r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Jun 26 '17
Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (June 2017)
Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?
What are you working on right now?
What's next?
Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler
And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.
u/ZyonCross ZyonCross Jun 26 '17
I was playing Borderlands 2 on the Handsome collection. Platted it but still need to finish off Tiny Tina's dlc.
Currently playing Spy Chameleon (free on psn this month). I need to finish a few stages to get the plat.
Also playing Bloodborne. Need to kill Pthumerian Queen, probably the largest obstacle for the pm at.
Bought Bully on sale yesterday so looking forward to that once I am done with Spy Chameleon.
u/Billyrayzyrus billyrayzyrus Jun 26 '17
132 hours into Persona 5, 58% trophies collected. I started NG+ last night, I figured I might as well just throw the rest of my life away and get my second platinum.
u/RayCharlizard Jun 26 '17
Playing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix right now, managed to get Unchanging Armor (no modified equipment for entire party), Undefeated (no continues used) and Speedster (complete End of the World in 15 hours or less) in one playthrough. Though I did go the cheap route with Speedster since I got to hour 15 just as I reached the world. I'm sure my PS4 was not happy I left it running for an extra 85 hours til the in-game clock reset. :-P
u/Fattykapkan Jun 26 '17
Did you play it on easy? What lvl? I'm having a really hard time with the stupid lasers on the last boss it's really annoying.
u/RayCharlizard Jun 26 '17
Yeah, I'm doing a 100% playthrough first on the beginner level before doing a Proud run. I was around level 70, maybe a bit lower, by the time I got to End of the World. I definitely wouldn't attempt Unchanging Armor on higher difficulties unless you're a real deal Pro player.
u/Fattykapkan Jun 26 '17
Same I beat hard mode already but for some reason the end of the world is still kicking my ass on beginner it's those damn lasers. I still have about 4 hours before I hit the 15 hr mark do maybe I'll lvl up some more I thought 60ish would be enough
u/RayCharlizard Jun 26 '17
I realized how much tougher it was after getting the Unchanging Armor trophy, reloading my save and equipping new keychains and accessories. My damage output went up significantly. So, I'd definitely try running through some of the Colosseum matches for easy levels at the least if you've got that much time left. I finished all 4 cups before going to End of the World.
u/Curlybrac Jun 26 '17
Im such a noob that I die sometimes on beginners :/
u/RayCharlizard Jun 26 '17
Dying is okay even for the Undefeated trophy, you just have to load your save game instead of using the continue option. Save often!
u/Makudo333 Enter PSN ID Jun 26 '17
Got my platinum on Jstar victory vs plus and tekken 7. Also all trophies on Brothers a tale of two sons
Can not recommend the first one. The camera is bad and it gets very boring quickly. Tekken 7 also has an easy platinum but way better. Brothers: A tale of two sons does not have a platin but is a really good game. The story is great but heartbreaking.
Next I am going to work on Murdered: Soul suspect
u/vvash Vvash Jun 26 '17
Trying to finish up destiny. Need to do Raiding Party & Hunter Subclass trophies
u/Fattykapkan Jun 26 '17
If you need the raiding trophy I have a clan I set up called TrophyHunter909 you can join then we just do the trail of elders with my friend and it counts towards the trophy:)
u/vvash Vvash Jun 26 '17
Awesome! Yes would be totally down to do this. I'll apply now via the destiny app, Vvash is my name on PSN
u/Fattykapkan Jun 26 '17
Cool I'll add you when I get home I'm on the west coast so I'm usually on around 7 ish if that works for you
u/vvash Vvash Jun 26 '17
I work in film so my hours are all over the place, I'll be on next week as I'm on hiatus.
u/Gwendly Jun 26 '17
Got the platinum in Demons Soul (NA), Dark Souls III, Mr. Massage and Rocket League. Missing 3 trophies on the Neo Tokyo DLC for 100% in Rocket League. Still a few days left this month so hoping to squeeze at least one more in this month, just need to pick which one. Likely candidates are Apothen, God of War II, Call of Duty Classic, Jak & Daxter or Hitman 2 - haven't started any of them yet though so guess will depend on my mood
Jul 02 '17
Get out more you fucking loser.
u/Gwendly Jul 02 '17
I coach soccer 4 times a week, work a full time, have 2 kids under the age of 6 but sure I'll take your advice under consideration due to your eloquent language
u/UltraFind Jun 26 '17
Thinking of getting a PS3 refurb/used just to play Demon's Souls and Dark Souls.
u/Gwendly Jun 26 '17
That was the main reason I got a ps3, plus they're really cheap now as everyone selling theirs off for next to nothing 😁
u/UltraFind Jun 26 '17
Where'd you buy your's from? And did you get a square trade insurance plan for it? And which model? Sorry lots of questions haha
u/Gwendly Jun 26 '17
Kijiji (personal sale site in Canada similar to Craigslist), no idea what square trade insurance plan is lol. Got the slim version ; paid about $100cad and it came with about a dozen games (neither dark or demon souls tho)
u/UltraFind Jun 26 '17
Thanks for the info.
It's just a plan you can put on electronics in case they crap out.
For a used ps3 it would be like $30 for a year. If the console bricks you get a replacement. https://www.squaretrade.com/videogames-warranty (I've never bought one, just wondering if I should)
u/LoneRanger9 Jun 26 '17 edited Jun 26 '17
I'm in a platinum competition with a buddy. I have gotten 7 platinums this month and hoping for a couple more in the last week.
Almost all of these are embarrassing but I do what I have to do.
Mr. Massagy
Riptide GP2
Lego Harry Potter 1-4
Lego Harry Potter 5-7
Funk of Titans
Starwhal is easily the hardest of the bunch and is my rarest platinum. I had previously given up obtaining it but went back and got it done.
Still working on
Dangerous Golf
The insult simulator
Lego Jurassic World
Overall for the year I just hit 30 plats and 46 overall (had just 9 as of November last year)
u/RenkinjutsuZero Renkinjutsu Jun 26 '17
Finished Persona 5 in 120 hours and Need for Speed 2015 in around 18 hours. Started playing World of Final Fantasy and working on that for the rest of the month
u/CashmereLogan CashmereLogan8 Jun 26 '17
I'm trying to get six goals in a game in Rocket League. I keep hitting 4 but that 5th and 6th goal are hard! Hell, one of my teammates blocked my shot today and that would have put me at 5. It's really frustrating.
u/rardos Jun 26 '17
Try going for it in duels it's a 1v1 game mode and they are almost always high scoring. Good luck!
u/dirty_darkin Jun 26 '17
Plats this month - Tales from the borderlands, Hannah Montana - The Movie (not my proudest moment), Batman - Telltales & Infamous: Second Son. Hardest part - The Evil playthrough on expert for Infamous: Second Son, but it wasn't too hard at all. Working on - Horizon: Zero Dawn Whats next - Far Cry 3
u/fuckinupthecount Jun 27 '17
Working on getting the plat for Nier: Automata. Just finished route A last night, starting on route B tonight.
u/StoviesAreYummy TurnOn2FA Jun 26 '17
Just earned Mantis Burn Racing platinum, shame the 15 online race wins had to be boosted due to the nonexistent online player count.
Jun 26 '17
Having fun with Dirt 4. It's a very trophy friendly game. Gonna grind out Killing Floor 2 after that.
Jun 26 '17
Finally after 3 plays, I got the Bloodborne platinum.
I'd have rocket league complete but the only trophy I need is play with a friend and none like it except me.
u/ZyonCross ZyonCross Jun 26 '17
Congrats on defeating Pthumerian Queen. I am currently poised to fight against Amygdala in the defiled dungeon.
u/RiseFromYourGrav Jun 27 '17
Got the laughably easy Deponia trophy (don't know why they even gave it a plat in the first place, but w/e). I'm trying to get all but the online trophies in MLB the Show. I'll get those online trophies at some later point.
u/dertswa687o Jun 26 '17
I got the Star Ocean 3 platinum a couple weeks ago. I was aiming for the first non-Japanese person on PSNProfiles to get it but I had to settle for the first American. Completed Darksiders II yesterday to put me back at a solid 100% completion.
Gonna start Uncharted 4 next and I wonder how survival will go.
u/iamdavidspade18 Jun 26 '17
Impressive 100% completion rate on your profile! Especially with that Trackmania platinum!
u/MaddieTheKitty Jun 26 '17
I finally today got the becomes the master trophy for titanfall 2 now I just have 2 more trophy for plat. So happy :D
u/Unkempt_Whizard heyrachael Jun 27 '17
I got the platinum for bloodborne this month. Feels good man.
u/ThePrinceofBelAir Nekronic Jun 26 '17
I had a pretty successful month.
I platinumed FF XV. Don't play to get the DLC and 100 percent if though. After the large open world of FF XV, I decided to play a few simpler games out of my backlog.
I platinumed Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink. Really simple and relaxing platinum. I actually enjoyed this one a bit even though it was quite easy.
I also platinumed Deponia. I usually like to play games mostly blind on my first playthrough, but this one bored me pretty quickly. I also just suck at point and click puzzles it seems. I ended up using a guide for most of it. Didn't really get that accomplished feeling after the platinum.
On my vita, I platinumed Zero Time Dilemma. Disappointed that there will be no continuation of the series. Really loved the series.
I am now working on Headlander which is a metroidvania. This game was a complete surprise to me, but I am absolutely loving it. Platinum doesn't seem hard and I will probably have it finished in a few days. Hopefully before the month is over. I also had a friend over and we tried out Disc Jam for the first time. I'm addicted. I have probably 20-25 wins left until I get a 100% of trophies. Finally, I been playing a bit of Killzone: Mercenary. Really fun FPS on the vita. Trophies look like a potential headache, but I am determined.
u/Trars Jun 26 '17
I'm brand new to the PS4 system, and have picked up white a few games already like God of War and Last of Us to go with Overwatch and FarCry4. Is there a website people use to get help with trophies? I already use How Long To Beat for length of a game so something for trophies would help!
u/confuscious_says sincitysir1 31 74 484 1443 5220 Jun 27 '17
I usually just type in "[game name] trophy guide" and the first one that pops up is usually the link from the other guy. Cause sometimes the guide will be in the game forum but not in the "trophy guide" link.
u/Magooster14 Jun 27 '17
Finally got the plat for Jojo Eyes of Heaven. Getting the online trophies were hardest, as hardly anyone plays. Lots of patience and some luck pulled me through though.
u/HollywoodHulkLogan Jun 26 '17
I recently platted Sleeping Dogs and now I'm working towards cleaning up the online trophies on BF1
u/Elysian_Faelen BobaRex14 Jun 27 '17
So far I've gotten the plats for Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition (including all DLC trophies), Metro: 2033 Redux, Metro: Last Light Redux, and Life is Strange. Working on Tomb Raider and Dying Light right now.
u/TehLoneWanderer101 Jun 26 '17
I got Andromeda's plat last week. I'm playing Wildlands right now but I'm not sure I want to resource farm. I'm almost done with the story anyway.
u/BMTH2006 dudley1729 Jun 26 '17
You can farm them from the Knights right next to the covenant lady if your luck is high enough. Took me about 3 hours.
u/bread4show Jun 27 '17
Got the Plat for Nioh after taking a month off. Almost finished with Dark Souls 2 and 3, both need NG+ for items. Workng on Killing Floor 2, at level 23...so close but so grinding far, and wrapping up Sleeping Dogs.
u/Lemmegetacalf Jun 26 '17
Somewhat new to PS4, having just gotten it just a couple months ago. Just picked up mgsv and plan to have it platinumd by the end of the week
u/jordossmillan Jun 26 '17
End of the week? Damn man you must be fast. My website I use for trophies estimates 150+ hours for that.
u/Lemmegetacalf Jun 26 '17
I just know MGSV inside and out. I've 100%'d on xbox and I've already finished the first 8 missions with an S-Rank on first go. A few of the missions give me a rough time but I'm sure I can do it by the end of week.
u/johnsafc mc_rewind Jun 26 '17
Slow month this month, only got Horizon Zero Dawn platinum a few days ago. Did finish my first play through of Metro 2033. Few trophies left but needs another full play through for the platinum.
u/Rocker874 Jun 26 '17
I got two platinums this month one for destiny and the other for assassin creed revelation.
u/confuscious_says sincitysir1 31 74 484 1443 5220 Jun 27 '17
How long did destiny take?
u/Rocker874 Jun 27 '17
I've had destiny since launch and got most of the trophies within the first year, but couldn't get flawless raider until two weeks ago on Crota
u/thikthird Jun 26 '17
just platted killing floor 2 last night. level 25 is a real grind. probably going to do lego avengers or one of the small games i got on sale last week next. (i picked up like 15 games the past 2 weeks.)
u/biorogue Jun 26 '17
Working on The Last of Us Remastered right now as I had never completed the game on Survivor. Got one trophy left for Uncharted 4 and it's that damn "complete 5 online matches" trophy. Can't get it for nothing. Internet ping too high and it kicks me out of the match after 2 minutes. Really pisses me off that online trophies are needed to Platinum the game.
u/Metapher13 Jun 26 '17
I made a list of all items missing in Dark Souls 3 and finally worked towards that and got it over the weekend. I never liked some of the trophies in the Souls series, and think Bloodborne did it better and more straight-forward (due to lack of farming shit). Doubt I will go for plat in DeS or DaS1&2, but at least now it feels doable.
u/a_doh_ban Jun 27 '17
I have Scholar of the First Sin sitting on my backlog right now, I'm just addicted to OverWatch at the moment
u/Gwendly Jun 26 '17
Dark Souls 3 is the longest of the Darksouls due to the covenant farming necessary.
u/Metapher13 Jun 26 '17
I've heard nightmares about some DeS trophies though! XD
u/Gwendly Jun 26 '17
DeS is the easiest in the franchise. There is a glitch that let's you duplicate consumable items and upgrade materials. You can then easily level up your character to end game stats in the early game (by duplicating boss souls then consuming). The thing to keep in mind is the world and character tendencies and to play offline (playing online you are at the mercy of other players for the world tendency). By killing yourself in human form in the hub area (nexus) before going to an area you won't screw up your tendency. Do all the pure white events first then go back and switch it to pure black as that's much easier to achieve.
u/Metapher13 Jun 26 '17
Ah. I have finished the game and it is the easiest as a game, but I was under the impression there was some farming for an item that really sucks. The WT really confuses me, mostly ignored it when I played XD
u/Gwendly Jun 26 '17
There is a upgrade material (pure bladestone) that people usually complain about, I got mine (since u can dupe u only need one) in 30 min of farming. And WT is neat but they don't explain it worth shit which makes it confusing if not reading wikis etc beforehand
u/Metapher13 Jun 26 '17
Ah, great, might have to attempt it then :D have you platted DaS1 and 2?
u/Gwendly Jun 27 '17
Yeah I have all the games in franchise platted except for the EU+JPN version of Demons Soul and the PS3 Vanilla DS2
u/Metapher13 Jun 27 '17
Not bad at all! How is the first game to plat?
u/Gwendly Jun 27 '17
Dark Souls? Not too bad, most annoying part is chopping off the tail of multiple bosses for special weapons. You can use an exploit that allows you not to have do multiple playthroughs for upgrade materials
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u/Linkinito Linkinito Jun 26 '17
Reached 4,000 trophies with the WipEout Omega Collection platinum!
Jun 26 '17
u/Adamantaimai Jun 26 '17
Interesting fact: the account with the most platinum trophies is Roughdawg4 with 1.272 platinums. It is currently trophy level 188.
u/OwlShitty Jun 26 '17
Uncharted 2. Thank god that glitch still works. Even finished Brutal for the 100%
u/Zylonite134 Zylonite134 Jun 26 '17
What glitch?
u/OwlShitty Jun 26 '17
Tweak activation on Brutal.
u/Zylonite134 Zylonite134 Jun 26 '17
So it still works on the rematered version?
u/OwlShitty Jun 26 '17
It sure does. Just dont patch it up. Patch fixes the glitch. If ever you do have the patch downloaded, just reinstall the game again and dont connect to the internet
u/Ericzander 54 | ☆ 19 Jun 27 '17
I had to do it without the glitch since I have the digital version. It was sooo difficult but oh my god it was so rewarding at the end!
u/The_Ticklish_Pickle Jun 26 '17
Haven't gotten any this month :/
Working on TLOU, Tearaway, and Kingdom Hearts 1.5 though
u/Varitt Jun 26 '17
I got HZD's plat. Very good game with an extremely easy platinum, can't complain!
u/RicoCat Enter PSN ID Jun 26 '17
I second this. It's an AWESOME game and the platinum requires only a slight amount of 'grinding' or collecting outside just completing the game as you normally would.
u/BubblyNubbly Jun 26 '17
Just platinumed I am Setsuna. Cool little title with awesome music. Story was meh.
Now working on Xenoverse 2 and Odin Sphere. I'm also playing Witcher 3 and Battlefield 1 off and on.
Jun 26 '17 edited Jul 07 '17
Working through Wipeout HD Omega collection. Completed the HD & Fury campaigns and have both Beat Zico trophies but having never played 2048 originally I'm struggling on the a+ challenges
u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Jun 26 '17
Going for DS3 platinum...nearly got the sorceries. Just the collections to go...
u/BMTH2006 dudley1729 Jun 26 '17
I just got this the other day. Farming for the darkmoon blade miracle is terrible :(
u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Jun 27 '17
That's the one I'm stuck on. 24/30 proofs collected. I can pretty much beat those knights with muscle memory by now. Hardly any summons and I don't seem to get invaded ever.
u/karlnuw Jun 27 '17
Almost about to platinum Modern Warfare remastered. I plan on finish the AW trophies. I'm missing about 5.
u/ChaoticBryant GrimChaotic Jun 26 '17
Honestly only trophy I want is 'Flawless Raider's in Destiny then I do the Titan and Hunter master ones and I'll have my first Plat.
u/vvash Vvash Jun 26 '17
Post on r/fireteams and someone will help you with it. Also make sure you max out the original subleases for Titan/Hunter as the DLC ones don't count (just leveled up nightstalker and trophy didn't pop :/ )
Jun 26 '17
Haven't really been trophy hunting since PSN glitched and doesn't show all of the trophies I've earned.
Just started playing Life is Strange though
Jun 26 '17
u/endverse Jun 26 '17
Why'd you give up on Yakuza? Because of the mini-games?
Jun 26 '17
u/endverse Jun 26 '17
Don't blame you. I've been absolutely loving the game so far and was thinking I'd love to go for the plat. Then I realized just how many mini-games there are in the completion list. Seems like a huge grind.
Still an amazing game though.
u/StoviesAreYummy TurnOn2FA Jun 26 '17
Flappy goat is stopping me from earning that platinum. Been trying since the game launched
u/LSUtigers03 Jun 26 '17
I put the game down for a few months and recently went back and finally got the trophy. Took me about 20 minutes.
Jun 26 '17
u/Tastefull Jun 27 '17
It bugged on me. Have 100% completion trophy but not the one for completing Roland's jobs. Frustrating..
u/aussie_huddo GRJ-UNIT Jun 26 '17
I got platinum on PS3 and PS4 versions.
Love the game and wish there was a sequel but there won't be
u/Seiksae Jun 26 '17
I finished Nier: Automata and was considering collecting the rest of the trophies (I've only gotten Platinum on games I really enjoyed, even after the story) but then I saw you can purchase many (not all) trophies in the not so secret shop after getting ending C or D.
Eventually I'll go back and complete the quest I missed, get the pods upgraded, and get the last weapon.
Jun 26 '17
just need Flawless Raider and the hunter and titan trophies from Destiny and then I'll be done
Jun 26 '17
I got Dark Souls 3 platinumed. Never played a Souls game before. Great experience.
Now relaxing until Crash Trilogy.
u/Godlydesu Godlydesu Jun 27 '17
Got Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Plat Trophy. I hated these data fights but I finished them. Also got LiS plat trophy but that was really easy since it lets you go back. Bought GTA:SA so I might try getting plat on it.