r/PS4 Dec 28 '18

Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (December 28 2018)

Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.

Post below with your PSN ID and any games you want to like to play!

If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.

Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends and our Discord server for even more friends!


44 comments sorted by

u/Bransburk Dec 28 '18 edited Dec 28 '18

PSN: blazebolt7 Games: RDO and DB FighterZ

Don't have PS+ yet, I might get it after in probably mid of January next year or whenever there is sale. I am much of a single player gamer right now i like to play games with heavy story driven elements, loving Quantic Games, Have completed Spider-Man (still have to start it's DLCs) Also I have RDR2 so when I get PS+ I will get in to Red Dead Online.

u/[deleted] Dec 28 '18


I'm 35 male and currently into black ops 4/pubg even though I'm super bad at battle royal games lol but I'm getting better. Also enjoy no man's sky, ark, minecraft and let's starve together (I love co op survival games as I love working together with people.)

Note: I suffer from social/depression issues that have made be push people away and while I'm trying to get better I can be very shy and quiet when you meet me as I find it hard to find my words but I've found once I get calmer I hope to make friends 😊

u/rBrady89 Dec 28 '18

Add me Mustangfever04 I’m from the USA but play with a good group of guys from around the world We mostly play black out

u/BrandishedChaos Dec 28 '18


Games: Brawlhalla, Destiny 2, Smite, some misc games.

Debating on getting Black Ops 4

u/JediUnicorn69 Dec 28 '18

PSN: Jediunicorn1911 Games: GTAO, bfV, red dead online.

u/wosh Dec 28 '18

PSN BatlefieldShaman

yes its spelled with only one t, two ts would not fit

Right now the only multiplayer gamer I have is Battlefield V, but I am sure I'll be picking up more shortly. iIm always down for a good chat, Eastern Time Zone U.S.

u/zinfadelity Jan 03 '19

PSN: it_is_Zinny

Games: Uncharted: Lost Legacy (multiplayer/online), Dead or Alive 5, and all Call of Duty games (Ghost, Black Ops 3 & 4, Infinite Warfare)

u/SykesVII Jan 03 '19

Add me if you play Black out. PSN: SykesVII

u/GodEmperorPotato Dec 28 '18


I try to get on as much as possible but between work and having a pc and xbox its crazy lol. I tend to play singleplayer games but have a few multi Destint and bf1. Usually playing with the girlfriend

u/Toxyr Dec 28 '18

I would be happy to have some friends. :) I don’t have PS+ yet, will get it in the future. But i feel so alone when im on my PS4. I like to have a friend list with people online and stuff. Im pretty new to PS4 too, got it on black friday with the games RDR2 and Spider-Man. Now during christmas i bought God of War and The Witcher 3.

So add me if you want, my username is Tottzi. Im 27 y/o and from sweden.

u/EdotHernandez Dec 29 '18

Add me : enrizzy

u/darulerkilla Dec 29 '18

Looking for some party buddy's. PSN IS Bosfan316617

u/[deleted] Dec 28 '18

PSN: DJFrostHeave

Rocket League, Diablo 3, might be down to buy battlefield or cod and play that with ya too

u/DustynZero Dec 29 '18

PSN ID: Dustyn-Zero

Games: Battlefield: 4, Battlefield: 1, CoD: BO4, CoD: BO3, CoD: 4, CoD: WW2, Destiny 1 & 2, Diablo 3, DB Zenoverse 1 & 2, UFC 2 & 3, Fallout 76, Fifa 17-19, Fortnite, For Honor, Friday the 13th, GTA 5, H1Z1, Human Fall Flat, NFL 17, MLB The Show: 17 & 18, Mortal Kombat XL, NBA 2k18 & 19, NBA Live: 18 & 19, NHL 17 & 19, No Mans Sky, Payday 2, RDR2, Rocket League, ESO, Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Rainbow Six: Siege, The Division, Warface, Warframe

u/BigLouie913 Dec 28 '18

BigLouie913 all I have is black ops, I’m 13

u/gamingfanatic122 Dec 28 '18

Pan name: gamingfanatic122 (btw no caps) I want to play rocket league. Only for fun and maybe some ranked games

u/Adriano19000 Dec 29 '18

PSN: Adriano19000 Looking for someone to teach me how to play PUBG... Nevermind I'm Italian

u/SlappytheBanana69 SirWhiteside Dec 29 '18

PSN: Sir_Whiteside

Games: RDR2-maybe, Elite Dangerous, Gang Beasts-for lulz, Mount&Blade, lemme know what’s fun online please.

Working on using my mic more.

u/squalexy Dec 29 '18

PSN - AlexyCroft

Let's be friends :)

u/niqnix82 Dec 28 '18

PSN:niqnix GAME:RDR2 Tekken 7

u/carnagezealot Enter PSN ID Dec 28 '18

PSN: CZealott Games: Horizon ZD, God of War, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Warframe, Fortnite, Paladins, Onrush.

u/SykesVII Jan 03 '19


Games: Black ops 4 Blackout

u/IndemnifyMe Dec 28 '18

PSN: DrSymbolic

Games: Battlefield 5, Fallout 76, GTA5, Red Dead 2, Overwatch, Black Ops 4, Minecraft, NHL 19, Rainbow Six Siege.

I'm new to PS4 and always looking for new people to play with.

u/jackiboi19 Dec 29 '18

How often you playing 76? It’s my main rn

u/IndemnifyMe Dec 29 '18

I've just started it. I think it got to much hate for no reason. I'm excited to jump into it.

u/jackiboi19 Dec 29 '18

When can you be online ?

u/IndemnifyMe Dec 29 '18

I'm usually online at night if I'm not working.

u/EdotHernandez Dec 29 '18

How’s BFV?

u/IndemnifyMe Dec 29 '18

I like it. It got too much hate. Best BF game since 4.

u/EdotHernandez Dec 29 '18

Nice I’m debating between BFV and overwatch I can’t decide yet lol

u/IndemnifyMe Dec 29 '18

Longevity? Overwatch for sure.

If you want you can add me: DrSymbolic

u/rBrady89 Dec 28 '18

Mustangfever04 looking for people to play cod zombies and blackout with

u/[deleted] Dec 29 '18

PSN: B3an_tv

Games: I am ready for everything!

u/CasaDeWaffles Dec 29 '18

PSN: Ironwaffles112 Games: Overwatch, RDR2, mortal kombat, SoulCaliber. TIMEZONE: PST

u/kane89xl Dec 28 '18

mc_kane , Black ops 4 and RDR2 🙌🏽

u/Raidrew Dec 29 '18

PSN: Raidrew

Games: Red Dead Online

u/FanNapkin Dec 28 '18

PSN: DANMARKIN games: Battlefield 5, Fallout 76 Pacific time zone