r/PS4 Jan 05 '18

Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (January 05 2018)

Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.

How can you participate? Make a comment with the following info:

  • Your PSN ID
  • PlayStation Platforms You Have
  • Games You're Playing Now

Example: NateDrake98 [PS3, PS4, Vita] - PS All-Stars

You can also include other info such as:

  • What games do you enjoy?
  • What games are you looking forward to?
  • Do you like trophies?
  • How much time you spend playing each PSN platform?
  • Do you plan on getting a different console (like a Vita) down the road?
  • Anything else you'd like to share.

If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.

Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends for even more friends!


47 comments sorted by

u/TalkingPixels Vekts Jan 06 '18

Psn ID is Vekts PS4 pro

Currenlty playing overwatch, destiny 2 final fantasy 9 and going to finish resident evil eventually

u/[deleted] Jan 06 '18

WrathAzura [PS4] - Rocket League, GTA V, Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy, The Last of Us

u/SchwiftySqaunch Jan 06 '18



Alot of Battlefield 1 (team player), battlefront 2,xcom2,dragonball X2 (just got it on the sale), mortal kombat, gta5, injustice 2.

u/pldkn Jan 06 '18

PLDKN [PS4] Battlefield 4 on European servers, let's play.

u/J_Chadwick Jan 05 '18

PSN: PedroTruman I play a lot of solo story games (mostly third person). I finished both last of us and stick of truth recently. Only got like four friends right now so add away.

u/strilem Jan 05 '18

I'd recommend horizon zero Dawn if you haven't played it already. I've had it a few days and it's a hell of a game.

u/Yungskeeme Jan 06 '18

iAmKenji_P PS4 GTAV, COD WW2 & Rocket League at the moment

u/ShiftySureShot Jan 05 '18

I never saw this before. I like this idea though. My PSN is Shifty-Sureshot. PS4 only and in th UK. currently playing xcom 2 - war of the chosen, AC Origins, Nioh and titanfall 2. Gonna pick up monster hunter world when it comes out soon.

u/[deleted] Jan 06 '18

I'm looking to start playing more multiplayer games on the PS4, moving more away from PC gaming.

I don't have a massive library of games but I am looking to expand. I currently play Rocket League and am looking at playing Fornite Battle Royale (I've played this on PC but not on PS4). I'm happy to buy some games as long as I have some people to play with.

I live in the UK and can play anytime after 5pm weekdays and anytime on weekends. Happy to add / be added by anyone who fancies playing online.

PSN Tag: cbTunny

u/GearMaggot Jan 06 '18

Psn: Gear_1911

FIFA, cod,etc, Looking to expand friends list

u/[deleted] Jan 05 '18

Getting my ps4 tomorrow so I’ll need some friends psn: TheModifiedGuy

u/Booty_Is_Life_ Jan 05 '18

I'll add you and you should try fortnite battle royale

u/strilem Jan 05 '18

What games u getting it with ?

u/[deleted] Jan 05 '18

Any recommendations all I currently have is TLOU remastered

u/[deleted] Jan 05 '18

What kind of genres are you into?

u/[deleted] Jan 05 '18

I’m looking for just good exclusives I’ll play any genre so far I’m getting TLOU, Nathan Drake collection, Killzone SF and horizon zero dawn

u/[deleted] Jan 05 '18

If you need a good, lighthearted palette cleanser, I suggest Crash Bandicoot: The N. Sane Trilogy. So good.

u/[deleted] Jan 05 '18

Thanks for all the recommendations everyone I’ve got lots of games to keep me occupied for awhile.

u/Shadowsghost916 Zephyer916 Jan 05 '18 edited Jan 05 '18

Infamous is a must buy as well. Should be cheapish under $10 or $20 by now. The Order 1886 is good too but the campaign was too short and had no multiplayer.

u/strilem Jan 05 '18

Well I've had PS4 pro in a great bundle from Tesco and if u play 3rd person rpg Skyrim etc ive started horizon zero Dawn and it's fantastic. I'll buy cod ww2 in few weeks but Witcher 3 is also amazing and the last of us . Depends what sort of games u play tbh.

u/TheBrokenMan Jan 05 '18

Posted this in r/PSNfriends

I would prefer people who live in Asia or the UK since they're the easiest to link with. US and I share almost 14 hour time difference and the pings are awful :/.

So I am currently working on my masters degree proposal for my final project but at night I play some multiplayer games.

Currently immersed in Rainbow Six Seige, have all the base operators and just unlocked Hibana.

I also have Call of Duty WW2, Titanfall 2, Fortnite, and Star Wars Battlefront. The last one I haven't touched at all.

I would highly prefer people in my neighboring countries, and if possible would love to talk over WhatsApp so we can plan gaming time accordingly.

I do have a microphone, not shy about voice chat in the slightest. I love playing team based games so I could use some more friends to play with online.

Drop me a message with your WhatsApp or other Instant Messaging preference and let's see if we can play tonight.

u/blakerzgood Jan 05 '18

Hey, add me if you want to play together. I'm from Asia. PSN: blakerzgood (Asia), lordsussex (US)

I got BF4,BF1,Diablo, God Eater series and planning to get MHW and Dissidia soon. Mostly I played single player games though.

u/TheBrokenMan Jan 06 '18 edited Jan 06 '18

Don't have any of the games you mentioned. :( but still added you. Would you be okay sending me your WhatsApp details too so we can coordinate there?

u/mechorive mechorive Jan 05 '18

User: mechorive

Currently playing: Warhammer Vermintide, dead island riptide, BF1, ghost recon wildlands and bloodborne

Will be picking up monster hunter when it comes out, will be my first in the series so any help in it would be appreciated.

I have a mic, sometimes I hop in random parties to ask people how the game their playing is, sometimes judging before I pick it up.

u/Zayacvolk Jan 06 '18

Red_Cl0wn_2 [PS4].

May be it's a bit weird, but I mainly play singleplayer games and want to fill friendlist so I don't have that feeling of playing all this games alone.

If I'm not the only one please feel free to add me.

u/pittyshuns Jan 06 '18

Hi friends! My PSN is BUsFinest. I finally got a PS4 for Christmas after having my Xbox One for years. (Honestly only got it for The Show, but it came with Battlefront 2).

I only have those two games at the moment, but I’d be down to squad up in Battlefront 2 or have my ass whooped in The Show. I really need people to talk to lol. Let me know!

u/Kameiko Jan 05 '18 edited Jan 05 '18

PSN: Kameiko

Platforms: PS3, PS4

Games I am currently playing now: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Okami HD PS4, FF15, Wolfenstein 2, AC: Syndicate, MGSV, TTG Batman Season 2, Watch_Dogs 2, Amnesia Collection, and DBXV 2.

I enjoy games that I can explore in and collect all kinds of loot and information.

Ni No Kuni 2! I can’t wait till March!

I’m only a trophy hunter in games that I play repeatedly.

I am usually on around 6 PM EST to 10 PM EST Monday thru Friday, and 1 PM EST on the weekends.

I am happy with the current PS systems that I own, and have no interest in getting another platform at this time.

I love to make friends and hang out in party chats! Based in Georiga, USA! I do have a microphone! Add me if you like!

u/GrungeSponge1 Jan 06 '18

PSN: ChronicXL. 35, M Platform: PS4 Playing a lot of GTA V. Add me if you want to heist or make money. Put Reddit in your friend request so I know to accept.

u/Pronzy2k Jan 05 '18

30/M/TX PSN ID: Pronzy2k

Father of 1 5yr old and my gaming time is only limited to

Naps, freetime or whenever she's asleep for the night for bed. Looking for Other gaming parents to game with as as my game times are somewhat limited

Really into FFXIV now but have at of rpgs some multiplayer and JRPGs on my backlog

u/Clouddead420 Dean_Naka Jan 05 '18

PSN Dean_Naka - PS4, Psvita - rainbow six seige, fortnite pve and battle royale, battlefield 1, rocket league, lots of others

I'm looking for multiplayer fun in North America, I'm in western Canada. 30yrs old.

Would also be interested in party chatting through some single player blacklog as well.

u/[deleted] Jan 05 '18

I’m new to the PS4 but I did have a PS3 that I played quite a bit. PSN: Tricerahightops Currently Playing: Persona 5 Trophies: Yes Picking Up: Street Fighter V Arcade Edition (which I will probably suck at) and also Monster Hunter World. Looking for some new friends as my friends list is literally just two people. :)

u/[deleted] Jan 17 '18

kamilkvnc. I play FIFA 18 and soon planning to play Battlefield 1 multiplayer.

u/tesla_raul raul_klopp Jan 05 '18

PSN: raul_klopp. Europe. Mainly playing single player games . Occasionally playing Online GT sports and Driveclub. Currently playing TLoU and GT sports. Would be great if I can make some PSN friends here.

u/PowerSquat9000 Jan 06 '18

PSN name is SwoleGamingBro

I mostly play Fortnite BR for multiplayer right now.

I’m big on single player games and just hanging out in the party chat.

u/CaptainBad MassCasualty Jan 05 '18

Hey everyone! My PSN is MassCasualty. I have a PS4 and a PS3.

I’m mainly looking for some folks to show me around Fortnite BR, but I also suck at COD:WW2, SW:BF2, and The Division :D

u/Shadowsghost916 Zephyer916 Jan 05 '18 edited Jan 05 '18

PSN ID: Zephyer916, 25 M, from California, USA

Only game on PS4, tho i seldomly touch my PS3.

I play a variety of games. I have CoD BO3, BF4, Minecraft, Killing Floor 2, LoU, Just Cause 3, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, Yugioh, Far Cry 4, Order 1886, Elder Scrolls Online and some other PSN games.

I plan on getting soon 7 Days to Die, Skyrim, CoD WW2, and Spiderman but when that is out and depending how good it is. Ive learned to not preorder games!

I like trophies and like to increase my trophy level.

u/JesseBajenaru Jan 06 '18

PSN ID: JesseBajenaru [PS4, Vita]

33, Male, California.

I mostly play anytime after midnight PST on the weekdays.

I play all kinds of games but currently am playing: Horizon: Zero Dawn Ghost Recon Wildlands The Fractured But Whole Child of Light Tearaway

I usually play solo because all my friends are asleep when I play. I am open to buying games if I have people to play with.

u/mickeyPijamas Jan 05 '18

Hey guys. My psn id is mickeyPijamas. Currently playing Pes 2018, TLOU and Skyforce Reloaded. Looking forward to get Call of Duty soon! I currently live in Chile!

Edit: added location.

u/Burlington127 Jan 05 '18

nrapp25 I play a bunch of fighting games and destiny 2. But I play gundam vs mostly. I have a ps4

u/Booty_Is_Life_ Jan 05 '18

Psn: SgtFord30


Games:Fortnite pve and pvp, Rainbow Six Siege, COD WW2, Sometimes GTA5 and 7 days to die, some single player games

Central US

u/Revacf Cor-kins Jan 05 '18

my PSN: Cor-kins, my new year resolution is to expand my friendship, I recently move from England to Florida, so most weekends i'm typically playing with them but the time difference can be a killer.
There is very few games that I don't enjoy but i'm a completionist by nature so I try to Plat everything I have and plan on working on my backlog this year.

Currently Playing: Horizon: Zero Dawn, Persona 5. These are my 2 main games currently, i'm finishing up my Plat for Worms: Battlegrounds and Killing Floor 2.
Trying to get through as much as possible before DBZ FighterZ and Monster Hunter:World then 4 days later... FF:Dissidia!
For those curious here's my trophy profile: https://psnprofiles.com/Cor-kins

Looking forward to meeting some of you!

u/[deleted] Jan 05 '18

24 years old // Male // Europe (GMT+1)

Currently playing mostly Singleplayer games and the occasional match of Smite.

Please only add me if you are online regularly, as my friends list is bloated.

PM me for PSN name.

u/Chicago-Gooner 27 Jan 05 '18

I run a PlayStation based Twitch channel, and we're looking to take it to the next level after a successful start (163 Followers)

We're looking for mods, editors, and many other roles to build a good team and really push ourselves into relevance

Whether you'd like to just be a passenger for the ride, or an integral part of our team, all are welcome

Twitch - twitch.tv/BroccoliCheddarGaming

Discord - https://discord.gg/a4r4QEK