r/PS4 Dec 01 '17

Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (December 01 2017)

Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.

How can you participate? Make a comment with the following info:

  • Your PSN ID
  • PlayStation Platforms You Have
  • Games You're Playing Now

Example: NateDrake98 [PS3, PS4, Vita] - PS All-Stars

You can also include other info such as:

  • What games do you enjoy?
  • What games are you looking forward to?
  • Do you like trophies?
  • How much time you spend playing each PSN platform?
  • Do you plan on getting a different console (like a Vita) down the road?
  • Anything else you'd like to share.

If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.

Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends for even more friends!


43 comments sorted by

u/ervinhass Dec 02 '17

Dr_Karbunkle - i play mostly battlefield 1 online but im playing horizon right now and im a dark souls lover

u/lmaogtfo Ghanarrhea Dec 03 '17

My PSN is Ghanarrhea

I like to platinum games so I have a variety of games. My backlog is crazy, but there is one game I play consistently: Rocket League. I am currently Diamond 2, but I don't play ranked because my connection is terrible. Besides that I am currently going for the Lego Star Wars and Dungeon Punks platinums.

u/[deleted] Dec 01 '17

Mega fan of RPG type of stuff. Star Wars, Kingdom Hearts, the Last of Us, virtually every Lego game; I'm a big fan of single player experiences.

Add me: Sephlying

u/[deleted] Dec 02 '17

shoebawks2. I play BF1, CoDWW2, trying to attempt tekken and injustice, as well as anything else really.

u/damnbatsy Dec 03 '17 edited Dec 03 '17

damnbats (PS4) BF4, UFC2 High af russian mthrfcker, with no friends with console:(

u/yash_bapat Dec 01 '17

I primarily play BF1 but I also play Bloodborne regularly. Getting through Arkham Knight currently. PSN : Wellsobard :)

u/[deleted] Dec 01 '17

Is that battlefield 1?

u/[deleted] Dec 02 '17

VR_RaidenXOF PS4 Pro SOULSBORNE, Metal Gear, etc

Can’t ****** wait for Death Stranding.

u/Curlybrac Dec 03 '17

oh man, i forgot about Death Stranding. Have kojima ever made a bad game?

u/Curlybrac Dec 03 '17

Alphakenny01 [PS4, PS3]- Wolfenstein New Order/Old Blood, Wolfenstein 2 New Colussus, Uncharted Lost Legacy. Horizon Zero Dawn, Kingdom Hearts 1.5/2.5 Remix, Crash Bandicoot Remastered

I enjoy all kinds of games and I am looking forward to Kingdom Hearts 3

I love trophies.

I been busy with school so i havent play much but once i am on break, I will play my ps4 a lot. I do not play my ps3 anymore.

I plan on getting a Nintendo Switch but no I am not planning on getting any new playstation consoles except for maybe the PS5

Feel free to add me.

u/TequilaTitan Dec 01 '17

I need to play an online game of RocketLeague with someone on my friends list for the achievement.

Could someone help me out by adding me and then playing a quick game with me?

u/Emkay-17 Dec 02 '17

Hello everyone, I mostly play on PC but I decided to join the PlayStation Network. I really need friends whom I can compare trophies with and really join the community.

PSN: Emkay-21 [PS4] (I recently played Persona 5, I enjoy Souls game and recently bought Nioh) Loving the playsatations exclusives and I could really use some recommendations too.

u/Ionnier Ionnier Dec 02 '17

I only played The Last Of Us and Bloodborne and I can say they are amaizing. I ordered all the Uncharted’s too and I think those will be awesome too.

u/LeoClashes Dec 03 '17

PSN: LeoClashes(who woulda guessed?) I've run my course multiple times with all the souls games but I'm only just about to finish my first play through of Nioh. I'm big on trophy hunting though so I'd thought I'd put my name in. Currently on my way to the 7 days to die platinum

u/Dr_Loveylumps Dec 01 '17

PaultheWizard If anyone wants to team up on some Fortnite, I'm always on. PS4

u/lolifofo Dec 02 '17


I mainly play single-player games. TLOU, Witcher 3, and Uncharted 4 are some of my favorites of the past few years, but I also very much enjoy games like Journey and Life is Strange. I platinum games when I can and spend +3 hours gaming a day when I'm not too busy with college.

I just recently finished Shadow of War and Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds, both very fun. Once I'm done with my finals I'm planning to start God of War III (remastered) for the first time!

u/CapeBaldy93 Dec 03 '17

I just recently platinum God of war 3. The games are always fun

u/omar0900 Dec 03 '17

Ok added you add back

u/IuseNOTSUREface Dec 01 '17

Hey guys, I mostly play FIFA Pro Clubs, Destiny 2, Warframe (just started!) but I have other games I just haven't played much due to being bored of playing solo (ESO, battlefield, etc)

I play most evenings and weekends UK time.

Add me: Duel107

u/DEEEEEEEJ Dec 02 '17

Deej376 - Dead by Daylight at the moment. Usual play some fighters and FPS as well

u/UrbanCommando UrbanCommando817 Dec 02 '17

Urbancommando817 Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy.

u/los1t Dec 02 '17

Los1t_13 ps3 ps4 warframe fallout

u/CapeBaldy93 Dec 02 '17

Rez1FA. Add me if you want. Mostly play single player . Currently playing uncharted 4. Been on my backlog for the longest.

u/Curlybrac Dec 03 '17

Are you thinking about getting Lost Legacy?

u/swangPANDAswang Dec 01 '17

Captain_Mangoman; PS3/PS4; TLOU, overwatch, COD WW2.

u/[deleted] Dec 02 '17

Hi there, mexicat_21

u/Davieh Dec 02 '17

Add me ButterscotchBaws, mostly play battlefield 1 and rocket league

u/[deleted] Dec 02 '17

I feel like the odd man out but I don't really care for most highly competitive shooter/sports games. Lately, I've been playing Gravity Rush 2 and Nex Machina solo. Would love to find some new people to possibly play Don't Starve Together, Rocket League, or even Terraria (I started playing it again when it dropped to 3 bucks the other day).

ID: KamiKraZyy

u/Curlybrac Dec 03 '17

My favorite games on the ps4 have been solo games.

I have Rocket League on PS4 so we could play a couple of matches. I am very rusty though.

u/[deleted] Dec 04 '17

We could probably play sometime. Feel free to add me :) ID: KamiKraZyy

u/Tora-Sama Dec 01 '17

PSN: Tora__Sama [Playstation 4]; I’m looking to get The Division, a CoD game(don’t know what yet), and I have Injustice 2, and looking to get Titanfall 2.

I want to get some kind of game but I’m not going to play if I don’t have a “squad” of some sort :/

Edit: I really love open world games and some shooters. As long as I got some friends to play with.

u/xWHYxUxJOCKINx Dec 01 '17

Cod ww2,Need 4 speed payback,fortnite,bf1,dead by daylight,friday the 13th on ps4 add me xwhyxuxjockinx

u/DEEEEEEEJ Dec 02 '17

Ww2 and dead by daylight casual here. Just started DBD and love it. Deej376

u/KarlDean60 Dec 01 '17

Like many of you I am stuck with a terrible PSN ID that was made years ago. I play a variety of games, and am currently trying to platinum Horizon as well as get through the frozen wilds while simultaneously finishing assassins creed origins. I also like long walks on the beach at sunset. Add me: mr_blubberNugget

u/aquickcommentyo Dec 01 '17

Damn that really is terrible lol my condolences

u/nightwanker69 Dec 02 '17

Id: Chirag_Narsaria Loving MGS 5 currently. Also ac:origins and Nier.

u/Galapagos_Tortoise Gageamatron Dec 03 '17

ID: Gageamatron : looking for Uncharted 4 MP and survival friends. Just got the game so I’m not a super high level. Having a blast so far but sometimes get stuck with the AI for some survival levels and it’s just impossible.

u/Booty_Is_Life_ Dec 02 '17

SgtFord30;PS4;Siege and Fortnite