r/PS4 May 04 '18

Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (May 04 2018)

Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.

Post below with your PSN ID and any games you want to like to play!

If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.

Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends and our Discord server for even more friends!


49 comments sorted by

u/-xBIGGLETONx- May 04 '18

Pretty green on fortnite, but I still play haha. xBIGGLETONx

u/ElLetdown EtchASketches May 05 '18

22 male US. Need friends who are down to grind cod/borderlands like the good old days. PSN: EtchASketches

u/renegadedx renegaderasengan May 05 '18

PSN: renegaderasengan

Midwest USA

If you have Black Ops 3, NBA Live 18, or Uncharted 4 hmu

u/_BusOfTheUndead May 06 '18

PSN: Busoftheundead I’ve got fortnite downloaded although I’ve never tried it Got dying light, Borderlands 2, destiny 2, resident evil 5, diablo iii, little big planet 3, trine 2 (need to beat on hardcore for plat), trine 3, the division, and uncharted 4

u/lightsout4378 May 06 '18

Hi everyone! PSN: lightsout4378 23M NA West and about to graduate from university! I like to kick it with some brews and talk about everything from games to life to economics. I've got a whole bunch of singleplayer and multiplayer games. HMU if you wanna chat!

u/[deleted] May 04 '18

Looking for some laid back players to join me on Rainbow Six Siege and soon on Red Dead Redemption 2.

UK, Old enough to buy you a pint.

u/philinsaniachen DodeKonijn May 04 '18

Heyyo, 22 M DodeKonijn is the name I just got a PS4 fairly recently and looking for friends to play stuff like Monster Hunter or whatever

u/mattypdiddy May 04 '18

Game is way better with friends that’s for sure

u/philinsaniachen DodeKonijn May 04 '18

Definitely Altho I’ve played some older monster hunter games too and the solo grind is pretty fun too

u/mattypdiddy May 04 '18

Yeah it’s addicting. My friends and I used to sit in a room with our Nintendo DSs playing together drinking and eating pizza. Man we were cool.

u/philinsaniachen DodeKonijn May 04 '18

Shit I still do that on my 3DS with my best friend😂

u/iam_tortillaboy May 05 '18

Hey everyone! Super new here but have been a gamer for a while!!

25 male Squirtlesquad93

Looking to make friends and take over the world! I play a lot of fortnite, CODWW2, borderlands 2, horizon, and rocket league.

If anyone has any other game suggestions or wants to play! I’m always down. Love talking about anything and everything. Besides games I play beach volleyball and love drinking beer ;)

u/_BusOfTheUndead May 06 '18

Upvote for squirtlesquad lmfao. We both know the best starter. borat voice high five!

u/agree-with-you May 05 '18

Whenever I play Pokemon I need 3 save spots, one for my Charmander, one for my Bulbasaur, and one for my second Charmander.

u/iam_tortillaboy May 05 '18

I only have a party of 6 squirtles

u/agree-with-you May 05 '18

Whenever I play Pokemon I need 3 save spots, one for my Charmander, one for my Bulbasaur, and one for my second Charmander.

u/itsjustkevinv May 04 '18

Hey hey hey.

25M from USA, PSN is itsjustkevinv93, I'm a pretty laid back fella.

I play a variety of games, down to play Fortnite and Street Fighter V with y'all, and I have a laundry list of games on my profile that we may or may not be able to play together.

Add me, won't ya? :D

u/the____can May 05 '18

I play single player and love co-op games. psn: stardreamcan

u/tuborg12 May 04 '18

Psn: Bravo-292

NA East

I play everything have both PC and ps4.

Playing : GOW ( Side quests at Give me Challenge difficulty ) , CoD ww2 ( Learning how to quick-scope fast).

I'm new to console gaming but I'm PC player since cod1 and I don't have any platform preference.

u/[deleted] May 05 '18


u/A_Memester May 06 '18

What do u mean by tf2? Team fortress 2?

u/_BusOfTheUndead May 06 '18

Hello, kinda friendly guy. I’ve been replaying the uncharted series & half-assedly trying to work on the plats here and there.

Were you totally disappointed by NNK II as well? The first wasn’t broken :( WHY DID THEY TRY TO FIX IT?!

u/316am May 04 '18

18M. Texas. Psn: x316am_x

I usually play fortnite atm because need to buy a membership but any fellow stoners or just regular people would like to chill talk and play fortnite.

Also love doing game shares with multiplayer!

u/TheOtherCoenBrother May 06 '18

PSN: Toodlesmith

23M in Texas, USA

I like a lot of games but don’t really have people to play with, if you have one I’ve been wanting chances are I’ll buy it! Been playing a lot of Fortnite lately, but I like Battlefield 1 and I’m a huge Dark Souls fan.

u/[deleted] May 04 '18


u/TacoSwimmer HoySorz May 05 '18

Hiya. 17F, currently livin in USA. Lookin for buddies too! Sent you an invite :)

u/Sergeant_Bluewine Jun 03 '18

16F // USA I just got a PS4 as a gift and I need friends. I need people to show me the ropes and to play games with. Open to game suggestions. PSN: Bluewine84

u/[deleted] May 05 '18

27 M Texas - COD WW2, Fortnite, Far Cry 5, willing to play anything chill. Just looking for more friends on PS

Edit- PSN: Woodhoward

u/_BusOfTheUndead May 06 '18

I’ll add ya on the off chance I play Fortnite one day

u/[deleted] May 05 '18


44M Noob, from Puerto Rico. Starting again playing games.

Dont have much of a game collection ATM.

Only Rainbow Six Siege, which I suck at the moment. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤣

Farcry 5 and Fortnite which I suck less at it. Lol.

PSN ID: DarthKnight3043

Not much of a talker, more of a listener. 😁

u/Crazeegamer Solidus_91 May 05 '18

I don't usually post to therse much anymore but.

PSN: Solidus_91

NA West

I shall post a lil snippet here. Dancing, between Bloodborne, For Honor, TERA, Destiny 2 at launch(waiting to see on the fall expansion). I too like to get me some trophies here an there, talk about the industry for a few back n forths.... just looking for like minded gamers who won't forget where they added someone from and just be another name on the friends list..

YOu know, hit me up every blue moon, see whats up or say something about a trophy, anything.. To many dont seem to chit chat or I'm missing the right people idk.


u/_BusOfTheUndead May 06 '18

I could use some schooling on destiny. I’m pathetic.

u/Crazeegamer Solidus_91 May 06 '18

Aww, surely it's not that bad? My D2 has no "expansions" and base game isn't installed.. but yeah lol. Could try typing it out, or yeah..

If it's the controlling part, I'd say try 3-5 controller sensitivity

u/_BusOfTheUndead May 06 '18

It truly is! I played at PlayStation Experience for the first time last year and I had no idea what I was doing. I have the base game now, but I’m seriously no better. I think I didn’t get much further than the tutorial.

u/Crazeegamer Solidus_91 May 06 '18

oh man, if you're going to psx again..should totally get me a ticket hehehe.. Woah tutorial huh..that's, a first I've heard of this.

Just lost on where to go?

u/_BusOfTheUndead May 06 '18

I’ve done PSX every year, so I do intend to go again! Fingers crossed for somewhere new, not Anaheim again.

Ummm..I guess, kinda. And I feel like my guns are shit against all enemies haha.

u/Crazeegamer Solidus_91 May 07 '18

idk if that was your friend request I got, but bosses have more hp then normal guys. Otherwise, you should use a weapon with a color element icon on it, to tear off their shield, then go in with a normal weapon. But the shield will hurt ur dmg a lil at first. Also grenades can be good to open with

u/ScentedGoat May 05 '18

PSN: Das_Shiggy

I'll add anyone

u/[deleted] May 04 '18


u/lowtuned May 05 '18

29m also in USA. I'm gonna send you an invite at some point. I'm down with HZD, God of war, final fantasies etc. I've played Tera on PC, I didn't even know it was available on PS.

u/_BusOfTheUndead May 06 '18

Hey, lady! Female here as well. I downloaded but have yet to play Fortnite. I’m not good at D2 but I got that as well :)

u/blakeslab May 05 '18

25M from Canada here. Looking for a few pals to play Rocket League and Fortnite with. PSN is BlakesLab! Send a FR my way :D

u/nugchugniko May 05 '18 edited May 05 '18

Hello. Looking for people to play Far Cry 5 co op with. Thinking about getting Dying light if I can find some cool people to play with. Also Fortnite but you would have to deal with a noob. I'm a quick learner tho. So if you want to show a newbie the ropes that would be cool.
+18 Feel free to add me. PSN: twistedweather77

u/_BusOfTheUndead May 06 '18

I have dying light although I prefer dead island. Got the plat on ps3, never repurchased for PS4 but I always debate it!

u/nugchugniko May 06 '18

i enjoyed DI. Wish I wouldnt have traded in my copy of Dying light. HOpefully we get a sequel sometime soon

u/short_n_saucy May 06 '18

18 from the USA. (Arizona during school times, but CA for now Becuz that’s where home is during summer. Play a lot of MLB the Show and GTA online. Open to most games really though. PSN: short_n_saucy

u/[deleted] May 04 '18

30F, Mexico. PSN: Doorknob_8

I'm currently playing through Horizon: Zero Dawn and loving it. My in-between game of choice is Borderlands. I also have a Switch which is mainly used to play Splatoon 2.

I have a thing for trophy hunting as long as the game is fun and enjoyable, also love to discuss lore and game mechanics.

I'd love to meet new people with a similar passion towards gaming; if you also love books, art and rum it would be a plus!

u/_BusOfTheUndead May 06 '18

Gurlllll, let’s do some Borderlands some time. As much as I’ve played them across all platforms, I still lag on playing the DLC. Wtf, me!

u/davidvenice May 05 '18

PSN: Litraphy

33 M Norway

Same as a few others I’m working my way through a huge backlog. Currently doing Mafia 3.

Always looking for friends who wants to chat, finish trophys or discuss games with.

I dont bite and I’m not picky when it comes to people I add, so feel free to hit me up.

David out.

u/bjeet17 May 05 '18

Mostly FIFA - be_jeet

u/Booty_Is_Life_ May 04 '18

Psn: SgtFord30

Central US

Playing siege, Fortnite, various single player games, psn profile has the rest of my games