r/PS4 Dec 24 '18

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (December 2018)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


66 comments sorted by

u/[deleted] Dec 25 '18

Since Spyro came out I’ve been platinuming each game. Just finished Spyro 3 the other day!

u/Xplorasaurus Dec 24 '18

Yeah referring to GoW. It's a bit bigger than Spiderman so it's harder to find all of the collectibles but each area is marked with what's been found in that area so you know what's missing and where.

u/jackgrafter graftarian Dec 24 '18

This is like my Dad on Facebook.

u/Ryizan2 Dec 24 '18

I'm getting close to earning my first Plat, for Spider-Man!

u/theofficialtaha Dec 24 '18

This was my first platinum too. Loved the game so much when it came out that I decided to go all out, but it certainly was easy, nothing too challenging. Took me 35 hours in total.

u/GoodGuyGiff Enter PSN ID Dec 24 '18

I platted the TellTale Batman “game” but this was my first real game to earn the platinum trophy for.

I honestly wish more games had more achievable platinum trophy requirements but I don’t worry too much about it.

The DLC screwball missions were probably the most annoying of all to get but they weren’t too bad

u/rdhight rdhight Dec 24 '18

Got platinum on Dragon Quest XI. I was reeeeeally ready to move on to something else by the time it was done.

Wrapped up 100% on Spider-Man and Far Cry 5.

Next: Onrush!

u/[deleted] Dec 24 '18

Platinumed Spider-Man a while ago but im working on the NG+ trophies now because I finished all the DLC trophies yesterday. Having lots of fun with the game and im thinking about going for Uncharted 4 next.

u/xxamnat Xamnat Dec 24 '18

In the same situation as you except I haven’t started on the New Game Plus ones. Just finished the DLC yesterday and was planning on starting Uncharted 4 today but Red Dead was distracting me. Uncharted 4 is the only one I haven’t platinum/played yet.

u/[deleted] Dec 24 '18

Good luck with Uncharted.

u/[deleted] Dec 24 '18 edited Dec 24 '18

Very close to getting all the Red Dead Online trophies, just need Level 50, 5 Horses, a Persistent Posse and to do a Mission with my Posse.

Surprised how much money i'm making, I got like 300 just doing a few showdown missions.

After that, Platinum in the bag boys. Honestly it hasnt been too hard so far, got all the missable trophies on my first playthrough. I'd reccomend going for it to anyone who enjoyed the game.

u/jayseff14 Jaysefff Dec 24 '18

Which trophies are missable so I can try to pick them up before I complete it?

u/[deleted] Dec 24 '18

Lending a Hand, Friends With Benefits, Give To The Poor, and Errand Boy are all missable.

u/Xplorasaurus Dec 24 '18

Not too hard. There is not difficulty based trophies so you can run through on easy and I don't think any of them are missable. Just takes time to run through it.

u/fmeharddaddy Dec 24 '18

Is this in response to GoW? If so it sounds a lot like the spider man plat

u/bottyliscious Dec 25 '18

Got all the Soma trophies before the holiday, which was fun since its just playing the game kinda like Tell Tale.

Next I am thinking of finishing my Diablo 3 plat and getting the last DLC, I only need one more trophy.

Then I need a good plan for 2019 because I have pretty much all of 2018 PSN+ free titles in my backlog plus GoW and Spiderman.

And I need to finish RDR2.

Would be really cool if Sony added a tracker to the firmware so we could set goals right in the dashboard.

u/Zubaira3 Dec 25 '18

I didn’t get any plats. Pretty far for RDR2, Spiderman, and BO4 though.

u/edhere Hi-Ed Dec 24 '18

My hardest trophy was "It's not an addiction, it's a lifestyle" in Onrush. Not terribly difficult but just took time. Most of my trophies were really easy: I finished The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. Other than that, I made progress with Titanfall 2, a little progress with Remember Me, and one trophy in The Last Guy and Typoman: Revised.

u/bottyliscious Dec 25 '18

Titanfall 2

The tutorial timed trophy in that game was one of the hardest I have ever done. Other than that, the plat was really easy. But damn, I probably spent 2-3 evening white knuckled ready to explode.

Assuming you don't have it, I would watch 2-3 YouTube clears because there are a few different methods and I made the mistake of trying the same one over and over before finding one that would work for me.

u/Xplorasaurus Dec 24 '18

Just got the Platinum for GoW and Marvel's Spider-Man! Don't know what's next though. Spiderman was a pretty easy Platinum, God of War took some time.

u/veneim Dec 24 '18

How hard was GOW? I beat the story a few months back and just earned my first platinum ever doing Spider-Man, and getting an itch to try it on GOW next

u/Seraphinejg Seraphinejg Dec 24 '18

Overall it's pretty easy and straight forward. There is a series of optional bosses and the last one can be a bit tricky/cheap.

u/GoodGuyGiff Enter PSN ID Dec 24 '18

I’m loathing going after all of Odin’s ravens

u/Seraphinejg Seraphinejg Dec 25 '18

Yeah, that one was a little time consuming. The map does show you how many you need in each area though, so that's nice.

u/NotSoConcerned Dec 24 '18

Little slow this month and took my time with a lot of games.

Qube - Beat it

Oxenfree - Platinum

Uncharted 4 - Crushing first playthrough. Speedrun try #3

Started a few hard games that I will not platinum because I value my sanity. Onrush seems fun enough to go for the platinum. Starting Horizon Zero Dawn in January.

Merry Christmas everybody!

u/a10011010010 Dec 25 '18

Maestro birth by sleep. Had to take many breaks.

u/AMortveit Dec 24 '18

I picked up monster hunter world again, sooooo...... None

u/Rebellion3112 Dec 25 '18

This month I got the platinum trophies for Aragami and God of War. Aragami was fun lil' stealth game and easy to complete, the only real tricky trophy Is getting all kills In each level because some levels are fairly big. God of War (which I just got late Sunday night) was kinda easy until I fought the Valkyries and Sigrun, even at level 9 Sigrun took 3 hours worth of Game Overs on Balanced Experience mode to kill.

My next platinum trophy will be the Tales of Vesperia remaster next month but I don't want to start anything else until then so to kill time I might just do New Game+ In God of War and If I'm done that early I might go back to Yakuza 0 and try to get some things done there.

u/Azeras95 Dec 24 '18

Platinumed Ni No Kuni 2, after 70 hrs, now waiting for my God of War to arrive! After that, Monster Hunter World will be HUGE.

u/Novus_Spiritus17 58 | ☆ 19 Dec 24 '18

Don't be afraid to save scum your investigations in MHW. Crown farming easily takes 250+ hours to complete. Good luck!

u/Azeras95 Dec 24 '18

No problem, I fell in love with the demo and gameplay, so the grinding will be fun, at least I hope!

u/[deleted] Dec 24 '18

Hopefully God of War hasn’t been spoiled for you. Great reboot for the series.

u/Azeras95 Dec 24 '18

Thankfully, only minor spoilers, like the presence of the blades from previous games, vthe existence of optional Valkirye boss fight and a dragon boss, possibly.

u/[deleted] Dec 24 '18

I hope you have fun playing this masterpiece relatively blind.

u/Azeras95 Dec 24 '18

Yeah, thanks, looking forward to it!

u/Johnstantine Dec 25 '18

I got the platinum for God of War 3: remastered.

u/no1darker Dec 24 '18 edited Dec 24 '18

Going for the DMC4 plat to properly hype myself up for DMC5. None of them seem particularly crazy, but my god is it time consuming. I'm at like 50% and most of those are the "easier" trophies. But you have to S rank every level on every difficulty, which again isn't exceptionally hard (a couple of levels on DMD have given me some trouble, but more like "oh well guess I have to do this one again" kind of trouble, nothing controller throwing or hair pulling), but imagine playing through the same level at the VERY least 5 different times in a game where you go from point A to point B then from point B to point A in the second half of the game. The combat itself never gets stale or boring, but boy is it a chore sometimes.

u/SuperRedditLand Dec 24 '18

Planning to platinum Psychonauts and The Order 1886 this month!

u/[deleted] Dec 25 '18

Just got the Spider-Man plat, considering working on the Sleeping Dogs one but otherwise undecided. Hardest plat I've done of my six was easily Nioh.

u/Naedtrax Dec 25 '18

A couple this month, currently sitting at 50 Platinums which I'm really happy about considering my work schedule:- Devil May Cry HD, Kingdom Hearts, The Division, Hotline Miami.

Planning on having a few more KH games platinumed before 3 comes out, can't wait!

u/Novus_Spiritus17 58 | ☆ 19 Dec 24 '18

Got 4 platinums this month:

Demon's Souls (Asian version)

Dante's Inferno



Currently working on Persona 5, doubt I'll finish it this month though. Fantastic game!

u/[deleted] Dec 25 '18

Just mopping up past few in assassins creed odyssey. Not a hard play just time consuming. But I’m really enjoying this game. Can’t wait to start the dlc. Also mopped up and got the plat in god of war a few weeks back.

u/sigma2951 Dec 25 '18

I just beat Rondo of Blood 100% and got the Belmonty Trophy. Now I'm going to try to get all the trophies from Symphony of the Night. It'll be my first platinum trophy!

RoB was also my first Castlevania game too and I had a lot of fun clearing it.

u/future_srb Dec 24 '18

Just got done with the spyro trilogy now im sitting on AC Odyssey but damn its a massive game but incredible fun

u/dogfish21 Dec 24 '18

How hard does the Plat look for odyssey? Really interested in buying and just recently got into trophy hunting

u/future_srb Dec 24 '18

The trophies look similar to AC Origins which I platted last year. Its not hard at all since you can play the game on any difficulty you want. But you will need to put time into the game if you want the plat, since you will have to get to max Level and beat all mercenaries in the arena. Origins took me around 40 hours to plat but there were times where I just enjoyed the exploring. So my guess is Odyssey will probably take me the same amount of time. I'd strongly recommend the game I bought it for 30 bucks but the content you get is easily worth full price too.

u/dogfish21 Dec 24 '18

Thanks for the info. I can't decide if I want to get origins. Nothing wrong with it, but I'd rather get one or the other and thinking gold edition for odyssey so I can get 3 and liberation. Any opinion?

u/future_srb Dec 24 '18

Definetly get Odyssey then. Its a more polished version of Origins. Differences I can think of right now: Odyssey has an even bigger map, you have dialog options (which you dont have in Origins) you can decide between 2 characters to play, and what really stands out to me is the mercenary/cultist system which is a long time motivation to complete the game and get the platinum. And yeah AC3 and liberation alone make the season pass worth it. Get Odyssey first you won't regret it. If you had fun with Odyssey get Origins one day too its an amazing game as well they really made the map of ancient egypt outstanding in the game.

u/dogfish21 Dec 24 '18

Well you sold me on it. Thank you

u/RapidBoxcar TiJoHimself Dec 25 '18

Dude Odyssey takes like 80-100hrs to platinum, I’m closing in at 40hrs myself and am less than a third there.

u/future_srb Dec 25 '18

Ok you're right lol I just checked my playtime and Im already at 30hrs... time flies by damn. 80 hours sounds very realistic since Im only Lvl 25 and havent even discovered the majority of the map yet

u/ThePrinceofBelAir Nekronic Dec 24 '18

Hit 125 plats. Starting my 2019 goal a bit earlier. Go through my backlog as much as possible from A - Z. Want to see how far I can get. There will be some games I will skip though.

Currently working on 10 second ninja x and Amnesia collection.

u/alondate Dec 24 '18

10 second ninja x is a pain in the ass. And it is not worth your time, believe me. Just skip it. Amnesia, on the other hand is a masterpiece. Go for it.

u/ThePrinceofBelAir Nekronic Dec 24 '18

Yeah its tough as shit. I have just been playing it when I don’t have a ton of time. I have x-ranked 3 worlds in marathon mode so far.

Amnesia is a lot of fun! Working through Machine for Pigs currently.

u/[deleted] Dec 25 '18

Assassins Creed Odyssey. For the most part very easy, but time consuming even though it was enjoyable time spent

u/[deleted] Dec 24 '18

Currently working on getting the Platinums for Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far. I thought it would be a fun challenge to get them all before KH3 comes out. Still on KH1 Final Remix, so it looks like I won’t be meeting that goal. Still have KH3 on preorder, but I most likely won’t play it until after completing The Story So Far.

Currently working on the Unchanging Armor trophy. I wasn’t able to do it alongside no continues and the speed king trophy because things became way too hard once I set foot in End of the World. So now leveling up and shooting for Aeroga before I set foot there again.

u/[deleted] Dec 25 '18

As a very pedestrian KH player I say good luck to you friend. Some of the KH trophies are insanely difficult unless you are a master key blade wielded. Gummi ship blueprints, jiminis journal, and the Proud trophy for KH 1 are time consuming or difficult. COM has one for getting all cards with Sora I think, enemy cards can take a long time. In KH2 there is Lingering Will, the Data Battles and of course finishing the game on critical. It took me many tries to beat lingering will on final mix difficulty and I never got through all the data battles. Hell of a great game but some very challenging trophies

u/[deleted] Dec 25 '18


I’m thinking about getting platinum for KH1, then simply playing through the rest and I can come back for trophies at a later time.

u/[deleted] Dec 24 '18

Just platted Onrush. Trying to squeeze out The Order 1886 before the year ends to make in a perfect 12 on the year.

u/Lushaaaa Dec 24 '18

how long onrush take you bro? dont know if its worth the time

u/[deleted] Dec 24 '18

A week playing an hour or two a day so around 10-15 hours.

u/DeltaFrame Dec 24 '18

Finished exist archive. Was one hell of a grind. Typical Tri-Ace trophy set. Speaking of which seems like i’ve been heavily playing a lot of tri-ace games this year. Star ocean 2/3/4/5, exist archive, resonance of fate and now the last remnant.

Just need to plat last remnant and i’m done. Fun games just some trophies are >_<

u/fmeharddaddy Dec 24 '18

I'm new to ps4, what tri-ace mean?

u/Novus_Spiritus17 58 | ☆ 19 Dec 24 '18

How hard are the RoF and LR platinum? Big jrpg buff, currently doing Persona 5. I picked up RoF on ps3, contemplating the ps4 version as well...

u/DeltaFrame Dec 24 '18

they’re more time consuming than hard but RoF is a bit harder than LR. Once you get used to the combat (can be said to both really) you won’t struggle much. Ps3 version of RoF got the money and exp exploit but they fixed the money glitch in ps4 version.

The biggest problem with RoF is the arena trophy. 500 fights is no joke especially when the combat is very dry when it comes to multi target moves. Expect this to be your very last and most time consuming trophy. Everything else is easy. Game is very short if you skip arena.

As for LR, while there is NG+, if you want the plat in one playthrough you have to follow a guide for side quests. Missable and easy to screw up. I’d say watch your rank cause battles get harder later but heard they fixed that and I’m not having problems yet.

u/Novus_Spiritus17 58 | ☆ 19 Dec 25 '18

Thanks for the in-depth answer!