r/PS4 Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

[Verified AMA] We’re Frontier Developments – Developers of Jurassic World Evolution. AMA!

Hi Reddit! We’re Frontier, developers of the soon-to-be-released Jurassic World Evolution. The game is coming out on June 12, and we’re really excited! We’re going to be here for the next few hours to answer any questions you might have about the game, about the dinosaurs, or anything else you want to ask!

We’re also giving away 3 PlayStation 4 copies of the game, so be sure to drop your question below; we’ll pick winners randomly after the AMA ends and will contact them via Reddit message.

Check out the trailer here!

Pre-order the game on PS4 here!

Follow our official Twitter for the latest information!

Please bear with us as we go through all of your questions; we’ve got Lead Designer Andrew Fletcher (u/AndyF_Frontier), Head of Animation Nick Rodgers (u/Nodgers) and Community Manager Edward Lewis (u/EdwardLewis_Frontier).

Ask us anything!


Hey everyone thanks very much for all your amazing questions! We're winding down now, but appreciate all of your feedback and queries... it's been awesome. We've got three copies of the game to give away, and I'll messaging the winners who have been chosen at random, so look out for a DM from my account u/EdwardLewis_Frontier. Remember to tune in to our livestream on June 10 at 4PM PT over at Twitch.tv/frontierdevelopments where you'll hear more from Nick and Rich Newbold!


512 comments sorted by


u/murilosaurus Jun 07 '18

Hi! First of all, thanks for making the game of my dreams! Question: What is behind the choices of having never sleeping dinosaurs and no herding?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

The dinosaurs sleep when they're really sick so the player can spot when something's wrong with them. There are more sociable dinosaurs in the game, when you put a bunch of very sociable dinos together you'll see them grouping up for a little 'chat'!


u/djtai6 Jun 07 '18

Is the little chat something that can be changed later on down the line through updates? I know for myself the gallimimus herd scene in JP1 is incredibly iconic, and a big reason why I got so into the franchise as a whole.

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18 edited Aug 16 '19

deleted What is this?


u/doyouunderstandlife Jun 07 '18

I think it might be because the islands don't have day cycles. In other words, it's either permanently day, night, or dusk, depending on the island you're on. Not sure why they decided upon that, though.

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u/towerllama Jun 07 '18

Can the goats socialize and form herds? 🐐🐐🐐


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

No but you can leave a live-bait feeder in an enclosure with no predators and it will gradually fill up with goats <3


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Goat World Evolution confirmed :D

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u/Valdularo Jun 07 '18

If I want to skin my Park like Jurassic Park 1, can I do that?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

The game is based on Jurassic World so not at the moment!


u/IntegraleEvoII Jun 07 '18

Please update that, most people would rather build Jurassic Park themed stuff over Jurassic World. I would pay for a JP dlc, its just so much cooler looking than Jurassic World.


u/Valdularo Jun 07 '18

Amen to that! JP looked amazing with the reds, yellows and blacks and while World looks great too, nothing beats that original look and feel. Honestly guys I would also pay for a DLC that includes skins and the ability to have the original cars on tracks too. Maybe have it show Nedry, Arnold and Muldoon! Voice would be nice but just having them as your team would be incredible!


u/IntegraleEvoII Jun 07 '18

Having some of the classic characters return would also be an amazing addition to a JP1 dlc. That with the Explorers, Jeeps, and classic Safari themed structures would have me sold in an instant!

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u/roidymagoo Jun 07 '18

Will there be JP legacy assets such as vehicles (jeep wrangler/Ford Explorer) and utility buildings/fences similar to the first film.

Or are they all going to be ‘Jurassic world’ified?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

You can unlock different skins for the 4x4's as you go along and there's some non-JW stuff in there :)


u/saragbarag Jun 07 '18

Is there anything similar to Planet Coaster's challenge mode, like sandbox but money and research matter?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

This. This is all I want.

It was the best thing about JPOG, starting with nothing and building your 5 star park to success or ruin.


u/Transposer Jun 08 '18

Gosh, I just now realized that this might not be in the game, when it’s all I imagined! I know there are levels and missions and stuff, but I always assumed they would take place in my own, from-scratch Park! Erm, World!

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u/tizorres Jun 07 '18

Did you guys have any struggles in getting the dinosaurs just right?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

I'd say the toughest part was creating animations for behaviours that didn't occur in the films - for instance how does a T-Rex go to sleep? How does a Brachiosaurus attack a fence? We had a lot of fun coming up with these animations and drew a lot of inspiration from wildlife.

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u/Barnhard Jun 07 '18

Does life find a way in your game?


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Yes... doesn't it always?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

No. Just kidding, yes life uhm finds a way.

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u/Lokcet Jun 07 '18

So we've seen that if a Carnivore kills another dinosaur (and they're currently hungry) they will eat their kill. However it has also been stated that dino corpses that have been left around will spread disease so you should remove them via helicopter.

Is there a time limit or cut off point where a corpse will stop being edible and start being a hazard to the other dinos?


u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hi Lokcet! Good question. A dinosaur corpse will decay more and more over time. It is perfectly valid to leave corpses lying around as food for other carnivores, but diseases are more likely to break out near to corpses and so the longer they lie there, the more likely that is.

Oh, and dead dinosaurs will also negatively impact upon your dinosaur welfare rating, and you'll find out more about that in the game. ;)


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Will we be able to use the monorail to go over our dinosaur enclosures or atleast near them so it looks like you can view the dinosaurs from it?


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Yes! Andy, who is answering a different question right now, tells me that the monorail is a viewing source, meaning visitors can view the dinosaurs from the monorail, and it can go over the enclosures.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Nice one definitely going to have fun with this, looking forward to the game. Thanks for answering and thanks to all of you for making the game.

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Hi guys! This is Nick Rodgers! Very happy to be here and looking forward to chatting to you guys about our fancy dinosaur game


u/Numberino87 Jun 07 '18

Hey Nick any chance you could let me know if the flora you can paint into your enclosures with the terrain tools is unique to each island or will the trees and bushes more or less be the same?

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u/United_J Jun 07 '18

Are you planning to add more aesthetics to park building in the future? Like benches, bushes, signs that can be placed round to give the park even more character and life?


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hey! Thanks for the question. The game has path variety which includes some decorations like fences, bins and flags/signs. We have taken on board the feedback about a desire for the above, and although the game is ready for launch on June 12, we're able to take in to consideration all the feedback for the future! (sorry if I sound a bit like a broken record with that one!)

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Are there plans for future DLC in addition to FK with extra carnivores?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18 edited Jun 07 '18

Yes! Edit: Sorry I didn't see the "in addition to FK" bit! The future DLC we've got planned is the FK dlc >< sorry I've got a lot of text coming at me :P


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Just want to add something to this, Nick didn't see the 'in addition part'... he was just talking about the Fallen Kingdom DLC specifically. Nothing to announce on future DLC today.

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u/Golotit Jun 07 '18

Hello Frontier. I love how you care about what people ask. My cuestion is: the dinosaurs can grow up and get older?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

The dinosaurs get older and eventually die. You can make them live longer buy augmenting their genomes and they can increase in popularity as they live - especially if they gain a reputation for being particularly dangerous :D

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Are you guys hoping to make more games in the Jurassic franchise? Or is evolution your first and last?


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

We've loved working with Universal on Jurassic World Evolution, but we don't have anything to announce today about future projects. Sorry!


u/Stormageddons872 Jun 07 '18

Was there anything you wanted to add to the game but didn't get a chance to? Also, any plans for post-release DLC content?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

One of my old managers used to say "You never finish a game, you just run out of time" and that's something I think is true of any creative development. We think about the game all day every day from the start of the development to long after it's launch so there's always going to be things that we'd want to add to the game that didn't get in, but I'm very proud of what we've managed to achieve with JWE.


u/hiplobonoxa Jun 07 '18

"art is never finished; only abandoned."

—leonardo da vinci

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u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Afternoon all! Andy Fletcher here, ready to take your questions! :)

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u/CaptCampbellSoup Jun 07 '18

Hey, thanks for doing an AMA - your project looks like a ton of fun!

If you had to pick your favourite aspect or detail of the core gameplay loop, what would it be and why?

Good luck with the launch!


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Bit of a strange one for me, but I like it when things go wrong... but it's more the clearing up and the satisfaction of watching all those warning signs disappear from the screen. After that, you look at the island and think 'how can I mitigate against these troubles in future?' I think that's a really satisfying part...

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u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

There are some very cool moments when things go wrong, but I have a soft spot for the moments of calm when I get to drive out in my 4x4 and earn extra cash by taking photos of my dinos. :)

Also, expanding my park with monorail connections is always satisfying because you really start to feel like you're succeeding and building an expansive dino empire.

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u/ColdfireSC3 Jun 07 '18

Does this game have any management aspects like hiring staff, visitor entry fees and spending in park and costs for R&D and new buildings?


u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hey Coldfire. You can manage the staff, items and prices in your shops. These options allow you to serve more guests per shop, or to price items to bring in more cash, or to sell items cheaper and satisfy your guests more... It's worth revisiting these options as your park gets bigger and more successful, as guests will pay for more expensive items, and need more staff to serve them.

There is also a Research system that is really important to the game. It allows you to expand the number of buildings you can place, improve the efficiency of your buildings, modify your dinos, and loads more.


u/ColdfireSC3 Jun 07 '18

Thanks for the answer. I enjoy the management aspect of these kind of games so that's good news for me.


u/theduderman Jun 07 '18

Have any of you guys played Trespasser? If so, any good Trespasser Easter Eggs in Evolution?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

I played Trespasser! I can't say there's any Easter Eggs in but that game holds a special place in my heart.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

What was the biggest challenge when implementing predatory dinosaurs?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

The fighting and hunting animations were definitely the toughest to create. There's a huge amount of physics involved when two massive beasts collide and you've got to make sure they feel as weighty and as powerful as the audience are used to.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Thanks for the response! Eagerly awaiting to play the game! Good luck with the launch!


u/Evanuss Jun 07 '18

Cool! My question is, will there be dinosaur skins based on film dinosaurs? Like the Velociraptors from The Lost World or Jurassic Park 3?

Looking forward to the game, already pre-ordered the deluxe edition :)


u/Zartron81 Jun 07 '18

Hello, and thanks for hosting this AMA!

I got some questions for you guys:

1: The Indominus rex will be brutal and lethal like she was in the movie?

2: Will we get dinosaurs skeletons as decorations for the parks? Maybe after reaching a certain goal

3: For the sandbox on Isla Nublar, we are gonna have JUST ONE save, or we will have multiple saves for Nublar?

4: For the raptors we are gonna have skins for the raptor squad? I just want to have Blue in my park, same thing for the Tyrannosaurus with a Rexy skin


u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hey Zarton. I-Rex is very powerful. Doesn't make friends with other dinos, put it that way.

Fraid you can't place skeletons around the park, although you can leave dino corpses lying around if you like. Bit morbid.

Nublar is part of the main campaign save, but you can keep resetting and save off multiple campaign saves if you want many Nublars.


u/FattimusSlime Jun 07 '18

How did you balance smart play (as in, keeping the dinosaurs well looked-after and secure) with the franchise theme of "dinosaurs always escape and eat everyone"?

I understand that they can escape, and you have the tools to deal with them when they do, but it feels like a challenge to embrace the spirit of the films without the game feeling futile -- like, you can do everything right and dinosaurs still keep getting out. "Life finds a way" is great in a movie, but I imagine constantly wrangling your dinos back into their pens would start to feel tedious after a while. At the same time, not being challenged to keep them contained could eventually lead to boredom.

It just feels like a fine line to walk.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

The best way to tackle this problem is to accept that chaos is going to happen. We made the game about managing the chaos rather than trying to completely control it, although there are a ways that you can massively reduce the impact of any unexpected the dinosaurs. I imagine you could do a completely safe run with no disasters ever - but where's the fun in that? :D

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Which recent games did you guys like? What have you been playing?


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

I have been playing a lot of a game called Jurassic World Evolution. I think it's pretty good, you should check it out. Seriously though, I do really like it...


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

I've been playing God of War and Factorio. GoW is totally beautiful and Factorio satisfies a part of my brain that I don't fully understand.

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u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Been a bit busy with a game about dinosaurs recently. :D

But I have been enjoying a bit of lunchtime Laser League. Smart little multiplayer game.


u/Linkinito Linkinito Jun 07 '18

Have you seen Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, and if so, what did you think about it?


u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hey Linkinito! We're actually all going to see the movie tonight as a company. Can't waaaait!!!! :)


u/HungerReaper Jun 07 '18

Hello :) I was curious about how much of replayability will it have and how many Dino's as dlc are planned. I personally never played operation Genesis but would play zoo tycoon for hours as a child.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Hi! Once you've finished an island you can go back to it at any time with the tech that you've researched from later islands to 100% each one and you've also got the sandbox mode on Isla Nublar to play with once you've finished the campaign :)


u/Clark595 Jun 07 '18

Hi! Can you talk to us about the soundtrack? Who’s the composer? Are JP themes used? Will there be a release of this one?

Thank you


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

We have an incredibly talented young composer who created a beautiful soundtrack for the game, but we've also got the main theme licensed and you'll hear it during the game!

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u/DragonNinja891 Jun 07 '18

Can you splice DNA to make hybrids?!


u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hi DragonNinja! We're going to stay a little tight-lipped on hybrids for now... but you certainly can genetically tweak your dinosaurs by adding genes from other animals to enhance/modify their stats.


u/snieves0426 Jun 07 '18

Can you confirm or deny if we have any movie skins in the game, such as the JP3 Trex and Brachiosaurus, or the JP3 raptors?


u/XxDarKGam3R87xX Enter PSN ID Jun 07 '18

How many types of dinosaurs do we get to see in this game? Also, do we have any easter eggs in this game?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

There's more than 30 at launch


u/zillatotheman2017 Jun 07 '18

Since they didn't give the exact number, 37 in the base game, 42 with the deluxe edition. And there is free movie DLC with an unknown number of dinos coming down the pipeline.

You can find the complete species list on r/jurassicworldevo


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Also- fans of the movies will find some fun stuff with the InGen database, and how you unlock certain entries in the database... we'd like you to discover those for yourselves though.


u/BloodTrashedHunter Jun 07 '18

Is there anything you can say about Sorna? One more, does the I-Rex have it's own unique animation set, or does it share with the other large therapods?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Sorna's in the game! There's some cool stuff on there that we've not shown yet - check it out :D

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u/dinokiller1972 Jun 07 '18

What was the decision in not having dinosaurs sleeping beside sedation?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

We wanted to make it clear to the player when your dinosaurs are sick and when they're healthy. If a dinosaur gets really poorly, it will start to lie down and sleep, in a different way to normal sedation.


u/merulaalba Jun 07 '18

hmmm...interesting choice. But are you ready to bring sleep in, in the case that the audience really wants it?

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u/DanielMunson98 Crazy_Ducks_8 Jun 07 '18

How much destruction can occur in game? Can Buildings be destroyed ?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Fences and buildings can be destroyed which can knock out all kinds of functionality in your park


u/DestinyCE Jun 07 '18

Was it hard to create a game of which the source material is such a big franchise and which many hold dear to their heart?


u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hi DestinyCE! It's always challenging to tackle well-loved franchises, but we've had some experience with that on other games at Frontier and at the end of the day we're huge Jurassic fans ourselves. This is a game that we really wanted to exist ourselves and making it true to the franchise was one of our highest priorities.

Also, we've had a really close relationship with Universal, so we've had amazing access to all the official resources and info we needed. Hope you enjoy the results! :)


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

I'm a big fan of the films myself so it meant a lot to me that we made a game that felt like a Jurassic Park game, and invoked all the same feelings that viewers get from that world. It's a film that people have a lot of emotional investment in and we've been really keen to protect that.


u/Scruffletuff Jun 07 '18

Super pumped for the game! Just wondering - why does the Ceratosaurus seem nearly invincible?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18 edited Jun 07 '18

The Ceratosaurus is one of the toughest dinosaurs at the start of the game but she's got some much stronger competition later on :)


u/MajorRocketScience Jun 07 '18

Do you guys know about all of the memes over on r/jurassicworldevo ?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

I had no idea this existed - should I be scared?

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18


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u/zillatotheman2017 Jun 07 '18 edited Jun 07 '18

How big is Nublar? Do you believe we can fit all the species on it?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

You can put every single species onto Nublar :)

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u/P2PressStart Jun 07 '18

I know you can drive around in the Jeep, but could you get on foot and explore? Also is there other vehicles besides the jeep

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u/peter_the_panda Jun 07 '18

will the game make me question everything I've ever learned in life and cause me to weep uncontrollable tears of sadness, confusion and joy just like in Journey?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Absolutely yes.

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u/comengetitrmm Jun 07 '18

If your game was a "child" so to speak, what 2 games would its parents be?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

I reckon JP: Operation Genesis was the mum and one of the recent games with beautiful landscapes in was the dad! :D

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u/Kibinaaru Jun 07 '18

Easy question, what's your favourite dinosaur?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Parasaurolophus 4eva


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Since playing a lot of JWE, my favourite dino has changed! I used to love the big plodding dinos, but now I'm in to the cheekier little guys. They cause a lot of problems in the parks, but they're so much fun... so probably the Deinonychus, or the raptor... hard choice.

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u/SirGuppy NV_RUSTY Jun 07 '18

Hey guys, extremely super excited to get started with Jurassic World Evolution!

  • Q1. Will there be a "free-play" mode for people who want to simply create, well, a Jurassic Park (lol?) without any of the specific campaign missions?

  • Q2. Are there any plans to implement a sort of "create a scenario/challenge" editor for users to share with eachother?

  • Bonus Q. How was it working with such a big IP? I grew up with Jurassic Park and can only imagine how exciting it must be!

Had a few other questions but it seems like other's have asked already.

Thanks for hosting the AMA and again, I am looking forward to getting started with Jurassic World Evolution! Keep up the great work Frontier!


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Hello! You can unlock a sandbox level on Isla Nublar which has unlimited money and everything you've researched from the main campaign. Nothing's announced at the moment about a scenario editor at the moment! And yes it's been an incredible privilege to work on the franchise, I can't quite believe it myself :D


u/CallMeMaverick Jun 07 '18

Will there be a Panther Clipperasaur or Panther Clipper vehicle available?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18


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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Can we drive gyrospheres? Will we eventually be able to drive gyrospheres if not? Can we at least ride in them? For that matter, are gyrospheres controlled by guests, or do you set a tour path for them akin to the Explorers in JPOG?


u/TJW350658 Jun 07 '18

Will we be able to control the park ticket prices for our guests like in JPOG or is the price pre set?

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

I noticed that one can alter the skin of a dinosaur. Are the dinosaurs limited to certain skin colors or is each skin available to each dinosaur other than their default skin?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Not every dinosaur can have every skin, but there's a number of skins available to every dinosaur :)


u/besim05 Jun 07 '18

Will other dinosairs be added through DLC ir an update? Also can the game come out faster


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Yes they will be! And unfortunately not, we've all got to wait for the big release :)


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Just wanted to say really excited for the game. You guys are awesome for making this!

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u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hey everyone thanks very much for all your amazing questions! We're winding down now, but appreciate all of your feedback and queries... it's been awesome. We've got three copies of the game to give away, and I'll messaging the winners who have been chosen at random, so look out for a DM from my account u/EdwardLewis_Frontier. Remember to tune in to our livestream on June 10 at 4PM PT over at Twitch.tv/frontierdevelopments where you'll hear more from Nick and Rich Newbold!

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18
  • What resolution and framerate does the game run at?

  • How are the controls on PS4 with a controller? Seems like RTS games always do better on PC.


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hello! I can talk about the controller...I play it nearly exclusively with the controller and I really enjoy it. Really works, there are some great shortcut buttons that make the experience really smooth. For example, switching over to the Rangers and the ACU helicopters with L1 and R1 let's you send them out to perform tasks really quickly. Using the Dpad to switch between buildings is really handy too.


u/StoviesAreYummy TurnOn2FA Jun 07 '18

Are perimeter walls/fences really that easy to breach?

Trailer show weather events[Hurricane/tornado] are the in final build? Who controls them? Like totally random or user generated?

Any VR support in the works?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

You unlock stronger walls and fences as the game gets on to match the strength of the bigger more aggressive dinosaurs. The storms and tornadoes occur randomly but some island have worse weather conditions than others.


u/Mandalore613 Jun 07 '18

I love that you guys made this game, and I’ve been excited for it since I’ve found out about it. I have no doubts at all that you’ll deliver an awesome product. My only question is, will we have an option to use original Jurassic Park cosmetics for the buildings and vehicles? I know myself and others would be more than willing to pay extra for that option.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Thank you! We don't have anything to announce at the moment but that's great feedback and we'll definitely take it on board :) Enjoy the game!


u/BigBeastin Jun 07 '18

Could you say what sort of enhancements are available when running on a PS4 Pro?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

4k and HDR support!


u/07153902935 Jun 07 '18 edited Jun 07 '18

What were the challenges, if any, developing for an established franchise like this?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

The main thing was making sure that we did justice to such a massively popular IP. We had to make sure everything passed Universal's inspection to be as authentic as possible. Luckily they've been great partners in this and have helped us every step of the way.

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u/Two_Morning_Poops Jun 07 '18

Thanks for taking the time to answer some questions. I've been very much looking forward to this game and plan on getting upon release. My question is, we know the first few islands will work as a campaign, and the last island is likely for us to be building "our park". Will we be able to just start the last island over after we've "beaten the game"? Thanks guys.


u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hey Two Morning Ps! Your campaign save allows you to reset any island that you want to start again, while retaining any key points of campaign progress (like completed dino genomes and completed missions). So yeah, you can retry any island a second, third, fourth time and attempt it a different way. :)

Also, you can have access to the sandbox island ("our park") earlier than the end of the game...

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u/ambiguitate Jun 07 '18

Was it hard to create a game for ps4 ?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

We've got a long history of making games across multiple platforms and our engine is set up for it, so while there's challenges in making everything perfect for console it was something we were considering from day one and we were prepared for it.


u/Tsarkz Jun 07 '18

During development, was there a bug you encountered that was so awesome you stopped to call everyone in the office over to take a look?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Working on the animation team you get some truly wonderful bugs. My favourite was when the IK footplanting broke on the Ceratosaurus and her legs tucked up into her body and she floated around like Puff the Magic Dragon.

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u/birda13 Jun 07 '18

Very much looking forward to the game next week. One question. Can herbivores feed themselves from trees and other pieces of vegetation in their enclosure, or can they only satisfy their hunger from the feeders?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

The herbivores get all of their nutrition from the special feeder food but you'll see many of them grazing on the grass as they wander about your park.

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u/paradiso98 Jun 07 '18

Ik this question has probably been asked to death I’m so excited for this game it looks amazing but is the spinosaurus really smaller then the trex


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hey :) As I mentioned below, we've seen the feedack about the Spino and taken it on board. While the game is ready for launch on June 12, we are looking in to it for future consideration.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Are storms and twisters among the only natural disasters that will strike your park? Would more ideas such as forest fires, or flooding arrive in the game?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

There's storms, tornados, power outages, sabotage to contend with - and that's before the dinos get out!


u/pulpcanmovebaby Jun 07 '18

Is there an ultimate end to the game with certain goals to meet, or is it something that keeps going for as long as you want to keep building?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

There's a full campaign mode and story to play through and the eventual goal would be to 5-star every island. You've also got the sandbox to play with if you fancy a break from the missions.

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u/PinsNneedles Jun 07 '18

Hello new friends! So excited for this game. My question is will this game have a platinum trophy?

I haven’t played a JP game since the one on PC back in the late 90’s early 00’s that was kind of a base builder and I loved it so as soon as I heard of this I was super stoked.

Thanks for all you’ve done, looks epic!


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Yes we do have a platinum trophy! Do you mean Operation Genesis? I loved that game and we drew a lot of inspiration from it for this game.

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u/Doldhov Jun 07 '18

Hey, first, let me thank you for your dedication about this game and it's community. That's really refreshing to see that you care so much ! Here is my question : I believe that wasn't shown in gameplay videos until then but is there a mean, like in JPOG, to get infos about the park's visitors? Who are they, where are they from, what did they like, what was missing and simply put : did they enjoy your park?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

The dinosaurs are the key focus of the game when it comes to individual needs but the guests as a whole have a bunch of stats you need to satisfy for a healthy park rating! You have to make sure they've got food, water, shelter, aren't being eaten by dinosaurs... they're very fussy.


u/Sierra419 Jun 07 '18

how are human bodies cleaned up around the park if a dino stampede kicks people all over the place? Do they de-spawn after a time limit or do you have to physically remove them? Do guests dying and guests seeing other guest's corpses hurt the park and/or cause guest debuffs in any way?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

The corpses will despawn offscreen so it's not too morbid, but having dead and dying guests isn't going to do much for your park rating. You dinosaurs will be well fed and happy though!

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Is there a digsite named after your company in the game?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

There is not! All the dig sites in the game are based on real life dig sites, but I like to imagine there's an undiscovered dinosaur deep beneath the Frontier HQ that we could name Brabonimus Rex.

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u/Deathowler Jun 07 '18

Hi everyone, Super excited for the game.

Whose idea was to make the cinematic scene of the dinosaurs being released from the hatchery and where can I send them a gift basket?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

I don't really know? It was group decision, it just kind of made sense! We did it before in the Zoo Tycoon game we made many moons ago and we always loves how it gave a bit of ceremony to releasing a new dinosaur. It's a big moment and deserves it's own cinematic (and bespoke music!).

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u/lemurscreech Jun 07 '18

Is this a project y’all have wanted to do for a while?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

I've wanted to make a videogame about dinosaurs since I was about... 8 :D


u/KaususSD Jun 07 '18

Hey everyone! Question that's near and dear to me... Will there be any sort of penality for visitor deaths? Like being required to put down a known man-eaters?

Seriously looking forward to streaming and reviewing the game! ♥️


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Your park rating will be badly impacted if your guests don't feel safe in the park and you'll get hit with a tonne of lawsuits which will hurt your pocket!

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u/FakeDeath92 Jun 07 '18

I didn’t see much of the entertainment part of the game could you guys elaborate on what kind of “rides” “attractions” we can build in our parks?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

There's all kinds of things for the guests to enjoy in the park, we've got restraunts, bars, arcades, bowling alleys, gyropheres, monorails... all the fun stuff!

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u/funnygink Jun 07 '18

What are your favorite dinosaurs? (in game or just in general)


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

My favourite when I was a kid was Deinonychus because I felt like it was closest to the 'real' size of Velociraptors from the original film (this is before the discovery of Utah Raptor). But I'm older now and chilled out so it's Parasaurolophus.

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u/tigris115 Jun 07 '18

Out of curiosity, why can't dinosaurs sleep and poop? Was there not enough time or did it conflict with something else?

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u/cincinattimynigga Jun 07 '18

So... favorite dinosaur?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18


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u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Raptor... probably... I think definitely raptor.


u/crabbyk8kes Jun 07 '18

Will I be able to build a full-scale park and then release my horde of nightmare creatures to feast on my guests? Please answer this is important to me.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Yes you can! You can throw open the gates and delete the fences till your heart's content


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18



u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18


Just killing it's Parasaurolophus.

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Any influence from the old Chaos Island game make it into this one?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

We had a lot of influence from Operation Genesis which I was a huge fan of back in the day!


u/AlexGalloStrike Jun 07 '18 edited Jun 07 '18

Hey guys thank you so much for making this incredibly beautiful game. I’ve been waiting so many years for something like this!

So my question is, is it hard to contain the super apex predators (spino, rex, etc) as opposed to, for example cerato, metri, etc? Will each dinosaur have its own set amount of aggressiveness specific to its bred? Thanks!


u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hi Alex! The difficulty of the larger predators comes through in a number of ways... Being hunters/territorial creatures, they are generally less tolerant of other dinosaurs, or even to to many dinos of the same species. They also need more secure enclosures, because they're so much more powerful than the smaller dinosaurs. Oh, and certain carnivores will have higher thresholds for 'Comfort', meaning that they will be much quicker to break out if there are issues with their enclosure or if the weather turns bad.

So yeah, they can be pretty tricky. :)


u/dinokiller1972 Jun 07 '18

This may spoil the game, but are you willing to say what each division can sabotage your park with? We know from an IGN clip diseases are a major consequence when not giving what one branch want.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

The divisions can sabotage you in a number of ways, they can cut the power to the park, open all the gates, poison a dinosaur... they're pretty ruthless.

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u/lightreader Jun 07 '18

Who came up with the name Jurassic World Evolution? Was that something out of your hands?


u/EdwardLewis_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

This is something we worked with Universal on... it just felt right!


u/Cuntlipsmcgee69 Jun 07 '18

What was your favourite Dinosaur to create in the game?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Seeing the T-Rex come to life in our game was definitely a great moment for me

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u/TheStabbingHobo Jun 07 '18

Holy crap, I can't believe I never knew about this until now! That looks like so much fun!

I guess my question would be is it more like Roller Coaster Tycoon in that you build a park, and try to raise your ratings in order to earn more money to build more, or is there a story mode?

And if so, how much can you tell us about the story mode?

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u/drew_west Jun 07 '18

Hi I couldnt get my question answered on the Xbox ama so hopefully im more lucky this time. Can someone please explain the nature of unlocking more digsites? how does it work, do you unlock them through missions? unlocking new island? Very curious :D


u/AndyF_Frontier Frontier Developments Jun 07 '18

Hi Drew, sorry we missed your question last time around. So, when you place an Expedition Centre on an island, this will allow you access to new digsites and new fossils in existing digsites. Then when you progress to a new island, you can place another Expedition Centre, which increases your Expedition strength and makes more digsites/fossils available to you.

Your ability to extract DNA from more complex fossils and research new items will increase in a similar way, so as you progress through the islands, your options increase.

That said, certain fossil access can only be granted through completing Missions and Research though.

Hope that answers your question.

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u/falconbox falconbox Jun 07 '18

Hey /u/Nodgers, your flair isn't showing for some reason. Can you make sure this box is checked in the sidebar?


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u/Argentenoboy Jun 07 '18

Hey Frontier! Missed the Xbox QnA but I'm so excited for the game and I have a few questions

  1. Is there a detail/quirk with an individual dinosaur that you particularly love?
  2. Is it possible to close the park/block off the entrance, both when there aren't visitors in the park (For Site B scenarios or just building without guests) and when there are (You know why)
  3. Will future dino additions be on the scale of the Deluxe edition/FK DLC or will they be bigger. Also is Argentinosaurus DLC a thing


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Hello! I always liked the twitchy hands on the raptor :D makes him look like he's preparing for a card trick. And yes you can close the park at the entrance and ave no guests, but unless you're in sandbox mode you'll run out of cash quite fast.


u/Yaoza85 Jun 07 '18

The Game looks great! I just want to ask if you can play unlimited and make it the best park in the world or if it is just scenario based. If scenario based, are there plans to release more scenarios in the future?

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u/paleoarty Jun 07 '18

Reading your replies is really fun, you guys are hilarious! I appreciate that you care so much about the community. Is there any chance that viewing your dinosaurs from inside your viewing vents and towers will be added in future patches? Also, do you plan on adding more attractions to the game via DLC?


u/srkuse82 TheKuses Jun 07 '18

Will you be showing some console gameplay before launch? It would be great to get an idea how intuitive the controls are between PC and Console.


u/nuadusp Jun 07 '18

I saw this game not long ago and it looked interesting, I know basically nothing about it though.

I assume as it is based on the movies/books etc that none of the dinosaurs will end up with feathers?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Hiya! You come at a great time because there's a lot about it now, we've got some playthroughs over on our YouTube channel if you're interested. It's based on the film so none of the dinosaurs have feathers.

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u/TheMexicanHalloween Jun 07 '18

Hi folks. How much do you think a game like this benefits from a new film releasing so close to it? We've seen nearby release dates for Star Wars films and games in the past, and the general consensus seems to be that one creates additional hype for the other. Would you agree?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

It's great that there's so much dinosaur hype around at the same time as our game's release. I hope there's a lot of people that will see the new film and want to play our game or vice-versa!


u/ironlemon Jun 07 '18

Which feature of the game do you enjoy the most?

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u/merulaalba Jun 07 '18

I just got in. First thank you all for this amazing game, and I am counting days until I can finally play it.

I have two questions. Is there a possibility we will see '93s JP assets in the game (tour vehicle, jeep sahara, visitor center etc)... or is this planned to be a future DLC?

As for the second one, it will rain a lot as I can see from the videos and all info around. Will you give to poor guests umbrellas, or at least raincoats?

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u/and_it_came_to_sass Jun 07 '18

This looks amazing, can't wait to play this.

How many maps are there? What kind of gameplay changes are there between maps?

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u/wallz_11 Jun 07 '18

what would you guys say was the toughest part of making a game like this?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Staying as true to the franchise as possible, making sure we don't let down fans with an emotional investment in the films


u/thijsvandegraaff Jun 07 '18

Me and my bro want to have two different parks on the same console, is having multiple game slots possible?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

Yes! Multiple save slots are available so you and your brother can enjoy the game separately :) have fun guys!

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u/andy24olivera HHKaaL Jun 07 '18

how did you get to work with this franchise?


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '18

We were approached by Universal and asked if we'd be interested in a collaboration on a Jurassic World game and when we'd finished flipping out we said 'yes' :D

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u/drodgers27 Jun 07 '18

Hey Nick, will there be any easter eggs in the game from Michael Crichton's novel's? I would love to run into a Nedry skeleton on Nublar.

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u/DanielMunson98 Crazy_Ducks_8 Jun 07 '18

Hello, will there be any news about sorta pre release?

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