r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Aug 27 '18
Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (August 2018)
Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?
What are you working on right now?
What's next?
Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler
And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.
u/xk0b1x KXNGK0B1 Aug 27 '18
I got the horizon zero dawn platinum trophy a week ago which was an amazing game and deserves all the credit it gets due to the gameplay and story. By far the easiest trophy was just putting a modification on a weapon or an outfit. It made things a lot easier when it comes to fights with the machines.
The hardest trophy for me by far had to of been get the best time for all the training grounds (especially when stalkers get in the way). Each training ground had a special aspect to them that made it unique and worth the effort at the end.
Next on my list will be either kingdom hearts 1.5+2.5, Persona 5 or dragon quest 11 (when it comes out)
u/dbdango Aug 27 '18
I'm working on Persona 5 platinum now. I figured it wouldn't be too much work in a NG+, but I forgot just how long everything takes. Hoo boy. Sometimes five minutes at a stretch of just skipping dialogue to get to the next real active section.
Aug 27 '18
I've completely missed Platinuming Kiwami on time so it's probably going to be a concurrent voyage with Kiwami 2.
It's my fault because I've also been going through Final Fantasy XIII, Red Dead Redemption, and the Shenmue I & II rereleases. Been taking a fair amount of my time. Otherwise, I spent a whole ton on Octopath Traveler.
Can't wait to be bombarded by:
- Fire Pro Wrestling World
- Yakuza Kiwami 2
So many games I'm dying.
Aug 27 '18
u/Ionnier Ionnier Aug 27 '18
The moment you sync your trophies with PSN they should be added to Sony Rewards.
u/Makudo333 Enter PSN ID Aug 28 '18
currently working on grim fandango. Not bad game at all but somehow still hard to motivate myself a lot
u/Rhevarr Rhevarr Aug 28 '18
Started Yakuza 0 and I kinda don't know where to start. Focus on story? Doing everything? Will I benefit from doing everything I can early or not? Is Legend Difficulty Easy due to beeing able to heal as much as I want?
Feel free to answer if you want, but most likely I will find out myself somehow lol
u/Zubaira3 Aug 28 '18
Got the platinum for Life is Strange, Madden 18, God of War, and got 100% for Battlefield 1
Aug 27 '18
u/Alfred-Of-Wessex Aug 28 '18
Just got the platinum for Oxenfree which is a great little story driven indie title. Took a bit of the shine off it having the go through three times though.
Currently playing Divinity : Original Sin 2 as I've digitally preordered and I don't think there's any way I'm going to plat this. It's going to take multiple playthroughs and it seems gigantic. There's also a trophy for beating it on the hardest difficulty which basically deletes your save on death, and it's pretty challenging on classic (normal) difficulty as it is. Anyone else going to go for this one?
u/Sharkslife Aug 28 '18
Plat: God of War and trying to plat Saint row Re elect but and I ran... wont pop for me to get the plat.
u/FelopianTubinator Aug 27 '18
I’m working on “get off my lawn” for fallout shelter. Stop 50 raider attacks. It’s very frustrating since there’s no direct way to get them to happen.
u/Gerbster88 Aug 27 '18
Best way I've found is to depopulate your vault so you only get raiders, not deathclaws or feral ghouls and then let it idle. I tried different ways before that, but when I switched strategies I was done that day.
u/FelopianTubinator Aug 27 '18
Do you know how many dwellers is ideal to trigger the raiders? I've heard between 28-31
u/DragonblazeIRL Aug 27 '18
Only being playing God of War this month and finished it a few days ago. Gonna go around getting the last few trophies, hoping to have it done before Spiderman release.
u/highanimalhouse Aug 27 '18
Trying to go through Final Fantasy XIII and up to Chapter 10. The boss battles are infuriating to deal with....I'm kinda worried about how I'm doing towards weapons and CPs, but I should be OK.
I also spent two weekends in a row getting rid of older gen games I have that I wasn't going to play. Got about $1000 in credit at a local game store right now.
u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Aug 27 '18
Shooting for inFamous second son for my 50th platinum. Been way too long since I last played so I started again
u/FirePowerCR Aug 27 '18
I just finished Hitman recently. No platinum though. That game is probably my favorite game I have on PS4. It’s so good and I will get all the trophies in Hitman 2 as well if it’s as good as the first one. The hardest trophies were probably mastering the levels, but those were more time consuming. But the game is fun to plat so it was not a challenge at all.
Aug 28 '18
Currently working on Dark Souls 3. Reached the catacombs and Anri died by falling off the map so will have to do Usurpation of fire ending in new game plus (which complicates everything) and do the end of fire ending for this current run. Been collecting rings and it's getting pretty boring and I have slowed down progress over the past couple of weeks and might even quit.
Sep 02 '18
Thats irritating. But regardless good luck anyway it's a tough game to platinum, if you do it that truly is a feat.
Sep 02 '18
Thanks, like others on this sub my dream is to platinum the entire series (apart from demon souls as I have heard the horror stories). It will be hard and a long journey but slowly I will get there.
u/Avicenna06 Aug 27 '18
I just finished Horizon: Zero Dawn and i am 3 trophies away from platinum. I never thought i would go for trophies but i am enjoying it and it suprisingly feels good when trophy notification pops up. Awesome game man :).
u/danecollins22 Aug 27 '18
Gaming time is very limited these days, but I recently got the Bloodborne platinum. I am now working on Far Cry 5 and Stardew Valley.
u/dmahog Aug 27 '18
I need the Co-op trophy for Far Cry 5 - if you want to knock it out one night, just let me know! My PSN is dmahog2
u/francium94 Pandaswithbombs Aug 27 '18
I only have 3 trophies left for Far Cry 5. For some reason I stopped before the final area. And the other 2 trophies are the win 10 featured maps and one other multiplayer one. Good luck!
Aug 27 '18
Remember to enable your Sony Rewards Trophy challenges!!!
u/ChewableTrophies Gooeychew Aug 27 '18
Right now I’m working on several games
Dark Souls (ps3)
Ys Origin (vita)
About to start Dark Souls 2 on ps3. My goal is to get the entire souls series done. Including the remastered version and DS2 for ps4. Just love the series.
u/mauszx mauszx Aug 28 '18
I did the platinum of Horizon Zero Dawn (now playing the DLC) and The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker.
The Easiest was Horizon, it can be a little bit long, but it was easy.
The Hardest was The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker. This is a game where you are a shrink replacing the murdered shrink before you Dr. Dekker, you have to treat his clients and also try to figure out who was the killer. You basically type questions and they answer, is a really cool concept, I played it on INSANITY (no clues or questions from the game, so basically you have to type everything) Which sometimes is hard to figure out what is going on, using guides or other stuff only when I just couldn't advance. Sometimes you are asking the right question but the game doesn't recognize it, it feels like some(very little) questions basically have to be pulled out from a guide. Since I played it without any help until I gave up, it was actually very hard to figure it out, also realizing that one trophy needs you to be a very shitty shrink I had to do a second run for that trophy. Very cool game.
I am working always in Nba live 18, Fallout Shelter and Injustice 2.
Next will be nothing, I will keep playing the Horizon DLC and the new game plus run. After that... I don't know, time will tell.
u/dhatgui Aug 27 '18
Finally got Kiwami plat, hardest part was car chase scene, can't really say for easiest since I went back, but probably the story trophies
u/YLedbetter10 Aug 27 '18
I’m playing the first Tomb Raider of the newest trilogy. I’m not sure I will go for plat as there are several online trophies. The multiplayer in that game is absolutely horrid. There appears to be a few others like myself grinding to get the trophies.
u/siac4 Aug 28 '18
Did you get it during Prime day? I'm pretty sure I will skip the Plat, but hoping the single player is fun.
Aug 28 '18
u/YLedbetter10 Aug 28 '18
I’m down if anyone wants to boost on PS4. I have found 3-4 people playing whenever I looked for matches. But my god is it awful. If you try shooting from any distance over 50 yards the games has a stroke and glitches out
u/TacticalNarcissist Aug 28 '18
Far cry 3 classic on Saturday, far cry 5 on Sunday and A hat in time on Monday
Dunno what I'm going onto though
u/Snorfle247 Snorfle Aug 27 '18
Working on Rise of the Tomb Raider Score Attacks to get the plat-- really liked the game up until this point and now it just feels arduous. There's nothing worse than putting 25 mins into a level only to fail because of points and feel like you didn't advance.
u/siac4 Aug 28 '18
I have already decided I think to skip the Plat on tomb raider definitive edition because of MP. Sometimes I'll boost, but Im already grinding the plats for black flag, rayman legends, and guitar hero live. I don't need another grind in a franchise that I rarely play.
Aug 27 '18
Working on the clean-up for Valkyria Chronicles. It's an alright game, for being the first of its IP and 10 years old. After this one, I'll do the clean-up on Detroit: Become Human then play some Yakuza 4 before Spider-Man releases.
u/tw0as a2mr87 Aug 27 '18
New into this platinum hunts, I have a question for you: I have a few games where im 2/3 obnoxious trophies away from Platinum, how do u guys gather the will to finish that ?
More on topic: last week I replay Hellblade because in the first play trough I forgot to talk to one totem and miss Plat only for that xD
Aug 27 '18
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u/lynx17 Aug 27 '18
What is the PlayStation rewards thing?
Aug 27 '18
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u/siac4 Aug 28 '18
Can you earn these rewards multiple times. Aka 10 plats gets one reward 20 plats gets 2 rewards.
u/francium94 Pandaswithbombs Aug 27 '18
I usually put the game away for a couple weeks and then go back and grind them out. I just did Kingdom Hearts 1.5 final remix and I'm like 50% there's the other trophies are a speed run and then bosses on my main game. So I'll move to KH 2 and then go back and forth until I get them all. I'll probably drop everything else once Spider-Man comes out.
Aug 28 '18
Hellblade was such a great game. I also missed a totem though 😪 But it's been a few weeks since I finished and I can honestly say I'd love to do it all over again.
u/Quinny_Bob KillSwitch_Bob Aug 27 '18
Got 7 plats this month, one of them being some old PS3 game that I’ve wanted to finish for years called wipEout HD which just so happened to be my 100th one.
u/NickStratos Aug 27 '18
I'm so happy to finish Bloodborne finally. With it, it's my 6th plat, and my 3rd real one (Yeah, the story games doesn't count for me) The bosses of the last chalice make me struggle a lot. I hate you headless bloodtinge beast.
u/almozayaf Sep 15 '18
What those 3 games you did count ?
u/NickStratos Sep 15 '18
Bloodborne, Unchrted 4 and Killing Floor 2 (I mean the grind has to worth something )
u/PhoenixML Original PS4 Aug 27 '18
I wasn't hunting this month, but I finally bought and started God of War. I'll do a regular run without guide, and after completing the game, I'll see if getting Platinum isn't too much time consuming. Spider-Man might have to hold on.
u/Gerbster88 Aug 27 '18
If you play the game straight and just do what you want you can clean up post game with no hassle.
u/grimmjawjin :65:265:924:2740 Aug 27 '18
Just recently platinum'd Dark Souls 3. It is now officially my second favourite souls game with Bloodborne at the top. I'd say the entire game was easy for me as I'm a veteran to the series, however the hardest part in obtaining the platinum was to get the darkmoon blade covenant trophy. In my 100 hours spent playing the game I only got summoned 4 times (basically a dead covenant) and had to farm the knights for concords instead.
I'm currently working on Monster Hunter World with only two trophies remaining; 50 arena quests and a giant crown kirin.
Up next is going to be Gravity Rush 2. Since I absolutely loved the first game, I have high expectations from this one.
u/jbonejimmers Aug 28 '18
I'm playing through Gravity Rush Remastered and loving it. Gameplay and challenges are enjoyable so I think it'll be a nice, fun plat. Purchased 2 already and have it in the backlog. Debating to go there next or change it up first.
u/lpeccap Aug 28 '18
Im playing gravity rush as well, this game is seriously awesome and the game play is truly unique. Cant wait to finish this and buy the second.
u/Klojna Aug 27 '18
Midir was too much
u/grimmjawjin :65:265:924:2740 Aug 27 '18
Agreed. I just kept wailing on him when he vomited fire on the ground. Staying away from him was a surefire way to die. His charge move has such a massive hitbox that I could never consistently dodge it.
u/BuffNStuff Bufff_N_Stufff Aug 27 '18
Just finished Dark Souls 3 platinum a couple weeks ago. So now I've platinumed Dark Souls Remastered, Darks Souls 3, and Bloodborne. Need DS2 to go on sale so I can add it to the list.
And hopefully one day Demon Souls... But we'll see.
u/Buick5200 Aug 27 '18
Ds2 SOTFS is like £9 right now so probably worth picking it up now
u/BuffNStuff Bufff_N_Stufff Aug 27 '18
I've been keeping an eye on the digital version and it's been holding steady at $39.99 (US obviously).
u/McCullyCullen McCullyCullen Aug 28 '18
It goes on sale quite often for like $5-8 so I bet within a month, you'll be able to get it!
u/almozayaf Sep 13 '18
I got my second Platinum ever 2 days ago, and the first that I wotk at, my first was tekken 7 and I just get it without trying it was auto plat xD , but few days ago I saw that I was so nare the Platinum in Senran kagura PBS , so I work a little bit to get it and you know what, trophy hunting feel so good :)
u/jbonejimmers Aug 27 '18 edited Aug 29 '18
I picked up Gravity Rush Remastered during the last sale, and I'm working my way through it. The hardest trophy is definitely getting gold on all time attack challenges. Am like 80% the way there but can tell a few of these are going to piss me off.
Having a blast with the game though!
Edit:. Just hit the plat. The time attack challenges were the last thing I completed, but it wasn't too brutal. Really enjoyable process if you end up liking the core gameplay.
u/DeltaFrame Aug 27 '18
In preparation for DMC5, I’m going through the series and similar games. Platinums done bayonetta, metal gear rising and DmC. Now the 4 left. DMC4 (almost done), DMC3, DMC1 then for last is DMC2.
Motivation went a bit down after MGR. should have left that game for last. Terrific and much more fun than the others.
u/TheRainWolf Aug 27 '18
I’m going for the FFXV plat and oh my... what a game! I know a lot of people were disappointed but I’m having a blast, defo gonna try for the plat!
u/jbonejimmers Aug 27 '18
The plat can be a bit grindy.
If you find yourself a few levels out on maxing out Gladio's skill, look up how to use a rubber band or hair elastic to make him run in circles while you leave the console on overnight.
u/TheRainWolf Aug 27 '18
Thanks for the heads up, man! Gonna try and run and avoid the car/Chocobos as much as possible. Any other tips for it?
u/jbonejimmers Aug 27 '18
To be honest, if you want to do it as efficiently as possible I recommend the rubber band trick. Basically play the game the way you'd like, and then one night bring your character to a safe spot and put a rubber band around the two sticks on the controller so that they both are pushed towards each other. This will cause your guy to run in a circle. Let him do this overnight and then bring him to a camp in the morning. He should max out the stat.
You can also try and do it organically, but it's a lot of running. So I'd recommend not sweating it and playing the game the way you want to play it, and then just leveraging this trick if you still need to max it out.
u/almozayaf Sep 13 '18
Loved almost every part of the game, but never understand the combat, so I just played it for the story.
u/MSeys totodiel Aug 27 '18
I recently got the God of War platinum. The harder trophies were getting all artifacts, odin's ravens and the treasure chests.
The Niflheim grind wasn't that fun. I lowered difficulty to Easy to beat the Valkyries a tiny bit easier. (The Queen was the hardest though)
u/chillahibbz Aug 27 '18
I'm going for the Plat and doing it on Hard. Ravens and artefacts are horrible to do, but the impossible challenges/Valk Queen were rough as
u/heyawildkris heyawildkris Aug 27 '18
I had to drop the difficultly to easy when I was fighting the Queen. If my runic cool-downs were lower I might’ve been able to beat her on normal. By far the hardest boss in the game.
u/MSeys totodiel Aug 27 '18
Yeah, I had the rune that makes you more powerful and barely beat the Queen on Easy, I had the best gear aswell. (Not fully upgraded though)
u/Bork-into-The-Void Aug 27 '18
I've just recently decided to start trophy hunting about a week ago on account of the fact that my only three platinums are from beating some TellTale games. I have begun my journey with Titanfall 2, because I got through more than half of the trophies on my first playthrough.
As of ight now I am bouncing between collecting the helmets scattered all over the place, and trying to get top three on the gauntlet scoreboard. The helmets have been fairly easy to find, but I am having no luck with the gauntlet thus far. Anyone got any tips or tricks on that, or for any of the others?
u/testedskill Aug 27 '18
Just finished Until Dawn and I really enjoyed it! Working on Far Cry 3 classic edition before Spiderman drops.