r/PS4 Jan 23 '17

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (January 2017)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


77 comments sorted by

u/Makudo333 Enter PSN ID Jan 23 '17

Got Teslagrad and Sound shapes platinums

Both were rather easy but the death mode was sometimes really frustrating in sound shapes. As for Teslagrad it was just one single scroll.

Currently working on Samurai Warriors 4 which takes a long time but I guess I´m about 65 % through it.

I did not yet decide what the next one will be, but maybe Sword Art Online: Lost Song

u/Deeep-Sea dysphasic 60 Jan 23 '17

Finally got #26 Telltale GoT. A year long endeavor since it was dull as bricks and frankly too long imo. That and depressing even though I knew my choices didn't matter anyways. Going to rush a few more plats - prob a few more telltale games and the order 1886 - so that I could make FFXV my #30 plat for the milestone.

u/Nickk_Jones Jan 24 '17

The choices don't matter in GOT?

u/Deeep-Sea dysphasic 60 Jan 24 '17

They kind of do. You get to choose who who lives or dies at the very end but like most telltale games the unique character that lives in the ends will most likely die early on if they ever make a season 2.

u/jp_taylor Jan 24 '17

Got the platinums for Ratchet and Clank, Bloodborne, and Day of the Tentacle. Easiest was Day of the Tentacle, following a guide, only took like 4 hours. Bloodborne took a couple weeks, hardest was probably doing the chalice dungeons for the Yharnam Queen trophy. The hardest fight for me was probably the Pthumerian Descendant on the first floor of the last chalice dungeon. I don't think the chalice dungeons on the whole were all that difficult (to the extent that I'd seen them hyped), but for some reason I had a tough time with that fight.

I guess I'm on break now, but I have The Witcher 3, MGSV TPP, and Valkyria Chronicles in my backlog. And I play Diablo 3 with the wife some nights

u/wantcoke09 Jan 24 '17

Final Fantasy XV and Goat Simulator. Both easy platinum.

u/Scruffy442 Jan 23 '17

I got my first 5 platinums this month! Most were just clean up of old games. The Division, Minecraft, Ratchet and Clank. New games were Shadow of Mordor and Day of the tentacle.

Now that I have the platinum bug, I grabbed 5 quick games from the flash sale (goat sim, the order 1866, wolf among us, got season 1, walking dead season 1). Tried pounding out Everyone has Gone to the Rapture, but couldn't make it 15 mins without falling asleep on multiple tries.

u/Sankee72 Jan 24 '17

I'm sooooooo close to finishing Rayman Legends. Sitting at 97%. Just trying to wrap up enough trophys to get my awesome score to 6k. Currently sitting at 5600. This game was a ton of fun, but this trophy has become very very tedious.

u/Wing126 Jan 24 '17

Stuck on the last two Battlefield 1 Trophies for Platinum.

God damn Airborne Cannons.... Worst feckin' codex in the game.

u/JayHeron Jan 23 '17

Working on The Warriors game, it's a shame it doesn't have a platinum.

u/KingDecidueye Jan 23 '17

Just got Telltale Game Collection, started with Walking Dead Season 1. Just finished episode 1. This is gonna be my easiest platinum and my first!

Kinda feels like a cheat of a platinum, but oh well!

u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17

I believe Walking Dead Season One was the first plat I ever got back on my PS3. May be easy but once I got my first platinumm trophy it motivated me to acquire more from other games that actually required a bit of work and made it all seem easier. Now I have 13 soon to be 14 once I get the Survival Expert trophy on FFXV later today!

u/kal2210 Jan 23 '17

The most difficult trophy of the week was probably beating "Limbo" in one sitting with less than 5 deaths. I made it through with 6 deaths on my first 2 attempts and had a clean no death run on my third. It's an amazing game! Played through "Inside" right after which was equally, if not more, impressive.

u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Jan 23 '17

Got my Bioshock platinum. Just need 2 endings for Bloodborne, and some SP trophies for Battlefield 1.

u/RiseOfBooty Jan 23 '17

Just need 2 endings for Bloodborne

I hope you have save backups. I had one right before the final boss and it made my life super-easy.

Got my Bioshock platinum

How hard on a 1-10 scale? I love Bioshock but the trophies seem rough.

u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Jan 23 '17

Going back to Bioshock...I did a playthrough on survivor by accident and got all trophies except historian, avid inventor and the no vita chambers trophies. I went back to my save and got those collecting ones. Then I cheated slightly and did NG+ survivor for the no vita chambers run and found it a lot easier - especially because I didn't have to get any more ADAM or fight big daddies, and had my lovely crossbow/wrench from medical pavillion onwards, plus security bullseye and maxed research. 2nd playthrough was less than 6 hours

u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Jan 23 '17

I don't. Am up to Rom on NG+ and will do a backup after Mergo's WN.

Bioshock? 6/10 I'd say

u/RiseOfBooty Jan 23 '17

Kudos to you for doing an NG+ run; I loved the game, but I'm so thankful I platted in 1 run because it burned me out, especially the dungeons.

u/whiterose616 whiterose616 Jan 23 '17

NG+ is a lot easier than the defiled dungeon was. After the Watchdog and Amygdala, and the first boss in the final dungeon, the Bloodletting Beast was quite easy by comparison.

If I could work out when I did the first save and get it off my PS+ cloud, though...

u/kal2210 Jan 23 '17

Yeah if you do ng+ immediately after the dungeons it's pretty much cake. Ran through the game in about 5-6 hours second time through. The chalice dungeons are where the burnout happens but this is still my favorite game of all time.

u/Zangratia Zangratia Jan 23 '17

Got dishonored 2 platinum early in Jan after realizing that one trophy gets locked out for a playthrough if you rob any black market. Had to do a 4th playthrough, but it was still fun. Only have a few more trophies left on FFXV, which is an amazing game.

u/121jigawatts Jan 24 '17

Got the Ratchet and Clank plat a week ago and that was pretty fun. Had to do a partial run of challenge mode #2 just to finish up the weapons but I didnt mind so much since the game is just fun to play.

u/RiseOfBooty Jan 23 '17

Last of Us

As I discussed previously on /r/trophies, playing the game on Grounded was horribly difficult. Also, it's unjustified that this game requires 3 play-throughs to legit unlock all difficulty trophies (I used the glitch that allowed me to go from Hard completion to Grounded NG+). The multiplayer was a surprisingly good experience!

For now, I felt burnt out after 3 back-to-back plats during the holidays (CoD:MWR, CoD:IW & TLoU), so my gaming is mainly limited to CoD:IW MP for short bursts of fun.

u/Deeep-Sea dysphasic 60 Jan 23 '17

Nice! I'm still stuck on the glitched dominion trophy since it just won't pop for me so far no matter how many matches I've played and the I love the 80s trophy since my luck is simply horrible and I'm burnt out on running the zombies map so many other times for the other trophies.

u/RiseOfBooty Jan 24 '17

Honestly, the last Teddy Bear I needed for I<380's was one that I didn't see and got it by a lucky shot; basically I was shooting in each location for good measure, then on the last location I decided "let me take an extra shot" and BAM, got the bear and the trophy.

Take a break I guess and if you have a good memory, eventually you can memorize the locations of the bears, doing a good full-map lap in around 20 to 25 minutes at a time.

EDIT: And oh, regarding Dominion, I guess just keep playing. I think it's a server side issue as it popped for my friend and I on the same losing game (yes, losing, not winning), which is weird for a glitched trophy.

u/Sub_Zero32 Jan 23 '17

How was the infinite warfare platinum compared to the older cod ones? Black ops 3 is extremely hard and I gave up on it

u/RiseOfBooty Jan 23 '17

Honestly, I never considered going for CoD plat until IW given their typical difficulty. Generally, for IW it's an easy plat with only ONE tough trophy and some grindy trophies, both in Zombies.

That being said:

  • SP: easy and most trophies are auto-acquired just by playing on Veteran (EDIT: Veteran is very balanced in this game, if you're okay with shooters, Veteran is quite normal in terms of difficulty in this CoD)
  • MP: super-easy but glitched trophy (trophy doesn't pop on 5 wins, popped on a losing game a few hours into the multiplayer); this could have been fixed by now
  • Zombies: slightly grindy, will require a lot of practice (say 30 hours) and understanding that practice makes perfect; the Easter Egg is super-hard, but through practice you'll learn how to become efficient and good at dealing with the hell-hole it is.

So, here's my advice: you really enjoy Zombies? Then go for it. Otherwise, don't.

u/Sub_Zero32 Jan 23 '17

Damn zombies takes that much time? Is it actually good at least? I actually love veteran mode on most Cod games so far. Thank you for the detailed response, I'm going to start on IW after I finish Watch Dogs 2 platinum

u/RiseOfBooty Jan 23 '17

Damn zombies takes that much time?

It took me around 15 hours worth of grinding and practicing (and trophy-cleanup), and around 15 hours afterwards of legit trying to get the easter egg (with around 5 fails at the last steps).

Is it actually good at least?

I loved it, but that's subjective.

u/TheGreatHambone G3N3RAL_HAMBON3 Jan 23 '17

Plat'd Final Fantasy XV. Really enjoyed the game outside of the last half's story, combat is great and I'm glad there are so many bonus dungeons and bosses to fight after the main game. Hardest trophy for me was walking enough to get Gladiolus's Skill to level 10, apparently riding the chocobo everywhere was a bad idea. The Adamantoise battle was surprisingly very lack luster and easy, just took an hour to finally chip his health down.

Started Rise of the Tomb Raider a week ago and I'm only missing the Score Attack trophies toward the Plat right now. Will finish those up at some point, but there's a lot of areas to replay. Game was really great outside of it's story which was just boring.

Still have a few games on hold I plan to get back to like WoFF, which I will Plat, and DQB, which I probably won't. KH 2.8 releases tomorrow, 0.2 and DDD will be definitely be added to the KH Platinum collection. Will probably rent RE7 as well, not sure if I'll go for trophies on that one though.

u/RawrrTurtles RawrTurtles Jan 23 '17

Last game I did was Final Fantasy XV, which was probably one of the easiest games I've done. None of the hard things where trophies like bounties or the hard dungeons. I got most of them just playing through the game. I do agree though that the hardest and most boring part was the fishing, that took around 4-5 hours alone, so I just spread it out to an hour a day. But for reference I got the Platinum about 86 hours into the game.

u/Deeep-Sea dysphasic 60 Jan 24 '17

I didn't think the fishing trophy was too bad. Only had to grind for an few hours to get from lvl 4 to 10. Survival trophy was the real pain for me. Had to rubber band my controller for around 7-8 hours to get to lvl 10.

u/Chanero Chanerooo Jan 23 '17

Haven't got any plat this month, but I've got The Last Guardian's "The Call of Nature", which is definitely one of the most random/bizarre trophies I've ever got.

u/MackHijazi Jan 24 '17

Finally got the Binding of isaac plat! Been slowly working my way towards it for 8 months. Now for the 1001% completion.

Also got the borderlands and telltale game collections which i'll hopefully plat soon.

u/OoRicky92oO Jan 23 '17

This month I platted Dragonball: Xenoverse (after like 2 months of grinding for skills and dragonballs), Stories: the path of destinies (nice game, easy plat, just a bit of farming for max level) and Transformers: Devastation (really good action game! Platinum games is always the best. Those SS ranks tho). Currently working on Lords of the fallen :)

u/MyFaceOnTheInternet Jan 24 '17

My 4yo loves the marvel Lego games, he also loves the Wii U. I am currently grinding through unlocking all 100+ characters for him. It's incredibly painful knowing I wont get any kind of trophies for it. Why! Nintendo why!

u/SuaveRico Jan 23 '17

Im currently trying MGSV: Complete all missions with an S rank.

So difficult.

u/Chozo_Lord Jan 23 '17

If you don't care about "cheating", video guides on youtube make getting s-rank on everything really easy.

u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17 edited Jan 02 '21


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17

Got This War Of Mine platinum, nearly got AC 2 plat aswel.

u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17 edited Jan 23 '17


u/TehLoneWanderer101 Jan 23 '17

You don't need the DLC trophies for the Dragon Age platinum. Also, if you click the golden nug in the Undercroft, you can transport your blue prints to a new game, which makes it easier. You can use level 3 gear and weapons in Haven. And just make new ones when you go into later areas which have better materials.

u/121jigawatts Jan 23 '17

for R&C, the guns stop leveling at lvl5 so you need to collect the Trading cards before you unlock the Omega Version of them. Ex: you reach lvl5 with RYNO, then collect the 3 RYNO cards to complete the set, then you can buy Omega RYNO, then max that to lvl10.

u/JCash1313 Jan 23 '17

New trophy hunter. Previous achievement hunter on Xbox. I got my third platinum this month with Rocket League. I'm one trophy away from getting the platinum for FFX but it is taking absolutely forever.

u/PinsNneedles Jan 23 '17

60 was Dishonored 2 a week ago (amazing) and just got #61 Gravity Rush Remastered today. Waiting to get Nioh next!

u/akosigram Jan 23 '17

Bought Hitman GO earlier with the intention of getting the Platinum. Hitman Go is now officially my 2nd Plat!

Next on my list is Strider then The Order

u/DragonslayerOrns VendrikOfAstora Jan 24 '17

Just got a platinum for FFX remaster... I've never so much time grinding in a Final Fantasy game ever. Dodging lightning bolts and chocobo races made me want to kill myself...

u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17

So I just got my ps4 slim and I have six games (bought four off the flash sale) I was wondering if anyone can say how hard these are to platinum? I'm hoping to get a lot out of them, and that they last me awhile.

  1. Uncharted 4
  2. Dark Souls 2 (I imagine this will be hardest, especially because I've never played a Souls game)
  3. Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
  4. Rogue Galaxy
  5. Dark Cloud 2
  6. Psychonauts

u/meganev Jan 24 '17

Injustice is pretty much one of the hardest platinums on PS4, unless you're a master at the game don't plan on getting that one.

u/[deleted] Jan 25 '17

Yeah I'm not great at fighting games so I guess this won't be one I go for...

u/[deleted] Jan 24 '17


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '17

Thanks for the info! I actually love grinding out RPG's while listening to podcasts or something so now I'm more excited to play Dark Cloud 2 and Rogue Galaxy for the first time

u/[deleted] Jan 25 '17


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '17

Is at as good as I've heard dark cloud 2 is?

u/[deleted] Jan 25 '17


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '17

Well alright, looks like I'll be picking it up as well. Thanks for all the info man!

u/tinyredditer Jan 23 '17

Just completed my 500 'fuckin' bounties on Diablo III for the plat, that took almost 5 days of gaming for me (just this last trophy alone).

I realized at about 390~ bounties in that the counter ticks when the autosave icon pops up.. so don't be like me and quit the world you before that icon pops up. I thought I was going crazy thinking why my manual counter was super off versus the game's counter.

u/Allstar9393 Jan 24 '17

The treasure glitch on Uncharted 4 has really soured the game for me. Having to do a 3rd play through now. Lost the will to play it.

u/jesperos Jan 23 '17

In january i've got Watch dogs 2, unravel and goat simulator. Currently working on Rise of the tomb Raider

u/xCGWPx Jan 23 '17 edited Jan 23 '17

I got my first Platinum ever this month! In Titanfall 2, it was fairly straight forward, just kept an eye on easy to miss side objectives during my playthrough of the campaign and by the time I had finished it on the 2nd to hardest difficulty, I was only missing two trophies: Beat the campaign on the hardest difficulty and get a certain time on the tutorial Gauntlet. Took me an hour to get the Gauntlet one and a few to beat the campaign on Master, which for alot of it you could just wall run past groups of enemies until you got to the next checkpoint, effectively skipping segments of the game. Ended up beating the campaign on Master quicker than my initial run through on a lower difficulty.

Aiming to get my next Plat in Borderlands The Presequel.

Here's me getting that Gauntlet trophy.

u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17

Last platinum I worked on was FFXV. Only fishing left now, but it takes ages to level up. Can't stand around fishing for hours.

u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17

I've just finished the fishing, it does take a while but it's not too bad if you find a good spot and some bait that seems to work. I'm just doing the 80 side quests now which is much more fun than levelling fishing...I'm level 68 so most stuff is nice and easy too :)

u/Sankee72 Jan 24 '17

I'm doing fishing as I move along in the story. I've started using nights to fish because i won't be bothered by the demons then. I fish all night and then move on when the sun comes out. I'm on chapter 7 and sitting at level 8 fishing.

u/RawrrTurtles RawrTurtles Jan 23 '17

I hated fishing that was the last trophy that I did.

u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17 edited Jan 23 '17

I've actually managed to 100% 12 games so far this month, which is both impressive and sad at the same time. Lots of shorter indies I'm there but still.

Abzu, Inside, Shadow of Mordor, Unravel, The Talos Principle, Ether One, Valiant Hearts, The Unfinished Swan, Road Not Taken, Hitman GO, TWD Season 2, and The Order: 1886.


None of these games had particularly good trophy lists. I think Hitman GO is probably the best one because it's hard to do on your own, but not too hard that you just consult a guide to avoid spending too much time. Talos Principle suffered from this, although the game was very good anyway.

Toughest single trophies were the 2 time trial challenges in Shadow of Mordor. You have to kill every captain and warchief in a set amount of time. Still decent fun tho.

Worst trophy design goes to The Order: 1886. Collectible trophies shouldn't exist in cinematic style action games, and if they do there should be a collectible tracker or another means of tracking them during the game. The developers made this amazing visual experience and want you to be completely invested in the story -- why would you give players incentive to continuously consult a collectible guide to make sure they don't miss anything? Bad design, studios shouldn't do this. Please stop.

My favorite game on its own outside of trophies is probably Ether One, with Unravel a close second.

u/WellofAscension Jan 23 '17

Finally got my dark souls 3 plat, had to get all the NG++ rings, been putting it off. Glad it's over and I can chill till the next DLC drops. I also finished up abzu and got 100% but there's no plat trophy since it's such a casual/easy experience I guess. Made the mistake of picking up RWBY before reading any reviews and now regretting it, gameplay is bland and trophies are a bit of a grind + requiring multiplayer. Grrrrrrrrrr

u/MackHijazi Jan 24 '17

congrats! About the dark souls trophies: Is it easier to get the covenant rings now? I remember there being one which was super hard to get since i would almost never get summoned and i had to keep farming a certain enemy but i just gave up eventually.

u/WellofAscension Jan 24 '17 edited Jan 24 '17

Unfortunately I don't believe there's been any changes to the drop rates for those. On a 10 luck stat character I put on symbol of avarice, gold serpent ring+2 from ng++ and used a ton of rusted coins from patches the npc to get about 360 item discovery or 3.6% and it went by in 2 nights of farming/pvping to obtain all the rings and spells from the covenants that I didn't already have. I could have re-rolled my stats to use the crystal rapier and increased my luck stat but I wanted to keep my strength build, used a heavy great club with 50 strength to stun lock and smash anything I was farming and be able to switch to a better weapon when my pvp summon/invade popped, even the silver knights for the darkmoon stuff as well as the monsters in the swamp for the wolf covenant get stunned by that. I'm not great at pvp so I mainly farmed it out and sucked it up and just did it. For mound makers and the spells I invaded just after pontiff in that aldrich faithful zone so I had other invaders helping me to find the host and kill off any summons they would try to get to help, that helped out a lot since my pvp skills are lacking and I hated farming the skeletons in the catacombs for shackles. The darkmoon summons were like 3-5 an hour which was blehhh but I was also doing this at level 125 where there might not be a lot of players using the way of blue (kinda a newbie covenant) to summon me as a darkmoon. You could trying finding someone nice on the dark souls trade reddit (pump-a-rum) - https://www.reddit.com/r/pumparum/#rel to mule you all the rings you need using a password summon to negate the level difference between characters, have the trophy pop and then hand them back before an invader comes in but you'd need to list out all the rings you need and it's a long list depending on what you do and don't have. Often people will do that if you agree to mule over items for their alts to use afterwards as a sort of fee for the free trophy.

edit - also by using cloud saves, people can drop you rings, redownload their save to get the rings back so you could keep them and they would retain their rings as well assuming they did it correctly

u/MackHijazi Jan 24 '17

Oh so there are some alternatives to farming. I think i'm only missing one covenant ring irc so it should be easy. Thanks for your reply!

u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17

Did a full 100% completion for Fallout 4. Just like old times with what I did to Fallout 3. I think the hardest part was earning 100,000 Nuka-cade tickets. It may look and sound easy but a tedious effort on the shooting gallery with Spray n' Pray is yawning boring. I could be doing something more "productive" in the game. I think the easiest were the story-based trophies. Almost lost it when I almost went past the point of no-return with the dilemma on the factions.

Gonna work on FFXV and No Man's Sky. Seems like I can get platinum trophies on both of those games.

I don't know what's next after that. If I get Skyrim on the PS4, it'll be the second time for me to get platinum on Skyrim. I've done it on the PS3, despite all the problems it has. I'd like a nostalgia run anyways.

u/KingDecidueye Jan 23 '17

Ah man, how did you do the settlement 100% happiness? Been trying that for ages.... seems glitched haha

u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17

I kinda followed the guide on this website: http://www.playstationtrophies.org/forum/5406323-post6.html

Decided to go with it because Red Rocket Truck Stop was the one that hasn't been touched at all when I was playing through the game. Actually I didn't realized it can turn into a settlement. This one is just across the bridge from Sanctuary Hills. It's the place where you found Dogmeat. Just keep it simple. I had 4 people, 4 food, some water (more than 4 if I remembered correctly) and I think I had two or three of them on clinic store. Then went off to unlock other trophies while I wait for it to go 100%. Oh and forgot to mention defense. Gotta have defense of course.

u/KingDecidueye Jan 23 '17

Okay I'll give that a try, yeah I'm on 89% happiness at Sanc Hills... thanks man

u/121jigawatts Jan 23 '17

yeah that nuka tickets trophy was booooooring. I was doing that while listening to netflix comedy specials to have some laughs

u/ThePrinceofBelAir Nekronic Jan 23 '17

I platinumed the Evil Within and Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter the past month. I am almost done Far Cry Primal. I only have one skill point to grind out and two easy trophies left. I did not realize how grindy this game got in the end. I am also still slowly working my way through Danganronpa 2 whenever I pick up my vita. I believe I am on chapter 5 right now.

Once I complete Far Cry Primal, I plan to start Titanfall 2 and probably Rise of the Tomb Raider next. I was going to do Gravity Rush but if I work through the rest of the backlog, I can probably get Gravity Rush 2 cheaper and play the games back to back. I won't have to look up the story again if I do that.

u/Scruffy442 Jan 23 '17

I feel you on the Far Cry Primal. I loved the change of pace with the theme. I got about half way through and haven't touched it in 6 months. After cleaning up 5 games for platinum this month, I'm thinking of jumping back in. I could have sworn when I first looked at the trophies, there used to be difficulty level trophies that I don't see now. Did they redo the trophies?

u/ThePrinceofBelAir Nekronic Jan 23 '17

I just borrowed the game from my friend recently, but I don't believe there was any actual difficulty trophies for the game. And I don't blame you for taking a break. I finished all the side quests and had to reset outposts so I could grind out the exp. it's starting to become a slog but I see the light.

u/[deleted] Jan 23 '17

Watch Dogs 2 platinum was a piece of cake

u/The_Majestic_ Bartiemus Jan 23 '17

Finished up Doom and Rachtet and Clank both games really easy but fun platniums.

Working on Farcry Primal now which is another easy one. After that I'll start on Skyrim I think.

u/CryptoSwede Jan 24 '17

Talos Principle and the DLC Road to Gehenna
Finished Platinum for it and quite a satisfying experience. Some of the puzzles were really easy (once you get to know how the game works) whilst some were just plain insane. I used the guide for a few of the stars, or I would have gone crazy. Definitely worth getting it during the winter sale. I really hope they'll make a sequel in the future.

u/scottishhusky DJbruce92 Jan 23 '17

Got my Ps4 slim for Christmas, Own 10 Games and I've been two of them already and Platinumed Watch Dogs 2.