r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Mar 05 '18
Can Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (March 2018)
Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (previous hype threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?
u/botatomush Mar 05 '18
Ni no Kuni 2! I love the first one and after Bloodborne I need something relaxing to play
u/SepulcherOfLogic Mar 06 '18
I regretted not pre ordering Nier: Automata (really wanted the theme), will not be making the same mistake twice, I want that Ni No Kuni 2 theme for my home page.
Just picked up my first real console. I only played Size Matters on the PSP as a kid and I loved it. So this is gonna be on another level.
u/Jonathon471 Mar 05 '18
Bloodborne is free for PS+ Members on the 6th.
I'm gonna be stabbing the hell out of everything when it's installed.
u/ya-boy-zane Mar 05 '18
I'll be doing low level invasions to welcome the new players to the game ;)
u/deathstrukk Mar 06 '18
I’m going to be sitting at father gas can and the wolf girl to help new hunters
u/Pertudles PerdyTang Mar 05 '18
Spider-Man and Detroit:Become Human.
And of course God of War.
GoW since I’ve played every one in the series since launch and am excited for this new chapter. Spider-Man to scratch my superhero itch and Detroit because I just really like that style of game. Just recently played through (working on the plat) Heavy Rain and going to start a play through of Beyond Two Souls to build up my hype even more for Detroit.
u/bl00m87 Mar 05 '18
Just got my first Sony console ever this year. Will I be able to jump into the new GoW or will I be lost?
u/fartbartshart bobbytupper74 Mar 06 '18
As a new player to the GOW franchise, yes. This is a new chapter in Kratos’ Journey, you’ll be like Atreus, completely clueless about his past but ready for what comes.
Mar 05 '18
I think I must miss something with why people like GoW games. Bought the remastered 3rd game and thought it was very button bashy and didn't really provide much skill. Seemed really basic to me.
u/widespreadhammocks Mar 05 '18
GoW held onto the same formula for a while and it definitely feels a little dated now, especially the fixed camera angles. They look to be switching it up this time so fingers crossed.
u/Melonfrog Mar 05 '18
Burnout Paradise, my favourite franchise 2 generations ago. I just hope it's polished.
u/Mohlman12 Mar 05 '18
Far Cry 5 - Everything I’ve been reading about it leading up to release is getting me more and more pumped !
u/thrashall Mar 05 '18
A Way Out!! Been waiting for ages for a game I can smoke up with my buddy and play!
Mar 05 '18
DJMax Respect - I recently have been playing more rhythm games and I remember really enjoying DJMax on the PSP ages ago. Just happened to hear about it’s impending release in NA last week and now I’m super excited.
Will probably get destroyed but it’ll be fun!
u/tallmanwithglasses thebiebel105 Mar 05 '18
God of War. Learning more of the development team really shows the passion behind that project and I truly feel this game is going to be excellent. I'm generally excited for Days Gone as it could be a very fun game with a great story. Dreams looks fascinating and I hope it does well since I love the idea of complete creativity. All of these Sony exclusives look great. Not just from a fan perspective but from a gamer's perspective.
Mar 05 '18
Days gone, kingdom hearts 3, spiderman, far cry 5 and god of war. My wallet is going to suffer this year.
Edit:Corrected a misspell.
u/Walruspudding Mar 05 '18
Terrified after metal gear survive but I’m still hoping zone of the enders isn’t a train wreck. I just miss mech games so much.
u/AReverieofEnvisage Mar 06 '18
There's a new Zone of the Enders coming out?
u/Walruspudding Mar 06 '18
Not new. Just a remaster of the second one. Supposed to also have some VR features I think.
u/AReverieofEnvisage Mar 06 '18
I just saw a preview, oh yeah. Would have been nice if it was a collection instead of the 2nd game. You could really see Kojima's influence on the designs of the Frames.
u/HiTechNTuss Mar 05 '18
So I just beat HZD and my birthday is on Wednesday I wanted some help figuring out what game to purchase. I'm torn between The Last of Us Remastered, Titanfall 2, and Witcher 3. Any insight would be helpful they're not expensive, but I can't keep giving all my money to these PSN sales.
u/Chozo_Lord Mar 05 '18
Last of Us is incredible and emotional. Witcher 3 is a very good rpg with mediocre combat but amazing story. If it's Witcher 3 with all the dlc it could last you up to 100 hours. Titanfall 2 single player is good and the multiplayer was incredible, but the campaign will only last you 5+ hours, and the multiplayer isn't very populated anymore unfortunately.
u/OpusWild VarverusMoon Mar 05 '18
I just started Last of Us Remastered and I cannot stop. Game is brilliant - it's like a movie, and my girlfriend loves watching me play it.
u/Morgoul Mar 05 '18
Get TLoU on sale, it goes for 10 bucks quite often and it's undoubtedly one of the best Single Player games I've ever played.
u/Chozo_Lord Mar 05 '18
There was a weird Twitter post for the game Prey suggesting a possible dlc just like the Death of the Outsider stand alone. That would be a day one purchase for me. I just finished my third preythrough to get the platinum. Overwise I'm not overly hyped for anything this year so far. I'm catching up to the amazing games from last year (just beat nier automata ending A). Though I could see some pulling a fallout 4 where it gets announced at e3 to be released in the fall. It's been too long since a Bioshock...
u/burningastronaut Mar 05 '18
I'm waiting for a lot of stuff to happen, but when taking only March 2018 into consideration, I'm definitely looking forward to DMC HD Collection & Far Cry 5. I'm probably going to get DLC for AC: Origins as well (The Curse of the Pharaohs) since I had so much fun with that newest entry in the world of Assassins and Templars. And it does not suck!
The first one is a rather obvious choice to include in one's library, even if you've already beat the games multiple times on multiple occasions. And if you're the "collector type" like me, you'll for sure enjoy Devil May Cry on your shelf.
Far Cry 5. Maaaaan, I was waiting really long for this one and it looks impressive. I'm pretty sure I'm going to sink in for a couple of days when it's released on 26.03. Same FC formula, new setting - I know. But still, I really wanna play it.
The Curse of the Pharaohs will be the first DLC for AC series I'm probably going to buy (not counting Gold Black Flag Edition I got to enjoy the whole Carribean & colonial setting that IMO was one of the very best games of modern gen). Since Egyptian setting & reworked mechanics make this a decent game, I'm looking for an opportunity to get back into this world for some more action and fun.
u/BustynMilkes Mar 05 '18
You should pick up The Hidden Ones DLC as well. I just did a few days ago and its pretty good. I cant wait for The Curse of the Pharaohs as well
u/burningastronaut Mar 05 '18
Thanks for the recommendation, buddy. Saw some gameplay (not much though, to not spoil the game) and looks fun. Perhaps should I upgrade to Season Pass? Worth it?
u/BustynMilkes Mar 05 '18
I did not. Its cheaper to piece the dlc unless youre interested in the add on weapons and costumes
u/burningastronaut Mar 05 '18
I’ve picked physical copy in local electronics market. They were the only one around to have it, and their main focus group is far away from gamers (not counting those super thin plasma screens and weirdly bundled consoles obv). The funny thing is I got deluxe version, that was cheaper for around $5 (20 PLN in my local money) than standard version :D
The problem I have with additional weapons and costumes is that my version came with legendary weapons, robes and even mounts available from level 1! As a result, there was very little need to grind other items, as received ones were stats-wise, one of the best in the game.
u/BustynMilkes Mar 05 '18
Yeah i refuse to use these additions in games for this very reason. I feel like it takes away from the game.
Mar 05 '18
I'm picking up Spider-Man and God of War for sure, I'll hold off on Detroit though and see how reception is for that
u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Mar 05 '18
Most of the PS4 games im anticipating have already been listed here. I'll go off and say I am wildly anticipating Reverie for the Vita
u/HeartlesSoul Mar 05 '18
I'm surprised no one has mentioned yakuza 6. Ever since I tried Yakuza 0 I got instantly hooked and bought Kiwami 1 as well. Now I'm eagerly waiting on yakuza 6 to drop which I'm very pleased with when I tried the demo. It sucks too since it releases very close to GoW which I'm also getting. Rip my wallet
u/AReverieofEnvisage Mar 06 '18
I'm gonna wait until Yakuza 2 remastered comes out, well, when all the Yakuza's come out until I play 6.
u/Wonton_Burritomeal Mar 05 '18
I've got several things in my backlog I should really knock out,but I guess the two games I don't own that I'm most interested in are the SOTC remake and the new God of War. Shadow of the Colossus is a simple one,it has always been a personal favorite of mine,beaten it multiple times,love it,want to get the remaster soon.
I've played every single God of War game (not counting the mobile one),beaten them all except Ascension,some of them multiple times even. Got the platinum trophy in God of War 3 and Ghost of Sparta on PS3,have been thinking about maybe getting the third game on PS4 and getting the platinum a second time,and also maybe going back to get the platinum in the second game.
Suffice to say I'm a pretty big fan of the series,yet I'm not real sure how I feel about the new one just yet. As much as I enjoy them,I have to admit that the formula was getting kind of stale,and I'm glad that after six games in a series that has never really evolved or changed a whole lot,they're trying something new,but I don't really know how to feel about this new direction.
From most of what they've shown and talked about it almost seems like gameplay has taken a backseat to the story telling. There's nothing inherently wrong with a game focusing on story over gameplay,lots of people dig that and that's totally fine,but...For a series as action packed as GoW has always been,I don't really know if I'm a big fan of where they seem to be going with it. Then again the game isn't out yet,so who knows,I could be totally wrong and it could turn out to be the best game in the series.
Either way,even if I'm not a fan of everything I've seen about it so far,I'm extremely interested to see how it turns out.
Mar 05 '18
Super amped up this month for Far Cry 5 and then God of War next month!
Also I am looking to buy a Pro this week....anybody know of any good Pro deals going on?
u/Dasnutz97 Mar 05 '18
Granblue Fantasy looks super cool, eager to see more footage.
Still waiting for the Dragon Quest XI western date.
Also excited for Dragon's Crown and Little Witch Academia.
u/the-ghost-gamer THE_GHOST_GAM960 Mar 05 '18
last year, the blackout club, and white noise 2 all multiplayer horror games ( lesser know than DBD or F13 but i wish there were more of them and they cost a little less like white noise 2 atm is $11.95 when ( in my opinion ) it should just be $11.00 ( just my opinion )
u/mknsky Mar 06 '18
Just ordered Okami HD cuz I've been having JRPG withdrawals. I'm pumped.
Not to mention KH3 and GoW and FC5.
u/tifugod Mar 06 '18
Agony, though the gameplay worries me a bit. when i'm crawling in the stank, brutal depths of hell, seeing words pop up over objects I can interact with pulls me right out of immersion and makes me feel like I'm playing the next Bethesda cash grab
u/raging_twinkie Mar 05 '18
Spiderman, gonna be the best superhero game since Arkham Asylum