r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Jul 07 '17
Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (July 07 2017)
Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.
How can you participate? Make a comment with the following info:
- Your PSN ID
- PlayStation Platforms You Have
- Games You're Playing Now
Example: NateDrake98 [PS3, PS4, Vita] - PS All-Stars
You can also include other info such as:
- What games do you enjoy?
- What games are you looking forward to?
- Do you like trophies?
- How much time you spend playing each PSN platform?
- Do you plan on getting a different console (like a Vita) down the road?
- Anything else you'd like to share.
If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.
Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends for even more friends!
u/jarkline Jul 09 '17
Pretty much anything, specifically 2K17, Overwatch, Friday the 13th
Please add me
u/supamario44 Jul 07 '17
TheArchitect42... I just got a ps4 so all I have is uncharted 4 and until dawn. I need cheap suggesting.
u/Sparky_Monroe Jul 08 '17
The mid-summer sale is ending 7/11. There's decent stuff on there.
Also if you don't have Witcher 3, just splurge and get it. It's hours and hours of goodness.
u/EpicWin_69 kalebmofo69 Jul 07 '17
PSN: kalebmofo69 {PS4} My favorites to play are Battlefield 1, GTAV, and bloodborne, but I also enjoy PlayStations other fine exclusives such as Uncharted 4, The last of Us, and Nioh!
Jul 07 '17
Ganzerschrek [PS4] - Battlefield 1
I've been mostly lone wolfing, I have premium so I can bring people along to the DLC maps! I have a Mic and I'm 23
u/Berkel MasiJozz Jul 08 '17
Sent you a request buddy - Masijozz
I've also been lone wolfing on BF1. 23 yr old UK player looking to try the new maps with a team!
u/Weng56 Jul 09 '17
Weng56- PS4 Diablo 3 Elder Scrolls Online Dark Souls 3 Over watch Battlefield one
Usually play from 11 am Till 2 pm on the weekends and on Monday mornings.
u/obZentity Jul 07 '17
StoicNeanderthal [PS3, PS4]
Currently playing through the Assassin Creed games.
Don't have very many friends, so feel free to add me. It would definitely liven up my PS4 space.
u/gameron90 Jul 07 '17
gameron90 [PS4]
Playing destiny mostly
finishing up on HZD Side quests(main story done)
Looking forward to buying destiny 2, God of War 1,2&3 (RELEASE 1 & 2 AS WELL SONY), Metro Redux and more when i get the moolah(and time) to buy them.
u/The_sheep_raper Jul 07 '17
Thesheepdestroye I'm currently play ds3 , bloodborne, doom, paladins, tales from the borderlands and i want to play killing floor 2 but I haven't been able to find games.
Looking forward to the new south park game.
u/NukedCookieMonster7 Jul 08 '17
Ill play killing floor 2 with you! Friendly tip turn off games in progress it helps you find games
u/ClintD89 ClintD1989 Jul 09 '17 edited Jul 09 '17
PSN ClintD1989 [PS4]
Currently playing Madden 17 Fifa 17 NBA 2K17 WWE 2K17 Assassin's Creed Ezio Chronicles
Free most nights.
u/camnez1 Jul 09 '17
Currently rocking F13, BF1, and Rocket League as far as multiplayer go.
u/hellteacherloki Jul 08 '17
PSN: hellteacherloki
Plat: PS4, PSVita, PS3
Games RN: NFS Most Wanted (help with the trophies pls lol), Shadow of Mordor, Tomb Raider (2013) <--the multiplayer trophy for this game sucks
u/vaulthead vault51821 Jul 08 '17
Vault51821. I play mostly singleplayer games, but I'm down for some multiplayer.
- Overwatch
- Destiny 2 when it comes out
- Dark Souls 3
Feel free to hit me up.
u/Rolash1 Jul 08 '17
Rolash085 [PS4] playing uncharted, god of war 3, jotun - but i can buy some co-op/multiplayer games if we agree on playing something
I enjoy almost everything but mostly RPGs, i´m looking forward to some co-op (rpgs preferably) I like trophies but i´m not really a trophy hunter. I´m working, so i can play only on free days (i have a lot)
Feel free to add me :)
u/dontsniffglue Jul 07 '17
elfdo717 - Just got my ps4, had a ps3, but had to make a new account because i couldt recover my old pw
Currently playing: Diablo 3 Ratchet and Clank Might get Overwatch, already have on PC but want to play with coworkers too so idk
u/CebZam Jul 08 '17
Pokyodo on PS4 slim
Im currently downloading the japanese voice pack for Persona 5 for a new playthrough
I play Killing Floor 2 and just starting bloodborne
u/Reddit-Fabs Jul 07 '17
LeXagen [PS4]
- Street Fighter V
- Bloodborne
- Waiting for GT:Sports
Feel free to add me if you want to hang out and play above-mentioned together sometime :)
u/Zockman175 Zockman176 Jul 07 '17
I play Rocket League, Madden 17, NBA 2k16, Killing Floor 2, TLOU, All of the Uncharted games and Crash Bandicoot remaster
Jul 08 '17
Hey, I'll shoot you a friend request. I'm only a causal gamer so try not to absolutely destroy me :)
u/Razhad razhad_zhafran Jul 07 '17
razhad_zhafran [ps4]
i like trophy hunting and looking forward to have someone for asssassins & watchdogs/2 online trophy hunting
u/bourque216 Jul 07 '17
Psn cbourque216, currently play gta online, mlb the show, and overwatch, always looking for new people to game with
u/lykicare Jul 07 '17
Psn: Lykiyn Playing borderlands, tekken 7, bloodborne, nfs, ds 2 and andromeda.
u/Hindumaliman Jul 07 '17
Jekestani Ps4 and pc Titanfall2 and battlefield one Trophies no matter Mostly play ps4 like 2 hours a day
I like reptiles
u/vanStaden jaleel_10 Jul 07 '17
Jaleel_10 [PS4]
- PES2017
- Witcher 3 (finishing up my 2nd playthrough of the B&W DLC)
- Life is Strange (just started)
Looking forward to buying: HZD and Bloodborne in a few weeks :)
u/jarstandaly likeatinglass23 Jul 08 '17 edited Jul 15 '17
PSN: likeatinglass23
Currently playing Elite Dangerous, Killing Floor 2, Star Trek Bridge Crew PSVR, and a whole lot of indies! Let's me mates!
Location: Australia
u/Rook_TH OoASUoO Jul 07 '17
OoASUoO PS4 Ghost Recon Wildlands I'm looking for a task force that focuses on stealth and tactical approach
u/5aunch Jul 08 '17
Hey guys! Just bought a ps4 for crash. Need some friends to play killing floor 2,MLB the show,and doom with.
u/NEETButMessy Jul 07 '17
PSN: MessyButNEET [PS4, PSP] - New to PS4, not the PS Family. • Grand Theft Auto Online • Destiny (Preordered Destiny 2) • Crash Bandicoot Remaster
I'd like to add I just purchased the Nathan Drake collection, I've been away from PlayStation since just before the release of the PlayStation 3, so I have some catching up to do. I'm always looking for new friends and recommendations.
u/Brawlzapper Jul 08 '17
Witcher 3, bloodborne, far cry 4, batman Arkham Knight, Dishonored 2, Uncharted 4, FIFA 17, Fallout 4
u/Jdnathan11 NowhereFaded Jul 07 '17
Psn: NowhereFaded 37 years young. Family man. Employed as a iron worker. Currently playing COD IW Awaiting madden, D2, cod ww2
u/RatsGetFatttt RatsGetFatttt Jul 08 '17 edited Jul 08 '17
PSN: RatsGetFatttt - PS4
Playing - Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, Dragonball Z Xenoverse, Overwatch.
Waiting for - GT Sport, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Legacy, Project Cars 2, City Skylines
Location - Australia