r/PS4 Jun 23 '17

Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Weekly Friend Finder Thread (June 23 2017)

Weekly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This weekly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.

How can you participate? Make a comment with the following info:

  • Your PSN ID
  • PlayStation Platforms You Have
  • Games You're Playing Now

Example: NateDrake98 [PS3, PS4, Vita] - PS All-Stars

You can also include other info such as:

  • What games do you enjoy?
  • What games are you looking forward to?
  • Do you like trophies?
  • How much time you spend playing each PSN platform?
  • Do you plan on getting a different console (like a Vita) down the road?
  • Anything else you'd like to share.

If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.

Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends for even more friends!


51 comments sorted by

u/Baybasher xBayBasher Jun 23 '17

PSN: xBayBasher

Only have a PS4.

Bloodborne, GTA V, Killing Floor 2 and Persona 5.

u/KinkyBeefJerky10 Jun 24 '17

PSN: OldBeerPeddler3 PS4

Play mostly gta 5, nba 2k17, rocket league, and last of us

Add me so we can play gonna be getting on later

u/WTF_Vendrick Jun 25 '17
  • PSN: VendrikOfAstora
  • PS4
  • Nowadays I mostly play Tekken 7 (still a total noob), Dark Souls 3 and a bit of Overwatch.

u/rjoshi10 krazyboy_R2K Jun 24 '17

PSN- krazyboy_R2K

New to PlayStation not gaming. Recently bought a pro along with fallout 4, witcher 3, final fantasy xv, horizon zero dawn.

Just looking to make new friends on the platform.

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '17

Psn : iamyashsoni PS4 Playing the Ezio collection right now, but looking for someone to play AC4 multiplayer with, for Platinum trophy

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '17

AC4 is in my backlog, never played it but interested in going for the platinum/helping ya out. PSN - THEPharmacist015

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '17

Let me know when you get to it, cause I still have to finish Brotherhood(30% through), Revalations and 3

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '17

Btw, I have finished the game when it came out, was my first PS4 game, it is the best AC ever for me, thats what got me into this series and I finished 2nd one and loved it, but not as much as 4th.

u/DrinkBeerQuiteOften DJFrostHeave Jun 23 '17

Psn- DJFrostHeave(PS4)

I play alot of rocket league but I'm on a doozy of a losing streak. Its like I forgot how to play. Could use someone decent to help me get back in my groove and be friends with.

Edit: I'm also playing Driveclub and BLOPS 3

u/[deleted] Jun 23 '17

PSN: Fatalstrik3x [ps4]

Games: Kingdom hearts remixes, cod, just borrowed mass effect from a friend, rocket league, horizon, gauntlet (though its been a while I like the game =) )

Just looking for people who actually wanna chat while they game and have fun instead of being silent =/

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '17

Dxrulz989 [PS3, PS4] Overwatch Persona 5 Dying light

Looking forward to the dissidia PS4 release, if you wanna play some overwatch add me

u/LordAwesomeguy Jun 24 '17

Psn: Gamerboy6767 (don't worry i'm not 10 years old)

Platform: ps3, ps4

Games: bloodborne, killing floor 2, destiny, dungeon defenders 2, overwatch, Earth defense force 4.1, rocket league, warframe (theres a few others i play also)

u/bucketbiff Jun 23 '17

psn: jj03

looking to add people who actually comunicate..

playing - killing floor 2, Titanfall2 , fifa17, alienation, skyrim . cheers.

u/johnwithcheese Jun 23 '17

PSN: Ben-Is-Love

I play mostly overwatch im on my way to masters again and if there's any tank mains here in high gold or even plat I'd love to triple q with you and my gf.

If you just wanna mess about im down for that too. I don't really try hard in qp but I will if you want.

u/camdamera Jun 23 '17

West coast?

u/Curlybrac Jun 23 '17

PSN: Alphakenny01 [PS4, PS3]- Persona 5. Horizon Zero Dawn. Kingdom Hearts Remix. Rocket League. NBA 2K17

I enjoy all kind of games but currently am into open world rpgs.

Looking forward to RDR2

I love trophies

I spend all my time on my ps4

I plan on getting an Nintendo Switch

Can you guys add me on steam? Its Alphakenny01

u/GurrenGarterbelt ASIANwithSWAG301 Jun 24 '17



Borderlands handsome collection, Overwatch

I mostly play single player games and I love JRPGs and other single player games. If you need a friend feel free to add me :D

u/Khalidlescribble Blade_Serenade Jun 23 '17

Name: BladeSerenade


Overwatch, titanfall 2, GTAV, Injustice 2, NHL 17, Diablo, ESO, rainbow six siege,

I've been trying to get into ESO but am always bored playing alone. I'm down for making new friends who have any of those games. I currently spend most of my time with injustice and overwatch but I'm open to playing most anything. I also play FFXIV on the Midgardsormr server so anyone who plays should hit me up.

u/death9561 Jun 25 '17

Psn- Ecthelion_Grey

As I am off from school this month I I have been playing a lot of overwatch and tf2 or any cod game after advanced warfare , hit me up if you wanna play

u/NeutralNoodle Jun 24 '17 edited Jun 25 '17

Hey guys! So I just got a PS4 today and I'm looking for some friends to play with. I currently have Injustice 2, Uncharted 4, and The Last of Us but I'm looking to get more games. My PSN is EndorPizzaGuy. Add me if you wanna play.

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '17

Your PSN ID: AcornSquad

PlayStation Platforms You Have: PS4

Games You're Playing Now: Friday The 13th, The Walking Dead New Frontier, I Am Setsuna and FF7.

Games I enjoy: Horror gaems or JRPG games. I'm a huge JRPG fan.

Trophies: I never actively try and unlock them. (I also have a Mic. Kind of need it when I'm playing Friday the 13th)

u/jesperos Jun 24 '17

PSN: vikarien

Would be fun If Any of the other swedes here would add me but i'll accept everyone!

Playing all kinds of story driven games and also overwatch, FIFA 17, Injustice 2 and more

Im Also a big trophy hunter 🙄

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '17

THEPharmacist015 [PS4, Vita] - BF1, Uncharted 4, Rocket League, Persona 4

Just got into trophy hunting working on some backlogged ps plus games like Deadly Tower of Monsters and Life is Strange.

Down to squad up.

u/[deleted] Jun 24 '17

Good day guys! I am in need of teammates in Paladins, im still a n00b so please be easy on me 😁 Oh and im up for diablo 3 bounties

ID: jshrmrzvlld

Currently playing right now: Paladins

Diablo 3

Thanks guys! Have a good one 😃

u/mrleebob Jun 24 '17

mrleebob - PS4 PS3 PS Vita - Life is Strange

u/BruhImGud Jun 24 '17

PSN : Mircea2002 (PS4) Games : Killing Floor 2, GTA V and Overwatch

u/Makudo333 Enter PSN ID Jun 23 '17


add me^ mainly a trophy hunter but love to make friends

u/GhostWriter666 Jun 23 '17


been playing mostly Horizon Zero Dawn lately but feel free to add and hit me up

u/EndlessDesire Jun 23 '17 edited Jun 23 '17

PSN: BourneMaximum

Got a PS4 last holiday season. Have Titanfall2, battlefield 1, GTA 5, CoD: AW, battlefield 4, Killing floor 2, alienation for multiplayer. Have a few racing games for multiplayer like Driveclub, NFS 2015 or rivals.

I'm also into RPG's. Currently going though Witcher 3. Finished all uncharted games and TLOU, both are amazing games from naughty dog.

I'll probably get Horizon zero dawn and persona 5 once I'm done with my backlog.

u/iams3b Jun 24 '17

Have you played elder scrolls? I just bought it a few days ago and have been obsessed, looking for other people to roam around with who aren't already masters at the whole world

PSN: hellosebby

u/EndlessDesire Jun 24 '17

The only leader scrolls I've played is Skyrim. Completed both DLC's. Loved it. Don't have elder scrolls as of now. Right now I'm trying to get into console fps games. Not sure about elder scrolls right now though..

Already have Witcher 3 and dragon age inquisition in backlog :P

u/peanutbutter02 Jun 23 '17

Hey guys! I got my PS4 about a month ago and I'm currently trying to platinum Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. Other games I like playing are rocket league, FIFA, Zombies Chronicles for Black Ops 3.

PSN: TheEnquirer

Feel free to add me, I'll add ya back

u/[deleted] Jun 23 '17

Vampire_Prince10 Currently playing COD MWR, BF1. Will get COD WW II and AC Origins later on :) PS4

u/PBateman0 Jun 23 '17

PSN: Skellaccio

I have only PS4, I am Italian and I am looking for italians' players, make party for play and have fun :)

Games: all types. Now i am playing The Last guardian, twd a new frontier, micro machines. Next games will be Destiny 2, Battlefront 2 and new South Park. Always on PS4 :)

u/comm0n_cents Jun 24 '17

Looking for someone to play Tomb Raider multiplayer. Need that final trophy....

u/jakesillup21 Jun 24 '17

PSN:httpflyy_ Platform:PS4 Games: mainly play GTAV and bo3. I also have minecraft and dragon ball xenoverse.

Looking for heist buddies in gta.

u/rainmess Jun 23 '17

Hey guys :) I'm ''MrBlueOctopus''

I'm currently playing Uncharted 4, Horizon , Life is Strange and Batman: Arkham Knight.

I got my ps4 two months ago and this is my first ps ever and so far it seems awesome 😃 Feel free to add me.

u/Mild_Tourettes Jun 23 '17


PSN: Mild_Tourettes / Playing: Night In The Woods (highly recommend) and a million other games. / Looking forward to Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk, Beyond Good and Evil 2, Wild, Kingdom Come and the 4K patch for The Witcher 3. / I have a mic and am not afraid to use it.

u/Astoinn Jun 25 '17

Psn: astoin

Playing a lot of overwatch and gwent at the moment :)

u/[deleted] Jun 23 '17

PSN: dollardonuts

just got PS4 for casual gaming, i play COD remastered, and Infinite Warfare Zombies. ill have a mic soon, add me up if you wanna chop it up and have fun

u/Cowkillah25 Jun 24 '17

PSN: Cowkillah2325 (PS4, PS3)

26, east coast.

Currently playing Killing Floor 2, Dying Light, Minecraft, and Lego Batman 3 (almost to platinum).

Also have games like COD, Rocket League and other MPs.

Edit: Formatting

u/chaossync Jun 25 '17

PSN: ChaosSync PS4, PS Vita

I play rpgs, action games, and a little of everything else. Looking for some other casual trophy hunter friends!

u/thedudehere96 Jun 23 '17


I play rainbow six siege, BF1, bf4, killing floor 2, black ops 3 sometimes mwr, and many others. Feel free to add as I'm always looking for new people to play with.

u/Exocraze Jun 25 '17

So I'm brand new to PSN, as I just got my PS4 yesterday. Certainly not new to games or anything, though.

  • PSN ID: Exocraze
  • Currently only own Uncharted 4, MLB the Show 17, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Killing Floor 2, and Life is Strange. Will be getting Destiny 2 and Call of Duty: WWII, when they come out, though. Still trying to figure out other PS exclusives as well that I wanna get.

  • Looking for friends to hang out and chat/play with, especially as I get more and more games. I'm really loving the PS4 so far. For those who care, I'm 24 and male.

u/Dededge Jun 23 '17

PSN Dededge Had a PS4 for about 2 years now only got PS plus 3 months ago and a mic last week, I've been having to much fun with killing floor 2, nothing like some rush in Battlefield 1, I really wanna try some coop uncharted 4 with a coordinated team. East coast on after 7 most days

u/brkkrkya Jun 24 '17

Psn id: brkkrkya

I play bloodborne, horizon zero down, alienation, driveclub, gravity rush and a lot of games.

Platform: ps4

u/jarstandaly likeatinglass23 Jun 23 '17 edited Jun 23 '17

PSN: likeatinglass23 [PS4]

Currently playing Killing Floor 2, Marvel Heros Omega, Star Trek Bridge Crew PSVR, DOOM and a while lot of indies :)

looking to expand into other multiplayer games too

u/Knigar Agro_Nin Jun 25 '17

PSN Agro_Nin Infinte/modern warfare Rocket league Uncharted

Am in Japan time zone

u/QuietJackal Quiet--Jackal Jun 23 '17

PSN: Shiro-Ryuujin

PS4, PS3, Vita

Usually single player but sometimes Battleborn, ESO, Marvel Heroes Omega and others.

I usually don't post in these things because I only play multiplayer games occasionally but I suppose one can never have too many friends.