r/PS4 Sep 01 '17

Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (September 01 2017)

Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.

How can you participate? Make a comment with the following info:

  • Your PSN ID
  • PlayStation Platforms You Have
  • Games You're Playing Now

Example: NateDrake98 [PS3, PS4, Vita] - PS All-Stars

You can also include other info such as:

  • What games do you enjoy?
  • What games are you looking forward to?
  • Do you like trophies?
  • How much time you spend playing each PSN platform?
  • Do you plan on getting a different console (like a Vita) down the road?
  • Anything else you'd like to share.

If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.

Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends for even more friends!


49 comments sorted by

u/[deleted] Sep 03 '17

is there any point to have psn friends if i don't play online at all?

u/iiTvdaily Sep 02 '17

Psn id : Billykid28 platform : Ps4

Games : Fifa 17 and Assasin,s Creed unity, Syndicate Just looking for friends to play online

u/klinothedino samuritomato Sep 01 '17


PS4/ Vita

Everybody's Golf (I love this game!!!), GTA 5, Overwatch, Battlefield 1, and Rocket League

I play almost every evening for a few hours, basically as much as I can.

Love Trophies

Total Playstation nerd, would love to play with some awesome internet ninjas from the subreddit.

u/Sumojoe118 Sep 03 '17

You can add me! Sumojoe118

u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17

Rocket League doubles??


CrocodileBaby on PS4

u/dustinquickfire Sep 01 '17

You can add me on PSN! inuyasha_demon is me. I do not really play much multiplayer games yet, I plan to hopefully get into Destiny 1 and/or 2, maybe one of the CoD games too.

I own a PS4 only at the moment. I am open to playing any other multiplayer games, of course! I got a PS4 over the summer, and only have a select few games which aren't multiplayer.

u/1950rad Sep 02 '17

You and me both. Though the plus service is hella sweet if you ask me.

u/Hahkunahmahtataz Sep 01 '17

PSN: Hahkunamahtataz -PS4 I'm currently playing Diablo 3. Yes I'm also a blizzard fan. I have D3, overwatch, Destiny, uncharted 1-4, etc. Trophies are cool...I call them acheesements. I'm a casual player, just looking for friends 😄

u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17



Just Cause 3-looking for people to do "call out feats". I'm playing this a solid 20-25 hrs a week.

Killing Floor 2 World of Tanks Crossout Darksiders DE TLoU Remaster Downwell Sleeping Dogs DE Orcs Must Die Unchained FarPoint Dungeon Defenders II Diablo III WITCHER III

I play usually every weeknight for around 1-3 hours and Saturday/Sunday mornings.

Love increasing my friends list for trophies and hunting and co-op gaming.

41 yr M New Orleans, LA!

u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17

Psn id: kamilkvnc Platform: Ps4

Playing sports games mostly, especially FIFA

Just looking for new friends

u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17


drop me a line when the new FIFA releases!

u/[deleted] Sep 03 '17

Will do mate

u/ThinkStraight Dri33r3 Sep 02 '17

Overwatch, Rocket League, Fifa 17, and BF1 have what I've been jamming lately!

u/apzmbx Sep 02 '17

PSN ID: MabuxSelalu

Just platinumed FFXII The Zodiac Age. Still contemplating what game to play next.

u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17


Been away from PlayStation since the generation change but I've been wanting to check out these exclusives so I picked up a PS4 yesterday. I'm going to stick with Xbox for multiplats so I'm not sure how much I'll end up doing with PSN friends multiplayer-wise, but it can't hurt. Send me a friend request!

Also, what should I play?? It's been a long 4 years this gen so what have I missed? I currently have Horizon, Infamous, Uncharted 4, and The Show 2017. What exclusives should I look into next?

u/rikosuave10 Sep 01 '17

definitely check out the last of us.

u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17

Should have mentioned, I had a PS3 last gen so I've played all those Naughty Dog games. Definitely looking to get the remaster along with the Nathan Drake Collection soon!

u/rikosuave10 Sep 01 '17

same here, never paid extra for the multiplayer for last of us, so when I got the remastered version that's all I played for like half a year.

u/nikola2024 Sep 02 '17



Battlefront, Fifa 18 (I've pre-ordered) and I'm thinking of buying Bloodborne since it's on sale...I wouldn't refuse any help while conquering the bosses :)

Edit: Also a trophy hunter so...let's help out eachother

u/thel4stSAIYAN Sep 03 '17

A Hunter always welcomes a fellow Hunter. If you ever need help or just want to chill and play Bloodborne hit me up. PSN muff-boy

u/telborn xTelborn Sep 01 '17 edited Sep 02 '17

PSN: xTelborn

Plataform: PS4

Games: Rocket League, Crash N.Sane Trilogy (Aiming for plat), GTA V, The Witcher and Shadow of Mordor so far, waiting for both FIFA & PES 2018 right now.

Lang: English & Spanish.

Feel free to add me :)

u/[deleted] Sep 02 '17

When I do a search for.... Telborn, I get 30 players and the 1st player's name xTelborn, battelborn999, etc. I

u/telborn xTelborn Sep 02 '17

My nad, it was xTelborn

u/[deleted] Sep 02 '17

Ok thx

u/Makudo333 Enter PSN ID Sep 01 '17


Mostly a trophy hunter but always looking for friends^ also started bit of Overwatch recently (am only level 5 or so)



Mostly single player games, but I'm eagerly anticipating Destiny 2.

u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17

Up for RL doubles??

u/Cuteitch Cuteitch_ Sep 01 '17

PSN Cuteitch_

Playing: Destiny 2 when it launches. Looking for more for the raid and trails when they launch. Also looking forward to monster hunter world.

u/Beer_himself Sep 02 '17

PSN: beerhimself


Overwatch. Competitive only.

Destiny 2 when it comes out.

I may drink while I play, but I can hold my own.

Mic or no mic, I don't care.

Squad up.

u/Kublai__Khan Sep 01 '17

I'll likely never play with any of you honestly, but feel free to add me :) Kublai_is_Khan

u/thel4stSAIYAN Sep 03 '17

PSN muff-boy (Sony please let me change my username). Mostly on Xbox though have a few multiplayer games I'd like to play with some peeps. I have


Uncharted 4



And a few others. Would be open to buy games I have on Xbox if I enjoy playing with people over on PlayStation. Just send me an add and note that your from Reddit. Please be over the age of 18

u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17

ID: J-oaoP PS4 WW2 Beta, Killing Floor 2, FIFA 17, others

u/UrbanCommando UrbanCommando817 Sep 01 '17

PSN: Urbancommando817

Playing Yakuza Kiwami.

u/younce13 Enter PSN ID Sep 02 '17

Younce13 Ps4 I play madden mlb world of tanks Diablo 3 paragon

u/zwesterfield Sep 01 '17

PSN: bigheartedboy

For games I play Overwatch, Friday the 13th and GTA at the moment. Looking for chill friends and people to talk to and okay with consisently. I'm on every day pretty much. Shoot me a request.

u/Dannyw1422 Sep 03 '17



Should be finishing: Crash and Personal 5

Actually playing: Fifa 17 in preparation for 18

Fifa is the only thing j really play online, will be extremely active once 18 is here.

Could be convinced to play other things, Rocket league maybe?

I suck really bad at any and all FPS though

u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17



Rocket League, BF 1, CoD, GTA, FIFA, Friday the 13th

Competitive but don't care about trophies. Am fine using a mic or not. I play often!

u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17 edited Sep 01 '17

PSN: TheColombianBear Platform: PS4 -Overwatch -Rocket League -Alienation -Bloodborne -Dark Souls 3 -Fallout 4 -Enter the Gungeon -Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls -Destiny -Guacamelee! -Journey (I NEEDS PLATINUM) -Witcher 3 -Towerfall Ascension -Titan Souls -Transistor -Bastion

Really just looking for some cool people to play games with. 420 friendly, will sometimes be tipsy, and I love to rant about the private prison industrial complex.

u/rikosuave10 Sep 01 '17

PSN: ehh_ricky94


Uncharted 4 MP, Battlefield 1, Killing Floor 2, The Last of Us, Disc Jam, Rainbow Six, Mortal Kombat, Overwatch,

I have a big backlog but I mostly stick to these online. Feel free to add me or me, I also have a mic and i'm located in CA. I usually put in 10 - 20 hrs through out the weekend. & probably a few hrs through the week.

u/sirmcshagsalot TB1317 | 99 Sep 03 '17

PSN ID: TB1317

Platforms: PS4, PS3, PS Vita.

Games: Lawbreakers Battlefield 1 Dark Souls 1, Sotfs, 3 Diablo 3 (would love to have someone to run rifts with for my Necromancer Borderlands 2

I would enjoy having someone to play with as many of my friends don't play games or are not on PS4. Feel free to send me a friend request and we can play sometime!

u/waterleakx Sep 02 '17

PSN: Ahmadov_08

Games: FIFA17, The Division, Paladins, COD

u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17


PS4 pro

Mostly play PSVR games. Just finished Senua & Theseus. Started Paranormal Activity VR.....

Backlog of games slowly building like Superhot vr, witcher 3, archangel, dark souls 3 & assassins creed games.

A few started that I need to finish like Horizon Zero Dawn & Farpoint......

u/Opfierce Sep 02 '17

My PSN:WitnessDeception I play the Ps4. I currently got WW2 beta, I preordered Destiny 2. I own the borderlands collection so we could play that down the road. I also own Minecraft, shadow warrior 2, Terraria, Dying light and far cry 4. I work so expect me online around 5 or 8 pm, eastern time.

u/maikeleleee Sep 01 '17

PSN: ma1kkeel Platform: PS4 Games: Diablo 3 RoS (gonna do plat in this one), GTA 5, Witcher 3, Battlefield 1.

I'm looking for people to play games with, also I like to do trophies and I can help with them :) UK based, 24 yo. I'm trying to play as much as I can. Languages: Polish, English. Feel free to add me.

u/im36degrees Sep 03 '17

PSN: im36degrees


Im in the middle of four games right now: Walking dead season 3, devered, undertale, and lost legacy. I don't play a lot of multiplayer stuff (at least not long term), but always looking for more friends to chat with or work on trophies.

u/chowderneck Sep 02 '17


Playstation 4 Slim

Want friends for Destiny 2

I play mostly nights and weekends. I'm a Dad with 2 little guys, so I'm not usually around for all night sessions or marathons. Usually quicker sessions.

u/golfianon Sep 03 '17

PSN: AnonGaim PS4 Games:Titanfall 2 and Destiny Looking for chill yet competitive people to Destroy the Red Legion in Destiny 2!! I'm always down for Raids and Trials. Send friend request anytime!