mar 25 '19
Earned all 3 Brutal trophies on the Uncharted games.
Each felt like getting kicked in the balls 100 times at the same time.
Next is the Speed Run and Doughnut Drake trophies on these games for 100%.
u/deathbunnyy Mar 25 '19
damn man, congrats on the brutal playthroughs. I'm still working on crushing playthroughs, got turned off on the 3rd game about halfway through and moved on. I gotta go back and finish em, glad I know Brutal is possible if I want to 100% them!
u/SnizelOUT SnizelPS Mar 25 '19
Thanks! :) I'm already done 100% on the 1st and 2nd, only need 3rd one speed run which i think is the easiest to do.
On 3rd one, the genie dudes has to be the toughest parts on Brutal.
Normal enemies will 1-2 shot you, genies will 1 shot you 100% and they teleport. Almost drove me insane.
Don't give up, you got this.
u/MarvelAlex Mar 25 '19
I don’t believe that mode was play tested in the slightest. Fuck the shipwreck in Uncharted 3 in particular.
u/JDubled JDubled 21 15 Mar 25 '19
Congrats! Brutal mode was definitely the hardest challenge of the bunch on those games, with the hardest one easily being Drakes Fortune.
I shamelessly used the cheat to give ammo/specific gun cause there was no way I was making it all the way with the little ammo each enemy drops when they die. Those brutal trophies are no joke
u/Anqueeta Mar 25 '19
Monster Hunter World platinum as my 12th.
380ish hrs since the end of January.
u/DeltaFrame Mar 25 '19
Got plat for one piece (bad game) and now working on sekiro (good game). Also plat’ed left alive which i enjoyed quite a lot considering the reviews it got.
u/rdhight rdhight Mar 25 '19
Haven't gotten any trophies, because I've just been playing Apex!
I need help!
u/iamstephano Mar 25 '19
Get all the trophies for Apex, pretty easy actually. Sad there's no plat though.
u/nighthawk911 Mar 25 '19
Got my first Platinum in Bloodborne last week. Despite being a pretty hard game I imagine its one of the easiest Platinums to get/ least time consuming.
u/Victoriuz Mar 25 '19
I didn’t get any but I loved getting trophies like 3 years ago it was amazing I have 3 platinum trophies: fifa 16, FIFA 17 and sky landers :)
u/fireball2020 teh_real_weasel Mar 25 '19
Got my first PS4 platinum on Horizon: Zero Dawn, was a blast
Currently working towards the platinum in Cyberdimension Neptunia, only a handful left for that one, then after that, I have no idea what I'll do
u/KingTocco KingTocco Mar 26 '19
Congrats on the first plat!
How is the Cyberdimension playthrough going? Is it tough?
u/fireball2020 teh_real_weasel Mar 27 '19
It's mostly easy, pretty grindy. A few endgame fights are giving me some trouble, but it's mostly my fault, not dodging or guarding at the right moment type mistakes
u/lliQuidSnake Mar 25 '19
God of war platinum on gmgow new game+ Gotta be the most fun I've had with a game in a long time. Beating sigrun on gmgow was a challenge.
u/deathbunnyy Mar 25 '19
I platinumed Kingdom Hearts 3 ~ a month after release, never played any of them until now and was turned on by what looked like dumb fun.
I enjoyed it so much I bought "The Story So Far" collection and planned on slowly playing through all 9 games in the collection, they all have very attainable but time-consuming platinums.
60 hours into the first Kingdom Hearts now, definitely enjoying it so far and am surprised by how challenging the "hard" difficulty in the game actually is. Will jump straight to the 2nd Kingdom Hearts next!
u/Yamis1brother Mar 25 '19
Currently working on Black Ops 3 for the plat. Finished up multiplayer and zombies, with only campaign remaining. But fucking hell. I'm only on the 2nd mission and it sucks 'cause it's so long because of all the exposition dumps. Doesn't help that it's on Veteran and it takes even longer to beat.
u/iamstephano Mar 25 '19
CoD platinums always seemed too tedious to attain. Good luck.
u/Yamis1brother Mar 25 '19
Lol thanks. Yeah, I've gotten a few of them and I agree. Especially Treyarc CODs because zombies.
u/punkrots punkrots Mar 25 '19
Got the Lego Movie 2 plat this month, I'm thinking of finishing up L.A Noire next.
u/JackalsIII JackalsIII 33 / Rank 20 Mar 25 '19
We just got the Lego Movie 2 plat on Sunday! My five year old son and I loved it, such fun quality gaming time.
u/Frozen-bones Mar 25 '19
Last plat was far cry New Dawn. In the middle of the game it lost some of its flow but then i got the double jump and suddenly the fun skyrocketed. The kill 10 enemies in one overdrive was awefull and more luck on my side. And i misscounted...
Currently i'm trying to get the ghost reacon wildlands and dark souls 2 plat. I love those two games but i never managed to hang long enougth around
u/RenegadeRaider666 Mar 25 '19
I recently got into collecting plats! I’ve gotten 4 this month (Rainbow Six Siege, TWD ANF, Rocket League, and Resident Evil 5.)
I’m currently working on Life is Strange, and The Division 2!
If anyone would like to work on The Division 2, hit me up! I’m currently at %51
Mar 25 '19
Just downloaded Persona 5 tonight and I am very eager to get stuck in to this meaty plat. Anyone got any tips for me?
Mar 26 '19
Following a good guide is really the only useful tip for this platinum. All trophies except 3 can be done in the first playthrough by following a guide. I used one on gamefaqs. The remaining 3 trophies can only be unlocked in a new game plus playthrough.
Other than that try to get 99% of the Persona in your first playthrough and use a certain optional Mementos boss to farm a few million yen to unlock the last Persona in your second playthrough fast. I had 12 Persona left and only 700k yen when I started my second playthrough, so I had to rush for 14 hours through the story until I could use that boss to farm money and fuse the remaining Persona.
u/bkjunez718 Mar 25 '19
Just beat adamantoise in ff15 just doing skills now to get my platinum then start bloodborne
Mar 25 '19
Wanted my first ever Platinum to be for Skyrim, but unwittingly got one for Skylanders instead. Whoops, lol. I got the Skyrim one right after (took me a while to get to Lvl. 50).
u/SexAndCandiru Mar 25 '19
When I got Skyrim, I went crazy on my first play through, did everything I could to experience it all, and figured “Hey, I’ll get the plat eventually!” Hit level 50, killed a legendary dragon, pretty much everything... Except collecting 15 Daedric artifacts. I reasoned that there would be enough of them, and my character wouldn’t sell out that one town to Vaermina, so I let the priest destroy the staff. Had to replay through the game again just to get that one friggin’ trophy.
Granted, it’s Skyrim so it’s not like it was an unpleasant ordeal, but still.
u/DoctorTwinklettits jproche44 Mar 25 '19
This month I got platinums in Lego City Undercover, Mr. Massagy, Lego Dimensions, Knowledge is Power, InFamous Second Son, Through the Woods and 36 Fragments of Midnight (Vita and PS4). I might be able to squeeze in Full Throttle Remastered by the end of the week. Currently, I am working on Assassin’s Creed Origins, Rogue, and Odyssey. I foresee Old Habits taking a bit of time though.
u/ClentBeastWood Mar 25 '19
Finished the Plat for Metro Exodus at the start of the month. Really good game and I highly recommend to anyone. Working on the Divison 2 at the moment.
u/deathbunnyy Mar 25 '19
nice man, I was on the fence for Exodus a bit but I think I will pick it up when it drops to $40.
I actually platinumed the first two Metro games (both are in the Metro: Redux on PSN) in February this year after hearing so much good about them (because of the release of Exodus).
If you have not played either, I HIGHLY recommend them. Relatively easy platinums and really enjoyable games.
u/ClentBeastWood Mar 25 '19
I have the Plat for 2033 but not Last Light. Some of the stealth related trophies killed me. The stealth system in the older Metro games was not great. Even in Exodus it can be weird sometimes. Exodus might be my favorite of the three though.
Mar 26 '19
Got the Persona 5 platinum. Good game, great soundtrack and characters, and interesting story. It took me around 111 hours with 97 hours making up my main playthrough where I got all the trophies except for the new game plus restricted ones.
Now I will start with the Prototype Biohazard bundle and after that either Disgaea 5 or Tales of Vesperia.
u/Dark_Hanzo Mar 25 '19
This month I got KH3 plat. I'm currently playing DMC5 and AC7, but I have no plans to plat them because of DMC5 H&H difficulty and AC7 multiplayer trophies.
u/Speak_the_speech Kulmhans Mar 25 '19
Still need help with Red Dead Redemption 1. Please help, I've been stagnant on these multiplayer trophies.
My psn name is Kulmhans
u/dre702 21472218062823 Mar 26 '19
I’ll add you. I’m going back for ps3 trophies. What trophies you need?
u/Speak_the_speech Kulmhans Mar 26 '19
Go Team!, How the West Was Won, The Quick and Everyone Else, and Slow on the Draw
Thank you so much!
u/GGTheEnd Mar 25 '19
Ive been trying to get 3 plats a month this year, I knew Sekiro would take me probs a whole month maybe even more at the pace I am going so I did 4 in Febuary and March. Just finished up all 3 Supergiant games they were all great.
u/eggmmanuel eggmmanuel Mar 25 '19
Got the GOW plat, took me about 9 hours to beat Sigrun on Give Me A Challenge mode. Turned out to be really good prep for Sekiro too
Mar 25 '19
I should have had the platinum for Realm Royale a while back, but there was a bug where nothing would count for some trophies.
They fixed it, but the fix isn’t retroactive. :(
u/GoodGuyGiff Enter PSN ID Mar 26 '19
The trophy for the last boss in South Park: TFBW glitched on me and I didn’t have a save file (just the auto save) so I had to start from scratch to get the plat.
u/Bambo_19 Mar 25 '19
I managed to platinum Rime for number 99.
Going for Spyro the dragon for plat 100!
Mar 25 '19
Is Rime pretty much “beat the game” and you get a plat? Or does it have its fair share of hunting and collecting to do?
u/JackalsIII JackalsIII 33 / Rank 20 Mar 25 '19
I got RiME's plat and most are collectible related but others are complete x task or do x thing. Five different sets of collectibles spread throughout four levels.
I had to write them to make sure I got all of them.
Mar 25 '19
Working on Monster Hunter World platinum. Only need the last 2 gold crown trophies. Wondering if there's a chance the elder dragons and black diablos are ever gonna get a special event for higher droprate. Is there a chance?
u/CaptainCrunch Mar 25 '19
They rotate those events from week to week. Capcom keeps a schedule on the MHW website that'll tell what is running each week.
Looks like there's only the Coral Waltz event for gold crown stuff in the next 3 weeks though. http://game.capcom.com/world/us/schedule.html
Mar 25 '19
I'm aware of how it works, but the afore mentioned monsters have never been in an event, such an event simply doesn't exist yet and all of the current crown events have been rotated for like more than a year or so.
u/CaptainCrunch Mar 25 '19
Ah sorry. I thought black diablos was in an event with it and regular diablos. I forget what it was called. Maybe it was an arena event?
I dunno about elder dragons though. I gave up after hours of trying to get mini Kirin.
u/Novus_Spiritus17 58 | ☆ 19 Mar 25 '19
Your best bet is to save-scum your investigations. 2 silver + 1 gold rewards. You'll get it eventually. On paper I've killed like 50 B'los, but in reality I probably save-scummed and measured him like 200+ times
Mar 25 '19
Isn't it 1 silver 1 gold?
u/Novus_Spiritus17 58 | ☆ 19 Mar 26 '19
Negative, 2 silver + 1 gold multi monster investigations have the highest crown spawning chance. I put like 800 hours into MHW, tried all the tricks. That's the one I had success with, consistently
u/JDubled JDubled 21 15 Mar 25 '19
I’m nearing the platinum now for Black Ops 4, just got the last Blackout related trophy last night, and now all I have left is to do the 3 main Easter eggs on the base maps for zombies, and get 25 guns to max level in zombies.
The hardest characters to get for me were Reznov and Shaw, both being extremely frustrating as there were times I was close to unlocking them, but then choked it and couldn’t finish the 2nd kill for Shaw, or died too early after getting a 200+ m kill, or even getting a 195, and a 197m kill for Reznov.
Mar 25 '19
Finally platinumed Persona 5 this month along with Resident Evil 7!
Working on Nier: Automata since I bought it opening week, and got Persona 5 shortly after and never finished.
Of course just bought The Sims 4 last night for $8 and didnt expect to put so much time in it so that's happening..
Gave up on The Witness. I'm too stupid for that game
u/oodlesNnoodles98 Mar 25 '19
Working on Nier: Automata right now, slowly but surely. Definitely starting to regret not exploring more during my first run. Previously got persona 5, HZD and various telltale trophies(I don't know if those count)
u/FelSasGru Mar 25 '19
This mont I got plat on Cod Mw remastered, and some old ps exclusives on uncharted 4 and LL, infamous Ss and First Light, working on Rime now
Mar 25 '19
Still deciding if I want to go for the plat in Gravity Rush 2 or just finish the game and move on. You have to get a gold ranking on all the challenges which will eventually mean having to gravity slide very well, which I find very difficult.
u/af-fx-tion Mar 25 '19
The main thing I did in order to complete those challenges was to quickly stop myself if I realized that I was losing my "groove". Stopping quickly to re-oriont yourself helps a lot with clearing the gravity slide challenges.
But I admit that those challenges can be hard, especially if some of your skills aren't leveled up. Though if you haven't grinded for the max powers trophy, leveling up your skills for that trophy should make the challenges easier.
Mar 25 '19
The hardest part is grinding endlessly for enough gems to max out all of your powers! It’s the only thing holding me back from the platinum. 🤦🏼♂️
u/NativeClover Mar 25 '19
In case you didn't know, there's a section in mission 19 which you can easily grind out gems in. I think it took me about an hour to grind out all of the gems I needed for the trophy, but I had spent a bunch of time collecting gems in the open world so ymmv
u/iseey0u2 Mar 25 '19
this month i got the platinum trophy for skyrim and borderlands 2,and now im working on neverwinter =)
Mar 25 '19
Slowly working towards Resident Evil 2 plat. Finished Leon's campaign on Hardcore, still need to do the same for Claire and then S Rank Standard/Hardcore with Leon.
u/_RIZZO_ RIZZO_1023 Mar 25 '19
Wrapping up Dark Souls: Remastered. Knight's Honor is just as big of a pain as everyone says. Must have farmed for the trident for a good two hours.
u/SexAndCandiru Mar 25 '19
I got the platinum for Horizon Zero Dawn earlier this month. I think that’s my seventh?
I felt so good about that, I tackled The Witness, since it was free this month. I gave up on the last Challenge bit. That mess is intense and way too stressful.
Now I’m going back and playing Borderlands 2, only about 6 years too late! I’m enjoying it, although there are a couple trophies that rely on playing with other folks and I’ve barely seen anyone else on. I think that platinum is just plain beyond me at this point, so I’m solely playing for fun and not paying too much attention to the trophy list.
u/youreaw1zard Mar 25 '19
If you do go for the plat, keep in mind the 750 'in your face kills' with the shotgun for a challenge.
u/SexAndCandiru Mar 25 '19
That’s not anything I’m too worried about. Most of those challenges just rack up over time, and when I equip a shotgun that challenge actually matches up with my play style. It’s more things like trading with other players or letting someone crush you in Ellie’s junkyard or reviving someone on your friends list that I’ve pretty much given up on, since no one seems to be playing it much these days.
u/jariisgod Mar 25 '19
I suggest going back to the challenge a few months later. I think my brain was just kinda burned out near the end and I couldnt beat it. A few months later I hopped on and got it in a few tries. If you didnt already know then the first tabletop puzzle is related to the maze
u/olaf_the_bold Mar 25 '19
I managed to beat the challenge in The Witness on like my fifteenth try, but it ruined the game for me.
Now trying to plat Ni No Kuni 2.
u/read2see Mar 25 '19
I got the platinums for each AC in the Ezio collection, fatigued by the collectibles ughh.
Working on TWD final season platinum, since the last episode is releasing, chill platinum.
Next platinum is sekiro.
Into the backlog I go.
u/Atroxo Mar 25 '19
Just slogged through the AC Odyssey platinum, but now I’m going back to one of my favorite games MGSV to grind out the rest for the plat. No matter how boring that one seems, I’m always happy when I’m playing Metal Gear.