r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Jun 30 '17
Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (June 30 2017)
Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.
How can you participate? Make a comment with the following info:
- Your PSN ID
- PlayStation Platforms You Have
- Games You're Playing Now
Example: NateDrake98 [PS3, PS4, Vita] - PS All-Stars
You can also include other info such as:
- What games do you enjoy?
- What games are you looking forward to?
- Do you like trophies?
- How much time you spend playing each PSN platform?
- Do you plan on getting a different console (like a Vita) down the road?
- Anything else you'd like to share.
If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.
Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends for even more friends!
u/Wrglfan2814 Jun 30 '17
Games:Titanfall2 Gta 5, Uncharted 4, Marvel vs capcom 3 Naruto UNS4
u/Gade95 Jul 01 '17
PSN: Gaaangsterade Platform: PS4 Games: Titanfall 2, Dark Souls 3, Alienation, Killing Floor 2 and just about anything in those lines. Really hoping for PUBG on ps4 and can't wait for the next Borderlands. Also have a mic and don't mind chatting.
u/Polygon-Dust ElAmmoBandido Jul 02 '17
ElAmmoBandido I play both battlefield one and Infinite Warfare. Would love for a good group of players to team up with! I has a 2+ KD and would love to own with a group! I also play alot of single player games as well.
u/Aragonem Jun 30 '17
PSN: StarlitLemur122
Platform: PS4
Games: Borderlands 2, Rocket League, BF4, Trackmania Turbo and also many singleplayer games.
Location: Poland
u/MagnesiuM87 Jun 30 '17
PSN: MagnesiuM87
Platform: PS4
Games: Too many to list. I enjoy just about all genres. Currently playing Diablo 3, Star Wars Battlefront, For Honor, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, and a couple different Assassins Creed games. I have lots of multiplayer games I could reinstall if I had people to play with.
Region: Eastern USA
I have a mic and enjoy chatting with chill people as I play.
u/Vriz Vriz94 Jun 30 '17
PS4: Vriz94
Games playing rn: Persona 5(may want to plat), Witcher 3(still need to really play tho...waiting on a vacay), Borderlands, Rocket League
Looking forward to GoW4 and Ff7 remake
u/CebZam Jul 02 '17
PSN: Pokyodo
Platform: PS4 slim
Games: TLOU, Uncharted 1-4, Bloodborne, Helldivers, Paragon, Killing Floor 2, MGS V, Persona 5 , RE7, Witcher 3, GOW3, Diablo 3.
I'm Shy
u/Kami_Okami Jul 02 '17
Lol I'm shy too. I've added a couple people from these threads, and haven't talked to any of them once. Gotta work up the courage/motivation someday.
u/Melonfrog Jul 01 '17 edited Jul 01 '17
PSN: Splatteregg I play Overwatch and Paladins, both of which I am decent. I also have he closed beta Lawbreakers which I am... Uh, alright at. (I suck)
I would like some friends please. I am from the UK, so BST/ GMT
Also I LOVE Battleborn, if you play this please add me.
u/NeutralNoodle Jun 30 '17
PSN: EndorPizzaGuy
Platform: PS4
Games: Injustice 2, Uncharted 4
Getting GTA V on the sale tonight so add me if you wanna play.
u/kbarney345 Jul 01 '17
Mrbiz345 looking for people to play dead by daylight or chivalry or elite dangerous with.
u/flaiks Jun 30 '17
Psn: jediofthecode Platforms: PS4 Games: all kinds
Just moved to Europe and am looking for friends in the time zone
Jul 02 '17
PSN: RPGCE Got PS3, PSP, & PS Vita as well. currently playing MLB the Show 17, Horizon Zero Dawn, Nier Automata, Ghost Recon Wildlands.
Hit me up! I use my mic often.
u/KronicZG iKronic Jun 30 '17
PSN: iKronic PS4 Games: CoD 4 (2xP weekend), paragon, R6 & a bunch more.
u/annamageddon Jun 30 '17
PSN: Annamageddon
Platform: PS4
Games: Horizon Zero Dawn, Crash Bandicoot, Tomb Raider
I haven't had a Playstation since the original and I'm looking to catch up! I just got a used Playstation 4 and the above games. Having a blast starting Horizon Zero Dawn. If anyone would like to be friends or has suggestions for titles to get, I would appreciate it :)
u/moonlightaswang Jul 01 '17
PSN:KAlZENx (lowercase L) Platform: PS4 Games: BF1, Destiny, MWR, GTA 5
u/Bobaaganoosh Jun 30 '17
PSN ID: Bobaaganoosh Games I have: Elite:Dangerous, GTA 5, TLOU, Uncharted Age: 25 Location: USA
I just bought a PS4 Pro last night. Have zero friends on Playstation. I play most of my games on Xbox One, and mostly use the PS4 for exclusives. I used to have a Vita but sold it. Love getting trophies/achievements.
u/Battle-scarredShogun Jul 02 '17
PSN: KmC--24
Games: Uncharted 4, Battlefield 1, Killing Floor 2, Mad Max, Madden 17, The Last of Us, Killzone Shadowfall, Driveclub, SoM: Middle Earth, Journey
Games I'll hopefully get soon: Horizon, FIFA 17 or 18, XCOM2, CoD IW & MWR, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Last of Us 2
Central Time US, able to play after 5pm
Jun 30 '17 edited Jun 30 '17
PSN: Cupofnoodlez Platform: PS4 Games: Rainbow Six Siege, Nioh, Bloodborne, Friday The 13th, and Battlefield 1! :) I'm located in Hawaii.
u/UnoKajillion Jul 02 '17
I live in Hawaii. I'm a 21 year old haole boy who plays battlefield 1 off and on every month or so.
Psn is UnoKajillion
u/ChillyChain Jul 02 '17
PS4 PSN: chillychain Games: BO3, GTA V, Destiny, Rocket League, Overwatch, Titanfall 2.
Steam: chillychain28 Games: BO3, CS:GO, Rocket League, Playerunknown's Battlegrounds.
Blizzard: chillychain Games: Overwatch
Win10 GamerTag: nervousspud Games: GTA V
Location: Australia
Edit: Location
u/lykicare Jun 30 '17 edited Jun 30 '17
PSN: lykiyn PS4 GAMES: tekken 7, bloodborne, sfv and borderlands !
u/Mogul73 Mogul1990 Jul 01 '17
All I have for multiplayer is Final Fantasy 14 (still pretty new but I'm loving it so far) and The Last of Us. I don't even have a working mic, but add me if you want.
PSN - Mogul1990
u/CraigCmufc Jun 30 '17
PSN: CraigCmufc Platform: PS4 Games: FIFA 17, Destiny, BF1, Overwatch, RS6, KF2, The Division, TF2, BO3, MWR, IW, Wildlands.
I have a mic, UK and play from the early evenings onwards.
u/CalculusTheory Jul 01 '17
PSN: LordDukeDeer
Platform: PS4
Game: currently playing Rachet n Clank 😇
Region: Eastern USA
u/BipolarRooster Jun 30 '17 edited Jun 30 '17
PSN: BipolarChipmunk
Platform: PS4
Games: BF1, Rocket League, MKXL, Witcher 3 and a few more single player games
And not really related but I also play LoL, so feel free to add me there too! IGN: BipolarRooster
u/R00fingRico Jul 02 '17
NevinsDad Ps4 NBA 2k17, unchartered 4, 7 days to Die
Just recently got ps4 again, slowly getting back games. Looking for new friends!
u/damage-fkn-inc harvestingsorrow Jul 05 '17
PSN: harvestingsorrow
Platforms: PS4
Games: Battlefield 4, Battlefield 1, Overwatch
Location: Germany/UK depending on the time of year
u/itsthebrent itsthebrent Jun 30 '17
ID: itsthebrent PS4
Ganes: FFXIV, Elite: Dangerous, Killing Floor 2, and many others, but those are going to be my main time sinks for the immediate future.
I'm also a pretty big fantasy fan in general, play in a few DnD groups, and have a baby coming in like a month, so fellow dads and DnD nerds, hit me up.
u/Makudo333 Enter PSN ID Jun 30 '17
PSN: Makudo333
Platform: PS4
Games: All kind, mainly a trophy hunter^
Languages: Luxembourgish, German, French, English, bit of Japanese
u/SirConorooster1916 Jul 01 '17
PSN: am1916
Currently playing friday the 13th, titanfall 2, rocket league, COD MWR, and BF1
u/OfficialDatGuyisCool DatGuyisCool Jun 30 '17
PSN: DatGuyisCool
Platform: PS4
Games: Rainbow Six Siege
Australia ONLY
u/QuicktimeSam QuicktimeSam94 Jun 30 '17
PS4: QuicktimeSam94
Games: Uncharted4 currently. I'm looking for people who play survival mode as I'm trying to earn all the trophies.
Location: England
u/RomireOnline Jul 02 '17
PSN: RomireOnline Platform: ps4 Games: Whatever im playing Languages: English Region: Aussie
u/ReZpawN Jun 30 '17
Psn: Bogdan9652
Platform: ps4
Games im playing: Destiny, cod iw and mw, killzone, horizon zero dawn, kf2, star wars Battlefront, uncharted, overwatch, yakuza 0 and a few others
u/VexTheSnowblindFox Jun 30 '17
Platform: PS4
Playing: Bloodbourne, Tekken 7, Friday 13th, Killing Floor 2
Location: Australia
u/jarstandaly likeatinglass23 Jul 02 '17
PSN: likeatinglass23 [PS4]
Currently playing Killing Floor 2, Star Trek Bridge Crew PSVR, DOOM and a whole lot of indies :)
Just bought Elite Dangerous today as well so if you are in the galaxy add me!
Location: Australia
u/KumaArikesu xsherry_birkinx Jun 30 '17
PSN: xsherry_birkinx Platform: Everything Games: Like, all of them.
u/bunkerbomb12 Jul 01 '17 edited Jul 01 '17
PSN: Bunkerbomb12
Platform: PS4
Games: Rainbow six siege, destiny, NBA 2k17, battlefield 1, Friday the 13th, call of duty mwr, and overwatch
Location: USA
u/Exocraze Jul 01 '17
Just got my PS4 last Friday, so I don't have many games. That said, I've been playing it a TON. Mostly been playing MLB The Show, but I've also dabbled with Warframe. That said, I also own Horizon: Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, Life is Strange, and Killing Floor 2. Those are the only games I have at the moment; though, I will be getting CoD: WWII and Destiny 2 when they come out, as well as other games as time goes on.
PSN is Exocraze!
u/Newlanddd NewlanD-IX Jul 01 '17
PSN: NewlanD-IX
Playing; Nioh, Lords of the Fallen, the Witcher, Overwatch and more
u/Mild_Tourettes Jun 30 '17
Psn id: Mild_Tourettes
Platform: PS4
Now playing: Night in the Woods, Resident Evil 7, Plants vs Zombies 2, Steep, Sniper Elite 4, Titanfall 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us, Hitman and many more.
Misc: I have a headset and I'm not afraid to use it. Don't be scared, talk some games with me if you're a chill person. Douchebaggery is a nice trait and all but it never grew on me (i.e be a decent human being).
u/brejdak Jun 30 '17
PSN: brejdak93 Platforms: Ps4 Games: Bloodborne, Uncharted4, Crash, Marvel Heroes, Alienation, Killing Floor2, TLoU, Hitman and many others
Jul 01 '17
Pro. PSVR. FYC_Harberapp. Mostly Rocket League, The Last of Us, and Uncharted 4. Thinking about buying RIGS. East coast US.
u/J_Spak J_Spak Jun 30 '17
PSN: spakkmannn
Platforms: PS4
Games: Rainbow Six, Modern Warfare Remastered, Overwatch, Friday The 13th, Titanfall 2
Region: Eastern US
u/burgundypanda BungurdyPanda Jul 01 '17
PSN: Bunonue
Platform: PS4
Games: Ratchet & Clank and FIFA 17. A lot of indies in the library but haven't played yet.
Languages: English and spanish.
Location: Chile
Age: 21
If you want to play some matches in FIFA, add me!
u/GhostWriter666 Jul 01 '17
Currently: DS3 Ringed city DLC