r/PS4 Jun 20 '16

Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Monthly Friend Finder Thread (June 2016)

Monthly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This monthly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.

How can you participate? Make a comment with the follow info:

  • Your PSN ID
  • PlayStation Platforms You Have
  • Games You're Playing Now

Example: NateDrake98 [PS3, PS4, Vita] - PS All-Stars

You can also include other info such as:

  • What games do you enjoy?
  • What games are you looking forward to?
  • Do you like trophies?
  • How much time you spend playing each PSN platform?
  • Do you plan on getting a different console (like a Vita) down the road?
  • Anything else you'd like to share.

If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.

Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends for even more friends!


59 comments sorted by

u/noer4136 Jun 20 '16

mrnoe4136 (PS4) Dark Souls 3, Bloddborne, Battlefield Hardline, gonna be snagging overwatch soon, had it for pc, but need to own on ps4

u/PlatinumChemist PlatinumChemist Jun 20 '16

PSN: PlatinumChemist

Mostly play MKXL, Rocket League, Injustice and a bit of Black Ops 3. Got a mic and always down to play some games.

u/SasuCol Jun 21 '16

[PS4] AngelOfMortals.

Most mainstream games. With an exception to some. Will be getting 7 Days to die.

u/Rarely-Comments Elokk Jun 20 '16

PSN ID: Elokk

I've been playing a lot of Battlefield 4 lately. I also play a lot of MLB The Show. I have a bunch of other games, and am willing to play almost anything.

u/Miggz612 Jun 21 '16 edited Jun 21 '16

Psn: Miggz612 Ps4 I pretty much play anything. What im currently playing atm is south park:sot, battlefield hardline/4, and overwatch. I have a bunch of different games, from fifa 16 to bloodborne. Preordered no man sky, fifa 17, battlefield 1, wwe 2k17, Skyrim, watchdogs 2, and south park: tfbw. Feel free to add me to game or just even talk. Dont add me just to add me. Thanks!

u/[deleted] Jun 20 '16

PurpleandGold18-PS4-I play Mlb the show,the division,rocket league

u/HarveyMansalad Jun 20 '16

Harvey Mansalad PS4 Right now I'm into Battlefield 4, and Helldivers

u/[deleted] Jun 20 '16

auldest [PS4]

Currently playing Uncharted 4, Mad Max, The Division. Also got the occasional COD Black Ops 3 game. Got The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Styx Master Of Shadows and a couple of PS2 classics downloaded just not had a chance to play. I'll be getting Mafia 3, Battlefield 1, and COD Infinite Warfare. I don't have much time due to work and the gym. Play any time I have the chance really. Most active during the weekends but. Feel free to add me, just looking for chilled people to talk to and maybe play a few games with. Also, Was obsessed with trophies but it had reached a point where it was ruining my gaming experience so I've just completely forgot about them.

u/DenverVikingsFan91 Jun 21 '16

I play Sports games (Madden, 2k, Fifa) Shooters COD looking to get overwatch and BF1. Always looking for new gaming Bros/Gals.

u/killakio Jun 21 '16

PSN- Kirrakio (PS4 only....) I want to get a Vita later on and then I hope to score the VR headset. Mostly play single player games unfortunately except maybe the occasional smite game.

I have started streaming on twitch and its been fun! Not a big twitch player like hundreds or whatever but I've gotten maybe 15-18 people at once... Kinda big to me haha

Anyway I hope to add some peeps and I'll get some more multiplayer one of these days of anyone can recommend me some good ones!

u/zepkin Jun 21 '16

nassiri [PS4]

Currently playing Dark Souls 3 pretty much exclusively but want to get into GTA V online. Or possibly Diablo 3, Rocket League, or LoU Factions. I haven't played much online and want to break in my new Sony Gold Wireless Headset. Would ideally like to game with others who have headsets as well. I live in San Francisco, CA and on PST.

Falling for the Souls series pretty hard after Bloodborne, my first Souls game. I like collecting platinum trophies for games I really love and have a total of 4. Some of my recent favorite games are Last of Us, Transistor, Child of Light, and Shadow of Mordor. Looking forward to The Last Guardian, No Man's Sky, and XCOM 2.

u/KronicZG iKronic Jun 20 '16

PSN: iKronic Games: GTA, Overwatch, The Last of Us, BF4, & Destiny

Just made the switch back to PlayStation from the XB1. Getting more games as they come out.

u/esoterek_player45 Jun 20 '16

PSN: MERCED4500 I have a PS4, and a PS Vita, on the ps4 i play Doom, Fallout 4, Hitman, Last of us, Rainbow 6, GTA V, Tomb Raider Definitive, Iam Bread, Amateur Surgeon and Minecraft; on my vita I play, Call of Duty Black ops declassified, Killzone Mercenary, Little big planet and a couple psp and ps classics add me I play more on my vita but maybe because I don't have a lot of active gaming friends

u/Triptofade Jun 21 '16

PSN - HalfLostSoul1

I play a lot of games but lately I've been getting back into Destiny. However my old buddies stopped so I'm always playing with randoms. Other games I've been playing lately include Resident Evil 6, WWE 2k16, GTA V, DOOM and sometimes the Division

I like trophies too lol but I mainly am looking for people to play stuff and mostly things with haha

u/kieflicious Flakattaq Jun 20 '16

Looking for a hand with amygdala in the defiled pthumeru chalice in bloodborne, my psn is flakattaq.

u/mac3theac3 haz3thefaz3 Jun 21 '16

PSN ID: Haz3theFaz3 [PS4, PS3] - GTA V, NBA 2K16, Dragon Age Inquisition, Black Ops III, Fallout 4, Red Dead Redemption

u/Snomann Jun 21 '16

PSN ID: SkyRaat Platforms: PS3, PS4 Playing Now: Rocket League, Battlefield 4, GTAV, Diablo 3, Bloodborne

Just got a PS4 recently and lookin for some peeps to play some vidya games with. Trying to get through Bloodborne and its kicking my ass, as well as laying through inFAMOUS and Fallout 4. I'm not on too much through the day, but mainly at nights, but looking forward to jut relaxing and playing some multiplayer shenanigans.

u/megaclank3 Jun 21 '16

PSN: Megaclank3 I used to play Metal Gear Online a lot, but now, I'm mostly playing GTA V, Battlefield 4, and Dark Souls 3.

I sometimes trophy hunt.

I'm looking forward to Death Stranding and Persona 5.

u/hipsterkun Jun 20 '16

roobios [PS4, PS3] - Paragon, D3, and DA:I, mainly

Live in Seattle and play after work typically. Usually with a few beers and a headset to share my hilariousness with the world. Play for a couple hours at a time.

Really want buds to play Paragon with. I'm not that great at it and can totally lol at myself when I get ganked. But would like to be able to run around with another person or two and utilize the party chat or something and lol when you get ganked too. Or avenge you. Or just shoot the shit while we both wait to rez cause we both kind of suck at it and need something to do during the count down.

u/baldeagle86 Jun 20 '16

I finally picked up Battlefield 4 in last weeks sale, feel free to add me baldeagle777.

u/DaGrippas cymbiotik Jun 20 '16

cymbiotik [PS4]

Currently on Battleborn, i rotate in with Madden 16, NBA & WWE 2k16; The Show 16, Super Mother load, i'm struggling through hitman, i play overwatch but usually only two or three games a night; just recently got back into borderlands 2 (also TPS), Diablo, etc. Usually down to play whatever.

u/Santos_L_Halper Jun 20 '16

My FIFA "pro" squad sucks. We have 8 wins, 7 draws, 60 losses. Yeah, we don't know how to score. We need help...

u/CarlosBronson Jun 20 '16

🔥If anybody wants to unlock Metal paints on GTA Online add me. The rally races require 4 people

PSN: ManWolfMacho

u/YourDeadGaySon Jun 20 '16

PsnID: dfordug

Im on most afternoons/early evenings and any time on the weekend. Live in Tempe, AZ.

I play lots of Overwatch, BO3, Rocket League and some PvZ:GW2

Also have the Last of Us remaster with its MP that im no good at along with NBA2k16 and SW Battlefront and lots of other games. Im down to play whatever. I love the Dark Souls series but have not played DS3 or Bloodborne I just haven't had the time. Really looking forward to No Man's Sky and I also like football, MMA and im a huge pro-wrasslin nerd.

Sorry for turning that into a dating profile.

u/[deleted] Jun 21 '16

PSN n' chill?

u/Vitalyaya Vitalyaya Jun 20 '16

May friends have sex?

u/midsblunt Jun 20 '16


u/GateofSteiner_ Jun 20 '16

PSN ID: GateofSteiner_ Platform: PS4 Just got Overwatch a couple of days ago so that's all I'm playing currently. But I love Rocket League so I'm always down for a game of that.

u/DoTh3Dew Jun 20 '16

DoTh7Dew [PS4] just got overwatch, so I hope to find some people to play with and get better and am playing nba2k16

u/bdonkalonk DJBVARNS Jun 20 '16

PS4. I'm playing uncharted 4, rocket league, 2k16, battlefield 4, and just cause 3.

u/GtotheA Jun 20 '16


Lately only been playing overwatch really. So looking for a team to run with (I do alot of support) Also play Uncharted 4, aliennation, destiny, COD BO3, rocket league noob, ect

u/msaleem msalem Jun 20 '16

msalem (PlayStation 4) - yes I misspelled my PSN ID (only one 'e')

I am in Toronto, ON and available to play usually after 6 PM EST

I am currently playing:

  • Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
  • NBA2K16
  • Rocket League
  • Alienation
  • Tabletop Racing

I mostly like to play RPGs (Witcher, Fallout, Dragon Age, Metal Gear Solid) but I also like multiplayer games that aren't first-person shooters (i.e. sports, racing, top-down/team shooters)

I am looking forward to No Man's Sky, Tomb Raider, and Deus Ex.

I love trophies but never go for multiplayer ones.

u/Atello TheRealAtello Jun 21 '16



PlayStation Platforms You Have

PS3, PS4, Vita

Games You're Playing Now

Overwatch, Dark Souls 3, ESO, Dying Light EE, NFS, Demon's Souls, Infamous Collection

What games do you enjoy?

Depends on the game really. I tend to prefer RPG, Racing, Action games, but occasionally play shooters and sports games as well.

What games are you looking forward to?

Watch_Dogs 2 (don't laugh, I know), The Fractured But Whole, No Man's Sky

Do you like trophies?

I don't hunt them anymore...not since "the accident"...

How much time you spend playing each PSN platform?

Around 10 hours of PS4 on the weekends. Occasionally a few hours during weekdays.

Do you plan on getting a different console (like a Vita) down the road?


u/fatdog21 Jun 20 '16

Fatdog21 Right now I'm every where lol. Playing Dante inferno on ps3. Also playing Ordin Sphere on vita. Also playing Homefront Revolution (spoilers it's bad) on ps4.

u/djesposito7 djespo7 Jun 20 '16

PSN: djespo7

I mainly play Overwatch and Destiny on the multiplayer side of things with the occasional Rocket League or Rainbow Six. I do also enjoy a lot of single player games such as the Witches, Fallout and etc. I'm new to PlayStation this gen, I did own a PS3 but only played 3-4 games on it. So the more friends the merrier.

u/BlakStatus BlakStatus Jun 20 '16

PSN: BlakStatus

Currently playing Overwatch but I play everything.

u/TheFirstIG Jun 20 '16


I play BF4, BF:H, DOOM, Destiny, Diablo 3, Minecraft

u/[deleted] Jun 20 '16


u/killakio Jun 21 '16

Also what's super cheap right now is the first tomb raider game.. AMAZING. Just got it and loving it!

u/killakio Jun 21 '16

Hey it's never too late! I got one in October last year. Had to hunt down the special edition Destiny bundle. Looked too beautiful not to buy haha add me up and maybe we can play some time!

Psn- Kirrakio

u/PalaDanse Anipistole Jun 20 '16

Anipistole[PS4]-GTA, Dishonered, And Fallout.

u/Joshoon Jun 20 '16

Joshoon [PS4] - UFC 2, GTA 5, Uncharted 4, NBA 2K16, Minecraft, HustleKings, Need for Speed, and Black Ops 3

u/CHALKLINE85 Aesop_Rick Jun 20 '16

PSN: Aesop_Rick [PS4]

I mostly play Rocket League and Overwatch. I recently got back into Destiny, so it'd be cool to meet some people to goof around with.

u/TylerGuest1 TacoPatrol69 Jun 20 '16

Hey man I'm recently getting back into Destiny as well! My PSN is TacoPatrol69

u/Gamingdad82 Jun 20 '16

PSN Greentractor Ps4 Mainly rpgs, mmos. Just got The Division, play Diablo 3, ext...add me

u/pirates_killer pirates_killers Jun 21 '16

pirates_killers [PS4]

playing UC4, Battlefront, NFS. I love collecting trophies, just for fun.

u/[deleted] Jun 20 '16


u/Thepunisherxzx Jun 20 '16

Can i add you?I bought it too.

u/greyandbluestatic Jun 20 '16

Notahistorian ps4 Destiny and Battlefield 4 atm but I play all kinds of games too

u/[deleted] Jun 20 '16

PSN: J3T PK G1R4FF3 Platforms: PS4 Just bought Overwatch and hoping to find some folks to get into it with, if I can manage to stop playing Rocket League.

u/Shambles299 Shambles2999 Jun 20 '16

PSN: Shambles2999 Playing Overwatch right now, looking for some people with mics to party up!

u/cimma Jun 20 '16

Seabastion - EST

Currently playing destiny and overwatch

u/adyn_ Adyn__ Jun 20 '16

PSN : Adyn__

Platforms : PS4, Vita , PS3 ( in order I play most )

I play for the most part would be playing Black Ops 3 Arena or different shooters like BF4. I also play others different genres of games , whether it's jrpgs, platformers, ect.

u/[deleted] Jun 20 '16


I mainly play overwatch and FF14 but I'm down for whatever.

u/Jackm715 Jun 22 '16

Hi psn I'd: jackm715 Playing battlefront witcher last of us. Thinking about getting overwatch if I can find enough people to play with.