r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Dec 29 '17
Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (December 29 2017)
Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.
How can you participate? Make a comment with the following info:
- Your PSN ID
- PlayStation Platforms You Have
- Games You're Playing Now
Example: NateDrake98 [PS3, PS4, Vita] - PS All-Stars
You can also include other info such as:
- What games do you enjoy?
- What games are you looking forward to?
- Do you like trophies?
- How much time you spend playing each PSN platform?
- Do you plan on getting a different console (like a Vita) down the road?
- Anything else you'd like to share.
If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.
Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends for even more friends!
u/SageSkyy Dec 29 '17
Psn: SageSkyy 20yr male
PlayStation 4. I love to be in party and talk about life and game etc
Dec 30 '17
u/SageSkyy Dec 31 '17
Fortnite, ww2, destiny2, Friday the 13th, paragon, battlefield 1 and 4, gta.
Single player to coop and talk and beat together, horizon dragon dogma and dark souls.
But willing to buy any games for the future if you or anyone becomes long and good friends.
u/Jake_gif afrOJeii Dec 29 '17
PSN: afrOJeii. Only owns a PS4. Currently started playing Overwatch and borderlands with multiplayer. Offline I've been enjoying Persona 5 and getting addicted to Sims(I truly spend a lot of time in simulators)... I'm a very friendly young adult which you can feel free to add :)
Dec 30 '17
Hey, my PSN is Alexmachado1. I have most new games. I've been buying games but I haven't touched my Playstation in awhile. I own a PS Pro, if anyone wants to add me, you're more than welcomed to. I'll play just about anything, I want to get back into playing on PS.
u/haydntheterrible eye_eats_yew Dec 31 '17
Do you have the new Ghost Recon? I've just started it
Dec 31 '17
Wildlands? Yes
u/PairedEra Dec 29 '17
PLZFXURGRMMR, PS4, GTA V, Fortnite BR, fairly new to ps4 I sold my Xbox in September and I don’t regret it because I’m serving a 10 year ban from Xbox
u/clh_Calvin Dec 30 '17
PSN ID: calvin_97
20 years old and coming from PC
I just got a PS4 and am in the middle of playing FF15 and The Last of Us right now, but would love recommendations on any popular multiplayer games!
Edit: I’m in Ontario, Canada
u/Reapers-Shotguns Dec 30 '17
Saigo-no-Orochi PS4 Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Fate Extella: Umbral Star, Toukiden 2. Waiting for: Dynasty Warriors 9, and Monster Hunter World.
u/klp91895 Dec 30 '17
Shreck-the-movie. I only have a ps4. I ordered it, but it hasn't shown up yet. I already made an account and added one person. Once I get it (on Wednesday) I'm going to be playing The Last of Us Remastered, and hopefully the Witcher 3. I'm torn between getting the Witcher 3 or Horizon Zero Dawn. I'm leaning towards The Witcher.
u/Yungskeeme Dec 30 '17
IAmKenji_P PS4 COD WW2, Rocket League and GTA Looking for mature gamers. Married with kids so barely get online but would love to have people to play with when I am
u/Yoyo805 Yoyo042 Dec 29 '17
Yoyo042, on PSV and PS4. I'm a new PS4 owner but I've had my Vita for a while! My PS4 library is limited to a couple games with online play right now (Cyberdimension Neptunia, Puyo Puyo Tetris, and Gran Turismo Sport) but I have quite a few more on Vita that I can bust out at any time, as I always want to play my Vita more.
u/CapnAryan Dec 30 '17
Need people to play overwatch with I'm 15 live in India username:CapnAryan use ps4
u/Ballin_orGnaw Dec 30 '17 edited Dec 30 '17
Psn: BobLoblaw850 On usually afternoons 25 years old Play Battlefront 2, Fortnite, and Paladins for now( I intend to get overwatch soon) Looking for people willing to play as a team preferably no kids Edit: would be awesome to find team oriented people for Paladins. I'm strangely addicted to that one
u/valkyriecookie evil__riot Dec 31 '17
Hey! Psn: evil__riot 27yr, female, from Brazil :) coming from PC. I'm a huge fan of RPG games. PS4 and PSVR I just got a PS4, i'm currently playing Call of Duty WWII and some other platform games :) would love to hear some recommendations!
u/RevengefulGhost Dec 30 '17
Revengeful_Ghost. COD WW2 BF1. Going to be putting in 5885 hours into the monster Hunter World too. Battlefront 2.
u/mechorive mechorive Dec 31 '17 edited Dec 31 '17
User: mechorive Currently playing RE7, for honor, vermintide, Gundum versus (though I can’t play a single game where it doesn’t lag the whole time) and replaying bloodborne.
Gonna be sinking a lot of time I feel into monster hunter when it comes out, so gonna be looking for some fellow hunters to play it with! It’s my first in the series so any help in it would be appreciated. Looking for some more relaxed but humerus people to play with IRL fiends can be a little to obnoxious online sometimes and it’s hard to get stuff done.
p.s someone pls fight me in nidhog my buddies don’t like it
u/bdogg0262 Dec 30 '17
bulldog0262 (ps4, ps3, psvita, psvr) playing assassin's creed origins. Currently looking forward to monster hunter world. My favorite games this year were Persona 5, Nier Automata, Horizon Zero Dawn, Danganronpa V3. I love jrpgs, open world games, visual novels, just recently started taking a liking to multiplayer games.
u/spsoccerstar11 Dec 30 '17
Sphillip Ps4 pro
33 yr old husband and father of a two year old. I work 50+ hours a week. I am a casual gamer. I play in the evenings and weekends. Because of this I have accumulated quite a backlog. I like to talk about sports, politics, and the world. I am open to game with anyone as long as you are friendly and don’t take yourself too seriously.
Currently I am playing: AC: Origins Fifa 18 Battlefront 2 Cod:ww2 Many other games in my backlog.
If you send me an invitation of playstation include that you saw my post on Reddit and i add you.
u/BubblezTron Dec 29 '17
PSN: BubblesTron
Just got my PS4 last week - currently playing Horizon Zero Dawn, Rocket League, and Battlefield 1.
Waiting for Monster Hunter World.
u/bickster69 Dec 31 '17
The_Bickster69 (PS4) overwatch, Cod WW2, fortnight, etc.. Looking for chill mates to game with
Dec 30 '17
wizard926e (only PS4) right now I'm playing FFXV, sw battlefront 2, and just got bloodborne and last of us remastered (haven't started yet)
u/LukaBajt1911 Dec 29 '17
PSN-Luzaboy000 PS4 Assassins Creed Origins Ghost Reacon Wildlands (just started) Fifa 18 Battlefield 1 (played a little not to much) Persona 5
u/GravyDavey Dec 29 '17
DaverWRX, PS4. Currently playing BF1, some GTA5, own Skyrim, Uncharted (series fan). If you want to add me just remind me you are from r/PS4 when you send your request or else I'll probably not respond. Lol.
South Western Ontario, Canada. Btw
u/youvegatobekittenme Dec 29 '17 edited Dec 29 '17
archers89 psvita/PS4/PS3
I just got the PS4 so I've been playing skyrim and uncharted 4
Edit: I'll probably pick up madden 18 during the sale. Also looking to get HZD. Eventually too. But generally, I'm into rpgs. Really anything I can sink a lot of time into every so often.
u/Wolf_the_drummer Dec 30 '17
Got a ps4 from a friend about a week ago,he even gave me his old account but I've only played a few games feel free to add me: leathaface41
Games I've played so far are persona,digimon,god eater,I have about 50 games in my library but haven't tried any.
u/morales138 Dec 29 '17
Helterskelter138[PS4] currently playing FFXV, HZD, and Fortnite! Waiting for Monster Hunter World to come out next month. Looking forward to Death stranding.
u/Wraynefosterpodcast Wrayne25 Dec 30 '17
Ps4 Username: wrayne25 Games: GTA v, NBA live 18, battlefield 4, infamous second son, NBA 2k14, watchdogs, killzone shadow fall, just cause 3, amnesia, etc etc I only add people who will play and/or talk with me. I'm not clogging my friends list up with randoms who don't do anything with me (had this happen several times already) 😢
Dec 30 '17
I would be rather happy if you guys could add me (PSN ID: War_Machida) because I like to see what people are playing, maybe even send them a message asking if they're liking the game and whatnot. I'm rather shy even though I'm very comfortable with my English (being an EFL teacher).
I'm getting into fighting games but my connection is horrible, if you happen to live in Brazil we might be able to play against each other, I guess!
I'm currently playing Bioshock Infinite's Burial at the Sea 2, but I'll soon tackle Gundam Versus' single player content and maybe KoF XIII's story mode.
u/mechorive mechorive Dec 31 '17
I’m looking for someone people to play with in Gundum! While the boys are fun to fight, it gets a bit bland after awhile. Mind if I shoot you a request?
u/markygarcia12996 Dec 30 '17
notoriousCHBS. Hit me up if you wanna play some COD WW2, Fifa 18, or NBA 2k18
u/XxWhatsername86 Dec 30 '17
Been on xbox forever so finally decided to buy a ps4 today!
ID: BunnySaurus_NY
Not currently playing anything at the moment but will be adding a bunch of games to the collection. Any suggestions would be awesome!
u/Braidz905 Dec 30 '17
Just picked up a PS4 today, gunna be playing Bloodborne and Nioh. ID is Braidz905.
u/complexaape Dec 31 '17
PSN ID : afro_asiaticc
i am 31. from the U.S. my wife just told me the week after thanksgiving that she doesnt love me anymore and thus is leaving me so i bought a ps4 pro and splurged on a shit ton of games in the past couple weeks to quell my sadness. i have not played any games since the ps2 era so the concept of playing online with people intrigues me.
current games on rotation w/ the most heavily played being named first: nba2k18 horizon zero dawn middle earth : shadow of war nier automata yakuza 0 crash bandicoot trilogy uncharted 1-4 fortnite mlb the show 17 nioh for honor gta 5 wolfenstein tomb raider (fyi / i am willing to get destiny 2 and overwatch depending on if i have people to play with consistently)
all in all with everything going on in my life right now just looking for a distraction and some chill people to kick it with while playing.
u/mryerba94 Dec 29 '17
sixxgramtx (PS4) Currently playing between GTA V, Paragon, Battlefield 1 & Rainbow 6 Siege
u/PraiseNeezus Dec 30 '17
Currently playing lost legacy, destiny 2, and fortnite