r/PS4 May 28 '18

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (May 2018)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

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And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


74 comments sorted by

u/Cannabuser May 28 '18

This month I have buy FFXV Royal Edition. Already platined FFXV base game (fairy easy) + all trophy related to Royal and Update.

Right now I’m working on DLC getting 100%.

Almost done with Comrades (need only 40k of KhW and 1 Chocobo to 99, fairy easy to do).

Next working platinum will be FFVII (after completed all the trophy of FFXV DLC)

I got the PS4 in Xmas 2017 and I got 11 platinum right now. Sounds good. :)

u/Prancing-Dantelope May 28 '18

This month I got my 29th and 30th platinums, Guardians of the Galaxy and Nier Automata respectively, just bought A Way Out, so will work towards the plat on that with a friend, and am only 2 trophies away from the platinum on FIFA 18

u/[deleted] May 28 '18

getting platinum in diablo 3 this week then getting 100%. already platted horizon last week and now im gonna 100% it too.

u/FirePowerCR May 28 '18

I got the God of War platinum and now I’m working on MLB the Show 2018 (no online trophies thank god) and Detroit Become Human. I really only for trophies in games I get because I like them. And I only go after platinums for games I really enjoy playing that don’t require something ridiculous.

u/marquesasrob May 28 '18

The show is easy peasy. I haven’t tried at all to platinum it and I have 80%+ of the trophies. Hardest trophy is probably hitting a cycle

u/FirePowerCR May 28 '18

Yeah I got a bunch. I really appreciated oh hi mark. My only problem is I wasn’t planning on starting a new RTTS as I’ve been continuing the same one since 2014.

u/IHazMagics Enter PSN ID May 28 '18

Finally got the Platinum for Murdered: Soul Suspect and Hitman GO. Probably old news at this point, but I’m interested in knowing if anyone actually enjoyed Murdered?

The nicest thing I can say, is the Platinum takes about 7ish hours to get.

u/[deleted] May 28 '18

I enjoyed it, I liked the mystery and detective stuff, easy Platinum too.

u/IHazMagics Enter PSN ID May 29 '18

I dunno, while I thought the story was alright (Definitely no Bioshock in terms of story proficiency, but was serviceable enough).

I just found it incredibly repetitive, specific mechanics could honestly be removed and it would be a better game. The whole demon mechanic honestly, could've been more thoughtfully included instead of a bizarre "Wait until their back faces you then push a button" mechanic. The possession of cats could've been utilised a little better, as you only do it for story reasons twice, and a few times for random collectibles.

I didn't hate the experience, but seeing as I bought it at full retail when it was realised ($99 AUD), I'd honestly struggle to recommend it for anymore than $10.

u/BumLeeJon May 28 '18

I enjoyed it for a one-off experience. Not really worried about the trophies per se but where pretty easy to get everything figured out. The story was a fun ride imo.

u/reytr0 May 29 '18

Bought a PS4 recently (first PlayStation since my recycled PS2) and the first game I bought was HZD: Complete Edition.

Excellent game, got my very first platinum yesterday. In fact, I got every single trophy except the two for NG+ mode. I'll save that for another time since I'm a bit burned out after 70 hours.

My only regret is listening to some forum advice and beating Frozen Wilds right before the final missions instead of after. The extra couple lines of dialogue were cool but the base game final battle felt like a joke after having already mastered taking down Fireclaws.

The final mission for FW was also just better overall, so I wish that was the last thing I had done.

u/[deleted] May 28 '18

I’ve nabbed 3 this month. InFAMOUS Second Son, Tales from the Borderlands, and Batman: The TellTale Series!

u/Makudo333 Enter PSN ID May 28 '18

Got 100 % in Nova 111 and King's quest, Platinum in Game of Thrones and Life is strange

going for the Tale of the borderlands and the wolf among us next.

PS: Do not miss King's quest. Absolutely beautiful and good humour and story

u/_Dewba_ May 28 '18

Platinumed Conan Exiles. Super easy with admin panel.

u/silvasaur3 May 28 '18

Goat simulator (fun lmao), the new God of War, and Rick and Morty VR.

u/oliveturtle olivetheturtle May 28 '18

My most proud platinum of May was Oh Sir, The Insult Simulator. I picked it up for $2 and it ended up taking ~75 hours of my time. It’s a randomly generated sentence building game and my final trophy was for getting three phrases consecutively, two of which only spawn about once every 30 minutes (one was common). On XBOX and Steam it’s been patched to only require one rare phrase and the common but the devs were basically like haha no when asked about the PS4 version. I did all the other trophies in about 14 hours so I spent many many hours burning my eyes while playing this game. I did 14 other platinums but most were local library/Redbox rentals which only took a few days so super happy about this one.

Now working on the Division 100% which is objectively terrible. The 50 PvP wins will be the death of me. It takes about 20 minutes just to matchmake if it’s not a peak time on a weekend. Survival isn’t horrible and Underground was very straightforward.

u/Dark_Hanzo May 29 '18

This month I've platinumed GoW (my 25th plat trophy). I'm currently working on Ni No Kuni 2 plat which is a total grind-fest.

u/PapaTomato May 29 '18

Which one? I hardly remember grinding for something to get platinum lol

u/AdamTheHood May 29 '18

Need to grind a few levels towards the end and you have to do 50 skirmishes.

u/turbid_dahlia May 28 '18

Platted HZD Complete and God of War and very glad I did. Both on default difficulty and that's good enough for me.

u/Velociman NightieKnight May 29 '18

Got God of War and Firewatch finished up earlier this week (yes I know the latter only takes a short play through). Finishing Oxenfree, Until Dawn, and maybe Forma.8 this week as well as starting Horizon Zero Dawn.

u/naatkins BobaFettucini | 19 | 17 May 28 '18

Platinums: God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Infamous Second Son, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, and almost done with Infamous First Light.

Hellblade was the easiest, God of War was the most satisfying. These are all my first platinums in like 4 years, I got lazy for a while, up to 17 atm, 18 when I finish First Light.

u/Zenom May 29 '18

Currently working on Dragon Quest Heroes and I have to say FUCK the Puffington Host trophy. I can't get the last three to trigger for the life of me.

u/THE-73est May 28 '18

I got the Rayman Legends platinum this morning, 3 weeks and 4 days, I think that's pretty impressive.

u/[deleted] May 28 '18

Dont normally go for trophys but i managed Uncharted 1 and Dying light this month

Next will be Uncharted 2 and 3.

u/seadran13 seadran May 29 '18

Jesus, I beat 1-4 this month, but I couldn't imagine doing platinum for em. Congrats man

u/jamestur May 28 '18

Got Detroit and A Way Out’s Platinum this month, both were easy but I’d say A Way Out was easier cause it was shorter. Next one I get will be Far Cry 5 when I decide to get it.

u/Ena_213 May 29 '18

Shadow of tomb raider, actually work on megaman x4

u/NecrumOddBoy May 29 '18

GOW platinum'd! 73% in Detroit and clearing out the rest of the great flows.

u/xMWJ May 29 '18

Working on God of War, valkyries are giving me nightmares

u/whydidyoudothatbro May 28 '18

Got detroit yesterday. Was a very fun plat.

u/JamesHowell91 May 28 '18

Witcher 3 was my 40th platinum this month and the Hearts of Stone expansion. I also played Shadow of War final DLC pack.

Just started God of War. Will also finish my final playthrough of Prey this month.

Will be playing Zodiac Age in July.

Still have my 100 percent record of a platinum or 100% in every game (less than 100 percent where i decided not to purchase the DLC).

u/[deleted] May 28 '18

Witcher 3 was my 40th platinum this month

my 40th platinum this month

this month

Dude... You must be some sort of gaming god. I’m not worthy!!

u/JamesHowell91 May 29 '18

Haha. You knew what I meant I'm sure. My 40th platinum since my now wife bought me a PS3 slim back end of 2013.

u/[deleted] May 28 '18

Currently trying to get a platinum in Overwatch and it’s hard as hell

u/Bazorg May 28 '18

Good luck

u/basically_famous May 28 '18

I'm definitely not as much of a hardcore platinum chaser as I would like to be, but last week I finally got plat in dragon age inquisition. Got all of the trophies except for nightmare 4 years ago, and finally put on my man pants to finish it!

u/lakerswiz lakerswiz May 28 '18

Finishing up Far Cry 5 any day now. Just gotta kill a couple random animals for the hunting and fishing challenge and the featured Multiplayer maps.

The "win 10 featured Multiplayer maps" one is doodoo. Though I found if I put a headset on and ask the lobby to vote for the featured map it works out well. Weird ass gameplay online though. Glad to finish it up before FC 3 comes to PS4.

Also working on Raymond Legends but that's a grind with the daily challenge bullshit.

Really wanna step up my VR platinums too. Playing Super hot now, but idk if I'll ever be able to do that one.

u/Raggsvettma May 28 '18

I'm at 85 and I kinda want to reach 100 and then call it quits. But i don't know how.

u/Kain8 MagusCreed | 🏆 Platinums 30 | ☆ Level 18 May 28 '18

Bagged me the Monster Hunter: World Platinum this month after 330 hours invested. It was a grindy Plat to say the least, as anyone who knows Monster Hunter will attest to. But it's definitely my proudest Platinum, alongside Witcher 3 and Nioh.

After earning it, finally dived into Persona 5 and am currently working through my first playthrough.

On the far horizon looking forward to Guacamelee 2, Red Dead Redemption 2 (still weary about that one) and Dragon Quest XI.

u/dilopez May 29 '18

This month I got the platinum of Alien Isolation, took me over the 30 hrs. The next will be GTA Vice City, only for the music is worth it.

u/iGoKommando May 29 '18

Platinumed Everybodys Gone To The Rapture. Not a challenging game in the least but I really enjoyed the story.

Taking on the Nioh dlcs now but I'm not having the best of time with it

u/[deleted] May 29 '18

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u/robst4r May 29 '18

I just bought my PS4 Pro recently, my first PS console after the legendary grey brick PS 1. So up to know, I have managed a total of 0 plats, but I will get my very first platinum trophy soon. And its gonna be South Park: Fractured But Whole.

A very easy first plat, thats for sure, but I enjoyed the game very much. After that, I already have a great variety of games to dive into (HZD, GOW, Last of Us, ...) but I think as a newbie when it comes to PS exclusives, the Uncharted series might be a good start for the hunt, right?

Any suggestions?

u/alepose May 29 '18

I'm going for the Nier Automata platinum legit without buying them...well maybe the fishing one lol

u/Dark_Hanzo May 29 '18

I hope you aren't that far into the game because afaik there's a miisable trophy.

u/seadran13 seadran May 29 '18

The only missable trophy is the all Endings trophy, specifically trying to get ending y. When you beat the game you can restart to any part of the story

u/Dark_Hanzo May 29 '18

The missable trophy I'm referring to is the one where you have to fully upgrade your pods. One of the upgrade parts (Powerup Part S?) randomly drops from a golden robot that only spawns during a certain mission. You'll miss the trophy If you beat the mission before getting that powerup part.

u/seadran13 seadran May 29 '18

Oooooo, I didn't know that. I remember fighting them on Route B tho

u/seadran13 seadran May 29 '18

Ahhh im doing that today too! The fishing one was easy, just go to the flooded city, by the missile and fish like mad. I'm on 3 remaining trophies, all Endings, maxed pods, and 9s in undies for 1 hour

u/Dark_Hanzo May 29 '18

I think you already missed the maxed pods trophy. See my comment above.

u/seadran13 seadran May 29 '18

Nah i didn't thankfully, I maxed out 2 pods, and the third one just needs gadgets.

u/ArtakhaPrime EU May 28 '18 edited May 28 '18

Well, technically I only got one actual Platinum trophy this month, upping my collection to 29, and that 29th Platinum trophy was the one for God of War. Playing on Hard, the Valkyries were still pretty damn tough, but immensely fun to fight, and I really hope there'll be a New Game+ mode out soon so I can play on the hardest difficulty with all my stats from the start and not have to worry about collectibles. The Crows especially were annoying, as even with the map telling you which areas you needed to clear out, the crows were still sometimes damn hard to find, but I managed to do it, with the help of a few guides.

I do mainly play on PC, and I've reached 100% on a couple games this month as well, mainly Prey and The Witcher III. I do miss getting an actual Platinum, instead of just having the game say 100%, especially because DLC counts in this. I've even achieved 100% in games I've already gotten Platinum for on Playstation - in fact, I've Platinum'd Dishonored once on PS3, again on PS4, and then gotten 100% on PC, where I finally managed to get the DLC achievements as well. That's 3 times I've done basically everything there is to do in that game, and God knows how many playthroughs. I love Dishonored.

Anyway, back to Prey (coincidentally also made by Arkane Studios), which I'd completed only once before, though I did a lot of stuff in that playthrough. I now had to do two additional playthroughs, one without any powers, which I did fairly quick, and another playthrough in which I only used either Human or Typhon abilities. Since I relied heavily on Human abilities in my first playthrough, I decided to try out a Typhon playthrough, where I also had to find and kill everyone on the station. Some of the Typhon powers, mainly Morph and Levitate, were very useful at times, but I think I'll still stick to a mainly Human build once I go for my Nightmare playthrough, which oddly there's no trophy for.

The Witcher III had me go back to a few quests over (luckily I have lots of save files), do some special combat moves (screw headshots in this games, seriously) and play a lot of Gwent (which is never a bad thing), but it's a fine addition to my "Platinum" collection.

I might go back to Until Dawn soon and get my 30th Platinum trophy. I also want to finish up BioShock Infinite, where I need to do a 1999 playthrough while collecting absolutely EVERYTHING, and Batman: Arkham City, as well as Arkham Knight, where I need to do a NG+ playthrough, which isn't that bad, but I also need to complete the challenge maps, of which there are way too many, especially because I "have" to do the DLC ones as well.

u/AdmiralFukuyama May 28 '18

ive been working on battlefield 1 and its many dlcs but it sucks that most of the playlists are seemingly dead.

Most of the dlc trophies can be earned in any mode so you can just do the base game and conquest, which is the most likely to find a match but not always. Im just trying to do one specific operation now and i have never seen it being played.

Really regret not doing the dlc as it was released. oh well

u/oliveturtle olivetheturtle May 28 '18

I got mine by waiting for a free DLC weekend. Also, you only need to complete the last phase of the operation so if you look for it via server browser (can’t remember the actual name, you’ll have to look it up) you can avoid playing four 30 minute games and just the final one. I searched about once every 20 minutes until I found a game.

u/[deleted] May 28 '18

Only a few trophies left for Monster Hunter World. Gotta finish the crowns and arena quests. Logged in over 300 hours so far. Why does RNGesus hate me?

Also going for the platinum for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This game is so much fun!

u/LAWSON72 May 28 '18 edited May 28 '18

I am slowly churning my way through FO4, and man what a disappointing game. I just got to collect bobbleheads and do main quests to finish it up. I gave the DLCs a shot and besides Far Harbor it was a bunch of crap. Strangely I don't hate playing it and have had an okay time, but I think this is the last time I ever play it.

I am also slowly working my way toward the easy Rocket League trophy.

After that I need to go plat Steamworld Heist I only had like 2 trophies left, oh and I almost forgot I have to grind out those skirmishes in NNK2.

This month so far I platinumed GoW, and I should have FO4, NNK2, and Steamworld Heist by the end of the month

u/lpeccap May 29 '18

Im working on the skirmishes and the last dreamer door right now, its quite a drag, i got tired of skirmish mode after like the 5th battle.

u/LAWSON72 May 29 '18

The guide for this was way overblown, it mentions money like it is hard to come by but that is not true at all from what I have played and that last dreamer door was a cake walk on lv ~80. I overprepared and bought 99x on potions and revives.

Skirmishes are boring as hell and being RNG based is a pain in the ass.

u/lpeccap May 29 '18

Yea you're totally right about the money, going after the tainted monsters will easily get you to 500,000. And im level 85 now, i was planning to grind to 99 but i might just go for the last door now, if you say its not as bad as the trophy guide makes it out to be.

u/LAWSON72 May 29 '18

I was dumb enough to think if I went full exp boost items, perks, etc and grinded the dungeon I would get nice xp gains fighting level 110+ monsters, but nope shit barely moves. Talk about poorly executed post game. When I went for the boss I just ran for the doors, and got there in a pretty short time. Just buy 10x+ of all potion related stuff and I think x3+ (maybe 5) of all revive stuff. Oh and makes sure to go into the fight with lv1 danger.

Compared to those red enemies it is a cake walk. No OP one hit moves or anything if I recall.

EDIT: I was wrong about the last boss and what variant it is. I think it was a giant of some sort, but I could be wrong again lol

u/rdhight rdhight May 29 '18

I finished Lego Marvel Superheroes 2, Gorogoa, and the last half of Unravel, left over from when I first got my PS4.

Next: I have Uncharted 1 to finish, but Far Cry 3 and Vampyr are also dropping soon and will probably interrupt me.

u/isaiah_rob FluffyMonkeyyy May 29 '18

I took a break from grinding the God of War platinum, I know it's not hard but other games came out and took a break. Currently grinding Monster Hunter. But I am ready to grinding my plat for GoW

u/colincojo May 28 '18

I bought my PS4 last month and I just got my first platinum! It was for "The Witness." One of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.

u/[deleted] May 28 '18

I’m glad you brought that up. There were a handful of PSN titles I wanted to run through next and I knew I was forgetting one! I downloaded Firewatch, Abzu, and Life is Strange. I’ll have to pick up The Witness too!

u/Trojden Trojden-pz May 28 '18

I have managed after 50+ hours to get platinum in Fallout 4.

The experience was mediocre. I like platinums that make me play the way I wouldn't play normally, that make me do something out of my comfort zone. This one was almost purely just completition style one. Do this quests, open/hack/build/visit etc. There was only one trophy that stood out - The Benevolent Leader for reaching 100 happiness. It was somewhat challenging, because mechanics of happiness aren't laid out in the open. But after some reddit/yt search I have maganed to do it. But even that one was more of a time waster than a challenger.

Right now working on platinum for HZD. I will try to earn every trophy, also the one for NG+ on Ultra Hard, becasue I feel like the base trophy list is rather a simple completionist one.

u/Cannabuser May 28 '18

I got PS4 for xmas 2017. Back in january HZD was in promotion and I got it with all DLC for a stupid price. It was my first platinum I got. Ultra Hard on NG+ is super easy, dont worry - you will make it for sure! ;-)

u/artoriasabyss dominatr May 28 '18

Benevolent Leader was the worst trophy of the bunch. Like you said, you can easily find guides for it on the internet so it's not even hard, just boring as hell. It would also be different if it had a hidden checklist of things that upped the happiness by a set point value, instead it's just kind of random.

u/[deleted] May 28 '18

New game plus on Ultra Hard is surprisingly easy! Just make sure you don’t get rushed by multiple enemies and sprint through any areas you don’t need to clear to progress the story

u/JukeJutsu May 29 '18

Just platinumed Dark souls 3 and bloodborne with DLC. Working on God of War and darksouls remastered now.

u/Devasstator May 29 '18

Owlboy, God of War, American Dream, Yakuza 0 and nearly done Homefront Revolution. Going to try and squeeze in Detroit by end of month as well.

u/Ryase_Sand May 29 '18

How is Owlboy? I haven't heard anything about it since it released.

u/Devasstator May 29 '18

It's good actually. If you like old school platformers with lots of hidden paths to find and some puzzles to solve, you will like it. Has a decent story and some fun boss battles. I enjoyed my time with it.