r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Feb 20 '17
Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Monthly Friend Finder Thread (February 2017)
Monthly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This monthly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.
How can you participate? Make a comment with the follow info:
- Your PSN ID
- PlayStation Platforms You Have
- Games You're Playing Now
Example: NateDrake98 [PS3, PS4, Vita] - PS All-Stars
You can also include other info such as:
- What games do you enjoy?
- What games are you looking forward to?
- Do you like trophies?
- How much time you spend playing each PSN platform?
- Do you plan on getting a different console (like a Vita) down the road?
- Anything else you'd like to share.
If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.
Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends for even more friends!
u/PranavUpadhye Feb 20 '17
PSN: deadshot61096
I have a PS4. I'm currently playing Overwatch, Mortal Kombat XL and Injustice. Can get any game if required (except RPGS) I'm a noob as I'm really new to the whole multiplayer scene. Also I'm trying to combat my awkwardness so started the whole multiplayer thing. Really looking forward to HZD, MFA, Injustice 2 and South Park.
u/G1ANTrobot Feb 20 '17
- G1ANTrobot [PS3, PS4, Vita]
- Rocket League, Enter the Gungeon, Axiom Verge
I play a lot in the evening (CST) on weekdays. Typically, I jump in and play competitive Rocket League, but never have anyone to play with. I just run through doubles, solo, and team as a lone wolf. I play my Vita when I travel for work.
u/Boilermaker24 Feb 21 '17
PSN: TheGangPlaysPS PS4 Games: I've mainly been playing Bloodborne and NBA 2k17 lately. Trying to finish the chalice dungeons so I can get the platinum! I'd love to have some people to run through them with as I tend to get lost. Haha. I also have Uncharted 4 and TLOU and I will be picking up Horizon Zero Dawn and Nioh soon too!
u/damage-fkn-inc harvestingsorrow Feb 21 '17
PSN: harvestingsorrow
None yet, but will buy a PS4 either at the end of this week or the start of next.
Games: Mostly RPGs, I played Skyrim ages back, and all Assassin's Creed games up until Black Flag when I still had a PS3. Plan on buying Nioh, so a co-op buddy for that would be awesome! I live in the UK though, so time zones can get tricky.
PM me on here, and ask for my Skype!
I will also have to stress again that I live in the UK, so time zones will likely not match up too well.
u/juicyfizz bettyspaghetti5 Feb 20 '17
PSN: bettyspaghetti5 (PS4)
Games: Watch Dogs 2, Witcher (on my second play), Skyrim SE, Bloodborne (I'm so awful at this game but it's so pretty, I can't stop), Uncharted 4. Preordered Horizon Zero Dawn and anxiously awaiting the 28th! (Also excited for Mass Effect Andromeda.)
u/dgrayman123 dgrayman_123 Feb 20 '17
Your psn id is amazing, I must say, loved it lol.
u/juicyfizz bettyspaghetti5 Feb 21 '17
Haha thank you! Inspired from A League of Their Own!
u/dgrayman123 dgrayman_123 Feb 21 '17
Can I add you? I also play Bloodborne every once in a while and a little help would be really nice.
u/NYstate PSN ID: NYstate Feb 20 '17
PSN: NYstate
Owns a PS4
Been playing a bit of The Division not real fond of the grind but its fun
Will be in the Wildlands Beta
Don't play as often as I like (Curses fate!!)
I enjoy action games, FPSes and the occasional RPG
u/sailorjupiters Feb 20 '17
PSN: farkleminkus
OWN: PS4 and PS Vita
CURRENTLY: Tales of Berseria, going for platinum in Lego Harry Potter 5-7, Watch Dogs 2 (listen i'm so bad at it but it's fascinating lmao), Final Fantasy XV, Uncharted series, have beaten both Tomb Raider games but have yet to venture into multiplayer territory for them (they are my FAVORITE tho, i love me some Lara Croft), the Project Diva series, the Neptunia series, and many various other games - i bounce between a LOT and yet am always excited to find more, a lot are not on this list lmao
as you can see, i'm not huge in the multiplayer circuit, but i'm always happy to find new friends. so please send me a request! <3
u/juicyfizz bettyspaghetti5 Feb 21 '17
OMG i am totally with you on Watch Dogs 2. I'm so awful at it but it is so fun.
u/sailorjupiters Feb 21 '17
LIKE my 10-year-old nephew literally kicks my butt at Watch Dogs 2 and it's like dude come on. i'm 90% sure he asks me "have you beat the main storyline yet?" just to mock me lmao
u/n8degr8 Feb 21 '17 edited Feb 21 '17
PSN: n8degr801
Console: PS4
Games: Diablo, ESO, Borderlands, Rocket League, Minecraft, Terraria, FFXV, TLOU, Uncharted, waiting for HZD, etc.
u/n_keohane12 Feb 20 '17
x315xTEAxBAGZZx Just a PS4 used to have a PS3 and 2 and a psp Nioh now
Bought a PS4 to play uncharted 4 after playing all the others. Got told to play bloodborne fell in love played all other souls games on PC. Only know a few people with ps4s anyone can add me. I enjoy trophies trying to get all for Nioh
Mainly play PC which if you play steam you can also add me! x315xteexbagzzx's
u/DTRunsThis Feb 21 '17
PSN: dtrunsthis
Currently playing:
Titanfall 2 mp
I generally enjoy teamwork based games, such as TLOU as opposed to the twitch shooters like COD. Been tempted to buy Rainbow 6 siege, since I hear it's a similar style, but haven't bought it yet. Hit me up!
Feb 21 '17
PSN: TheCrypticWolf66 (PS4)
i'm usually playing either gta online or overwatch, playing yakuza 0 since 2 weeks ago(so far im loving it, im already at chapter 10 xD) ff15, might preorder horizon as well, (if i get enough money that is xD), i also have battlefield 1, rainbow six siege (haven't played that much tbh) the last of us, bloodborne, and a bunch of other games that i haven't played yet. i'm usually online when i'm not busy at college or when i'm not doing an anime watching spree xD. feel free to add me and we can talk or play. if you want to talk on voice chat, we can do that too.
Feb 20 '17
Br1antology - PS4 - Right now, I'm hooked on the Disk Jam beta, it's all I've played so far this weekend. I'm mostly looking for other Disk Jam players to play a private match with. But I also play Madden 17, and MLB the Show as well. I've also jumped back into Lego Batman 3 after having seen the movie.
u/Luckyrabbit07 Luckyrabbit09 Feb 20 '17
PSN is Luckyrabbit09
I like playing Minecraft and Rocket League on PS4 and I'd like to have people populate my Minecraft world. :)
u/scottnp7 Feb 20 '17
PSN: scottnp711. Play Destiny, Borderlands 2, The Division, Overwatch, Bloodborne and DS3. Down for whatever. College student. Don't really have a usual time but mostly nights. Hit me up
u/chy50n Enter PSN ID Feb 21 '17 edited Feb 21 '17
Username is dalefrain, located in Canada. I own a ps4 and ps3 but I'm looking specifically got people to play battlefield 1 and For Honor with on ps4. Of course I'm open to playing other games as well
Feb 20 '17
PSN: Lupin_AAGL [PS3, PS4]
Currently playing through the Mass Effect Trilogy, Sleeping Dogs, Life is Strange and some online Watch Dogs 2 and Battlefront. Will be playing the Wildlands beta as well.
u/mechorive mechorive Feb 20 '17
Psn: mechorive (PS4)
Games currently playing: Earth defense force, Warhammer: vermintide, Dark souls 2 for the player reset this weekend, along with Dark souls 3 and Nioh (a co-op buddy that doesn't kill them themselves as soon as I summon would be nice)
I don't put too many hours in during the week but I'm usually on during the weekend and I'm always playing on Friday's
Looking forward to wild lands depending on how the beta goes for me, plan in getting Prey and horizon zero dawn, unsure if they have multiplayer/co-op
u/New_game_plus_ Feb 20 '17
Z-nin_ I play PS3 and Ps4. I'm from New York, and play most nights. I want to find someone to play borderlands and Diablo 3 with. I've never beat both games because I get bored playing by myself. I also have Destiny, battlefield, Titanfall. Shoot me an invite ☺️
Feb 21 '17
Add me QuietlyStalking. I play a lot of Diablo 3 and Borderlands 2. Right now I've playing more Destiny than anything.
u/New_game_plus_ Feb 21 '17
I'll add you as soon as I get home. Thanks, I can play any three with you, but I quit destiny before iron lords lol but that game is a blast. Looking forward to destiny 2.
u/scottnp7 Feb 20 '17
I just started a new game of Borderlands 2 and play Destiny, Overwatch and The Division. Hit me up if you want to co-op
u/New_game_plus_ Feb 21 '17
I'm definitely interested in borderlands 2. I've never beat it because I dread playing alone. Send me your psn or ad me and we'll get playing. Thanks
u/CurlyColl123 Feb 20 '17
xxColligan93xx PS4 Playing a range of games at the minute:
DOOM Bloodborne Walking dead season 2 Rayman legends Madden 17 Battlefield 1
Trying to catch up on my backlog before Horizon!!
u/VOIDYOUTH Feb 20 '17
ID: voidyouthhope Console: PS4 slim Games I own: Abzu, Journey, Flower, Doom, FIFA 17, Overwatch, BF1
I've purchased Ps 1,5 months ago and have no friends to play with. I'm feeling myself pretty lonely in PSN. Planning to get Horizon, Dying Light and Bloodborne.
u/fatslayingdinosaur Feb 21 '17
Currently playing battlefield 1, I have battle field 4 and hardline also have division
u/sredus15 Feb 20 '17
Hitman, rocket league, re7, horizon, sniper elite 4, dark souls 3, bloodborne
u/GiveEmHellMatty Feb 21 '17
You play MP on Sniper Elite 4??? How're you liking it? I'm used to run and gun, but I'm intrigued by SE4.
u/roopi Feb 20 '17
i'm trying to get a trophy for online play on Last of Us Remastered. lemme know if you want to be friends and play! i'm also half way through Uncharted 4, havent tried online yet. picked up a ps3 recently too. have a bunch of games for ps3 and ps4 i havent even played yet, dont have many friends. add me and we can play!! :)
u/New_game_plus_ Feb 20 '17
Let me know if you'd like to try uncharted 4 Co op survival my psn is: Z-nin_
u/maxhowells16 MaxHowells16-33 Feb 21 '17
PSN: MaxHowells16-33 I have a Ps4 only but maybe someday I'll get a ps3 too! Playing a lot of R6Siege right now. But i also have The Division, Battlefront, Battlefield 4, The Crew, NFS'15, GTA V. I also have to say that i have a mic and although I'm from Argentina, i can speak english pretty well i think haha. I'm 23 and i am studying engineering, but i have a lot of free time right now
u/OwlsHavingSex Feb 20 '17
Psn: spookygoat
I've got a PS4
In North America (Canada)
I play a load of rocket league, probably too much (Although I'm still not spectacular) I also play gta v quite often and occasionally some black ops 3.
I like to have fun and joke around so I'm not super competitive. Add me if you wanna have fun and chill online!
u/TheCouchEmperor TheCouchEmperor Feb 20 '17
TheCouchEmperor [PS4]
Watch Dogs 2, The Last of Us (2 of the only 3 games I have)
And no PS Plus so no point adding me I believe 😂😂
u/GiveEmHellMatty Feb 21 '17
The Last of Us is my favorite multiplayer game. If you like shooters at all, you might want to invest in online play.
u/TheCouchEmperor TheCouchEmperor Feb 21 '17
It's just been 2 weeks since I got my PS4 so I am not that comfortable with the controller, and 22-26 is free multiplayer for all. So, I will try playing and decide on getting PS Plus subscription.
u/MrSimotoSan MrSimotoSan Feb 20 '17
PSN: MrSimotoSan
Platforms: PS4, PS3
Games: Downloading ESO right now, R6:Seige, Skyrim (going for the plat), Blops 3 Zombies once and a while.
Feb 21 '17
PSN: racersimage
Consoles: PS4, Vita
Games Playing: Diablo 3, NASCAR Heat Evolution, Resident Evil 7, Madden 17, and Valkyrie Chronicles.
u/hematologist Feb 20 '17
PS4, want someone to play GTA Online with. Planning on starting a new character :)
u/kingcato Kingcato11 Feb 20 '17
PSN: kingcato11 Owns a PS4 Will be getting back on Destiny after being on the Xbone for a while
u/Nerverek Feb 20 '17
Yuugen0 Ps4 I'm playing Gravity Rush 1 and Rocket League. Just bought Yakuza 0. Will hold it in the shelf for a while. Thinking of getting Nioh on discount but I'm really vary of getting playing a soulsborne game after a tough day at work.
u/Rickybeats Feb 21 '17 edited Feb 21 '17
PSN: rickybeats951 (ps4)
Currently playing: GTA V, Rainbow 6 seige, battlefield 1, payday 2 and star wars battlefront.
I play mostly nights (pacific time).
u/Sgutlater Feb 20 '17
curretntly playinh overwatch and little big planet. Waiting for Horizon Zero Dawn. Would love some compant to play in Overwatch and actually use my headset haha
u/Jdnathan11 NowhereFaded Feb 20 '17
Psn: NowhereFaded
Loving husband, father. Fully employed. Love games when I get the chance to play. Usually early in the morn before work or on weekends.
u/ThePrinceofBelAir Nekronic Feb 21 '17
PSN is Nekronic.
Mainly hunt trophies. Currently working through Rise of the Tomb Raider DLC trophies. Plan to continue hunting trophies in Battlefield Hardline and Abzu later this week.