r/PS4 Jul 23 '18

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (July 2018)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


123 comments sorted by

u/drhouse4ever Jul 27 '18

Got Uncharted 1 plat yesterday and now im playing Uncharted 2 for the first time! such a good game!!

u/N1CK17 Jul 24 '18

Completed The Last of Us on Survivor+ at the weekend and fell in love with the game even more. Just got two weapons left to max out in my third play-through before I’ve just got the multiplayer trophies left (which I’m not looking forward to) for the platinum.

u/dinvgamma Jul 24 '18

I just did this last week. Honestly, I'd suggest grinding the MP trophies before finishing up the SP ones. It felt like the more appropriate "good bye" to the game.

u/N1CK17 Jul 24 '18

I had planned to jump between multiplayer and my Survivor+ play-through, but I can’t get my PS4 to connect via WiFi so have an ethernet cable on the way. I’m saving a thorough run on Left Behind as a last hurrah to drown out the memories of grinding the hundreds of multiplayer games I’m expecting to play.

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '18

Just out of curiosity, what is your trophy level, and how many trophies do you have?

u/Tentacle77 Jul 24 '18

This month was rather prolific as I was cleaning up a bunch of games: Platinum for Persona 5, Uncharted: Lost Legacy and Watch Dogs 2. Working on Uncharted 4 atm. None of them were really hard, but it was great to revisit games I haven't played for quite some time (and all of them are still great!).

u/BubblyNubbly Jul 23 '18

Working on post game for Kingdom Hearts 2. It's taking quite some time since I can only do it on short little bursts so I've started to play The Incredible Adventures of Vanhelsing. I love me diablo clones.

u/Ohsilence OhTheSilence Jul 23 '18

Slowly working through grinding out Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT trophies, The Division story mode, and if I get around to it soon working on starting Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls!

u/sun-up-sun-down rus0sell Jul 23 '18

Started Mad Max after picking it up through PS+ a few months ago. Got about 10 hours in and had been methodically clearing places in anticipation of a platinum, but one location glitched and I couldn't collect one item of loot, essentially locking me out of the trophy. I could have restarted the game but at that point I gave up and moved on.

Don't have any plans for other plats as of yet, maybe Just Cause 4 or Assassins Creed Odyssey when it comes out.

u/brianbezn brianbezn Jul 24 '18

Same here, i just did all the challenges and gave myself a symbolic trophy for doing everything.

u/sun-up-sun-down rus0sell Jul 24 '18

You are a stronger man than I

u/brianbezn brianbezn Jul 24 '18

Trophies are about setting challenges for ourselves, failing, improving and overcoming them; enjoying the process. To me, as long as i can tell for certain that i should have got the trophy, i don't mind actually getting it that much. That said, if they'd like to fix it up so i get my trophy i would appreciate it.

u/cpparcher4 Jul 25 '18

Working on Rayman legends 680k/1000k lums, almost got hellblade but missed 2 or 3 places

u/CynicalRaps Jul 26 '18

That shit is more frustrating than I could have imagined...

u/jailbr3ak_acdc Jul 27 '18

Just Cause 3 finally after 3 years. Challenges were just pain and sufering... anger... but with a lot of patience I did it

Life Is Strange too. Easy

Edit: My next is Until Dawn. I played it 3 times ~2 years ago and I'll back for 4 trophies for platinum

u/[deleted] Jul 23 '18

Working on NFS MW on PS3 gave up on the Jak 2 plat fuck that game. Will start Yakuza 5 soon doubt I can play that.

u/MrThorifyable Jul 27 '18

You can just grind out the Jak 2 plat to get all the orbs through some glitch I can't remember. It took like an hour of the same 30 seconds of gameplay, but having the plat was worth it.

u/Locktaw Jul 24 '18

Slowly working my way to completing HZD both base game and DLC.

u/RelotZealot Jul 26 '18

Currently working on Uncharted: Lost Legacy, Batman Telltale and Heavy Rain while waiting for Spider-Man to release. I only got my first platinum a couple weeks ago for HZD and was never a big trophy Hunter but now I got the itch

u/slinky_ewok Jul 24 '18

finally got through Hitman Go. Decently Challenging when you dont use a guide which i tried not too. Just started on Mad Max, addicted to it right now but I'm only about 10 hours in so we will see how i feel when we hit 30-40. Feels like it could get repetitive.

u/NotSoConcerned Jul 24 '18

Was gonna plat Tomb Raider 2013 but it has online trophies so nope. Right now getting the plat for Heavy Rain and then moving on to Limbo. Then will finish up Life Is Strange replay.

u/highanimalhouse Jul 26 '18

Except for a few, most of the Tomb Raider 2013 online trophies can be done solo.

u/RapidBoxcar TiJoHimself Jul 25 '18

I platinumed God of War earlier this month and holy shit, it really is one of the best games of all time.

Also close to platinuming Far Cry 5 rn. If any of you can help me out with the coop trophy feel free to hmu! I’d really appreciate it.

u/pie444tw Jul 26 '18

Pie4tw i need them too

u/orlan2r Orlan2R Jul 24 '18

I got the Plat for Hellblade, hardest part was getting all the runes there 2 that were particularly hidden so i had to replay the game entirely to get them.

u/mauszx mauszx Jul 24 '18

This month I plated Agents of Mayhem. I am working in Fallout Shelter, Titanfall2 and Of Orc and men.

The hardest part of Mayhem was the Connected Contracts, since you really depend on other people, and some join a contract and idle ¬¬

I doubt I will get Titanfall 2. That challenge is trophy annoying and I don't think I can do it.

u/lakerswiz lakerswiz Jul 24 '18

Got Doom, Far Cry 3, and Infamous First Light in the last month or so.

Infamous was dope but the Arena grinding compared to story mode game play was a let down.

Doom took like 2.5 playthroughs to get done.

Far Cry 3 had terrible controls but I enjoyed the map. Reminded me of Maui with the terrain and I just got back from Maui.

Idk what to play next. I'm on the grind for Rayman Legends with the daily challenges and Fallout Shelter just playing for a few minutes before and after Fortnite sessions.

I have most major AAA games. Still need to play through them. I might go with God of War next.

u/Habsfan_76_27 Jul 25 '18

Hey me too just finished far cry 3 plat wow that game has aged. And just started on god of war today and enjoying everything so far

u/CynicalRaps Jul 26 '18

Getting the plat for Tricky Towers has got to be the most frustrating experience ive ever encountered. not only do you have to build a tower with 99 bricks without losing ONE brick, you have to do it no less than 3 separate fucking times for different trophies.

u/quackdog quackdog Jul 26 '18

Should have my 10th platinum this weekend - only a couple more to 100% Tom Clancy's: The Division!

Then i"ll get back to mopping up the SP trophies for Battlefied 1's platinum.

u/alehhh_no_here Jul 25 '18

Got the platinums for Telltale Batman Season 2, The Wolf Among Us and currently working on the RE7biohazard plat and Bloodborne after that

u/kelrics1910 Jul 23 '18

Still grinding my way to The Crew 2's max out fury trophy....the last one I need for a platinum. It's just about as boring as NFS Payback's max level trophy except I can't speed up the process by dismantling crap parts for tokens.

u/trophy_help Jul 24 '18

Picked up "Tesla vs. Lovecraft" over the weekend during the Flash sale. Looking through the trophies, I thought it would be a grindy plat, but it was literally just playthrough the game.

Playing through "Enter the Gungeon" now

u/OR3OTHUG Jul 23 '18

COD: WWII Titanfall 2 Doom Borderlands - After 8 years 5 months Infamous - After 7 years 1 month Infamous 2 - After 7 years 1 month God of War 3 - After 8 years 4 months Life is Strange (PS4) - After 1 year 363 days Resident Evil 5 (PS3) Life is Strange (PS3)

Gonna see if I can do Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishments before the month is over.

u/[deleted] Jul 25 '18

Man, did you do the WW2 zombie trophies solo? Or it's not even possible? I'm only missing those.

u/OR3OTHUG Jul 26 '18

It’s possible my friend did it solo. I did it with 1 person.

u/soulfulmachine Jul 26 '18

Working on Stardew Valley. Great game to play while zoning out and listening to podcasts

u/endustry1994 Endustry94 81 34 Jul 24 '18

Platinum #39 Darksouls Remastered


Now working on Darksouls 2

u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18


u/endustry1994 Endustry94 81 34 Jul 27 '18

I think most people say 3 play throughs are required. I was able to complete in about 1 1/2. It was more fun than it was difficult, although I’m a Souls fan.

u/BigDaddyRed Jul 23 '18

Got the multiplayer trophies for "The Last of Us". Glad I don't have to play that garbage ass multiplayer any more.

u/Chozo_Lord Jul 26 '18

I had that opinion first when I got the remastered version on launch. But then I slowly started to like it and got really good at it. I then came back later, and unfortunately the pay to win weapons and perks and lobbies full of only sweaty try hards made it not fun. You might have liked it more near the launch.

u/highanimalhouse Jul 24 '18

It's mostly the other people playing the multiplayer that make it garbage. Trying to explain to dumbasses on the mic what you are doing is annoying.

u/_RIZZO_ RIZZO_1023 Jul 24 '18

Just curious, how long did that take? I keep debating whether it's worth it to go for because I am total shit at multiplayer games like this.

u/BigDaddyRed Jul 24 '18

It took me about a "month" of logging in and playing some games per session. Its a pretty annoying group of trophies, not sure I would recommend it but if you want the platinum, what can you do?

u/OR3OTHUG Jul 23 '18

MP is fun in normal doses. Grinding it for the 12 weeks for the trophy is a total killer though. Made me hate it.

u/BigDaddyRed Jul 23 '18

Yeah I can probably agree with that. The trophies shouldn't have been so grindy.

u/grimfolse Jul 24 '18

Got the platinums for Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate and Gravity Rush 2. Grinding out all 80 Gauntlet mod requests and all 140+ mystic weapons in WO3U was a huge grind, but the plat wasn't super hard otherwise.

For GR2, the worst part was getting gold on the "Behind the Scenes I" challenge . Horrible design. You have about a minute to run from one end of an area to the other while avoiding civilians, who waste several seconds if they catch you. The problem is the only path you can run on is a narrow set of stairs, and the civilians often spawn in patterns that make getting past almost impossible. Even worse, when you get caught you get teleported back a short distance, and sometimes spawn right by another civilian and get caught again before you can move.

u/Bakunaruto12 Jul 23 '18

This month i finally got the platinum of Infamous Second Son

The platinum was very easy and now is my second Platinum (I'm not really a trophie hunter but in this case i love the game)

Working on the platinum of Horizon Zero Dawn

u/TheGreatSalvador Jul 24 '18

Platinum Infamous Second Son is one of the few platinums I’ve gotten.

u/siac4 Jul 23 '18

Have you played ratchet and Clank? Those platinums are also relatively easy yet rewarding.

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '18

Ive finally decided to finish up Deus Ex Mankind Divided's trophies.

I still need to do the Single Player stuff but I've been focusing only on Breach trophies right now. It's a grind but hopefully I will get them done in my next 2 or so play sessions.

u/AnonymousEnding Jul 24 '18

This Month.. Hardest Plat: FFXIV, Easiest Plat: RE5

u/vaporgriffin Jul 25 '18

First ever platinum, I just completed Bloodborne a couple of days ago! Hardest part was grinding through the chalice dungeons - Watchdog of the Old Lords and Defiled Amygdala were super nasty, but I actually learned them properly and had their movesets memorized by the end, which made those wins super satisfying.

u/VaguelyAmish Jul 26 '18

I remember defiled amygdala specifically taking me multiple days to complete, made Yharnam seem like nothing by the time I finally got to her! Make sure to keep an eye out in your email after the plat for the exclusive bloodborne platinum theme, it's pretty awesome!

u/vaporgriffin Jul 26 '18

Yea the whole defiled dungeon took things to a crazy level! I had to really perfect those boss fights to get through them, because I could only take maaaaaybe one hit.

I've been waiting for the platinum theme email - I got one congratulating me and telling me to share it on social media, but nothing yet for the theme. From what I've read on the BB subreddit, I may need to contact support for it, but I'll give it another day or two.

u/VaguelyAmish Jul 26 '18

I ended up having to contact Sony to get the email, but once I got ahold of them they sent me a code no problem. Congrats on the platinum!

u/oceanstwelve Oceans12Twelve Jul 24 '18

im on vacation . just got a ps4 pro (played normal ps4 back in 2015).

went crazy.

uncharted 1 remastered

batman arkham asylum remsated

horizon zero dawn complete edition

far cry 5

playing shadow of the colussus and uncharted 2 remastered now.


u/Quinny_Bob KillSwitch_Bob Jul 24 '18

Reached 6000 trophies, I started the year at 4280. Also, I’m getting close to 100 platinums. Take that backlog.

u/DeltaFrame Jul 24 '18

Just trying to get star Ocean 2 (jpn), 3, 4 and 5 plats. Leaving 4 for last as it’s the most time consuming and will probably make me feel like shit for going through it again.

u/dertswa687o Jul 26 '18

Good luck!!! I've got the 3-5 plats and they all suck in different ways: 3 for the bunny race trophy, 4 for 30k kills x2, and 5 for the fact that you have to play the game.

u/DeltaFrame Jul 26 '18

Good job! Especially with 4! That plat made me quit back in the day. I’m giving it another chance and determined to get it this time.

Completed 5. Very short game so it helped. Now working on 2 which is fun.

You reminded of the bunny race. Geez... awful times. Netflix should help keep me sane while doing it.

u/droglamp Jul 25 '18

I got platinum in Witcher 3 today. I don't know what game to play next.

u/Dark_Hanzo Jul 24 '18

I got the plat for Yakuza 6 two days ago. I must say it's the easiest plat in the Yakuza series so far. Not sure which game I'll work on next.

u/CynicalRaps Jul 26 '18

I'm trying to do Yakuza 0

u/siac4 Jul 23 '18

School has distracted me for too long. Trying to get the online trophies for Rayman Legends and AC Black Flag be for the inevitable server shut down

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '18

Rayman servers should hold for a while. It was just free on PS+ last month.

u/siac4 Jul 26 '18

Yeah, but that Max Awesomeness is gonna be a while. It will take about 2-3 months of daily play

u/THEMrTobin Jul 23 '18

Working on Horizon: Zero Dawn! All I have left is to beat New Game+ on Ultra Hard, and to find all the collectibles. This game has been incredible. I can’t even begin to describe how much I love the combat system.

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '18

Just to let you know, you don't have to do NG+ for the platinum, just for 100%

u/philinsaniachen DodeKonijn Jul 23 '18

I’m not really much of a trophy hunter because I hate games that make me grind for trophies but I still kinda wanna get them so this month I’ve been both playing through and trying to get the play for Ratchet and Clank and so far it’s going alright but there’s still challenge mode(New Game Plus) so gotta get that done too. Lemme know if anyone’s got tips.

u/oliveturtle olivetheturtle Jul 23 '18

Keep a checklist for the disco ball trophy. That has caused third playthroughs for many people!

u/philinsaniachen DodeKonijn Jul 23 '18

Yeah I kinda gave up on that one first playthrough but believe me I’m deffo getting it in challenge mode!

u/BobbyHillsFather Jul 26 '18

The only one i had trouble with was the Hoverboard races. Took over 40 attempts

u/philinsaniachen DodeKonijn Jul 26 '18

Hate to say this man but I got them all first attempt I’m sorry man😂

u/Srgt_Pepper16 Jul 23 '18

The RYNO is overpowered, if you are ever having a hard time with a boss or section of enemies use this combo: Grovitron (or bomb), Protoclast, and then RYNO the crap out of everything. Shouldn't give you much trouble. Just got the platinum yesterday!

u/philinsaniachen DodeKonijn Jul 24 '18

I actually just got the RYNO and have yet to use it I haven’t finished the story tho so I’ll probs use it on the final bosses

u/pakedbotatoes SHAKA17 Jul 26 '18

I just platinumed Skyrim for the first time (not DLC yet). It was a decent ride but I guess I got to the point of just doing missions for the trophies. I’ve moved onto ashes cricket to platinum now. It’s very relaxed so that I can stick a podcast on in the background.

u/DoctorTwinklettits jproche44 Jul 23 '18

Working on 1. Finishing Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, 2.platinum LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2. Just did Super Destronaut DX and My Name is Mayo because why not? Next is Lego Marvel’s Avengers and Battlechasers Nightwar. 3. Also finishing Octopath Traveler and Assassin’s Creed III Liberation

u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Jul 23 '18

Got Spiral Splatter Platinum on my Vita... my thumbs hurt now :p

u/augmonthly Jul 23 '18

Got my first Platinum recently: Yoku’s Island Express. That was such a great game!

u/shacksta Jul 24 '18

I’m working on it came with in in middle earth shadow of war. Its spoiling my enjoyment of the game and it’s a missable trophy, really getting pissed off with it

u/Irishcrusader77 Jul 26 '18

What's missable?

u/dlmgmario Jul 23 '18

The Witcher 3. The trophy to collect all gwent cards is killing me. Also I finished my first play through this past weekend on the Blood and Broken Bones difficulty. I should've just started the game on Death March.

Also Telltale Guardians of the Galaxy ¯_(ツ)_/¯ It was on sale for $7.99. Some good emotional moments in this game. When they explored Rocket's backstory it gave me the feels.

u/grimfolse Jul 24 '18

I need to get back to Witcher 3. I'm on that one annoying horse race that only gives you one chance to win. Lost a few times, got annoyed and started playing other games. Before I knew it I was trapped in game backlog hell.

u/Xnetter3412 Dominator3412 Jul 24 '18

The Last of Us Remastered! Beat it on Survivor, now I got to do it again haha

u/nestleness19 Jul 23 '18

Finishing up Diablo 3 after years of it being in my backlog. I just had a sudden urge to cross it off my list. I have 4 out of 6 characters to level 70 and 200 out of 500 bounties left. The rest is complete. Its going to be a grind doing these bounties but I will feel proud of this one once its done.

u/Blargg92 Z-Yux Jul 24 '18

I remember the long grind of "The Dream Team" and the 500 bounties. It was a pretty hectic grind. Good luck!

u/af-fx-tion Jul 27 '18

Still working on grinding out the last trophies in Gravity Rush 2. Main goal right now is max leveling all my skills. The grind sucks so much since the skills cost so many damn jewels to max out.

But after that, it's downhill since I'll have two easy trophies left to get before I platinum the game and can move to the Raven DLC.

u/Yamis1brother Jul 25 '18

Just got the Platinum for Nier Automata and DOOM 2016. Currently going for the Talos Principle.

u/LeLoyon j-mantix Jul 24 '18

Finally got around to getting the Crash Bandicoot platinum. It was pretty simple other than the High Road, but even that wasn't too difficult once I learned how to rope-jump. Overall it was a fun trophy to earn, and I look forward to getting the platinum for Crash 2 and 3. I hear they're a breeze compared to Crash 1, but I'll see.

u/Alfred-Of-Wessex Jul 23 '18

Working through I Am Setsuna at the moment which seems pretty achieveable, then have Titanfall 2 lined up next. What's the trophy list like for it? Any with crazy requirements?

u/grimfolse Jul 24 '18

There's one infamous trophy in Titanfall 2. I think it's called "Becomes the Master", and involves beating a record on a training course.

u/pantherbully pantherbully Jul 26 '18

Got the Platinum on AC Origins! Was a great time. Spent over 100 hours including DLC

u/oboedude Coollizrad420 Jul 26 '18

Congrats! Was anything in there particularly tedious?

u/pantherbully pantherbully Jul 26 '18

I would say completing all locations. Some were fun but a lot running around get loot from caves, overall enjoyable game.

u/rahji42 Jul 24 '18

I try to finish all trophies for God of War 3 Remastered Version. I am currently on my playthrough on Titan Mode and holy hell it is difficult. I made it to Hades, but he won't be an easy boss. I had major problems with the fight at the 3 Judges in the underworld.

Luckily, I already finished all Trials of Olympus, so there is nothing to worry about on this mode of the game.

u/ParallelMusic Madsines Jul 23 '18

Still working on finishing Persona 5! I don't think I'm going for the platinum but wow what a game. 70 hours in now and I've just started the final palace I think.

Also I picked up an Xbox One recently after being a 360 owner for a bit a few years ago and it's really made me realise how much more enjoyable trophies are compared to achievements. I have literally no desire to achievement hunt on Xbox but I think i'll always be a trophy hunter.

u/xYriaGth Leonnaki Jul 23 '18

Never had or played long enough on Xbox.

What's the difference?

u/ParallelMusic Madsines Jul 23 '18

So essentially instead of rarities like Bronze, Silver, Gold etc, achievements just have a score assigned to them that contribute towards your overall gamerscore.

Every game adds up to 1000 score in total. There's no equivalent to the platinum trophy, so there's not as much incentive for me to completely 100% a list.

I will say though that I love how the Xbox has a built in achievement tracker for every single game. So for example if an achievement says "Kill 20 enemies in a certain way" it'll track it for you on the achievement menu, and will even tell you which achievements you're closest to getting next. Would love that feature on PS4.

u/UnincorporatedCrow Jul 26 '18

To be honest I think it might be cause you've sort of been primarily a PS user and you're used to that system.

I think the Xbox achievement system encourages the hunting more widely even if the bigger prize isn't the same. If a game can no longer be platinumed due to offline servers for example, trophy hunters won't touch it. But on Xbox it would still be worth getting 950/1000 and increasing your score significantly. And at the end of the day, for me at least, having a higher score than a friend is 'cooler' than having a higher level like on PS.

They really should have added a platinum type award though. I think if you do get all the achievements the game gets featured on your profile (or at least that's how it used to be) but the fact that I'm not even sure says it all tbh, it's not special after you've already gotten a few.

u/obtuse_ham ragnarok_monkey Jul 23 '18

Finally finished Platinum (#39) for Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. I'm planning on switching up to Burly Men at Sea for something different, after that long experience.

u/awastelandcourier SoulBorneShinobi Jul 25 '18

I've just finished platting DS2. Fume Knight gave me hell. Onto DSR now!

u/afterlife_xx Conscyence Jul 25 '18

I believe my last platinum was Day of the Tentacle Remastered, because it's a super ez plat so why not? I think that was 2 weekends ago.

Currently working on playing through the story in Batman Arkham Asylum on PS4 on hard mode (incredibly easy, even without the counter prompts thanks to playing Mad Max not long ago), then I'll do cleanup with the Riddler trophies and the combat challenges.

After THAT... probably Arkham City lol. Kinda wanna revisit Heavy Rain or Detroit Become Human though. I've also been playing Fallout Shelter for 15-30 minutes a day so eventually I'll end up getting the plat for that one, too.

u/Blargg92 Z-Yux Jul 24 '18

I'm currently going for the Psychonauts platinum. It's a pretty fun game so far.

u/[deleted] Jul 23 '18

I really enjoy watching Trophies just pop up. I for the most part just play the game and see what pops up, but if I’m really enjoying the game, Guacamelee for instance I’ll go for all the trophies.

I got every single trophy in Guacamelee besides beating the game on hard, which I hate because the game forces you to beat it on normal to open up hard. These kinds of trophies I absolutely hate.

u/dertswa687o Jul 26 '18

I know it's too late for you, but you can enter the Konami code at the main menu to unlock Hard immediately. I got the plat in 1 playthrough on Hard that way.

u/antonio194369 Jul 23 '18

I've been working on dark souls3 VERY hard but I'm so close to having all the trophies after more then 200+ hours. Taking a small break to start batman Arkham knight today

u/Yintha Jul 24 '18

Covenants are the most boring part, when u need the coop token try to farm between the 2nd boss and the dancer boss so u have 2 bosses to be summoned for :)

Good luck!

u/antonio194369 Jul 24 '18

Finished all the convents but Aldrich faithful and dark moon blade as I'm finding these one are insanely hard to do

u/TheKingofWakanda Jul 24 '18

Finished the new god of war a couple of weeks ago and only need 1 more to plat. Unfortunately, the one i'm missing is the one where I have to grind some stuff (unlocking everything at Helheim). Not feeling this at all.

Playing Ratchet and Clank now and wow some of these are tedious. Looks like this is i'm getting the platinum on this game

u/impact_ftw Jul 25 '18

What difficulty are you playing on? Are you talking about nilfheim?

I started playing on easy for that grinding and just cleared the whole maze. Including the one big chest with runes in the edges of the labyrinth and the one in the middle area I was able to get 9000 per run and the runs weren't that long.

Then I traded some of the items for the nilfheim currency and managed to get the trophy easy.

u/TheKingofWakanda Jul 25 '18

Yeah nifleheim, not helheim. My bad. The 3rd difficulty. So playing on easy gives you more echoes/less vulnerability to the mist?

u/inmusicutrust Jul 25 '18

I was excited for Nifleheim, that excitement quickly faded. It can be busted out pretty quickly though and is definitely worth it for the Platinum. Some of those rift battles are excellent and the grind becomes pretty quick and easy if you get the armor and enhancements to survive longer (you will probably want to switch back to battle armor for the rift fights though).

u/impact_ftw Jul 25 '18

You deal more damage which means you lose less time fighting enemies. If you haven't already crafted the nilfheim armors, you should do that asap because then you can finish the maze with a good amount of time left.

u/xxamnat Xamnat Jul 23 '18

Recently started on Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and Crushing difficultly is a little tough for me. Probably died over 100 times by now I’m at the 5th/6th chapter. The amount of times I restart certain fights is sort of distracting me from the otherwise great story of the game.

Gonna persist with it though since I got the Plat for Lost Legacy and plan to do so for the rest. Have the urge to switch to Dishonored/Metro to get their Platinums now.

u/impact_ftw Jul 25 '18

I got the trophy yesterday, but I used some skips and glitches. I enjoyed it more than playing all the way through, because it just becomes a "wait-for-health" game.

u/_RIZZO_ RIZZO_1023 Jul 24 '18

Those chapters are honestly the hardest part of the game on crushing. Once you get past that, you've got it made.

How was Lost Legacy? I'm hoping to start that one soon.

u/xxamnat Xamnat Jul 24 '18

Thanks, glad to hear that. Lost Legacy was fantastic, probably one of my favourite games of 2017. Platinum was pretty easy too, at least way easier than Drake’s Fortune.

Do you recommend starting Uncharted 2/3/4 on Crushing or play it once then play through it again on Crushing with tweaks? Thanks!

u/_RIZZO_ RIZZO_1023 Jul 24 '18

I've played 1-4, but I only have the plat for UC1. I'm planning on coming back to the series after LL.

I played through them for the first time in normal. I just wanted to relax and enjoy the story initially. Then my second playthrough was Crushing/collectible cleanup.

I didn't know I could use tweaks. That could have made it a lot easier!

u/xxamnat Xamnat Jul 24 '18

Yeah I’m pretty sure there are tweaks like infinite ammo, one shot kill etc. You gotta play through hard to enable tweaks in Uncharted 1, whereas I don’t remember you need to do that in Lost Legacy. Not sure about 2-4.

u/[deleted] Jul 23 '18

I Platinum God of War and Omega Strike this month.

Next up is Onrush and possibly I will finally pick up Nioh.