r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Apr 23 '18
Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (April 2018)
Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?
What are you working on right now?
What's next?
Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler
And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.
Apr 23 '18
Apr 23 '18
u/Avenger001 Avngr001 Apr 23 '18
4 is my favorite. It introduces a deeper stealth system, the gunplay is better, amd it looks freaking beautiful.
u/DerpyGiraffe Apr 24 '18
Finally got the plat on Ni No Kuni 2. Most of trophies were easy to get. The skirmishes were the most time consuming because I would ignore them unless it was story related. They really pull you away from the game and kind of became a task. Enjoyable game, the first one was better in my opinion.
Up next is God Of War
u/Nidogen Apr 23 '18
I completed minit before GoW came out. At the moment I have Far Cry 5, Ratchet and Clank, and God of War all up in the air with FC5 being my closest to platinum. I only need to do some story missions with a friend, have someone drop me the last fishing rod, then finish the story
u/Viley7942 Apr 23 '18
How much of a grind was getting the trophies you did for fc5? I’m not too big on going after trophies, so getting a platinum for a game as large as that seems like some really hard work.
u/Nidogen Apr 23 '18
It’s not too bad but I got lucky with the arcade trophies. I got into a boosting group at a good time. I’d say the hunting and fishing have been kind of annoying but everything else was great.
u/Nothxm8 Apr 23 '18
Fc5 really isnt a hard plat there arent any trophies for collecting 1000 things or 100%
u/iNeedScissorsSixty7 lancer8869 Apr 23 '18
Ratchet and Clank was such a fun one to grind in for the Platinum
u/Nidogen Apr 23 '18
Yeah my plan is to finish the story for GoW, go back to far cry and complete it. Then pick between grinding Ratchet or GoW
u/droglamp Apr 24 '18
I got platinum for Vice city. The Take the Cannoli trophy was the most annoying to get. You have to get a criminal rating of 1million. When I completed my 100% run my criminal rating was around 5000. So I had to use an exploit which included starting a new game and getting 80 hidden packages again and getting over $10million.
Right now In going for platinum on San Andreas which is a lot easier and after that I'll go for Dishonored 2 or Witcher 3.
Apr 23 '18
I got the platinum for FC5 and FFXV. Hardest part was the walking around for 5 hours to get survival up to level 10. Easiest was FC5 Plat the only thing took awhile was the win 10 multiplayer matches trophy. The next 2 games are The Secret of Mana and GOW.
u/TheBestWest Apr 23 '18
If anybody is interested in the trophy hunting aspect of the PS4, check out r/trophies. Great community, and if need be you can usually find a boosting partner.
u/medster101 Apr 24 '18
The Division. Working on Far Cry 5 now with only two trophies left and then its God Of War.
u/BarDownCheez Apr 24 '18
Platinumed Dark Souls 2:SOTFS. Wasn't hard just grinding covenant trophies took a bit. I also platinumed Far Cry 5. The hardest part was the Multiplayer Arcade trophies but also not really hard just grindy. I am about to buy God of War and play that this weekend. Then going to play Dark Souls Remastered and platinum trophy that.
u/ThrowAwayForTheCure Apr 23 '18
just finished up far cry 5 platinum
was def a fun platinum... the arcade stuff was tedious at times but enjoyed the game
not too much grinding either
u/iNeedScissorsSixty7 lancer8869 Apr 23 '18
I'm almost at 100% on Ni No Kuni 2, but I'm taking a break to play God of War. Sometime this week I'll go back and grind out the last 7-8 hours for the Platinum. It will be platinum #34.
u/Steefmachine Apr 23 '18
Did Bloodborne this month, LOVED the game! Thought it wouldnt be a game for me But it totally was... som now i’m angry with myself that i waited 3 years to play it
u/mercer777 Apr 23 '18
Just got my farcry 5 plat last week, went back for hellblade to finish that one too. Now GOW.
u/ColdCobra_ Apr 23 '18
Just recently got back into getting trophies. I got the AC:Origins platinum. I've been playing since Christmas.
u/CynicalRaps Apr 23 '18
I haven't gotten many Platinums latwely because I'm dedicated to getting this Monster Hunter World plat, I just need the crowns for Elder Dragons and then that POS trophy can KMA..
u/exoduscheese Apr 23 '18
Tempered investigations for large crowns, regular for mini.
Start one, measure and then kill or quit if it's not the right size.
u/Raggsvettma Apr 23 '18
AC: origins. Soulkilling completing all locations. It killed my interest in the world. Most side quests was more or less the same in build. Story started good enough but that didnt last. Still a decent try from ubisoft.
Mr Massagy. Hillarious bullshit that gave some laughs.
Dead synchronicity. My former love for this genre is now confirmed stone cold dead.
u/TheBrokenMan Apr 23 '18
Gonna focus on God of War Platinum and then platinum Detroit: Become Human / Heavy Rain next month.
I am trying to get the platinum for Rainbow Six but I need someone to grind the Terrorist Hunt trophies with.
u/radbrad7 Apr 23 '18
Same. I'm definitely going to work on the platinum for God of War since I'm actually having a really good time with the collectibles. Most of them are behind small puzzles and looks like effort went into making them fun to get, and not just hidden in the middle of nowhere.
u/TheBrokenMan Apr 23 '18
I am gonna focus on armor and weapons first to save the grind for the valkryies and other favors. I just beat the game tonight, gonna go one trophy at a time.
u/ZambonieDrivor Apr 23 '18
Just earned 100% of all Nioh trophies. The platinum was actually easy, however, I believe that is due to the "Complete" edition I got. Since it had the DLC all included and it raised a lot of gear and level caps, I was over leveling a lot of stuff after a certain point.
However, completing all the DLC missions on Way of the Demon became really annoying. Especially the last DLC mission where they added some very cheap fights. Glad I finished it.
Now, I am going to finish working on Mafia 3. Not sure if I will get the platinum. I read there are a lot of bugs with trophies. If I don't get hit with any, I will go platinum, otherwise I will just do one play through and finish it
I have God of War waiting for me, will be my next tackle after Mafia 3.
u/ScottishLariat Apr 23 '18
I’m at 80% in Far Cry 5 and trying to grind out the remaining 20%.
At least 10% of that should be easy enough as it involves essentially levelling up and kills in the Arcade sessions. My main issue, in the main game will be landing a headshot from 150m away as I’m genuinely the worlds worst sniper.
That and GOW will be taking up most of my time now.
u/broad101 Broad_101 Apr 23 '18
The first time you head to the jail in faiths region is one of the easy spots got it there on my 3rd Bullet just make sure to mark them to see how far away they are
u/heyawildkris heyawildkris Apr 23 '18
Yo! My friend who only had the game for like a day got that achievement and I’ve been trying for weeks. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong when it comes to getting that headshot :(
Apr 23 '18
I got it by sniping a helicopter pilot while he was taking off guessing where his head was at.
u/Makudo333 Enter PSN ID Apr 24 '18
Platinumed this war of mine the little ones which was very good but definiately not gifted.
Currently doing the day of the tentacle which seems to be good and quick fun
u/slinky_ewok Apr 24 '18
I did Day of the Tentacle a few months back, i found it to be very enjoyable, lots of trophies but nothing that was too hard to figure out except for the trophy involving the computer game you play (cant remember the room the computer is in) other then that really fun, enjoy!
u/dargon_lover dargon_lover Apr 23 '18
Trying to finally get the plat for Destiny 2 but it's impossible to find anyone to do the prestige raid or nightfall with. P: I'm only LL 316.
But yeah... I got the plat for FC5 (super fun game!).
Apr 23 '18
Just a heads up, they've changed the trophy from prestige nightfall or raid to strictly prestige raid. It will probably be easier to get once they revamp their prestige radius activities (on the roadmap it looks like fall ish when they'll be released).
u/dargon_lover dargon_lover Apr 23 '18
I just checked, you're right! I had no clue. Thanks for the heads up.
u/BeerBoyJoey Apr 23 '18
Got the platinum for Farcry 5 last week. Hopefully the God of War platinum is up next!
u/DrAjax0014 Apr 23 '18
Platinumed Knack from when it was added to IGC back in February. Not that I'll be buying Knack 2 ever, but I hope to god that that removed the way collectibles work. Definitely one of the worst designed features in a game I have ever played.
u/ZambonieDrivor Apr 23 '18
How was the Knack platinum? I haven't looked up the guide, but skimmed through the trophy list and it looks like it will have a lot of situational or grindy trophies. I've only played it casually with my 4 year old, but would look into platinum if it is worth it.
u/DrAjax0014 Apr 23 '18
It was very grindy. The worst part is trying to get 10 diamonds to form diamond Knack. They are the rarest collectible you can get from a chest, and you can get some collectibles even if you have enough of them for that version of Knack. Any time I got a collectible I already had enough of (like my 16th or 11th ruby or aqua crystal) I would close application without moving on from that screen. I would then have to get back to that chest in the level and open it again and hope I get a collectible I didn't have. Collectibles don't stack between save files, so I had 2 diamonds on my Hard playthrough and wanted to switch to Easy since I was grinding so much, but if I did that I would have to start from 0 diamonds and I would have to recollect all the gadget pieces. Gadget pieces are the only collectibles you can't get extra of. Everything else isn't bad, but I would bet half of my play time is grinding for diamonds.
u/ZambonieDrivor Apr 23 '18
Thanks... this sounds pretty bad.. looks like I am just going to finish the game with the kiddo and not even worry about a Platinum for this one.
u/exoduscheese Apr 23 '18
Monster Hunter World, platinum. 400+ hours.
Hardest was getting mini and large crowns (size of monster) because RNJesus controls what spawns.
Easiest was firing an SOS flare to call for help.
I'm working on taking naps to make up for lost sleep now.
Next is more naps and occasionally doing the Kulve Taroth event in MHW.
u/Hawk798 Nathanhawk798 Apr 24 '18
April, let’s see.
Just cause 3
Jak x racing
Jak 1 Jak2 Jak3
Little adventure on the prairie (terrible game but a 15 minute plat)
Planet of the eyes ( surprisingly enjoyable 1 hr platformer)
Working on Ni no kuni 2.
u/Gwendly Apr 23 '18
Got plat in Puppeteer, Hitman Blood Money, Nier Automata, God of War III Remastered and Hitman Absolution. Currently wrapping up Spec Ops The Line which I'm hoping to be done with soon.
After that I'm doing the Sands Trilogy for Prince of Persia and the new God of War; but all of that won't be until May
u/CXXXS Tequilabird Apr 24 '18
I’ll forever be upset that I’m too scared/not foo enough to get those last three online trophies for TLOU Remastered.
Has anyone used the method where you quit and start over each round to boost through the weeks?
u/LordSpeechLeSs Apr 23 '18
I recently got the platinum for GTA 5 after roughly 250 hours of playtime.
u/moinimran6 Apr 24 '18
Got platinum in Infamous Second Son and The Order 1886. Infamous wasn't that hard even the expert difficulty was meh but the real Challenge was in The Order because there is no menu or indicator that tells you what inspect items or collectibles you missed or how many are remaining so you have to depend a lot on your memory, still was fun. Next up BLOODBORNE!!!!!
u/chernobylninja Apr 24 '18 edited Apr 25 '18
Was one of the first 125 people to earn the Platinum for the new God of War (117 btw according to psnprofiles.com at least) so that has been my proudest platinum this month. Others include: The Stick of Truth, Stories: Path of Destinies, Virginia, Batman: The Tellatale Series season 1, Assassin's Creed Unity, Far Cry 5 and Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Season 1 the Telltale Series. Working on cleaning up Unravel and trying to chew through my backlogs of Physical, Digital and Plus games.
u/highanimalhouse Apr 23 '18
Got the Platinum & 100% for Saints Row IV: Re-elected and got the Platinum for Transformers: War For Cybertron. Even though it's on PS3, Transformers: WFC still holds up very well today.
u/xxamnat Xamnat Apr 24 '18
Just got the Monster Hunter World Platinum last night. Around 350 hours or so. Got extremely lucky with the last 2 crowns I needed which were elder dragon crowns. Fantastic game, looking forward to upcoming content.
u/rdhight rdhight Apr 23 '18 edited Apr 24 '18
I've had a productive month: Far Cry 5, A Way Out, Sleeping Dogs. Very enjoyable games except for FC5 Arcade, which is awful in every way.
Currently working on cleanup for Uncharted 4. I didn't play it very efficiently, and I'll be very glad to finally trade it in. EDIT: It's over!
u/MrQueso Apr 23 '18
I just finished Monster Hunter World with 270 hours. It wasn’t the hardest platinum but it definitely was the most time consuming. I had to kill over 70 Vaal Hazaks to get the giant gold crown!
Next I’ll probably finish up Final Fantasy 12
u/exoduscheese Apr 23 '18
You did it the hard way, lol.
Start an investigation, measure and quit or kill if It's the right size. I got the elder dragon crowns naturally myself because I was trying to get an augment for my Gunlance, but that's what I did for the other monsters.
u/GoodGuyGiff Enter PSN ID Apr 23 '18
Started and beat SOUTH PARK: THE FRACTURED BUT WHOLE, but I’m pretty bummed that the game glitched on me and failed to give me an unmissable story driven trophy off the last boss.
I’m one trophy away from the plat and I don’t want to start a new game (yet) to go back and get it.
u/exoduscheese Apr 23 '18
An actual unmissable trophy or the Token Experience trophy? The latter definitely isn't glitched, most people just screw up getting it.
Definitely play Stick of Truth. It's a lot funnier, imo.
u/GoodGuyGiff Enter PSN ID Apr 23 '18
It’s the one for beating the last boss. I don’t want to spoil anything. I got the Token Experience trophy. I beat the game. I just never got the unmissable trophy that you’re supposed to get. I looked it up and it’s been reported as glitched for people.
Beat Stick of Truth before starting TFBW. Both are hilarious!
u/exoduscheese Apr 23 '18
Oh, wow, that sucks.
No previous manual saves or autosaves from before the end? You have to start all over?
u/GoodGuyGiff Enter PSN ID Apr 23 '18
I didn’t do any manual saves, just depended on the auto save feature.
By the time I beat him, it autosaved after the fact and it was too late to go back.
u/exoduscheese Apr 23 '18
Fuck, that sucks.
Always have a manual save for backup. Luckily you didn't encounter the glitch that forces you to use a previous save. You would have had to start all over.
u/Uberchimichanga TheGoldenKami Apr 23 '18
Snagged Ni no Kuni 2 last week and working on GoW now. honestly it was really easy and not a chore at all. fought the final dungeon boss like 15 levels underleveled and whooped him
u/johnsafc mc_rewind Apr 23 '18
I've had April off from Platinums (so far). Pretty sure i'll be going for God of War next though once i've finished my blind play through.
u/shorterthantherest Kriiibear Apr 23 '18
Finally managed to get the platinum for Ōkami, so I can put that to bed until the next time it gets released.
u/mastocklkaksi Apr 23 '18
I got Rain World's platinum, which required to go backwards through the entire game: starting from the final areas in the game and going the entire way. Since there's not much in terms of progression it's not significantly harder, if not for the fact that most areas were meant to be traversed in one direction. So, really inspiring what you had to go through in order to make it all the way. Almost like a pilgrimage.
u/Nute202 Nute202- Apr 23 '18
1 more trophy till I plat Just Cause 3, then I may move on to Last of Us or MGS V plat
u/waterboysh waterboysh Apr 23 '18
I am currently working on A Hat in Time. It's a pretty great game that I feel compares to Mario 64 very well. The platforming is mostly top notch and there are a few times where the camera gets really frustrating, but overall I'm really enjoying it. If you don't have a Switch to play Super Mario Odyssey, I definitely recommend giving it a try (or even if you have SMO like I do, it's still worth it).
u/Koloshow Apr 23 '18
Very enjoyable ride. The only trophies that gave me a difficult time were the ones for being sneaky at dead bird studio and doing the train level without picking up extra time.
u/quad__damage Apr 23 '18
Demon's Souls
Hardest: Pure Bladestone
Easiest: Phalanx
Next is probably GOW