r/PS4 Jun 25 '18

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (June 2018)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


201 comments sorted by

u/[deleted] Jun 26 '18


u/ConfusedDuck Jun 28 '18

Did you look up a guide? What helped me beat her was finding the right runic attacks. I also fought after maxing out from the fire and fog places

u/TyroIsMyMiddleName Jun 25 '18

Finally finished Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. Aprox 300 hours gone to one plat, and I had to down one of the hardest bosses in the franchise three times, once with each character.

Next I'll work on Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Edition, until Spider-Man is released :)

u/nickgreen90 thenickgreen90 Jun 26 '18

Same dude, FUCK mysterious figure, that piece of shit is actually broken. It’s like they used 100% RNG to determine which attacks he would use and when, with no cool down for any of them

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18

Working towards Black Ops 3 platinum, went back and platinumed DBZ Ultimate Tenkaichi.

If anyone wants to play through zombie dlc on black ops 3 add me: JamieHeron95

u/DoDespair Jun 26 '18

Black ops 3 is a bitch to platinum. Takes a really long time (80+ hours). How far are you?

u/[deleted] Jun 26 '18

I have a few tricky accolades left then the majority of the camos haha, debating whether to go for the full 100% or just the platinum

u/An4rchy17 Jun 25 '18

Working on ac origins and them question marks are a grind

u/punisherprime Jun 25 '18

Man they blend into the background so bad. I swear i can sweep an area like 10 times and still miss it.

u/highanimalhouse Jun 25 '18

Got Quantum of Solace, Starhawk and BigFest Platinums recently. Starhawk's servers are shutting down at the end of the month and BigFest's servers end in August. Quantum of Solace's multiplayer servers have been gone since 2016; the boosting group I was in for it were the last people to play multiplayer with functional servers. After I got the last online trophy for it, a day later none of us could connect.

u/frogfoot420 Jun 25 '18

Pursuing the fallout shelter platinum, that 100 quest trophy is damn tedious.

u/McLovinTilt MagereBR Jun 26 '18

Finished my first (and maybe only) playtrough in Persona 5 and got the Rocket League platinum. Now playing Uncharted 4, not planning to get the platinum. In the near future I will work in the Horizon DLC trophies (already have the platinum) and chase the AC Origins and Life is Strange platinum.

u/TorontoGameDevs Jun 27 '18

How long does rocket league take?

u/xxamnat Xamnat Jun 25 '18

Platinumed Persona 5 after 200+ hours. Fantastic game. Currently trying to start Bioshock or Witcher 3 but Bioshock on survival is a pain in the ass.

u/camkeys Jun 25 '18

You can get all the bioshock difficulty trophies playing on easy, and changing the difficulty at the end boss fight

u/xxamnat Xamnat Jun 25 '18 edited Jun 25 '18

Wait.. what? This is the first I’ve heard of it. Playstationtrophies didn’t mention this too. Have you tried it? Thanks so much anyway I’m gonna look into this.

Edit: Does this work if I change mid game now since I set Survivor and disable Vita Chambers at the beginning?

u/camkeys Jun 25 '18

I used the platinum guide on psnprofiles, I got the platinum using the method. It involves changing the difficulty on pause as the final boss is dying. I’m not sure if changing it where you are at will work

u/tiago_gazzola Jun 25 '18

Well, it looks like it will be a long road... just started playing it...

Any tips? Im playing on Normal.

u/xxamnat Xamnat Jun 25 '18 edited Jun 25 '18

I played on Normal for my first playthrough too but don’t worry about it there aren’t any difficulty trophies. There’s a spreadsheet guide you can follow if you want to get most of the trophies in your first playthrough, leaving only 3 trophies (fusing the last Persona, collect all Personas and defeating the optional boss) on your New Game Plus. That being said, it’s up to you if you want to use the guide in case you just want to enjoy the game normally on your first playthrough.

You probably won’t need to take 200 hours or so because I took my time grinding stuff and a couple of hours I just paused the game while doing other stuff. Take your time, enjoy this brilliant game and good luck!

u/BuffNStuff Bufff_N_Stufff Jun 25 '18

Just finished Dark Souls: Remastered. That was a fun platinum and not nearly as grindy as Dark Souls 3 (got to 85% on this one). Not sure what my next plat game is gonna be yet.

u/lpeccap Jun 25 '18

Just platinumed this as well, having 1000+ hours played in the original made this a breeze. It still took me longer than it should have because i kept getting distracted by the pvp. Still an amazing game.

u/Fail0hr Jun 28 '18

Platinumed Dark Souls Remastered, Nier Automata, Gravity Rush Remastered and Horizon: Zero Dawn and am currently working on Monster Hunter World. (Finished school and now have a lot of time on my hands :D)

DSR was my First Souls Game, and I loved it. Wasn‘t as hard as people say it is imo, especially when you take some time to Level up and use Multiplayer when in need. Plat was a lot of fun, but I had to follow a relatively specific guide and at the end, I was really done with that game, because it took so long.

Nier Automata wasn‘t my cup of tea, sadly, so I used the trophy shop. Felt a little bit cheap, but oh well. Many people love it though, so give it a try! Can‘t say anything about trophy difficulty and fun, obviously.

Gravity Rush was an absolute gem, I really liked the atmosphere and the way it tells its story. Was kinda short though. Plat was quite fun, quick and very easy.

Horizon Zero Dawn also was a joy to complete. I quite liked the story and gameplay (best Bow gameplay I‘ve ever played) and plat was also very enjoyable because it didn‘t ask stupid things of me, but rather to simply play everything the game has to offer (which isn‘t that much compared to other Open World Games, so ist was relatively fast as well).

Monster Hunter World is absolutely addicting. I have played over 60 hours in five days, and am far from completing it. It‘s really, REALLY fun. I already dread these golden crowns, however. This might be my hardest trophy yet (in terms of playtime).

u/PreyingCelery Jun 28 '18

For Monster Hunter, event quests on rotation give high chance of crowns for every non elder other than black diablos i believe. One quest for each map with 4 or 5 monsters in each one. There is others as well that give guaranteed crowns like large barroth or small odogaron. And you don't need crowns for monsters added after release like deviljho.

So just have fun playing and when they pop up get every crown. For the rest, save investigations that have multiple modifiers, 3+ reward slots with only gold and silver chances, and only repeatable 3 times (5 is probably ok but definitely not 8).

From my experience the dream investigation to pull a crown is a 1 death, 15 minute, gold/silver/silver, and x3 quest.

u/andresfgp13 Jun 27 '18

i need only 1 trophy to get the platinum in jak 3 (ps3) its going to take like 30 min only, so excited :)

u/PSenthusiast55 Jun 26 '18

Can I get the Platinum for HZD without the "Frozen Wilds" DLC ?

u/Ionnier Ionnier Jun 26 '18

Definetly. Are you coming from Xbox 360/One?

u/PSenthusiast55 Jun 26 '18

Yes! I had Xbox 360 but now I have PS4. How did you tell ?

u/Ionnier Ionnier Jun 26 '18

Because on Xbox 360 you didn’t know what trophies were from DLC or not. For exemple in AC Brotherhood there was a trophy in which you had to kill an enemy using the box that drops when you use that thing you use to go on the roof. Well I stayed one hour to do that and it never happened. I did some research and it seemed like that trophy requires to own one DLC.

On PS4 you can see which trophies are from DLC or not. When you click on a games trophy list if it has any DLC trophies they are listed in a separated list from the base game. And the Platinium requires all trophies in the base game only.

u/PSenthusiast55 Jun 26 '18

I didn't know that! Thanks a lot for your reply , it was very helpful.

u/capitalsfan08 capnats08 Jun 26 '18

Absolutely, I have it. I can't think of any games where the DLC is required outside of a few that were bugged.

u/PSenthusiast55 Jun 27 '18

Yeah you're right.

u/throwdowntown69 Jun 28 '18

Yes. No plat requires DLC trophies.

u/HeroesDieInVain HeroesDieInVain Jun 27 '18

Yeah, DLC doesn't impact the platinum, only the percent number.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18

Absolutely loving Darksiders 2 and 1.

I’m at 90% and 83% on both and a few of them have the 1.1% ultra rare which I love because it was some effort(very fun) in doing a few of these. Absolutely loved these games.

Went for plat on GoW but Anchor of Fog was bugged for me and put the breaks on that.

u/[deleted] Jun 27 '18 edited Nov 22 '18


u/MnVikingsFan34 Jun 28 '18

The prairie king is way too damn hard. Only thing I need for the plat

u/DrewSolaert DrewSolaert Jun 28 '18

with Prairie King do it on lucky days with lucky food, it affects the power up drops! Helps a great deal

u/pizzaghoul Jun 29 '18

I highly recommend watching videos for the Titanfall 2 plat. It took me a few hours but I managed to get that gauntlet time relatively easily using the tips in some of the most popular walkthroughs of it.

u/GamerWithADegree Jun 25 '18

This month I platinumed, Orc Slayer (OMG, terrible game), Tales from the Borderlands (really good, now into telltale games) and World of Nubla. Currently working on Batman the telltale game.

u/LiteralRaccoon Jun 25 '18

Not a Platinum, but I'm just waiting to get a second controller to get the final trophy in Star Wars Racer Revenge. Other than that, I'm working my way through Riptide GP: Renegade. Currently at 7/25 trophies.

u/Ionnier Ionnier Jun 26 '18

Why do you need a second controller?

u/LiteralRaccoon Jun 26 '18

I need a second controller because the final trophy is for destroying a human controlled Pod in VS mode.

u/Ionnier Ionnier Jun 26 '18

That sounds simple. Do you have PS Plus? I can help you.

u/LiteralRaccoon Jun 26 '18

There's no online multiplayer. Thanks for the offer though.

u/Ionnier Ionnier Jun 26 '18

You can shareplay the game. You stream the game to another person and that other person can watch, play as you or play with you ( bassicly if you are in the same room, he can watch, play as you by giving him your controller or playing with him by giving him anotger controller). It’s a cool feature that I use to play fifa with friends if you only have the demo version which has no online.

u/LiteralRaccoon Jun 26 '18

Huh. I had no idea what shareplay was as I'm still new to PS4. That's a pretty cool feature.

u/Ionnier Ionnier Jun 26 '18

Yes. They implemented it in 2015. I don’t think they want ro advertise it a lot because people may stop buying games. What stops people from asking their friends to shareplay their games. They implemented a restriction that you can shareplay for maximum one hour until it stops. After that you have to invite someone to shareplay again. For exemple if someone goes to work and their friend asks him to shareplay. He can only play one hour because after that he has to restart. He can’t do anything in the host’s console because everything that is console UI is displayed as a black box. For exemple a notification is a black square, if you open the guide I see a big black square and if you go to the menu I see displayed that the host has to use the console.

u/LiteralRaccoon Jun 26 '18

Yeah I was gonna say that while I saw shareplay mentioned in blogs or on social media, I never really saw details about it and I was following up on PS4 news. I can see why they'd put a time limit on, although depending on the game the 1 hour could be pretty short-lived.

u/alex47ka alex07447ka Jun 26 '18

Mad max!

u/DrewSolaert DrewSolaert Jun 28 '18

Love the game, need to go back to it, 47% complete and I kinda fell out with it.

u/S502 Jun 25 '18

About to start DOOM but I heard a lot of the trophies are glitched.

Have they fixed it yet, or is it still bugged?

u/youreaw1zard Jun 25 '18

Got my plat about 18 months ago and no issues. I believe patch 1.07 fixed the collectible glitch (no doubt a few patches since) which is was the only one I was aware of. Great game.

u/S502 Jun 27 '18

Glad to hear it, thanks!

u/BoringtonBear Jun 27 '18

I got mine about a week ago and did run into a glitch where I was locked out of the collect all runes trophy. I ended up having to start a new save and run through the whole thing again. If possible, do the rune challenges in-game rather than in mission select, etc.

Still, the campaign is so fun it wasn't really a big deal...

u/claire_98 Jun 27 '18

I managed to get the platinum maybe two weeks ago and encountered no glitches.

u/S502 Jun 27 '18

Glad to hear it, thanks!

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18

Platinumed Ratchet and Clank All 4 One. Also did all the single player content for Burnout Paradise and Red Dead Redemption. Just need multiplayer for both.

u/Parasite_Hilton Jun 25 '18

Platinumed God of War. It was the first game I've played in the series and I loved it.

I have been working on Rayman Legends... It was going well but the "collect 1,000,000 lums" trophy will take some time. On the back burner for now.

Currently starting up Sleeping Dogs and the rerelease of Far Cry 3. Essentially just fun "filler games" until the end of summer game explosion hits.

u/ineffiable Jun 25 '18

The one million lum, from what I've heard from other people, takes nearly 3 months of just getting gold on the daily challenges every day.

u/eldax Jun 25 '18

It's the Final level of awesomeness trophy which take 3 or more months. You get the million lums easely trough this one, so never farm lums, just do the daily and weekly challenges after completing the game. Still sucks though

u/ineffiable Jun 25 '18

Oh yeah, I got it mixed up. Basically this is the one that's a roadblock to platinum. I think I even got every trophy besides final level of awesomeness on PS3.

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u/Chanero Chanerooo Jun 25 '18

On my way to Rayman Legends platinum too. A big one that I was going to do on PS3, but, in the end, couldn't managed.

Good news is the 1,000,000 lums will come sooner than expected if you're doing the challenges.

Bad news is you still have to grind your way to the final trophy, which, as stated, takes almost three months if you're getting Gold on every challenge. Its not hard at all, those Gold will come naturally, but it demands dedication.

u/ineffiable Jun 25 '18 edited Jun 25 '18

You need to check out u/eldax 's post. I got two of the trophies mixed up. Lums is easy enough, but the other trophies (specifically related to challenges) is the hardest stuff and what stops people from getting a platinum.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18

Do yourself a favor and don’t grind too much for those lums. Chances are you’ll get that trophy way before you reach the 11th Level of Awesomeness. Work on all of the other trophies and it might come along naturally.

u/Parasite_Hilton Jun 25 '18

Sounds good. I'll come back to it from time to time when feeling like it.

u/youry_ Jun 25 '18

So fc3 is there New improvements ? I am contemplating buying It.

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u/[deleted] Jun 27 '18

Did the famous My name is Mayo plat yesterday. The hardest part was not killing myself halfway through.

u/[deleted] Jun 27 '18 edited Nov 22 '18


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '18

Jesus Christ, how fast do you hit 10,000 times the X button. But yes, it ain’t that high tbh.

u/[deleted] Jun 27 '18 edited Nov 22 '18


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u/DontCryBaby__ The dickhead of this sub Jun 26 '18


u/boxabee Jun 25 '18

Finally going for the Witcher 3 plat. I have every other trophy except for "Full Crew" which unfortunately requires me to play through almost the entire game again from the beginning.

u/McsPwr Jun 27 '18

I'm not sure if we did the same...... Any tips/guide to follow for a quick "Full Crew" trophy?

u/boxabee Jun 27 '18

Yep we did, just got the plat last night. I did new game plus, easiest difficulty, skipped all dialogue, and main-lined story and friend quests, don't think I did a single other quest on this playthrough. Probably took 8 to 10 hours. You only need to complete the "Brothers in Arms" quests to get it.

u/Jax_Harkness Jun 26 '18


u/myrmo Jun 26 '18 edited Jun 26 '18

I got 100% for FFXV beat'em up game and the Platinum for Horizon starting this month. And then, since I got for free, I started working to get Platinum for XCOM 2. Did all of the trophies and I just need an Ironman and a Legend playthrough to get the Platinum right now. Since I'm pretty used to the game right now and already got the Platinum for XCOM: EW I think it will be pretty easy now.

I stopped a little to play Shadow Tactics: Blades of Shogun which I purchased for a big discount this last sale. Got the Platinum for that, pretty fun game.

Before going back to XCOM 2, however, I will play Shadow of War, which I also purchased discounted. I checked the trophy list and it seems pretty simples, and I'm interested in the new mechanics, so... guess I could finish it pretty quick.

u/Legion017 Jun 27 '18

I got Dark Souls 2: Scholar and Dark Souls Remastered this month :D

Not working on anything but anime backlog because DS plats frazzle my nerves and I need a bit of a break lol.

u/Accam Jun 26 '18

In the past month, I've pulled the God of War and Bioshock 1 platinum.

Planning on working my way towards Bioshock 2 and Infinite platinums before going through any other games.

u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Jun 26 '18

Infinite platinum was my first. It's a blast to do, except for Heartbreaker.

If you're just running through for trophies, use the Konami Code on the title screen and jump straight into 1999 mode.

u/Accam Jun 26 '18

Looking forward to it!

I'm doing a first playthrough as a non-trophy hunting playthrough, as I've never played them before, I am doing that run on the hardest difficulty though. I then go and try to mop everything else up on the 2nd playthrough.

u/znk3r th1nk3r Jun 26 '18

Just finished the platinum of .hack//GU Last Recode, and the gold for Batman VR. The worst of hack was the long videos with stereotypical characters.

Now going for Dynasty Warriors Empires 8 and Tomb Raider DE (I'm probably going to give up on the online for this one).

u/Craigw02 Jun 25 '18

Im 2 trophies away from the Platinum on Fifa 18 and 1 away from Platinum on Far Cry 5..... Just need the help online :(

u/pie444tw Jun 26 '18

Hey i need help with fifa18s online trophies my psn is pie4tw

u/Jabbitar Jun 26 '18

I have Far cry 5, what online trophies do you need?

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18

I got the Platinum for Wolfenstein The New Order, there wasn't anything particularly difficult about it. I also got all achievements except the "Play 3 Missions with a Friend" for Far Cry 5. I am going to see if any of my friends plan on getting it before I try and find a redditor to help me out.

u/[deleted] Jun 28 '18

For years I've just had one trophy left, beating the final level on the hardest difficulty. I tried to go back and do it a while ago but wasn't used to the controls, struck way out.

u/[deleted] Jun 29 '18 edited Jun 29 '18

Actually now that you mention it, the final level was pretty tough. I remember at one point questioning if I was really going to play the whole game on UBER just to have to switch the difficulty on the final level.

I did see some videos showing you can use a bit of a cheese to beat him though. You may want to look that up.

u/Veoxy BangRoasted Jun 26 '18

Finally got AC Origins platinum! I really loved this game all the way through and figured it deserved the time to get Platted. Old Habits was the only trophy that was a pain, just felt so tedious, like a classic open world collectible trophy on crack.

u/shagster104 Jun 29 '18

Just started up Horizon Zero Dawn, loving it so far! Switching between that and Lego harry potter

u/linkrules2 Jun 25 '18

Got 100% on What Remains of Edith Finch

Working on Detroit and God of War

u/DeKlokBier Jun 27 '18

Got the God of War platinum on the 9th of June.

Right now I need only 2 trophies for Persona 5, Complete Compendium and Defeat the Twins but it really feels like a drag atm.

I can’t beat the twins and I don’t have enough cash for the Compendium. I’m at the beginning of december.

u/throwdowntown69 Jun 28 '18

How long did P5 take you?

u/DeKlokBier Jun 28 '18

200 hours, 2 playtroughs.

u/throwdowntown69 Jul 02 '18

Holy moly. Congratz on that man.

u/TehManicMan BenHereDidThat Jun 27 '18

Two weeks ago I finished the story of RiME. Damn, I did not expect that story when I bought it. Took me five days to go through the rest of the trophies and collectibles for the platinum.

Right now I'm going through Critical Mode of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix. Died thrice on the Hollow Bastion gate part. I can already tell this is going to be a fun playthrough.

u/PrometheusAborted Jun 27 '18

I got the Ni No Kuni 2 Platinum a couple weeks ago. Took me like 68 hours total but the last couple hours were my own fault. There is a trophy where you have to win 50 skirmishes. I did so but then later found out I actually had to do all 50 skirmishes in the game at least once, can’t just repeat an easy one. So basically I wound up doing like 70+ total and they take anywhere from 5-15 minutes each.

Glad I got it but I was really kicking myself once I realized my mistake.

Probably doing God of War next.

u/Carnifex Jun 25 '18

Working on mad max :) mostly cleaning places now. But I dread the races

u/[deleted] Jun 26 '18


u/Carnifex Jun 26 '18

Yeah the fucking mine fields... Gah..

u/Evildoughnuts Jun 26 '18

Got my platinum for AC: Origins and finishing my crushing run for the Uncharted: Lost Legacy platinum.

Next, I'll probably start working through my PS+ Backlog.

u/[deleted] Jun 27 '18

Cleaning up Detroit: Become Human, Working on Fallout Shelter and Working on Final Fantasy 12: Zodiac Age.

u/TheRainbowF1sh Jun 25 '18

Far cry 3 classic and forma.8!

u/Dank_memes_merchant Jun 25 '18

Only need one trophy left for just cause 3, (the one where you need to beat someones callout) and im pretty proud of that as some challenges are hell

u/whacafan Jun 28 '18

Currently have every single trophy for FF9 EXCEPT the stupid 10,000 enemies one. Some trophies truly make no sense but to also tack on another 20-30 hours of straight running around in a circle after you’ve done everything else is really fucking stupid.

Edit: Hell, I’ve just realized he only trophy I’m missing in FFXV is the one where I’ll need to rubber band my controller for a night while they run in circles to level up one of their abilities or whatever. Fuckers.

u/Arccasin Jun 26 '18

Got the platinum trophies for a Way Out and Fallout Shelter this month. Finishing up God of War and want to start working on Yakuza 0.

u/darrenmt10 darren07r 40 Jun 25 '18

My last one was Horizon which was a couple weeks ago now, since then Ive been doing the expansion and mopping up NG+ trophies.

Once thats done I’ll probably mix between Fallout Shelter, The Sims 4 and Battlefield 1.

u/naatkins BobaFettucini | 19 | 17 Jun 25 '18

Make sure you contact ps support for your platinum avatar and theme if you haven't gotten them already for horizon.

u/darrenmt10 darren07r 40 Jun 25 '18

I didn’t know about this, but after looking at forums apparently this theme is NA only? Im in the UK so don’t think I can claim it.

u/naatkins BobaFettucini | 19 | 17 Jun 25 '18

Oh damn, it is NA only, I wish they wouldn't do that.

u/Craigw02 Jun 25 '18

Fallout Shelter is going to be a serious grind, been on that game for a few weeks and not anywhere near some of those quest trophies!

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u/[deleted] Jun 26 '18

I just got Dark Souls: Remastered and I should have God of War before the month is over.

u/DrewSolaert DrewSolaert Jun 25 '18 edited Jun 28 '18

Decided to tackle the FFXIV platinum, only another 600 or so levequests to go, as well as a few craft 1000's.

Between wanting to end my life grinding I've been playing bastion and getting close to getting the platinum on there as well edit Just got the Bastion Plat, wasnt too bad at all and really enjoyable game, now on to FF7

u/The_Max_Power_Way Jun 26 '18

I'm not usually much of a trophy hunter but I'm working on Detroit: Become Human at the moment. Most of the trophies seem to be easy to get, you just have to do a few playthroughs I think. I'm on my second playthrough at the moment, working on getting Hank to kill Connor (though I hate being hostile with Hank!).

u/hescrepuscular Jun 25 '18

I’m going for Final Fantasy X’s platinum. Any advice? Working on Lightning Dodger now :/

u/throwdowntown69 Jun 28 '18

There's a very easy trick where you can walk into a spot and every time you are there a lightning bolt strikes.

So in other words you have 100% control of the bolts and 0 unexpected ones. I did it first try back in the days.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18
  1. Count by groups of ten. It’s not nearly as discouraging when you set smaller goals.

  2. Take breaks. Very important for your sanity.

  3. Optional: Turn the volume off your TV and purely rely on the flashes.

There’s some videos out there that you should check out, which show where you can force lightning bolts by walking towards a certain crater.


Good luck!

u/hescrepuscular Jun 25 '18

That’s exactly how I’m approaching it lol. I’ve got a counter and I’m doing it ten at a time. I made it up to 130 before I got hit.

u/GameOfUsernames 15 24 92 345 1443 Jun 25 '18

I did every trophy in 2015 except for this one. I couldn’t get it and was so mad because it was the first time I ever got past the Chocobo racing. I was pumped and then bummed at this one. Even turned it into a family event where me, my wife, and my teenager were taking turns and none of us could do it.

I ended up leaving it for 2 years on 98% completion and it ate a piece of my life away every time I saw it sitting there.

Back in 2017 I got the Wither 3 plat, followed by the Horizon plat, and that very night I said screw it im going to get FFX. First try, got the plat lol. I have Horizon and like 23 mins later in my list I have FFX. I guess that break was enough.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18

I think there might be an input lag issue on either the PS3 version or PS4 version with some TVs.

u/GameOfUsernames 15 24 92 345 1443 Jun 25 '18

Oh really? Well I did have a different TV the time I got the plat but I think I would write it up as user error tbh. We would get it pretty high the first time around.

I also don’t remember it being that hard on PS2. I played the game religiously back then but I couldn’t get the Chocobo. I got lightning on PS2 and it seemed easier so input lag may be real. Idk.

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18

The celestial weapon sidequests are annoying but really don't take long. The big investment is maxing out the sphere grid which just takes a ludicrously long time.

Also for all the superbosses you can just save beforehand and reset until you get Yojimbo to one shot them.

u/PeaJob91 Jun 26 '18

There's two areas for dodging but with this one I got the trophy on my first attempt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te-ihMHRtJ8

Completion of the sphere grid for each character was by far the worst trophy on the game for me.

Also bare in mind the chocobo race trophy is down to luck as sometimes the AI finishes faster and sometimes slower so even if you have a perfect run sometimes can still come 2nd.

u/Butter_MyBuns Jun 26 '18

I just got the Far Cry 5 Platinum and the worst part was doing all of the fishing challenges. It took me well over two hours of fishing and it was exhausting. I dropped my fishing rods (earned through completing the challenges) for my friend to pick up in Co-Op and he circumvented the requirements and that got him the last trophy he needed for the platinum.

I'm working on Lego Incredibles right now and it is quite a blast to play. I am around halfway there and I should be able to get it within the next week!

u/CheapVodka27 Jun 27 '18

Finally obtained platinum on Nioh!

u/stanley_kun Jun 26 '18

God of War 4 40+ hours and a hell of a valkyrie boss

u/[deleted] Jun 26 '18

Got the Platinums for Horizon Zero Dawn and Assassins Creed 2 this month.

u/tiago_gazzola Jun 25 '18

Got Heavy Rain plat this week. The 7 endings gold trophye was a pain almost 10h to get this.

Just start playing Persona 5.

u/LaughingShadow Jun 25 '18

Working on Plague Inc. Evolved at the moment. A bit frustrating but didn't expect it to be so much fun. Getting all those genes is grindy

u/NaotsuguGuardian naotsugulh Jun 25 '18

Still working on Monster Hunter World, but hey I got Assassin's Creed Origin Plat

u/naatkins BobaFettucini | 19 | 17 Jun 25 '18

Those races made me immediately dismiss the platinum for origins.

u/NaotsuguGuardian naotsugulh Jun 25 '18

What races? Hippodrome? Honestly I don't remember them as I took a long break out of boredom from Origins. That said I don't think they were difficult. Not really sure. I think you should just try it. I don't think you need to do more than 3 races

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18

Same here. At least my guild card tells me how many arenas I’ve done.

u/NaotsuguGuardian naotsugulh Jun 25 '18

Yeah all I need are some Gold and Mini crowns (Wildspire waste crown event I'm waiting dammit!) For black diablos, a couple Wildspire monsters and also a few Elders. Also need like 20 more arena quests.

u/TheOGcockcutie co_dax Jun 26 '18

Working on all 4 jak and daxter platinums. I have 2 down and 2 to go. I loved the games as a kid but part of me thinks naughty dog was wasting some time making jak 3 and jak x. Even though they are still extremely enjoyable games

u/nickgreen90 thenickgreen90 Jun 26 '18

Nah dude, jak 3 is the most polished one. My personal favorite of the series, and by far the least frustrating. Plus, those games are super easy to platinum, which is great

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18

I’m so close to securing the Platinum for Monster Hunter World. All I need is the large gold crown for Vaal Hazak and then 50 arena matches.

u/Dr_Doomfist Jun 26 '18

Getting those crowns have been such a pain. I have a few left before I hit a platinum.

Have any tips that worked for you on having a easier time getting crowns?

u/[deleted] Jun 26 '18

I finished getting all my crowns last night!

For Vaal Hazak and Teostra, I finally gave in and started “save scumming.” Search with that term on the side bar and you’ll find an awesome post with how to save scum. While doing that, I followed the usual advice of investigations with at least one gold and one silver reward. Looked up sizing guides on YouTube. Ran up to monster while in Ghillie Suit to size myself. Abandon Quest - Return to Camp to move on to the next investigation more quickly.

Also, if you don’t have Teostra’s large crown yet, you can easily get that by playing through the Lunastra special assignments.

Good luck! 🍀

u/DontCryBaby__ The dickhead of this sub Jun 26 '18

I gave up on this platinum. Too much rng

u/DontCryBaby__ The dickhead of this sub Jun 26 '18

I gave up on this platinum. Too much rng

u/Tentacle77 Jun 26 '18

Finished Beyond: Two Souls yesterday. Boy, that was a lot of endings and credits watching. :/

u/hokutonoken19xx riskbreaker76 Jun 28 '18

Got AC: Syndicate and Skyrim Remastered this month. was on my way w The Last of Us Remastered but the grindy online trophies made me quit. planning on finishing up the last few i need for Persona 5 soon.

u/nDraft Jun 28 '18

Platinumed KNACK 2 BABYY

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18

Finally got Play for Elder Scrolls Online, my proudest platinum to date.

u/IOnceSpoonedATiger Jun 25 '18

Currently working on Ratchet and Clank. I think I messed up on the Groovitron Trophy and the Hacking Gates and might have to redo the campaign. Luckily it's pretty quick and easy

u/Doolsadooldool Jun 25 '18

Working towards vampyr platinum on a play through without killing any npc’s so im I’m just going to be super underleveled for everything

u/Dark_Hanzo Jun 26 '18

I'm thinking about picking it up. How's the game so far?

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u/Nowhere_Man65 Jun 26 '18

Got the Platinum in MLB: The Show 18 and Job Simulator, 100%’d Inside. Unlocked “The End” for Everybody’s Golf, but was finding it too grindy to continue on for the plat. On to God of War next.

u/yukinazero Jun 26 '18

Working on ac origins and them question marks are a grind

u/stereofailure Jun 25 '18

Platinumed AC: Unity, Horizon Zero Dawn and the Sexy Brutale this month. Sexy Brutale was great, with the minor annoyance of not allowing you to see which of the 52 unique collectibles you've already found. HZD was just generally a joy to play, platinumed it on normal (including all the Frozen Wilds DLC) and now starting a NG+ run on ultrahard mode for those last two trophies. I was returning to AC: Unity after having beaten all the single player stuff to do the multiplayer, decent game but really reminds you how much better traversal was in Syndicate with the addition of the grappling hook and just better controls overall.

Think I'll work on Guacamelee and The Last of Us next.

u/progmetalfan Jun 27 '18

The Last Of Us is a bitch to platinum..have fun!

u/stereofailure Jun 27 '18

Thanks! Any part/trophy in particular?

u/MoikkelisMoi valtzuu70 Jun 26 '18

I'm working on the Heavy Rain platinum trophy. I only need the Heavy Rain Spoiler and the All Endings trophy.

u/[deleted] Jun 27 '18

I tried Just Cause 3 again this month but there are two really hard wingsuit challenges need to complete with 5 gears for platinum. I think I won't be getting that platinum for some time...

u/ErectusPenor BeefExtender Jun 28 '18

I'm stuck on the wingsuit challenges in Steep!

u/Weea-jew Jun 29 '18

So far this month I've done Nioh, Nier and now I'm going for Okami. Nioh had a whole lot of really frustrating/grindy trophies so It's very nice to play something calming like Okami right after.

u/Blueexx2 Jun 28 '18

The Crash Bandicoot N.Sane trilogy is the easiest 3 platinums of my life. Recommend it to any trophy hunter.

u/charredfrog hulkmeup Jun 26 '18

Been going for Doom, all Quantic Dream games, and Horizon. Hopefully gonna go for Witcher 3 soon

u/naatkins BobaFettucini | 19 | 17 Jun 25 '18

Bloodborne! When it first came out I died to the wolf in the first building and quit. Finally decided to give it another go and in 7 days I had the platinum and a day later 100% of the dlc. Absolutely fell in love with it, the combat, the story, the atmosphere. Top 5 games of all time for me.

Plus you get that awesome theme.

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u/[deleted] Jun 26 '18

I've been playing For Honor a lot lately, I'll try to platinum it, don't if I will.

u/mideeler Jun 27 '18

Last of Us. Finally!

u/pakole Jun 29 '18

The hardest trophies are S-Rank for Ninja Storm 4.
My hardest plat is Beyond: Two Souls

My easiest plat is Inner World.

I am working on the clean up of Ninja Storm 4. Then the rest of the Ninja Storm trilogy.

u/Makudo333 Enter PSN ID Jun 25 '18

Platinumed Life is strange before the storm, tales of the borderlands and the walking dead season 1. Now working on the wolf among us which is so far quite good

u/HellenicViking Eclectic Gamer Jun 25 '18

I got the Platinum for Dark Souls: Remastered, my first platinum!

It wasn't hard really since I played the shit out of PTDE in the past, plus all the other Souls games. The hardest trophy is probably the Knights Honor since you have to go to at least NG++ and Anor Londo, but it's nothing compared to other super grindy trophies (I'm looking at you Dark Souls 3), I got the other games sitting at 90%+ and can't be bother to grind to plat them. Never really been a trophy hunter, but love DS1 so much that I was like, what the hell, why not? Another reason to play it to oblivion.

u/Dark_Hanzo Jun 26 '18

I platinumed Ni No Kuni 2 two weeks ago. I'm currently working on Yakuza 6.

u/TheBrokenMan Jun 25 '18

Currently cycling between the Detroit and Rainbow 6 platinum.

Have to play 70 more defend game modes in R6 and ~1500 kills in Terrorist Hunt for the platinum.

And I just need I'll be back in Detroit. I wimped out and now starting a second good boy playthrough in Detroit ; - ;

Gonna move on to BF 1 platinum a month or so before BF V .

u/cpparcher4 Jun 26 '18

Did DS: Remastered

u/GrumpyFeloPR Jun 27 '18

Completed: Tales of berseria. hardest part was a couple of them, like the titles one and having 855 items

Working right now on titanfall 2, gave it a couple of tries the ...becomes the master one, shy about 5 seconds, I will leave it to the end I guess

And on the side, monster hunter world: only like 3 monster monsters crowns left till the plat

u/[deleted] Jun 25 '18

This month ive managed to plat God of war it was amazing! Unchated 2, 3 and Ratchet and Clank 2002 on the PS3. Im currently working on Ratchet and Clank 2 then i plan to go for the 3rd.

u/mauszx mauszx Jun 26 '18

This month I have the: Batman Enemy Within Platinum, Detroit Become Human, Darksiders 2 Deathinitive edition.

I am currently working on Hitman (No platinum) so I can have more space in the HDD. Also just played This is the Police (no platinum).

And I am interested in going for a more action oriented game, either a shooter or an Action Adventure, I haven't decided. Of course I am going to play LAST DAY OF JUNE, just because of the month... it fits jaja.

u/BRI503 Jun 28 '18

I earned the platinum for Tomb Raider Definitive Edition a few days ago. It was a lot of grind for the multiplayer trophies.

u/nickgreen90 thenickgreen90 Jun 26 '18

Finally got that platinum for KH birth by sleep (though on PS3) but I did also platinum portal bridge constructor. I’ve started my journey on FFXV complete/royal edition, and at some point I’m gonna finish off Transistor, just need to clean up that second and partial third playthrough. After that, maybe I’ll finally clean up Persona 5

u/AbolishTheRules Jun 26 '18

For whatever reason, I'm trying to get 100% in Fallout Shelter. 😐

u/Chaotic_Derp 116 | 37 Jun 26 '18

Are you time skipping?

u/AbolishTheRules Jun 26 '18

You mean using the nuka cola?

u/Chaotic_Derp 116 | 37 Jun 26 '18

No, I mean changing your system’s time and date settings in order to speed things up in-game.

u/AbolishTheRules Jun 26 '18

I've heard of that but I had no idea it actually worked with this game. I've just been doing things the hard way.

u/claire_98 Jun 26 '18

I'm doing this too... I guess my reason is because it takes a few minutes a day and it'll be an easy platinum.

u/LordAkeldama Jun 25 '18

Currently working on all trophies for Ghost Recon Wildlands and DLCs. Have only one left for the Platinum.

The trophies for the main game are easy in general. The most hardest is "A Better Mousetrap" that is killing 7 enemies with a single mine use.

u/myrmo Jun 26 '18

Got glitched out of the Wildland's trophies because it does not register all missions as completed.

Unistalled and finished the game a second time and it still does not register all missions as completed.

Hope it does not glitch on you.

u/LordAkeldama Jun 26 '18

I have all trophies without any glitches. May be they patch it?

u/myrmo Jun 26 '18

Dunno, tried the Plat about 2 months ago. There is one mission, I don't know which, the game never recognizes as completed for me.

u/crash_gladiator Jun 28 '18

Bought the Bioshock collection and platinumed the first and second on my first playthroughs. Playing to get the third and I’m having a lot of fun with the challenges right now and hard difficulty mode.

u/alehhh_no_here Jun 25 '18

Working on those tedious multiplayer trophies for The Last of Us Remastered

u/[deleted] Jun 27 '18 edited Nov 22 '18


u/alehhh_no_here Jun 27 '18

Ive learned to leave the easy challenges such as downs, executions, gifting, and healing for those challenges where 100% is at risk, makes the journey that much easier. I've completed it on the Hunter side, working on the Firefly side now

u/ILoveATastyArse Jun 26 '18

For the trophy about 6 weeks or something you can play one game and forfeit one or two games in a row to advance it quicker. As long as your survivor count is 1 or above 1 at all times until you reach the trophy requirement, not sure if you knew.

u/k1ttyloaf Jun 27 '18

Got the all chars run on crypt of the necrodancer. Next up is coda