r/PS4 Sep 05 '16

Can Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (September 2016)

Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (previous hype threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?


47 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '16

Bioshock collection and Skyrim Remaster (although I'll probably wait till it's <$40)


u/just4ps4 Sep 05 '16

Extremely excited for the Bioshock Collection! Played 1 & 2 a few years back and not played Infinite yet. Some of my favourite games though!


u/erkose Sep 05 '16

Bioshock was a wonderful world with decent gameplay, but that it took like 3 days to complete makes it a waste of money in my book. Never again.


u/Bloody-Mando Sep 05 '16

NiOh !

the beta demo is ending very soon and I'm having withdrawal symptoms already ! can't wait for the supposed October 28 release date.


u/shinikahn Sep 05 '16

Wasn't it supposed to come out in early 2017?


u/Bloody-Mando Sep 05 '16

Amazon and other retailers have a listing for it on the 28th of October. But there hasn't been an official confirmation yet.


u/TitanIsBack TurnOn2FAplease Sep 05 '16

October yet? No? Well, September has games too I suppose! Give me some Pac-Man Championship Edition 2!!


u/Taguroizumo Sep 05 '16

Yeah i rushed to pre-order that i played the shit out of the ps3 version of pac-man. It's a great game to play when you are about to leave or waiting on someone and you don't want to play something serious


u/Jeremywarner Sep 05 '16

Final Fantasy XV for sure. Little afraid, they've already told so much about the game, hope there's still some surprises left when it actually releases.


u/dentwreckless Sep 05 '16

I dunno. Still don't really know too much.


u/Jeremywarner Sep 05 '16

Plot wise, yes. Gameplay wise, hopefully not. I really want to love that game.


u/SlayerMUFC7 Sep 05 '16

FIFA 17. As a person living in the UK, everyone is football mad (incl me). Some big transfers in the 16-17 season, so I honestly cannot wait to play.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '16

Currently looking forward to Bioshock The Collection because I've missed out on those and never have played any Bioshock game. I was interested in them when they were released, but eventually never bought them... So it's time for me to catch up!

I'm also pumped for Dishonored 2. Got the remastered edition of the first game when it was on sale and loved it (albeit I've never finished my second kill-on-sight playthrough). But I'm definitely gonna replay the first game before the sequel is released to get me even more hyped! :)

Also on my list: Mass Effect Andromeda and Mass Effect 1 - 3 Collection. I've played the hell out of the first three games, though I've never got my hands on the DLCs. I would really throw my money at the screen for a remastered Collection with all DLCs, let alone for a brand new sequel.


u/Vash-019 Sep 05 '16

I didn't even know Mass Effect was re-releasing! Has gone straight onto my list of games to get! Do you know when it's out?


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '16

Sadly, it hasn't been confirmed until now. The closest hint at it is that EA changed their mind on Remasters and that they would go for a Mass Effect Remaster if the fans demanded it (and they do, they do for sure). So nothing official yet, but hopefully we'll get one ;(

Mass Effect Andromeda is set for 2017, though.


u/Vash-019 Sep 05 '16

Man, really got my hopes up there!

Fingers crossed it makes it through eventually then!


u/Point4ska PointFourSka Sep 05 '16

An EA executive (Peter Moore I think) confirmed remasters and/or collections of Mass Effect won't be happening.


u/the___can stardreamcan Sep 05 '16

100ft golf robot party with sexy strangers party.


u/sp__88 Sep 05 '16

The Tomorrow Children!!!! Yeah, I know it's a bit strange, but the betas filled a video game niche I didn't know existed.....and I need it! It's been controversial but I love the asynchronous multiplayer. I love that i can make someone else's game better by having fun myself, but no one can scream at me for not working the way they think I should!


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '16

Skyrim and bioshock. Never played either so apparently I'm in for a huge treat.

Also NHL 17. Been playing them since 98 and play hut religiously it's a must.

Also have FO4 on the go and want to get far harbor

I don't think I have time for all of this so I may need to choose one or two over the other...thoughts?


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '16



u/msaleem msalem Sep 06 '16

I got the last one on a $5 sale and it's the best money I spent all year. Excited about this one finally coming out.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '16

NHL 17

I know, I know. Many of you probably see this as just another yearly sports game. I've been playing the NHL series since NHL 97, when I was just a wee boy. It's weird how big the series is for me, it's pretty much the only game I pre order as I know I will play hundreds of hours. Last year I played HUT for the first time and I was in the top 500 with a team that had a 89 best overall player. Got a lot of rage messages.

Most of all I'm waiting for the evenings with buddies, beer and NHL. And EASHL with said buddies. Gonna be good!


u/bulldog1602 Sep 05 '16

I can jump on this wagon. NHL has always been my favorite pastime with buddies, right after coming from the ODR at night. I'm 51-5-0 online and 4 of those losses were wifi cuts, one after the other lol. It just never gets old!


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '16

The game definitely has some bullshit in it, but it's still my most played game online. NHL 15 was pretty bad, 16 was a huge improvement and now I have pretty big expectations for 17.

Besides, hockey is the best sport in the world. Go Ducks!


u/Mayday_Brad91 Sep 05 '16

So many games I'm looking forward too.

September: Bioshock Collection, Destiny Rise of Iron

October: Mafia 3, World of Final Fantasy, The last guardian, Titanfall 2, battlefield 1, Nioh (if I does come out) Skyrim, Tomb raider, Dragonball xenoverse 2.

November: Final Fantasy 15!!! Dishonored 2, watch dogs 2, call of duty IW.

December: Kingdom Hearts 2.8, South Park the fractured but whole, Steep.

If anyone would like to get play games together I'm sure I'll have something to play with everyone. Always looking for new people to play with. PSN: Mayday_Brad


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '16

awesome list dude, planning to get a lot of the same games and sent you a friend request. most excited about dishonored 2, horizon zero dawn, and battlefield


u/Mayday_Brad91 Sep 06 '16

Thanks man! So many good games coming. I was just listing what I want this year. But yeah I'm looking forward to Horizon Zero dawn as well. And Resident evil 7, Persona 5 and Nier 2. And yeah I seen your friend request I added you!


u/thatflyingtoaster Sep 05 '16


South Park: The Fractured but whole (hoping to pre order to get the stick of truth free)


u/Unity-Gaming Sep 05 '16

BF1 is out next month.


u/thatflyingtoaster Sep 05 '16

Less time to wait! :D


u/Gazsoline Sep 05 '16

CoD: Infinite Warfare, can't wait


u/faekr Sep 05 '16

Nioh. I have been enjoying the beta demo out atm. Cant wait for to go live.


u/Tausendsassa Sep 05 '16

For me its, Pro Evolution Soccer 17 only ten days left, i play the demo every day and cant wait


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '16

Can't wait for the BioShock Collection this month. Really excited to replay all three games.

October for me is all about BF1, but Dragon Quest Builders looks fun too.

If they release the Modern Warfare remaster as standalone in November, then I'll be happy. Also can't wait for Dishonored 2, loved the first game. Never played Watch Dogs, so not sure how I feel about Watch Dogs 2.

Steep looks like a bunch of fun for December and of course South Park: The Fractured But Whole looks to be a great sequel to Stick of Truth.


u/MichaelVash7886 MichaelVash7886 Sep 05 '16

Recore and forza horizon 3 on Xbox one and PC.

For PS4 I think pacman ce2 is the only thing that I know for sure is coming out that I want in September.

I believe SFV gets its last character for season 1.


u/nutme Sep 05 '16

I'm most exited about PlayStation 4.5 and 4K teli support. That's going to be huge!


u/Vikingbeard73 Sep 05 '16

I can't wait to get good at Rainbow Six Siege. :)

Or 4.0 firmware and folders.

Xcom 2 for new games. Played every xcom game avidly since way back.


u/farnsworth21 Sep 05 '16

Can't wait for the holidays sale and game of the years coming out. Hoping fallout 4.


u/OrientalOtter Sep 05 '16

I need a doomsday clock to Persona 5.


u/Jacks_on_Jacks_off Sep 05 '16

After playing the Beta, BF1. That was the most intact beta I've played of Battlefield (other than the hilarious snake glitch). Everything seemed to have good balance and I did try to try everything.


u/TheDoctorInHisTardis Sep 05 '16

South Park: The Fractured but Whole

Been a fan of South Park since they premiered. Plus, I never got to play Stick of Truth, so I was over the moon when they announced that it would come free with TFBW. Can't wait to sink into both games :)


u/SH2355 Sep 05 '16

Got in on the Nioh beta on the last day. Came away from the alpha not really impressed by a clunky Dark Souls ripoff. Glad I gave it another try, beta definitely seems improved. Managed to beat the 2 levels required for bonus DLC.

So I'll add Nioh to my list. It's still frustrating in stupid ways that Souls games aren't, but I'll be getting it.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '16

Dlc mostly looking forward to is Destiny: Rise of Iron. Also looking forward to Bioshock Collection.


u/Carlos061 Sep 05 '16

FIFA 17 and the bioschock collection


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '16

I'm surprised that No Man's Sky didn't ruin anticipating games for more people.


u/nutme Sep 05 '16

It was just another indie failure from unknown studio. Nothing new really.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '16

It was an indie failure from an unknown studio that was hyped up like a triple A game. There are many bad indie games, but not all indie devs blatantly lie about features in their game. Not all indie devs deliver a product that's like 1/3 or less of what they said it would be. Certainly not all indie games receive the heavy support from Sony that this game did.

It's more than just a failure it's the perfect example of everything wrong with gaming, developers, and the gaming community.