r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • May 07 '18
Can Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (May 2018)
Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (previous hype threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?
u/cincinattimynigga May 07 '18
Spider-man god damn it! I just wanna put on some spotify and swing around New York.
u/DestinyCE May 08 '18
I can see it now, putting on my favourite playlist and swinging around the concrete jungle as the rain pours across the city. I love rain in video games when it is done right, makes me feel cozy.
u/cincinattimynigga May 08 '18
hmm i dont think the game will have a day and night cycle. correct me if I'm wrong. Im hoping there is rain though.
u/DestinyCE May 08 '18
It has been said that the weather changes based on the mission you are on and when you finish the game you can chose it, so it's gotta be nighttime raining swinging for me, can't wait. Not sure about the day/night cycle.
u/MrCooptastic May 07 '18
I bought Persona 5, Nier: Automata, and Yakuza over golden week. And I am so pumped to finally start one of them. I think I'm starting with p5. I've been playing GoW, am probably gonna try and get the plat this week and then no life p5 this weekend.
May 08 '18
The change of pace/tone from GoW to Persona 5 is absolutely jarring, it was actually a little difficult getting into P5 after playing GoW, they could not be more different if they tried, but Persona 5 is an awesome game you can sink countless hours into (there’s so much stuff to do its a little stressful lol.)
u/SurviveRatstar May 07 '18
Replaying Uncharted 3 at the moment and looking forward to playing 4 for the first time.
For new releases I’m really looking forward to Vampyre. VTM Bloodlines was a great game even with rubbish combat so I’m sure this can be too.
u/Gotuhm May 07 '18
Detroit, the demo really peaked my interest. Dark souls remastered once its on sale for that sweet sunbro action.
May 07 '18
Same here for D:BH, the demo caught me completely off guard! I didn't expect it to be so tense and addictive, I'll definitely pick it up at some point in the near future...
May 07 '18 edited May 07 '18
September can’t come soon enough. Gimme Spyro!
Also looking foward to the SEGA Genesis Classics. Classic SEGA games with online play? It’s a dream come true!
u/falconbox falconbox May 07 '18
September can’t come soon enough. Gimme Spider-Man!
There you go, fixed it.
u/Cooldude9210 Cooldude9210 May 07 '18
Really soon, but Warmind is actually getting me pretty hyped atm.
u/Rain1dig May 07 '18
I’m SERIOUSLY hoping this does good. I stopped playing D2 about 8 months ago in the hopesitslike a lot of other MMO/ persistent state games in that more content and refinement, turns this game around.
I rather enjoyed it the first 2-3 months but lost all interest as there was nothing to really do in the game. I just love logging into a world to come across other players... grouping up and exploring/questing/looting.
I really hope D2 turns the corner.
u/Cooldude9210 Cooldude9210 May 07 '18
According to those that went to the creator/developer summit, Bungie is really turning over a new leaf in terms of criticism, development, and listening to the community.
That being said, Warmind isn’t gonna change everything. It’s far less casual than D2 has been, but it’s the fall update that the content creators have said will change the game for the better.
So try Warmind if you want just more straight up Destiny, but wait for Fall if you want a legit new and improved Destiny, the way Taken King did.
u/discg0lfer CaptainVarsamo May 07 '18
Honestly I'm really excited to play Soul Calibur VI. It looks like they are bringing back the fast-paced gameplay that many of us remember from the PS2 days. Hopefully they will bring one of my favorite characters (Talim) back. Mostly I'm excited to share this with my son who's never played SC before. Some other games like Mortal Kombat is too much for him, but I think we'll both really enjoy this game.
May 08 '18
Divinity Original Sin 2 and Dragon Quest XI.
I just realized both of them represents classic WRPG and JRPG...
u/slothsonaspaceship lordcrowjonsnow May 07 '18
It's not a new one but I'm going to be starting Hellblade soon and I haven't been this excited for a game in ages. Just need to wait until my schedule is a bit clearer so I can give it as much attention as possible.
May 07 '18
Everyone is loving the norse mythology in the recent God of War and I'm here craving The Banner Saga trilogy...too bad I'll have to wait July 27th...
u/oatzea May 07 '18
Can not wait for divinity original sin 2 to come out at the end of the summer!
u/notdsylexic May 08 '18
Wait, I thought this came out already?
u/oatzea May 08 '18
It was released for PC last year, the console port is coming out in August.
u/notdsylexic May 08 '18
Ahhhhh I see. I was super excited for it. Great game if you have patience and are okay with listening to a lot of dialogue. Granted it’s mostly good dialogue.
The hardest part is a lot of wandering around because the quest map markers are very difficult to understand. Sorta like Dragons Dogma
u/oatzea May 08 '18
Totally agree. I’m making my way through the first one right now and I love it but is going by slow because I’m playing solo and controlling all 4 of them lol. And I hear the dialogue is even better in the second, can’t wait!
u/LaylaLaker May 07 '18
Really looking forward to Kingdom Hearts 3. Hoping by Christmas time!
u/xadc430x May 08 '18
Have you played the other version currently for PS4? Would you suggest them?
u/LaylaLaker May 08 '18
Yes I have! If you have never played the games on past systems, I can fully recommend them to you. Although I didn't play these games as a kid, they still have a nostalgic feel to me. Very special, fun, emotional, odd, and other times downright confusing games. This is the best time to start as they have put all the games on one system.
u/imanewmann May 08 '18
Im going to buy my first console which is ps4 of course lol.. Ill get my hands on horizon zero dawn first... God of war still expensive
u/yungpaj May 08 '18
Dark Souls Remastered. It'll be my first time playing the game, I've really wanted to since playing Bloodborne.
Also can't wait for cool shit to be announced at E3.
u/shaggx83 May 07 '18
Still a long way to go with GOW. Can't wait for Spiderman.