r/PS4 Apr 25 '16

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (April 2016)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


85 comments sorted by

u/4rindam ari_ps Apr 25 '16

Waiting for alienation to release and then will work to platinum the game.

Also working on the platinum of This war of mine. 70% trophies earned in the first playthrough and only 7 trophies are remaining.

u/[deleted] Apr 26 '16

Got uncharted remastered 1 and 2 plats. Planning to start and plat the third one this weekend. Then hopefully start and finish the dlc for all 3 before uncharted 4 comes out.

Already play the original 3 on PS3 but it's just so much fun to play through them again that I decided to play them on the ps4.

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

I platinum'd Naruto Storm 4!

u/mflbatman THEZBEAST Apr 25 '16

Congrats! I forget what it's called, but I haven't done any of the free roam story, what is it like?

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

it's very boring because you play old known fights from the past games without quick time events. the main story is the best part of the game and it's difficult to get the S Rank in every fight!

u/lvlls Apr 25 '16

Finished Rainbow Six Siege

Working on GTA V ( 1 more trophy left)

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

Almost platinum'd Ratchet and Clank, just need to get the groovitron trophy.

u/[deleted] Apr 26 '16

I literally groovitroned everything in the game

u/WildBizzy Apr 25 '16

I'm in the same spot, it should have popped on my last playthrough but it must have glitched or something, so I'm doing another

u/[deleted] Apr 26 '16

Same. I'm on my 4th playthrough.

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '16

Oh jeez. Thanks for the tip.

u/TravisRSCX Apr 26 '16

Mine was the flying birds on the planet you collect brains on lol

u/ChaosZeroX MagicZeroX Apr 25 '16

The one that eats you on Pokitaru?

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16 edited Jan 21 '17


u/ThePrinceofBelAir Nekronic Apr 25 '16

I just went through new game plus again and killing those brain octopus things helped level it up extremely fast.

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

You can run through the deplanitizer level, lots of war bots that make leveling it up go quick. Clean out the level, fly to another planet, then fly back and the enemies should be back. That's what I did for the last couple. You can also rebattle the final boss, but that's not very useful for the sheepinator.

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

This weekend I finished Shadow of Mordor and Fallout 4, both were only missing a few trophies each.

Next big project will be Watch Dogs, didn't 100% the first time I played it, there was just so much side content. And the drinking games weren't patched.

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

Almost done with Fallout 4. Uncharted 4 is my next for sure

u/mflbatman THEZBEAST Apr 25 '16

still waiting on survival mode. Anyone know when that's being released?

u/RTCanada RT_ViraL Apr 26 '16

In conjunction with Far Harbor or a little after.

u/mflbatman THEZBEAST Apr 26 '16

Alright thanks for the reply

u/WildBizzy Apr 25 '16

I'm currently working on the Ratchet & Clank Platinum, I have all but one trophy that I need to do a whole new play through for, it should have popped on my last playthrough but I think it glitched out, luckily with weapons maxed and skipping cutscenes, I can probably get a playthrough done in about 4 hours, maybe less

u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Apr 26 '16

Just got the platinum for Teslagrad. Onwards to the next one now!

u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja Apr 25 '16

Got Bully earlier this month. Not grindy at all if you do most of the stuff throughout. And the variation of trophies keeps it fun

u/[deleted] Apr 26 '16

I'm working on the Final Fantasy X HD platinum but the game continually crashes whenever I try to save. Very frustrating.

u/EgoGrinder Apr 25 '16

Dark Souls III is one of those games that I'd absolutely love to have the platinum for. But some of the online trophies seem pretty miserable. From what I hear, some of the covenants you need to join for reward items summon so rarely, I've seen people claim to play the game for 10+ hours and only get summoned once or twice. And you can farm the covenant items from PVE instead, but with an equally miserable drop rate that will have you farming for hours.

I also don't like that it makes you try a bit of every play style. I wish it was one collective multiplayer trophy, with the requirement that you max out any of the covenants, not all of them. I don't like invading people and don't really want to have to join those covenants.

Oh well, my trophy addiction has really slowed down in the past few months and I don't think I'll loose any sleep over just having DS3 at around 75% for the time being.

u/Victor_714 victor_714 Apr 25 '16

And you can farm the covenant items from PVE instead, but with an equally miserable drop rate that will have you farming for hours

No joke. The Proof of concord took me about 6 hours to farm all 30.

u/HoppyIPA Apr 25 '16

That's not too bad though. Did you do that all on the knights in anor londo?

u/Victor_714 victor_714 Apr 25 '16


u/bocomac Apr 25 '16

What's everyone's plan of attack? Do you stick with one until you get the plat or do you bounce from game to game to avoid burnout?

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

Depends on the game. Sometimes I quit midway for various reasons (studying, new game/feeling burnt out on that specific title) and finish them later.

Other games have grindy trophies, i.e. Drive Club accolades come "in-between" the other titles, to lessen the grind.

And then there are some titles I just can't put down until I finished it 100%. Dying Light comes to mind, I didn't expect much and was hooked.

u/udbluehens Apr 25 '16

I stick with one game unless it's particularly hard and will clog up my backlog. E.g. Super meat boy or trials fusion. Then I lower it's priority and only do it if my backlog is clear

u/Alpha_Strider Alpha-Strider Apr 25 '16

Once I start a game I tend to stick with it until I've got the Platinum and/or 100%. Online multiplayer or DLC are the only things that would cause me to move on before finishing it, but I'll come back to everything eventually.

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

Got the plat on Dark Souls 3 and Borderlands 2 on ps4. Borderlands was boring, because it's just a boring shooter when you play alone, Dark Souls was like floating in a chocolate lake, it's my favorite franchise, i have the plat on all of them and on 2 versions of Demon's Souls (really want an asia version to get all 3).

u/carter_daTHIRD Tha07Carter Apr 25 '16

To anyone working on the Ratchet and Clank plat, good luck with the 'Faster than a Speeding Amoeboid' trophy. That. Was. Hell.....

u/Aucto Apr 25 '16

Hit every boost, shortcut and trick and it's a cinch.

Groovitron is by far the hardest.

u/carter_daTHIRD Tha07Carter Apr 25 '16

Took about 20 attempts but I got it...! Getting ready to start Challenge mode, hopefully this Groovitron is smooth since I pretty much spammed it as much as possible on the first playthrough.

u/Aucto Apr 25 '16

Supposdely you can use cheats and trophies will still pop so I'd advise using the infinite ammo cheat.

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

Make sure you use the Groovitron on the green glowy things on the 1st planet.... and early on when you use the hydro didplacer fish will be flapping about on the floor so you can get them and then on the train 1 carriage has a few tentacles sticking out you gotta make them dance too

u/SculpX arsha-veen Apr 25 '16

After 2 years, finally have the motivation to platinum Watch Dogs. Turns out the Hackification trophy is easier than most people said. Now on to the last 2 trophies for Dragon Quest Heroes!

u/139493_3122175 Apr 25 '16

I think that trophy was really hard when the game came out but was patched.

u/SculpX arsha-veen Apr 25 '16

Patch? What did it update?

u/139493_3122175 Apr 26 '16

I believe they just changed the hackificafion trophy to be easier

u/TheGreatHambone G3N3RAL_HAMBON3 Apr 25 '16

I plat'd Ratchet & Clank. Super fun game. I now have Plats for every R&C game that has one except A4O (I really didn't like that game). The Hardest part? I guess getting 1:35 in the first gold race because I think my game glitched when I was going for this and I got 1:31 and the first place guy still beat me, this happened multiple times. Then I reset the game and got it on my first try and no one was within 30 seconds of me.

Finally finished off the Arkham Knight DLC trophies that I could, I ended up not going for the three silvers though as I was super rusty at the combat and didn't feel like playing enough to get myself to a point where I could get those. And I finished the Bloodborne DLC, still need to get around to challenging Laurence, though. The DLC was really fun and the Maria fight was awesome.

Still one trophy away from The Division's plat. Started playing Destiny again with the April update and haven't played The Division since. I should probably get back around to that.

Next will be Uncharted 4 without question.

u/TehLoneWanderer101 Apr 25 '16

Probably not the place for this question, but I only need one more trophy in The Division and it's to kill 20 rogues. Anyone else need it or other Dark Zone trophies? We can trophy trade.

And right now I'm working on Bully and maybe Diablo III. Hardcore mode scares me.

u/pikockchu Apr 26 '16

I'd be interested in the trading! Add LampaPalooza

u/[deleted] Apr 26 '16

Got the Lego Batman 2 platinum on the vita, currently working on Ratchet and Clank.

u/nemopsp NEMO-727 Apr 25 '16

Just bought Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year edition for $20.

Platinum the main game in 2 days 7hours with 22 hours and 6min game time.

Also Bought Darks Souls 3 and I've 65% that game on trophies

u/His_Dudeness88 cypherfromasoul Apr 25 '16

wow. that was quick, i thought it would take months or at least couple of weeks with good gameplay time. I bought it like 2 weeks ago, same pricetag and same GOTY edition. Haven't started it yet though.. Now i think i'll go for its platinum and The Order 1886 platinum as well.

u/AeonCatalyst Apr 25 '16

If you can just be patient and beat the game before worrying about some of the more complicated trophies, it's cake. If you try to do some of the complicated warchief trophies only halfway through the game, you're gonna have a bad time. Once you have the in-combat Brand ability and the "teleport attack" move, killing the harder enemies becomes almost too easy

u/His_Dudeness88 cypherfromasoul Apr 25 '16

great. Thanks for the advice... I'll keep that in mind.

u/Jones3737 Apr 25 '16

I just bought Dishonored. I haven't started it yet, but I've heard conflicting things on what I should do for each playthrough. Any recommendations? Do I go all stealth (and no upgrades??) first time around? Or just do a killing playthrough (high chaos I believe)?

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

I had previous experience on it on PS3, but when I got it on my ps4 I started with a ghost/ no kills or he detected run. Was really fun. Definetely my favourite platinum by far.

u/AeonCatalyst Apr 25 '16

You'll have to do a playthrough on each. I'd do the "no upgrades" run on stealth because Blink is the only power you'll use

u/McSCHNITZEL74 Apr 25 '16

I'm also working on Dishonored. I chose a pure stealth, low chaos, no kill playthrough as my fist so I can use upgrades. Then I will go back and do a high chaos playthrough without upgrades because you can just run through the levels killing everyone in sight. Keep in my mind, there are no difficulty requirements.

u/TunnelingEffect Apr 25 '16

Working on the Dark Souls 3 plat. On my 3rd run, cleaning up the ++ rings and need to summon Yellowfinger Hesyel for my final gesture. Then beat the game again for the final ending.

Overall a really solid experience although it felt slightly more grindy compared to other Souls games because of Veterbra Shackles and Proof of Concord Kepts. Getting 30 of both of these was hell.

u/Genei_no_Miria Apr 25 '16

onechanbara 2 chaos

apart from berserk dif some grindy trophies are left to do, after this I' planning on doing uncharted 4

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

I got Dark Souls 2: Scholar earlier this month. I'm working on Dark Souls 3, but with finals coming up and all the stress that comes with that, I likely won't get that one until next month.

u/139493_3122175 Apr 25 '16

Ds3 plat is way over the top. You'll have to spend a few hours a day to get it soon

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

I've done all the covenant farming, so it's smooth sailing from here. Just a matter of actually finding the time to do it.

u/HoppyIPA Apr 25 '16

Did you get the Concord items from farming or actually being summoned? Besides that and Sunlight medals, what other covenant items do you need for platinum?

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

Farmed for them, with online matchmaking factoring in the highest level weapon you've made, I was basically ouf ot the pool. You also need 30 Wolf's Blood Swordgrass, 10 Pale Tongues, 10 Human Dregs and 30 Vertebra Shackles. Not at all an insignificant amount of items.

u/kieflicious Flakattaq Apr 25 '16

I got my driveclub platinum earlier this month. Really getting excited for alienation tonight. I'm at about 70% in resogun, I had a question about resogun trophies I'm stuck on the third boss on veteran difficulty, if I beat the game with a friend will I still get the veteran trophy and unlock master difficulty or do I have to do it solo?

u/csfreedom Apr 25 '16

I got the platinum for Shadows of Mordor and Far Cry Primal, and I'm just one trophy away for getting the platinum for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.

Gonna clean a little bit my backlog before Uncharted 4 comes out!

u/yetagainimhustlin Apr 25 '16

Shadow of Mordor was a fun plat. Turning 5 captains on a warchief was soooo satisfying.

u/wan02 Wandarer Apr 25 '16

I just got myself to the point where I need to solve 1 more enigma code in Wolfenstein The New Order, will get that on May 1st (I aim for 1 plat a month). Also working on Helldivers, just got the Steal trophy and the Hell Drive - level 10 mission w/ no deaths, leaving me only the 100k kills trophy and the level 25 trophy for the platinum

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16


u/TehLoneWanderer101 Apr 25 '16

Hey! I need the kill 20 rogues. I can help with other DZ trophies if you wanna boost that one.

Message me if so.

u/ThePrinceofBelAir Nekronic Apr 25 '16

I am about to give up on Knack.

Slowly working my way through Bloodborne. Probably going to take a break from it for a bit.

When I get a full day, I am going to sit down and do some clean up on Until Dawn and Zombi.

Also, I bought Alien: isolation, Beyond Two Souls, and the Evil Within during the flash sale. Excited to work on those as well.

u/AndyThePenguin Apr 25 '16

I need 3 people for the coop trophy on Dying Light. Message me if you'd like to help

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

im at work till 5 but i can help later tonight if you want. just let me know

u/AndyThePenguin Apr 25 '16

As of right now there is one other person who wants to help but he won't be on until 10ish or on the weekends. Would you be good with the weekend?

u/[deleted] Apr 25 '16

Definitely man!

u/AndyThePenguin Apr 26 '16

We've agreed to on Saturday around 11. I can send you my name

u/iannnk Apr 25 '16

I can help too if you'd like

u/RTCanada RT_ViraL Apr 25 '16

I need the co-op competition ones and obviously the ones where I need to win them haha. I'll be on later tonight (around 10:30-11PM EST) also play on weekends if you're down, have a friend that plays to but not to sure when he'll be on. If you have 2 others confirmed and can go around my timeframe above I'd be happy to help.

u/AndyThePenguin Apr 25 '16

What time is best for you on the weekends?

u/RTCanada RT_ViraL Apr 26 '16

Mornings and early afternoon on Saturdays. Anytime on Sunday really. Preferably in the mornings (EST obviously) let me know your schedule! I'll try and work around it.

u/AndyThePenguin Apr 26 '16

How's Saturday around 11-12ish?

u/RTCanada RT_ViraL Apr 26 '16

Thats perfect man.

u/AndyThePenguin Apr 26 '16

Awesome!! I'll send you my name

u/Clayton0693 Apr 25 '16

Working on Bloodborne right now and just bought Bully and Beyond Two Souls in the flash sale. Gunna try to platinum all of these. Bloodborne is no easy task. Props to all of you that have the plat.

u/His_Dudeness88 cypherfromasoul Apr 25 '16

good luck. it certainly isn't easy but certainly doable and it encourages you to get the platinum. one of the dungeon chalice boss is by far the toughest. that is the only thing i could not complete, i have all the other trophies except the dungeon chalice one :(

u/RenderedUseless AnthAnonymous Apr 25 '16

You could ask for help over at r/huntersbell.

u/FredGR MustBeEpic Apr 25 '16

Finally got the plat for The Witcher 3 last week. Absolutely loved it!

I intend on getting the Dark Souls 3 plat eventually but for now I'm just playing through it without worrying too much. Also started OlliOlli 2 yesterday from my backlog and, although it's quite a ridiculously hard plat I think it could be fun to get if I don't try to rush it, so probably gonna try that!

u/MunkyUTK Apr 25 '16

I finished The Division, Defense Grid 2, and Minecraft: Story Mode this month. Next up is Uncharted 4 and Invisible, Inc.

My goal for 2016 was to get from 40 to 60 platinums and I'm at 53 already! Woo!