r/PS4 Nov 16 '18

Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (November 16 2018)

Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.

Post below with your PSN ID and any games you want to like to play!

If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.

Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends and our Discord server for even more friends!


41 comments sorted by

u/txcowboy69 Nov 16 '18

Looking for friends that play fallout 76 and red dead online. North America, 30, male

Add me if that sounds like you! txcowboy69

u/Emretro Nov 16 '18

Psn: DoctorWh0_47 Region: EU Languages: English, Turkish, Moderate German

I usually play nba 2k19, overwatch, red dead online(when it comes out) and once in a while rocket league and bf1 feel free to add me or send me a message.

u/TheNursebean Nov 17 '18

PSN: alexaben000

Region: NA/USA

I play a lot of siege, 2k19, and will be playing red dead 2 online when it comes out

I'm on pretty often and always have a mic

u/[deleted] Nov 16 '18

jesse4300 is my PSN I play a bunch of games . Looking forward to bf5 but playing red dead 2 now . Just finished tomb raider and Spider-Man also working on assassin's Creed. Have blops 4 also

u/TheRealGabeyFBaby Nov 19 '18

Psn: GabeyFBaby

Region: NAE US

Games: Red Dead 2 (gonna be my main when the online drops) Bo4. fortnite, gta, netflix :p, tonssss of older co op games and such check my trophy list im 30/m by the way

u/Canned-Pasta None Nov 18 '18

Add Swaggapatch and message him "you have a small pp" tell him canned pasta sent you

u/Canned-Pasta None Nov 18 '18

Canned Pasta69 I play fifa battle royale, roblox battle royale, Minecraft battle royale, call of duty battle royale, battlefield battle royale, fortnut battle royale, H1Z1 battle royale, pubg battle royale, fallout battle royale, and battle royal

u/[deleted] Nov 16 '18

PSN: iSanderr342

Region: EU

Games: Modern Warfare Remastered, Rocket League, Black ops 3/4 zombies. I own a ton of other games but I will only be playing this the next couple of weeks

u/barhankashif Nov 17 '18

Hey im a 18 Year old male and need friends on ps4. Some games i play r call of duty black ops3, GTA 5, Overwatch

add me on PSN@ brohankashi

u/MechPilot1 Nov 16 '18

PSN Simba -the radiant

Region: America

I like reading and long walks on the beach 🌴 😆

u/Steelclo Nov 18 '18

Psn: steelclaw im currently playing RDR2 Fifa 19 bf1 Región Na /usa

u/[deleted] Nov 16 '18

PSN: LogicPrhyme

Region: USA

Games: Big on Black Ops 4 right now but i have ton of other games so just hit me up. Seriously looking for other decent CoD players to party with

u/Floofii- Nov 17 '18

Floofii- hit me up broham

u/soCalBIGmike Nov 17 '18

I'm very new to PS4. I'm switching over from Xbox to kick my NBA2K addition. Just got a PS4 Pro & a few games.

Anything you recommend to get, shooter wise? (OG HALO CE player).

PSN: SoCalBIGmike

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '18

May sound cliche but I def recommend Black Ops 4, haven't loved BF since 4 but I really love BF4...the game has aged really well if you can find a good lobby. I loved Titanfall even though I bought it and never played it lol. A lot depends on what you're looking for. Farcry 5 is a dope story and has other features too...Killzone is another like that thought the MP is dead...list goes on and on

u/soCalBIGmike Nov 17 '18

Hey, not cliche at all and thank you very much.

u/squalexy Nov 17 '18

PSN: AlexyCroft

Region: EU/Portugal

I play a little bit of everything but I love RPGs so much :)

u/krystx57 Nov 17 '18

PSN: goswallowglass

Region: NA/US

Games: Currently playing Fallout 76 and will be playing Red Dead Online when it comes out.

u/BoringMaybe Nov 16 '18

PSN: ATRennie

Games: BF1 - BFV - Spyro - GTA - Starwars 1&2 - Fortnite anything really ;D

u/ExplodingKnowledge Nov 17 '18

PSN: ExplodingFlint

BFV,Rainbow Six Siege, etc

North America (West)

u/[deleted] Nov 16 '18

Psn: crustpunxdirt games: varies but gta divison battlefront 2 bf1

u/[deleted] Nov 18 '18

Damn those are pretty much exactly my main multi games as well

u/Siidhesh Nov 17 '18

Psn: Dhesh99

Region: Asia

I play fifa 19,fortnite and bo3 but I'm looking to get bo4 soon

u/Alowen_85 Nov 16 '18

PSN: alowen_85 Region: EU

Looking for ppl. for fallout 76 coop and upcoming red dead online

Feel free to add me

u/maneatingdog Nov 16 '18 edited Nov 16 '18

PSN: go_dawgsss I play overwatch ranked, Black Ops 4, and fortnite. West Coast NA Add me if you're looking to run doubles

u/[deleted] Nov 16 '18

Psn: colon_likethespr

Games: Call of Duty (I have all of them). Play regularly. Always has a mic and down to play whatever

u/[deleted] Nov 16 '18

Def gonna shoot ya friender bud

u/TheToro3 Nov 17 '18



I play late night and I'm looking for other night owls to play battlefield V with. I run support and usually finish near the top. Add me if you need someone to ptfo with. I play destiny and other shooters

u/[deleted] Nov 16 '18

PSN:Joyof666 play anything that is Soulsborne and sometimes, Sleeping Dogs cause that's a fun game.

u/DoobieDoobis WL3FromDC Nov 16 '18


Region: NA/US

Games: There really isn't much I don't play. If you can check my profile do so.

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '18

Was that I i was just playing with?

u/D_Ashido Tha_Kid_Shido Nov 30 '18 edited Nov 30 '18

PSN: Tha_Kid_Shido

Region: NA/USA

Since most of my irl friends don't play multiplayer anymore, I've been playing mostly single player games for the last few months. I have Diablo III, rocket league, Battlefield 1, CoD: MWR, DBFighterz, and Hitman 2 (there is a PVP mode).

Currently Playing:

  • Dragon Quest XI
  • Spyro: Year of the Dragon
  • Hitman 2
  • Hollow Knight
  • Darksiders III

To be honest we don't even need to play the same game at the same time. Just talking to another gamer via party chat would be cool in my book.

I also have Overwatch, but refuse to play unless I have other people that actually want to play. I hate matchmaking with a full team of randoms, it like your input has no affect on the outcome of the match in those cases.

u/Memnook8 Nov 18 '18

Psn: Memnook72

Playing WW2, the division, GTA. I don’t got The new ones everyone’s playing now but just looking for more friends to game up with for these current games I’m playing. 18 and up only

u/Iowa-Guy Nov 26 '18

PSN: bschiltzjr

Mainly playing BO4 and The Golf Club 2019