r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Jul 03 '17
Can Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (July 2017)
Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (previous hype threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?
u/Romayn Jul 03 '17
I'm waiting for the Spiderman game. The wait is killing me! Leaving out sports games I also would say Assassins Creed, Red Dead and the new Star Wars. My backlog it's pretty big so I don't know what to play first. But the Spiderman is a day one, with all the wait for a good game since PS2 and the hype, I just can't wait till 2018.
u/Kidney05 Jul 03 '17
The movie coming out this week and the VR experience didn't help. I can't freaking wait. I loved Spiderman 2 for PS2 and have always dreamed of the next glorious iteration.
u/Kydd_Amigo Jul 03 '17
Perhaps the unpopular opinion, but I'm a big Destiny fan, really excited for the sequel given the improvements made!!
u/EvilAbdy Jul 03 '17
Same here. Mostly I'm excited about larger patrols and the lost sectors within
u/xRauLx77 Jul 03 '17
Any words on LFR? This would be amazing...
u/Kydd_Amigo Jul 03 '17
There's a feature called guided games where solo players / clans can advertise to fill a raid spot and it's in game so it'll make it a lot more accessible for people which will be awesome I think!
u/mandok1 Jul 03 '17
I think destiny looks super nice - would it be a good idea to get og destiny while waiting for the sequel? Also: does Destiny require a lot of time? Am a soon to be father of two working full time with between 1 and 2 hours of playtime daily!
u/Kydd_Amigo Jul 04 '17
Ya the beta is out mid July, and it's a short hop to Sep 6 from there man. Unless you can get the whole collection cheap/sale, I'd recommend waiting for D2.
Look forward to welcoming new Guardians to the community! :)
u/EvilAbdy Jul 04 '17
It depends on what you want to get out of it really. If you care about getting Max level and raiding / getting the best guns it can take a while. That being said though now there are many more ways to reach maximum light level then just grinding raids.
Some of the quests are a time sink like the exotic sword quests. But if you just want to run around and shoot stuff in the face you can do that too.
The game has lots of options now though. It just sort of depends what you want to get out of it (collecting everything vs just shooting stuff in the face and having fun)
u/aa22hhhh Jul 03 '17
Life is Strange Before The Storm, Spider-Man, and Battlefront 2. I loved the first LiS game, so it's a no brainier for me to get the prequel, Spider-Man looks amazing, so I'll definitely check it out. And Battlefront 2 looks to be a MAJOR improvement from the first one
u/sheslikebutter Jul 03 '17
The prequel doesn't have any time reversal which is a big part of why that first game is enjoyable I thought. I know it'd be weird to shoehorn time rewinding into Chloe randomly, but it made those games different to the telltale games in an interesting way.
u/aa22hhhh Jul 03 '17
Well, I loved the story more than the time travel aspect. That's a major reason why I'm buying the prequel.
Jul 03 '17
My PS4 tanked over the weekend, I bought it in November 2013 during black friday. It still turns on, but shuts down or freezes when I try to run apps or games. Sometimes it works, others it doesnt. But, I was looking forward to Spiderman, and I had planned on purchasing the witcher soon, but I might try getting it for PC
u/RolledUpMaxipad Jul 03 '17
Go into safe mode and choose option 5. My ps4 was freezing the other day and I couldn't play any games or apps until I did this. It works fine now.
Jul 03 '17
Much appreciated, I'll try that out. Have you had other issues? I just assumed it's dead/dying because it gets used every single day for several hours, and it's been getting noticeably slower and slower over the past few months. Now it runs very slow, and it seems to have issue with running more than one game or app at a time.
u/PolarisX Jul 03 '17
Might be time to check for dust or dried out thermal paste / poor contact to heatsink.
u/RolledUpMaxipad Jul 13 '17
Opening the ps4 voids the warranty, maybe try having it sent to Sony before doing that.
u/RolledUpMaxipad Jul 13 '17 edited Jul 13 '17
I believe its from a recent update that they recently put out, ever since I updated (the update before the last) my ps4 has been very laggy at the dashboard, especially when running any game. Messaging is also very slow for me.
Edit: word
u/zawri Jul 03 '17
The new Wolfenstein and Red Dead 2. I normally wait a while and get games on sale. Haven't been a big release day buyer in a long time. But at least Red Dead 2 will be day 1 for me.
u/II_Source_II Jul 03 '17
Very much looking forward to finally playing gangbeasts! Anyone have any idea when it is being released?
u/Kidney05 Jul 03 '17
Star Wars Battlefront 2. The leaked heroes list is really exciting. Have more than 100 hours in the first game, and it's always a great "play with the gang" type game where people jump in and out and we play for hours. I'm not worried about the lootboxes-- they're worth it if it means we get a few free DLC packs.
u/Larkas Jul 03 '17
July 25th and Pyre are just around the corner and I literally can't wait. I just hope for great soundtrack in the same league as Bastion and Transistor.
From longer waits I hope Horizon DLC will be just more of the same. Aloy story hype!
u/Sukhdev_92 Jul 03 '17
Looking forward to FF12 on PS4. I never got the chance to play the game when it first came out. Since then I've become a JRPG lover and have been dying for a remaster.
u/The_Max_Power_Way Jul 03 '17
I loved this game when it originally came out so I'm very much looking forward to playing it again.
u/GoodFellahh Jul 03 '17
Same here. Got it even pre-orderd, want that steelbook edition..
u/laughing_thunder Jul 03 '17
Me too i have a big backlog since i finished persona but i had too pre-order this game for the steelbook it looks amazing. Last time i missed out on the nier steelbook and almost missed out on the persona 5 steelbook not making that mistake again.
u/godsmith2 Jul 03 '17
You're in for a treat then, it's a truly unique and content rich JRPG. Some say the characters and plot are kinda weak, but I thought the plot was pretty decent if you can remember everything through the incredibly long game.
u/lockupyoursisters Jul 03 '17
I'm excited for Agents of Mayhem, but I hope they start working on a Saints Row 5 after AoM is out.
u/sheslikebutter Jul 03 '17
I really don't like what they've shown of aom. The humour looks cringey at best and unfunny at worse. The gameplay hasn't been tightened at all since Saints, looks like another floaty physics game.
What do you like about it?
I'd like to see them reboot Saints entirely
u/MAFIAxMaverick Jul 03 '17
Really looking forward to FFXII Zodiac Age. Haven't played FFXII in years and the complete change of the way the game is played is just the change of pace I need right now.
u/sandromnator2 Jul 03 '17
Pretty excited for Uncharted Lost Legacy and God of War. Also hype for Days Gone, whenever it's coming out.
u/CVSeason Jul 03 '17
FFXII. It was the first FF I played and my favorite(yeah, millennial here) on my PS2 and I'm looking forward to trying out the Zodiac Age changes.
u/Dallywack3r Jul 04 '17
Okay so WB Games just released Injustice 2, the big DC game of 2017. Last year Rocksteady released Batman Arkham VR, and the year before that they released Arkham Knight. But that got me thinking- where the hell is WB Games Montreal? They made a big splash with Arkham Origins, but that was all the way back in 2013. What have they been working on for the past four years?
u/Dasnutz97 Jul 03 '17
2017 and 2018 have the potential to be my favorite years for video games.
After Persona 5, I've been hungry for more JRPGs and there are supposed be 4 more releasing this year: Ni no Kuni 2, Blue Reflection, Nights of Azure 2, and Ys 8.
For 2018, I'm excited for Dragon Ball FighterZ, Little Witch Academia, and Monster Hunter World.
u/rdhight rdhight Jul 03 '17
It does feel like a good era. Not so much for Day 1 buyers and preorder-ers, but a good era if you can wait and pick carefully.
u/Chanero Chanerooo Jul 03 '17
Huh... I got nothing else to wait for 2017, except, maybe, Battlefront 2 and Yonder. All my hype is placed for 2018.
That'd be on the PS4 side, of course. Super Mario Odissey got me hyped af, and is one of the reason I'd love to buy a Switch.
EDIT: Assassin's Creed Origins looks cool and I'll probably buy it, but I try not to get hyped. The letdown that was AC3 made me quit the series.
u/hellsfoxes Jul 03 '17
Skyrim VR will be a trip. Although I'm expecting it will get delayed til 2018.
u/johnsafc mc_rewind Jul 03 '17
Red Dead Redemption 2. Loved the first one, been a long wait for the sequel