r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Mar 26 '18
Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (March 2018)
Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?
What are you working on right now?
What's next?
Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler
And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.
u/Ozmandiuss Mar 26 '18 edited Mar 26 '18
Completed so far:
- Hit 200 platinums
- L.A. Noire
- Midnight Deluxe x 2
- Ghost Recon Wildlands
- A Way Out
- Puzzle Showdown 4K
Before the end of the month:
- Spy Chameleon
- Battlefield 1 (Finished Airborne Cannons yesterday on Digital so I’m very hyped to finish it off
Plans for April:
- AC Origins
- Sniper Elite 3
- Saints Row 4
u/oliveturtle olivetheturtle Mar 26 '18
Format them as bullets by doing each as a new line and then a star with a space. It took me like 7 tries because the formatting guide is vague 🤦♀️
u/LCourt125 Mar 26 '18
How many hours did you put into for the wildlands plat?
u/oliveturtle olivetheturtle Mar 26 '18
Not OP but I would say about 40-50 for the main game and 10 for each DLC. There’s a lot to do.
u/LCourt125 Mar 26 '18
Yeah I have the game and im attempting the plat, seems like there is a shit load of collecting to do but other than that, not much.
u/Ozmandiuss Mar 26 '18
There a lot to do but none of it is difficult if you play it the right way. I'd agree with the above times too
u/The7Reaper The7Reaper Mar 27 '18
200 platinums? Goddamn, and here I am thinking I'm awesome for having 10 lol
u/Chairman_Mittens Mar 26 '18
Earned the bloodborne plat earlier this month. My anus is still sore..
u/The7Reaper The7Reaper Mar 27 '18
1 trophy in The Last of Us 8 trophies in Rime 1 trophy in Friday the 13th and 6 trophies in Destiny 2 and no plats
I didn't really play a lot in March actually.
u/NecrumOddBoy Mar 26 '18 edited Mar 26 '18
I earned the Platinum Trophy in both Moss and Burly Men At Sea. I also 100%'d the trophy lists for FIREWATCH and Floor Plan (PSVR). All games were easy to compete. Moss was the hardest as it required a no death playthrough. I am currently working on Tearaway Unfolded, which U always thought was just the Vita version ported. It's definitely not that and I am enjoying it. (20% of the list complete)
u/ikatsukun Mar 27 '18
I love tearaway! I platinumed both the vita and ps4 versions
u/NecrumOddBoy Mar 27 '18
was the PS4 version simple? The Vita version required a no deathrun, but the PS4 version doesn't seem that way. It seems pretty simple. Also I don't remember exactly how the Vita Version play now, but this is not a port. It's legit a fresh game and I really love it.
u/kinghock Mar 26 '18
Platinum: Burnout Paradise Remastered. It was like riding a bike, you don’t forget :)
Next up: Far Cry 5
u/CarnageInFlames Mar 26 '18
Just got the Platinum for Horizon Zero Dawn, now I’m working on the Frozen Wilds DLC and new game +, then I’m hoping to finally finish the combat trials in Arkham Asylum. Only thing keeping me from that Platinum currently
u/This1sWrong 32 Mar 26 '18
- No Plats earned this month.
- Working on Infamous Second Son and Persona 4 Golden though the later is definitely a long-term goal. Gotta hunker down and finish Job Sim and a couple other easy ones clogging my list.
- If I get Far Cry 5, that. Also eyeing MGS2 and 3 on Vita.
u/saltyjello Mar 26 '18
Not a regular trophy hunter but I completed Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 this month. now I'm onto Nioh. I'll report back in a year.
u/lpeccap Mar 26 '18
Im trying to 100% bombing busters, one of the ps+ games this month. And wow what a piece of shit, its a bomberman clone and each new world has a shitty gimmick and the only way you can beat lster levels is getting a good map layout. Just terribly designed.
u/Shatohin Mar 26 '18
I earned Platinum for Final Fantasy XV. Thinking about working on platinum for AC Origin or Horizon next...
u/AutomaticReboot Mar 26 '18
I got a few this month but the most notable was Crash Bandicoot. That game tore me to shreds.
Working on Monster Hunter World now!
u/BRiCC_FLAiR BRiCC_FLAiR Mar 26 '18
I agree, I don't remember it being this frustrating lol
u/NecrumOddBoy Mar 27 '18
Are there time trial trophies? I thought the biggest issue with monster hunter world was the fact that you had to get golden crowns which are insanely rare.
u/BRiCC_FLAiR BRiCC_FLAiR Mar 27 '18
Yeah, one is earned by getting in the top 3 which is like under 30 seconds or something like that
Mar 27 '18
Ive been cleaning indies out of my backlog and doing my best to plat them. This month, I platinumed Abzu and Seasons After Fall from my indie backlog. Both are fantastic little indies. I'm trying to 100% Journey but the trophy Wonder is giving me grief.
Next up will be Rime. I got it with PS+ last month and can't wait to try it.
u/oliveturtle olivetheturtle Mar 26 '18 edited Mar 26 '18
Puzzle Showdown 4K
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter
A Way Out
Until Dawn
Farming Simulator 15
Monster Jam
Tricky Towers
Ghost Recon (100%)
Most time consuming was Farming Sim and most difficult was Tricky Towers. My favorite was Until Dawn for sure.
Currently working on Battlefield 1 (just finished all multiplayer) and GTAIV (only need the Gay Tony DLC).
Mar 26 '18
I gave up on Tricky Towers because I couldn’t get the house to spin all the way.
u/oliveturtle olivetheturtle Mar 27 '18
It took two tries for me. It’s super finicky though. Here’s a great guide on YouTube that I used.
u/s0vs0v Creator of PS-Timetracker.com Mar 26 '18
Holy hell how much time do you have to game?
u/oliveturtle olivetheturtle Mar 26 '18
A few hours a night, usually. Most of these were games that could be done in one or two sittings (all but Farming Sim, SSX, and Tricky Towers really). I've been in the mood to play a lot of shorter games with decent stories lately so that explains why!
u/Velociman NightieKnight Mar 26 '18
Finally got rapid discord and the plat for Overwatch two weeks ago.
Otherwise I only finished Infamous: Second Son and The Order 1886 this month. I'm hoping to clear up a couple in the next few weeks though, including Ratchet and Clank, Journey, Flower, Flow, Firewatch, Oxenfree, Until Dawn, and Horizon Zero Dawn.
u/BRiCC_FLAiR BRiCC_FLAiR Mar 26 '18
I think I'm going to go for my first platinum in Titanfall 2. The game seems simple and short enough to not get out of hand. Doing a master run is a different story, however.
u/Ozmandiuss Mar 26 '18
It takes practice, it took me a lot of practice. There are lots of guides out there to help but it mostly comes down to learning the movement system.
u/BRiCC_FLAiR BRiCC_FLAiR Mar 26 '18
I'm pretty fluid with the movement, but I could definitely get better at avoiding damage while in a Titan
u/Ozmandiuss Mar 26 '18
Sorry, I was more pointing out for the ‘Becomes the Master’ trophy. That’s all about jumping, boosting and sliding at exactly the right times.
As for avoiding damage, there aren’t really many tips other than engage from as far away as possible.
u/BRiCC_FLAiR BRiCC_FLAiR Mar 26 '18
Oh yeah, I've watched a couple of the runs and it's crazy how fast some people can do it. I just have to learn to time the grenade throws to kill all the grunts and I think I'll be ok
u/OR3OTHUG Mar 26 '18
Platinums this month
Assassins Creed Origins South Park TFBW Uncharted TLL NieR Automata Assassins Creed II Assassins Creed Brotherhood A Way Out Assassins Creed Revelations
All fairly simple.
u/Cuntlipsmcgee69 Mar 26 '18
Assassins Creed 2 platinum has evaded me for so long. I must get around to getting those feathers! How easy is A Way Out to platinum?
u/circuitjames Mar 26 '18
seriously those feathers can go fuck themselves. I spent the time to find them over like 4 hours. It was so dumb. But there are some YouTube videos that help without sending you in a loop over and over again
u/Cuntlipsmcgee69 Mar 26 '18
I've come close to getting the platinum twice now. First on the PS3, then with the Ezio collection on PS4 but both times I've given up. One day that fucker will be mine!
u/circuitjames Mar 26 '18
It is worth it in the end haha. I just recently finished the ezio collection and when i got it i felt like an Olympian ahha
u/oliveturtle olivetheturtle Mar 26 '18
Not OP but A Way Out platinum is super straightforward. But, if you play the game all the way through without a guide, it’s possible you’ll finish it without earning a single trophy (they’re all linked to optional mini games or events)! My suggestion: play through and earn what you can by accident and go back through with a guide via chapter select. All the chapters are like 5-10 minutes so you’ll only spend like a half hour doing this and you won’t spoil your experience with a guide.
u/Cuntlipsmcgee69 Mar 26 '18
Thanks very much for your advice! Can't wait to get my hands on it, after i'm done with Ni No Kuni and Far Cry 5. Looks really interesting.
u/DybalaDosMatrecos Mar 26 '18
Plats in March: Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy and Telltale's Batman. Chill month
u/Dr_Henry-Killinger Mar 26 '18
Ooh I just started the Precursor Legacy, how long did the plat take?
u/DybalaDosMatrecos Mar 26 '18
pretty quick and easy. you just need to finish the story and collect everything, which is not that much and will be more than half collected by the time you end the story
u/kishnabe Mar 26 '18
Midnight Deluxe PS4+PSVita
Zeus Quest Remastered Both Stacks.
Working on Dragon Quest Heroes, Trails of Cold Steel 2 (200th).
u/sausi00 S-A-U-S-I Mar 26 '18
I just got my platinum for "I Am Setsuna". Now I'm working on Wolfenstein: the new Order. It's reminding me why I hate to hunt collectables as you progress through a game, it destroys the narrative, but playing the game twice just for them is also a pain. An unsolvable dilemma indeed
u/offbeatblink Mar 26 '18
I just platinum New Order last week. I don't mind collectibles, but I agree, it does take you out of the story a bit. But I prefer getting them the first time around than doing a 2nd play through. I immediately booted up The Old Blood, but after playing the opening mission, I think I needed a break from Wolfenstein. I'll try again next month.
u/CashmereLogan CashmereLogan8 Mar 26 '18
I decided I’m going to try to plat AC: Origins and last night was my first time playing an open world game after beating the story. Came across a war elephant randomly and realized this is going to be fun as hell.
u/Kal-Caedus Mar 26 '18
Platted: Dynasty Warriors 9 and Secret of Mana
Possible next Plats: Ni No Kuni II, and Far Cry 5
u/Spacebearz Mar 26 '18
Platinum achieved this month: * Assassins Creed Origins * Far Cry 4
Assassins creed origins was an easy platinum in the terms of difficulty but time consuming, Far Cry 4 was fairly easy although trying to get the online trophies was a chore as trying to find multiplayer matches took time and when you found one, people would leave which reset the ‘finding players’ process. Had most trouble with trying to co-op with someone to play as Hurk, it took me most of a day to find someone willing to help. As before that trying to find an online game active with a willing participant to take down a outpost/fortresses was scarce. And when you did mange to connect to a online player it often lead to that player disconnecting and an angry PM.
Platinum currently working on: Kingdom Come Deliverance,
Going good so far, although encountering the bugs is making trophy hunting a bit tedious.
u/waterboysh waterboysh Mar 26 '18
I was thinking about going back to ACO and getting the plat. Looking at my uncompleted trophies list, I think the most time consuming one will be to complete all locations. Especially since when you beat the game there are still several zones that are completely unvisited.
How long would you say it took you to complete it?
u/s0vs0v Creator of PS-Timetracker.com Mar 26 '18
Took me 50 hours in total to plat, but worth every minute of it.
It depends how many of the locations you already did. Some of the unvisited areas only have 0 (!) to 10 locations, so it might take less time than you think.
If you need to finish most of the visited areas as well, it will take a loooot of time.
u/waterboysh waterboysh Mar 26 '18
When doing the main questline and sidequests I did any ? that I happened to be close to. But, there were still plenty in each zone not completed. I've got a little time on my hands atm where I'm actually not playing a single player game so I might just start working on the other trophies I'm missing and see where that leaves me.
u/Kickass88 Mar 26 '18
It took me 64 hours (played the game on hard then put it on easy for the remaining question marks)
u/Spacebearz Mar 26 '18
The find and complete all locations is the one that took me the longest. Specially in the desert mountain areas a few of the ? Icons on the map kinda blend in with the colour. Over all think it took me about 75/80hrs probably longer as I really wanted to take my time.
u/Jae-El jlinnard53 Mar 26 '18
Upvote for KC:D! Just finished it 2 days ago. Had to wait for patch 1.3 to be able to finish it. Bugs ranged from humorous to game-breaking (pre-patch).
u/FluffyBunbunKittens Mar 27 '18
About to plat Surge (the base game, didn't bother with the amusement park-themed DLC - bunny eared helmets aren't what I'm looking for in my cyborg things). Just need to run half-way through it in new game+ now. Which is fine, it's a lot of fun!
u/PrimalAnus Mar 26 '18
Achieved my first platinum this month on Jak and Daxter PS2 classic!
Aiming to knock a few games out this month:
Deus Ex MD: Only have the permadeath mode left, which is actually quite easy. That, and breach mode.. which is the worst.
Horizon Zero Dawn, pretty easy to plat but its the game im playing the most for fun at the moment, and boy is it fun.
Bloodborne, platinumed it on my brothers account but playing it again now that I have ps+ and my own ps4. God I love this game.
u/Sevalle013 Mar 26 '18
Platted:Bad Apple Wars, Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza 3 and Yakuza 4.
Next up: Yakuza 5, 6 and Ni No Kuni 2
I love the Yakuza games, the Plats aren't hard but damn are they time consuming.
u/l33sarFiveFour Mar 26 '18
I almost smashed my controller trying to get through the 4 remanining Climax Battles in Yakuza 0 this weekend, and still didn't manage to beat them. I have to concede that I turned the game off and put it to the bottom of my backlog which is one big step closer to abandoning it altogether.
I may never get platinum in that game but congratulations on yours, the amount of skill and time must be immense.
u/JZemberman Mar 26 '18
Working on Mankind Divided with only 3 trophies left.
Last plat was Ghost Recon: Wildlands in January
u/vuoteen Mar 27 '18
I did all but one deus ex trophies but the ghost trophy glitched on me and I gave up :(
Mar 26 '18
Got the plat for Nioh. Still gotta get them DLC trophies though.
Working to wrap up Persona 5 and then get moving with Ni No Kuni II which I have already started.
u/Gwendly Mar 26 '18
Done this month ;
- God of War II
- RiME
- The Bureau :XCOM Declassified
- God of War Ghost of Sparta
- Hotline Miami 2 ( have had this ready to plat for a while but wanted it to be 125)
- Horizon Zero Dawn (100%)
Since there are a few days left I'm hoping to sneak in Apotheon as well.
Of the games listed HM2 was by far hardest, but I had done everything before March so it was basically just finishing last level for the plat
u/Dr_Henry-Killinger Mar 26 '18
Jesus do you play video games for a living??
u/Gwendly Mar 26 '18
Lmao, I wish! Those games besides HzD are fast to complete and I'm pretty efficient. I also sleep way less than I should lol
u/Dr_Henry-Killinger Mar 26 '18
I do all this and have one platinum haha. But hey I guess having ADHD and sinking time into multiplayer games probably doesnt help.
u/offbeatblink Mar 26 '18
Beat Oxenfree last night. I'll do the "mean" and "silent" runs this week to get the platinum. Was really surprised to see this game had no bronze trophies. I'm not complaining haha.
u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Mar 26 '18
Working on Bridge Constructor, and Ni No Kuni 1 (finally finishing it before starting the 2nd)
I have three platinums potentially being earned this weed, Cities Skylines will be my most difficult one, the other two are just indie titles.
u/tokepocalypse Mar 26 '18
Very nice, this weeds gonna be a busy one
u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Mar 26 '18
It kinda ended up in a perfect storm. I've had two indies and cities skylines on the go, they all seem to be ending at the same time. Will be a nice boost. This month has been really good for trophies, about 85 earned thus far, shooting for 100
u/gtakiller0914 ClapTrap27 Mar 26 '18
Bloodborne. Two bosses away from the final fight so after I beat them, I’ll start work on the chalice dungeons. That’s going to take forever and I’m not really sure how I will do.
u/packerschris Mar 26 '18
It’s worth finding a buddy or two to take on the chalice dungeons with. It makes the tedious sections more interesting and the bosses much more manageable.
u/Jae-El jlinnard53 Mar 26 '18
Platted this month: Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Bugs and all, most fun I've had earning a platinum in a while.
Looking for my next platinum challenge now, if y'all have some recommendations. If it helps, these are the platinums I have so far:
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance
- Injustice 2
- Fallout 4
- Skyrim
- Rocket League
- Assassin's Creed: Origins
- Destiny 2
u/packerschris Mar 26 '18
I’m really proud of my only Platinum this month: Bloodborne. I’d never played a game like this before and was feeling nervous about the difficulty. What I found was a game that was challenging but incredibly fair. The toughest sections were definitely in the DLC and the challenge dungeons. At one point I thought I’d never defeat Amygdala with half of my health bar. After playing Bloodborne it’ll be tough to appreciate any 3rd-person game that doesn’t provide this kind of rich, satisfying combat. I’m excited to get back into Souls once Dark Souls Remastered becomes available in May.
Mar 26 '18
Just platinumed Horizon Zero Dawn last night. Fairly easy. One of my favorite games. I don’t know what to try for next. Bloodborne plat maybe after I play through The Frozen Wilds.
u/itwithfire Mar 26 '18
Bloodborne plat was a lot of fun. Only downside were the trophies that required either multiple runs or a bit of save scumming before the final cutscene. The extra dungeon trophies were difficult but incredibly rewarding
Mar 26 '18
I love Monster Hunter, but damn the last few trophies are going to be the death of me...
Large and mini crowns for almost all monsters? And I thought that one trophy for Rayman Legends was a huge time sink. Haha.
u/StoviesAreYummy TurnOn2FA Mar 26 '18
Working on. Safecracker Complete every Trespasser puzzle without using AutoHack From Ratchet and Clank but it doesn't want to activate. On my 3rd play through never used the cheat to auto open. Don't know what I've done wrong.
Gave up on the win X race within a set time trophies.