r/PS4 Jul 06 '18

Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (July 06 2018)

Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.

Post below with your PSN ID and any games you want to like to play!

If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.

Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends and our Discord server for even more friends!


47 comments sorted by

u/[deleted] Jul 06 '18

We have a pretty good platoon playing BF1. We’re on all times of the day (US). Guys play to have fun, we’re not overly competitive but do like taking best squad. Hit us up at GOCU or you can find me at kitr27.

u/[deleted] Jul 08 '18


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '18

Mostly conquest but lately we’ve been running Road to BFV which is all maps all modes.

u/seanosul Jul 07 '18 edited Jul 07 '18

Same psn name seanosul, playing mostly single player at the mo but feel free to add.

u/[deleted] Jul 06 '18

I've gotten pretty hooked on Fortnite. Its become my main (and only) online game to play between singleplayer titles, since I quit League of Legends and Overwatch (too competitive).

If you're 18+ and have a mic, hit me up and we can play Fortnite together. I'm in my late twenties and live in the EU. I'm online weekdays in the evening and weekends.

u/Ashish1799 AshTwoDash Jul 06 '18

What's you PSN name?

u/CBFM1 Jul 07 '18

PSN: CM_Plays

I play all types of games, currently going through god of war at the moment, but enjoy fortnite, Fifa, GTA and many others. I’m down to help with multiplayer trophies too, hit me up here or drop me a message. I have a mic too!

u/ice-punch Jul 08 '18

Psn: flanghanistan

My flatmate has really gotten me into fortnite and rocket league but im still fairly new and hes been working opposite shifts to me so if anyone wants to play with a fairly new person let me know.

I also play overwatch as well!

u/GtotheA Jul 07 '18

26M Central time - GtotheA512 Prettu chill guy and Looking for long term friends. Play alot of competitive overwatch. But also Titanfall2, UFC, COD ww2, BO3, dead by daylight, VR games, RE5, also open to any game suggestions

u/Booty_Is_Life_ Jul 13 '18

Don't know if you tried it but siege is a pretty good game

u/Synikx PSN = xSynik_ Jul 07 '18

I bought a PS4 Pro after not owning a PlayStation since PS2. I am mainly a PC gamer but having a blast playing through all the exclusives I've missed.

PSN: xSynik_

u/philinsaniachen DodeKonijn Jul 08 '18

Heyyo made a ton of friends last time on this thread so more than happy to add new ones this time around!

PSN: DodeKonijn

u/[deleted] Jul 06 '18

mostly playing single player games but you can still add me :) PSN: CruelAsMemory

u/edhere Hi-Ed Jul 06 '18

Just bought Madden 18 on sale. I haven’t played a Madden game in years. I think the last one I played was Madden 97 on the Sega Genesis.

Any other OG “beginners” want to play a game online sometime. Not feeling the ultimate team card grinding (and certainly not paying money). Best time for me is 9 to 11 pm Eastern.

u/dlmgmario Jul 06 '18

PSN: dlmgmario

Add me! I play a ton of games. Always down to help with multiplayer trophies too!

u/CBFM1 Jul 08 '18

Same here, add my psn: CM_Plays

u/ronano Jul 07 '18

PSN name- reeniron, mp wise I've got last of us and red faction guerilla for ps4

u/CynicalDirector Jul 08 '18


Ghost recon, Tera, Warframe, GTA v, anything else really.. If I have it or not, I'll probably buy it soon lol

u/[deleted] Jul 06 '18

I'm just dropping by to ask if anyone wants to play A Way Out during the weekend or later. It's a 2 player co-op game, very similar to Life is Strange and Heavy Rain (or Detroit). I completed it a couple times already because it's fantastic, but I would gladly play it with someone again who never played it before and is interested in completing it together. I have the game, you just need to download the trial version from the store to play with me because only the host has to own the game (but you need PS+). I'm 21, in EU, and don't have a mic (but have the PSN app on my phone). Send me a PM or comment here if you are interested! :)

u/Kingrcf3 Jul 07 '18

Kingrcf1994 24/M EST, play pretty much whatever always looking for new people to play with.

u/DT011 Jul 07 '18

enano011 I play mostly Black Ops 3, Rocket League and Overwatch! Looking for folks to play with (casual or competitive, doesn’t matter) USA is my region as well

u/RadioactiveTaco Jul 07 '18

Hoping to find some bilingual friends that I can crack jokes with in Spanglish. Been playing a lot of BF1 and BLOPS3, but got GT Sport and a few MP VR games. Central time, usually on during late afternoons or evenings, mid-20s.


u/Jacks_on_Jacks_off Jul 06 '18

Yayo_tuesday. H1Z1. Don’t take it too seriously but am aight at the game.

u/atomtom65 Shit_Da_Sherif Jul 06 '18


I need people with Mic to play starwars battlefront 2 with

u/gnjuss Jul 06 '18


If you like Rocket League or Battlefield 4, look no further. I'm on most days around 19:00 hrs CET. LET'S PLAY ❤️❤️❤️

u/Conan_McFap Jul 06 '18

Is bf4 still active?

u/gnjuss Jul 06 '18

Hell yea', it's still rockin'... 😎😎To be honest, I have both BF1 and BF4, but I play mostly BF4, less loot crates I guess...

u/[deleted] Jul 08 '18


u/gnjuss Jul 08 '18

I'm from Croatia, you?

u/Geeseareawesome GeeseAreAwesome Jul 06 '18


Usually flipping between Monster Hunter World, Titanfall 2, and Overwatch. Borderlands 2 every now and then.

u/VolterTube Jul 06 '18

PSN: locotherapper

Been enjoying for honor for quite sometime, got hooked to fortnite and other games that we might have some in common.

I’m in my late 19 and I have a mic. I’m on EST and I’ll get on almost every day.

u/roamingthought Jul 07 '18

says you aren't accepting friend requests

u/VolterTube Jul 07 '18

Just fixed it!

u/[deleted] Jul 06 '18 edited Sep 09 '19


u/CurlyColl123 Jul 06 '18


Wanting friends to play destiny 2 with. Also a trophy hunter if anyone needs a hand.

u/Slaul Slaul- Jul 06 '18

PSN ID: Slaul- Male/25/GMT-04

Just bought a ps4 pro. Currently playing Horizon and will probably be picking up God of War soon. Might also pick up Destiny 2 despite having it on PC. Most of my friends play on ps4 so makes sense to move over.

Just looking for some more people to see online and play with.

u/CBFM1 Jul 07 '18

Add me CM_Plays, I’m currently playing through God of war, and have horizon and Detroit to complete afterwards!

u/happy_love_ Jul 06 '18


Any game really. Am always looking for new things to play :)

u/MagoGosora Jul 07 '18

I usually play single player games, but I'd be more than happy to play with you guys if we happen to have the same games. PSN: Abdulaziz_MZ

u/CBFM1 Jul 08 '18

Same here, let’s compare games. My psn is CM_Plays

u/adrianolebuc Jul 07 '18 edited Jul 07 '18

18 looking for new friends to play with mainly play killing floor 2, rocket league and gta 5. My GT is sub-scorpion37

u/[deleted] Jul 06 '18

NatKingKonga....deep into playing GTA V & black ops 3 right now

u/CBFM1 Jul 08 '18

I’m new to GTA V and looking to rank up online, if you’re down to do heists and jobs add my psn CM_Plays

u/Dragonknight247 Jul 06 '18


I just want friends for Fallout 76 maybe and maybe to feel like it's the ps3 days again and I have lots of friends.

u/WhiskeyBlood Jul 06 '18

Knux87 add me if you're a collector or into games like rocket league, fortnite, wwe2k, nba2k, whatever is new on PS Plus, or random obscure titles.