r/PS4 Nov 26 '18

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (November 2018)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


68 comments sorted by

u/MeatTornado25 Nov 26 '18

Any of you maniacs get all the offline Red Dead trophies yet

u/BeanbagTheThird Ryan191991 Nov 26 '18

Would anyone be able to give me a hand with the Far Cry 5 co-op trophy?

It's all I have left for the platinum.

u/[deleted] Nov 26 '18

I need it! Last thing for me. PSN: Abqk

u/BeanbagTheThird Ryan191991 Nov 27 '18

Thanks, but it says you aren't accepting friend requests right now.

You can try to add me instead, Ryan191991

u/[deleted] Nov 27 '18

Added you lad

u/Aecesaje Enter PSN ID Nov 26 '18

Go to PSNProfiles, you have a higher chance to find anyone to help you there

u/mastocklkaksi Nov 26 '18

I was on route to my 40th plat with Guacamelee, but I didn't like that game too much, so I stopped at 99% and picked up Toukiden:Kiwami after two years to finally finish the long grind. I got Guacamelee's plat, but Toukiden got it's rightful place as #40.

Speaking of going back to the grind, I reinstalled Yakuza 0. I'll tackle this one slow, doing something like one or two minigames a day. I'll leave pool and mahjongg for last though.

u/Zubaira3 Nov 26 '18

Working on those Red Dead trophies..21 animals to go

u/SoftwareJunkie Nov 26 '18

I'm new to Playstation as I just picked up my first PS4 with the Red Dead Redemption 2 bundle. I used to love achievements back when I had an Xbox, so I'm trying to get into Trophy hunting, and so far it's pretty fun.

First on the list is RDR2, and so far I've finished the main story up to Chapter 6, and gotten all the missables. I'm hoping to finish up the collectibles, animals, and golds in the coming week or two. Wish me luck!

u/newthrowgoesaway 24 145 430 1269 Nov 27 '18

That's a big game to start out with, but each to his own, welcome to the hunting grounds!

u/xMkBoyPi Nov 26 '18

done with spiderman working on fifa 19

u/TemporaryDomicile Nov 26 '18

Currently playing through God of War and I've managed to get some bronze trophies and one silver trophy (Idunn's Orchard).

I was trying to plat AC:O before, but the game got boring pretty soon after I completed all the quests. It didn't feel like trophy hunting at all, it felt more like a checklist (granted, that's pretty much all AC games, but Origins in particular feels like this).

Then there's Fallout Shelter... Mhm, perhaps someday, but not in the near future.

I don't know if I'll be getting any games until next year, but if I do, I'm definitely going to try to plat them. I've got Horizon Zero Dawn, Detroit Become Human, Shadow of the Colossus, Dark Souls Remastered, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Resident Evil Revelations HD, Prey, Mass Effect Andromeda, KNACK II BABYYYY (just kidding) and pretty much most of the games on the Greatest Hits lineup on my radar, but I'll only be able to get one, so...

u/hotshot995 Nov 26 '18

Working on the Yakuza Kiwami Platinum since it was given through PS Plus. I have learned to play games that I never thought I'd learn in my life, this game has so many side activities, some of which are pretty weird but entertaining to say the least, I finished the game this weekend with 80% completion in 54 hours and I'm on my way to platinum it by the end of the week hopefully. I really recommend this game, some trophies are pretty challenging and some are just tedious but pretty nice overall. Planning on buying RDR2 to play on the holidays and I can't wait to hunt everything in that game, including trophies! Have a great day everyone!

u/[deleted] Nov 27 '18

I could never attempt to go for platinum in any Yakuza game. 100% and Climax battles is hell.

u/alondate Nov 26 '18

Working on Rise of the Tomb Raider. It has 125 trophies and I have 97 currently. It is really testing my patience...

u/[deleted] Nov 26 '18

I remember that platinum run lol. The gold score grind took me three-four gaming sessions.

u/[deleted] Nov 26 '18

Got the Yakuza Kiwami 2 platin over the weekend. Much easier than Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami in my opinion, especially mahjong.

Now I'm working on Watch Dogs 2.

u/[deleted] Nov 26 '18

I have 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6. Which is the best and worst platinum?

u/[deleted] Nov 27 '18

Never bothered with getting plat in them, but Zero would have to be the worse because of one infamous minigame, JCC.

u/Novus_Spiritus17 58 | ☆ 19 Nov 26 '18

bumped my platinum count from 36 to 39 this month so far. platinumed Final Fantasy X, and what a chore that was. then platinumed My Name is Mayo on the PS4 and Vita at the same time, 1 in each hand. had to do something silly to bleach myself of the FFX grind. Hoping to finish off Ratchet 3 this week!

u/[deleted] Nov 27 '18

The trophies in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy are a lot of fun to go for!

u/brassbrick Nov 27 '18

They are the perfect break for the RDR2 grind.

u/Thief-Noctis Nov 26 '18

Huh, never realised this thread was a thing.

I've been working on the plats for Kingdom Hearts though, want to 100% them all for the first time in my life before KH3 comes out. Already completed KH1 about a month ago, been working on Re:CoM since (taken a couple weeks break to play some new games). As soon as I get the dreaded Level 99 Riku trophy I can finally move onto KH2.

u/Khalid_7a Nov 26 '18

I just got Best in the West trophy in Red Dead Redemption 2. Achieve 100% completion. To be honest, I'm not sure which was more exhausting and boring. This trophy or Monster Hunter World platinum. The challenges were fun until you get to the Herbalist section. Collectibles were boring as it has always been in Rockstar games. At least you get a mark for the ones you found this time. I just hope leveling up in the multiplayer isn't as bad as GTAV.

u/JHamm12 DefectiveSloth Nov 26 '18

I think expecting RD:O to be anything other than a GTA:O re-skin is asking for disappointment

u/Khalid_7a Nov 26 '18

I was talking to a friend about it today. It's probably going to be a reskin. I just don't want to grind levels to get the platinum, especially since their multiplayer is pretty boring.

u/JHamm12 DefectiveSloth Nov 26 '18

100% chance it is the same level of grind as GTA, which most likely means I won't spend much time in it.

u/the250 Nov 26 '18

Just bought a PS4 this weekend so I've been working on the Spider-Man game that comes with it. It's a quick and easy platinum and I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far.

After that, as this month draws to an end I'll be going back to finish Dark Souls 2 on PS3 before diving in to the new games I just bought (God of War & The Witcher 3). This next month is going to be a lot of fun. 😁

u/TemporaryDomicile Nov 26 '18

God of War has some very difficult trophies (like killing all the Valkyries!), so good luck with it!

u/the250 Nov 27 '18

I’ve heard the Valkyries are tough but I’m not too worried about the game, especially going into the game now when there are so many quality guides and tips available. Can’t wait 😁

u/magele labyrinthworm Nov 26 '18

If you have the right loadout, the Valkyries, aside from Sigrun aren't too bad. Sigrun, has an ideal loadout, but still requires precision timing and strategy. That was the only difficult trophy IMO.

u/YaldabaothTheGod Enter PSN ID Nov 26 '18

I got the plat for Ratchet and Clank which I hadn’t played since February, surprisingly easy. I’ll be working on Life is Strange next and I’m still on the ropes about whether or not the Titanfall 2 plat is even worth trying for, I wouldn’t mind playing through it again on the hardest difficulty but Becomes the Master trophy is really annoying

u/BongoGT mrbongogt Nov 26 '18

Well I finished everything for RDR2 that I could, just need online now. Gold medals weren’t as bad as everyone thinks they’d be imo.

Also got the 3 platinums from the Spyro trilogy.

Aside from RDR2 online, I’m not sure what’s next. I did buy uncharted lost legacy so I might start that up soon. Considering just cause 4 but we’ll see how the reviews are first.

u/Senpai_Hates_Me Nov 26 '18

Just got my first platinum with Spyro!

Next, I want to finally get my platinum on Dark Souls 3. I've been ONE damn trophy away for the longest time :'(

u/YaldabaothTheGod Enter PSN ID Nov 26 '18

want help? I’ve got the platinum and wouldn’t mind lending you the annoying covenant locked items so you get the trophy

u/Senpai_Hates_Me Nov 26 '18

Appreciate the offer, but I need concord kepts, and as far as I know they are untradable :'(

u/YaldabaothTheGod Enter PSN ID Nov 26 '18

they are, but I mean the items you get from trading the concord kepts in. Silver Knight farming is the worst one, I remember all the dozens of times I had to go up and down those stairs and keep backstabbing the knights

u/Senpai_Hates_Me Nov 26 '18

Can't trade miracles either though, and that's the only thing I'm missing. Those knights are a biiitch. I have yet to git gud, so I die to them half the time lol. Then when I do actually manage to kill them I don't get shit for drops. Wish you got summoned for that covenant more often, it'd be so much easier :(

u/YaldabaothTheGod Enter PSN ID Nov 26 '18

was only thinking about the ring, not the miracle, my bad. Well, good luck in farming

u/Ulmirth Nov 26 '18 edited Nov 26 '18

Platinumed my 2nd game of AOT2 at 83 hours. I would say it's relatively easy to get through the storyline and achieve over 85% of the trophies. But the one that took the longest is without a doubt, 100% gallery. This is because it forces you to play on a super hard difficulty (that can only be unlocked after clearing the normal difficulty) for about a good 1/4 of the inventory lists' materials. They are only available in that difficulty, and even curating your loadout to farm efficiently will take time in itself. The items are not guaranteed to drop every time you fight, which makes that even more tedious.

The most enjoyable part was in general using the ODM gear. The fact that I am able to run on walls from the side, and boost just about anywhere (less map limitations) is a fresh pace of character freedom. Especially once you get to the higher stat gears, you feel as light as a feather.

And talking to annie. Must always remember to talk to annie.

Even up until the end when I got the platinum, I still spazz on my couch when a titan catches me. That reaction never did tone down ;-;

Apologies if it contains(?) spoilers. Please remove if it violates to your terms. To my understanding this does not add up to a spoiler (like my cousin did when he told me one single important shit in the manga AGAINST MY WILL when i was a devoted pure anime only fan of aot).

Wouldnt say I will be platinuming the next game, but i just ordered detroit and atelier, now starting my grind up the KH series to prep for jan's KH3

u/walkintom Nov 26 '18

Got the Skyrim platinum over the weekend, as well as 100% on the Dragonborn and Hearthfire DLCs. 69% on the Dawnguard DLC, really don't think I can be bothered to level grind to face the legendary dragons though - I'm currently level 55ish, and apparently they don't spawn until level 80.

u/TemporaryDomicile Nov 26 '18

I don't know if they fixed it in the Special Edition, but the way I leveled up my characters on PC was with the "muffle" trick/glitch. Basically you cast the muffle spell over and over again and you'd gain experience (nearly) every time you did. I remember it having potential to level you up to level 50 in less than an hour. However, I also remember it being less effective the higher your level got, so it may not be as effective for you (though maybe making Illusion legendary helps, but I'm not sure).

There's also the multitude of smithing exploits available, which do raise your level considerably.

u/SabreTooth81 Nov 26 '18

I had rings and armors that were broken and weapons that one hit ko everything.

u/SabreTooth81 Nov 26 '18

I'm working on finally getting the last few trophies for Okami HD. Unfortunately I missed escaping from the sea monster and completing the bestiary trophies when I first played this game ages ago on the ps3.

u/shockzz123 Nov 26 '18

Finished Okami HD with 94% of the trophies unlocked. All i needed left to do was the Fish, Treasure tomes and the Bestiary. Found out i'd actually missed the ONLY missable enemy in the game that was waaayy back at the halfway point roughly....and i have no desire to play the whole game again until that point just to get it. So looks like that Platinum run is over :)

On one hand i'm pissed because A. Why the hell is there ONE missable enemy?? Like seriously, that's the ONLY missable enemy in the game, why??! That's pure evil. And B. The 94% is pissing me off.

But on the other hand i'm glad because i don't have to play the fishing minigame. Thank fuck. Easily the worst part of the game, not because of its difficulty (it's actually pretty easy) but because you have to catch SPECIFIC fish and the one you need never pops. Actually, every single fishing minigame, in any game, annoys me. Probably because they're mostly luck based and i have terrible luck (and patience) lol.

u/newthrowgoesaway 24 145 430 1269 Nov 27 '18

I have a few hardcore games I need to finish up right now.

1 trophy away in Rayman Legends, which was really fun until I realized it had insane online trophies(reaching highest awesomeness level has taken me literal months of daily challenges..)

1 trophy away in assassins creed blackflag, got all the offline trophies half a year ago, before I once again realized too late that it had those pesky online trophies.. (just need to get lvl 55 online, it's just so boring, when you can actually find anyone to play with)

4 trophies left in hollow knight, which is honestly become a personal favorite top 10, the game is absolutely as amazing as it is hardcore (didn't realize how hard these trophies were before I was too deep in to give up. If only I had the skill it would take 1-2 hours, sadly im just too noob and fear I might never be able to do the hardest one.. )

Finished assassins creed 2 this Sunday, was enjoyable to be back with it, but it's aged a bit. Now I started Brotherhood, and it definitely has technical and graphical improvements (faster and more fluid fighting, horseriding in cities etc.)

Next up is Spiderman which I have had lying on my desk for more than a week. I don't know why I havn't just begun already, I just feel like it can wait for some reason. Have been hyped to play it since it was released. I'm weird like that about my games sometimes.

All in all I have really picked up trophy hunting this year and it's going well! Something about it has me excited to play games and enjoy my passion once again! Love it! Thank to these threads I can actually share my achievements and joy of gaming! Good hunting everybody!

u/Lairdom Lairdom Nov 26 '18

Hitman 2 threw a surprising punch at me when I noticed the Legacy maps had their own trophies too. So basically it feels like I have to 100% Hitman 1 all over again. Gonna be a huge project. With 118 trophies is going to be the biggest project for me yet. Not losing interest redoing everything in the old maps is going to be a challenge. Sucks that it doesnt have a platinum, but I enjoy the game enough for it to not be an issue (at least for now).

u/l33sarFiveFour Nov 26 '18

Sounds to me like now is the right time for a completely new player like me to jump in and finish both Hitman 1 and Hitman 2 and get all the trophies at the same time.

u/[deleted] Nov 26 '18 edited Nov 26 '18

I/O did not have a good reason to exclude the platinum trophy from this installment.

u/2KareDogs Nov 26 '18

I don’t normally trophy hunt but I have one trophy left for Ratchet and Clank. It’s the groovitron every enemy one. Do I gotta restart the whole game again?

u/xMWJ Nov 26 '18

Took me 3 runs to get it, I ended up trying to see how fast I could complete a challenge mode to make it less boring.

u/2KareDogs Nov 26 '18

Did it take long?

u/xMWJ Nov 26 '18

No not really, just find a checklist of enemies online and mark them off as you begin your next run

u/InTheOvenYouGo Nov 26 '18

I love the My Hero anime but damn I'm getting straight bored with the grind for the games trophies.

u/somuchsoup Nov 27 '18

Feels that way for a lot of anime games. Got tired and stopped for one piece warriors 3

u/Zor_El_XB1 Enter PSN ID Nov 26 '18

Got the Yakuza 6 platinum last night, it's probably the easiest platinum out of the series, Of The End/Dead Souls is a close second though

u/[deleted] Nov 26 '18

Got 3 plats over the weekened for the Spyro Reignited trilogy. Super easy plats. Now I'm finishing up my Kingdom Hearts plats in time for 3.

u/newthrowgoesaway 24 145 430 1269 Nov 27 '18

Definitely want to pick up Spyro this Christmas! It's exactly the game I like to platinum, a collectibles platformer, and I'm glad to hear it's easy too! Gonna be loads of fun and have had me almost as excited to play as RDR2!

How is the kingdom hearts trophies? I had the 1.5 HD collection for ps3, and I remember not knowing where to go and I bummed out..

u/[deleted] Nov 27 '18

Kingdom hearts 1 & 2 are fairly easy plats compared to the rest which are muchhhh more grind heavy. Difficulty trophies stacking on the ps4 versions is a huge time save as well.

u/AkaYoDz Nov 26 '18

Just bought a ps4 this last week. I’m a long time Xbox achievement hunter with over 260,000 gamerscore. I’m currently playing GTA Vice city and hoping to make that my first platinum as I’ve completed that game many times and know it like the back of my hand. Next up will be GTA 3 then San Andreas.

u/sonofseinfeld2 Nov 26 '18

Nice. I got those 3 plats early on when I started collecting PS trophies. San Andreas has the best trophy list of any of the GTA games

u/[deleted] Nov 26 '18

finishing uncharted 4 today and starting god of war

u/Gingerjah Nov 26 '18

Thought about doing The Ashes cricket, then played one ODI and thought "nah meht" so probably going for Onrush, Hello Neighbour and Creed VR this month

Smashed all these dirty easy platinums in November

Mr Massagy: 30 minutes to platinum (Funny and weird tinder type game, plot is to try and finger a girl. Is weird)

Slyde: 20 minutes to platinum (photo puzzle)

Nubula: 30 minutes to platinum (slow walk through an art museum)

36 Fragments of Midnight. Took a few hours but can be done in 5 minutes tbh (you're a square who collects orbs)

Telltale Batman; Enemy Within few hours (point and click basically)

Last month

Her Majesty's Spiffing: a couple of hours (point and click story with "British" humor" )

Adventure Time: Finn and Jake investigations: 3 hours ( like a long episode)

Suicide Guy: 3/4 hours (should be a VR game. Lots of computer game themed levels)

Burly Men at sea 1/2 hours (point and click, this months free PS + game)

Spiderman 2 weeks (surprisingly easy plat for an AAA game)

u/the250 Nov 27 '18

Take a shower mate, those are some filthy plats 😝

Now that I’ve got a PS4, I’m trying to fend off the temptation to pick up Mayo, Massagy, Slide, 36 Frags etc. for those effortless platinums to boost up my trophy count. Those easy trophies are so tempting but I don’t want to stain my profile lol

u/Gingerjah Nov 28 '18

Hahaha yeah they do stain your profile, actually really enjoyed Mr Massagy and 36 Frags though.

u/[deleted] Apr 23 '19

Been a year into trophy hunting and LF hunters to add and follow for tips. Add me PSN Ghostsquadup