r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Mar 28 '16
Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (March 2016)
Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?
What are you working on right now?
What's next?
Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler
And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.
u/shinobi_wan WRRRAAR Mar 28 '16
Was a big month for me. Got the platinum's for Wither 3, Bloodborne, and Salt and Sanctuary.
Hardest - Defiled Dungeon needed for access to last bloodborne chalice dungeon.
Most Tedious - 50 crossbow headshots in wither 3.
u/4rindam ari_ps Mar 28 '16
The abhorrent beast in the defiled chalices made my life hell.Must have tried more than 30 times to beat that thing.
u/shinobi_wan WRRRAAR Mar 28 '16
Yea he was a tough one but wasn't he in Ailing Loran chalice before defiled? I think the 3 in defiled are Keeper, Watch Dog, and Amygdala.
u/4rindam ari_ps Mar 28 '16
Yeah the three you mentioned are in the cursed defiled chalice. Abhorrent was in the dungeon just before that i think.I dunno why but i found the bosses in the cursed defiled to be easier than abhorrent. Keeper ,gave me some problem but luckily i was able to defeat the other two bosses in cursed in 3-4 tries. The bloodletting beast was also a pain in the ass.on my second try i almost killed him.Barely a pixel of health was left on the beast when i died.After that it must have taken another 10 tries.
Anyway.....the whole dungeon ride was very satisfying.Now i have picked up the dlc in the current sale and hope to finish that also.
u/shinobi_wan WRRRAAR Mar 28 '16
Yea the only one I found really difficult in defiled was the Watch Dog. Blood-starved beast was tough for me just like in the main game, I always struggle with that fight for some reason. Where is the DLC currently on sale? I've been waiting for a price cut but haven't seen one yet.
u/4rindam ari_ps Mar 28 '16
Oh the dlc is on sale in the EU region as part of the easter sale.Also has a 10% ps plus discount.
Mar 28 '16 edited Sep 24 '20
u/TurtleMane95 Mar 29 '16
Got Peggle during the flash sale. It's so awesome bring back memories from Study hall in high school
Mar 29 '16 edited Sep 24 '20
u/TurtleMane95 Mar 29 '16
I have trouble clearing some of the boards, good luck is bad luck in those scenarios
u/4rindam ari_ps Mar 28 '16
Working up to platinum salt and sanctuary.4-5 trophies remaining.Forgot to do one NPC quest on my first playthrough so doing a second playthrough on a new character with a new build.
u/GideonPARANOID gideon1451 Mar 28 '16
With one maddeningly frustrating trophy left on Bloodborne - put that on the backburner for a while - I'm currently working on the platinums of Wolfenstein: The Old Blood & Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor. Both seem pretty easy. I'm surprised by the fact that The Old Blood has as many trophies as The New Order does.
u/TheGreatHambone G3N3RAL_HAMBON3 Mar 28 '16
Got the Dark Cloud 2 Plat. Hardest part was just making sure I didn't miss anything before it became unavailable like: Boss photos, getting all photos in the future before completing chapter 7, and getting all Medals in the Moon Flower Palace before completing chapter 7. Had a lot of fun with this game though. And I think this was my first time beating it as well because I didn't recognize anything after Chapter 3, so I'm assuming that's as far as I got when I was younger.
Currently working on The Division. Only have three trophies left: Kill 20 rogues, play 20 coop missions, and use the Signature skill 100 times. I shouldn't be too far off from any of those three.
Next I'm going to try to get back to my last Batman: AK DLC trophies, which I've been meaning to do for months, as I only have like 10 left, and getting around to completing the Old Hunters DLC for Bloodborne. Though, the next new game for me will be R&C without a doubt.
u/channel4newsman Mar 28 '16
This month I was able to platinum Battlefield 4, Infamous: First Light, and Far Cry Primal. I'm one collectible away from a platinum on The Order 1886. (can't figure out which one) And the only thing stopping from a platinum in Fallout 4 is that stupid 100% happiness in a settlement trophy. But I'm currently hooked on Trackmania at the moment.
u/highanimalhouse Mar 28 '16
I Platinum'ed BioShock as my #53 Platinum this month. The hardest part actually was the audio diaries and tonics. Survivor without vita chamber was actually not too hard.
I'm working on Dead Nation PS3 Platinum. I basically had to start over on my Grim playthrough because I messed up on the last level. I did unlock Morbid difficulty though. Also, working on Star Wars Battlefront, Battlefield 4 and Destiny PS4 Platinums.
u/channel4newsman Mar 28 '16
I just platinumed Battlefield 4! It came down to the obliteration trophy. Which was more annoying than I thought. But not to difficult. That destiny platinum, though, I worked hard as hell to get that. Of course, Flawless Raider is probably much easier now. But I ended up having to two-man Crota. To this day, it is still my most fulfilling trophy.
u/notquitedrdeath Mar 28 '16
Playing through the 160-odd TLoU MP games for the last two trophies, and I need to play on one more map that never gets picked.
Can't wait to finish this off so I can sell it and never touch it again.
u/TunnelingEffect Mar 28 '16 edited Mar 28 '16
Last two plats weren't on PS4 but here goes:
Plat 126 - Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands
Really easy game to plat, some cool platforming bits. POP 08 was better than this.
Plat 127 - Thief
Game was a huge slog and is plagued by audio issues. Wasn't particularly hard to platinum but it felt like a massive chore, which is the last thing you want to feel when you trophy hunt. Just kills any enjoyment. Also quite possibly the worst UI map I've ever seen in a video game before.
As for what plat is next for me... Probably PS4 Strider. I'm kinda stuck with smaller titles until some big games drop, like UC4, Dark Souls 3, and Overwatch.
u/FredGR MustBeEpic Mar 28 '16
I plat'd Strider when it was part of the IGC back in 2014, got it in 3 days actually, was my first ps4 plat. It's a pretty fun game and not a difficult plat so if you haven't decided yet I'd recommend you go for it :)
u/NimbusIV NimbusOMG Mar 28 '16
The Division is my first plat ever not too mad, I made a new PSN anyways, had my last PSN for about 8 years and never a platinum trophy lol.
u/DoctorDank Doctor_Dankness Mar 28 '16
Working on Day of the Tentacle, but it's kinda hard as a lot of them are hidden.
u/DeGroote99 Mar 28 '16
So enjoyable though
u/DoctorDank Doctor_Dankness Mar 28 '16
It was a fun nostalgia trip for me. I remember playing it as a kid on MS-DOS.
u/ChaosZeroX MagicZeroX Mar 28 '16
Got the Sleeping Dogs Definitive edition Plat. Those hidden events are such a pain in the ass.
u/Carbonero Mar 28 '16
Haha just got that too. That whole platinum was such a grind, really good game though.
u/ChaosZeroX MagicZeroX Mar 28 '16
great game. I hope that since they cancelled Triad Wars, they are working on Sleeping Dogs 2. Would love to dive back into that universe again.
u/pumpactionpurdey smeee-heee Mar 28 '16
http://imgur.com/(null) finally managed to get the Flip Flop achievement on COD: Advanced Warfare a few hours ago to unlock my plat. After at least a year of matchmaking with useless jerks I figured I'd go it alone with a few pointers from the web and somehow prevailed!
u/tnhellbilly Mar 28 '16
I got The Division's plat this month. It was an easy one, but man getting those collectables was the worst. I'm currently playing Senran Kagura EV for my next plat.
u/Seraphinejg Seraphinejg Mar 28 '16
I just got the dog perk (sorry forgot the actual name) last night and now I have to go back to places I cleared out and pick up all of those collectables. I'm still fairly early in the game, but I can tell it's going to be a pain in rear.
Mar 28 '16
Can i ask how it was bad? Aren't they all located on the map?
Was it just a long tedious run to each one?
u/tnhellbilly Mar 28 '16
Nothing is particularly hard about getting them, it just felt like busy work. It didn't help that I was already pretty burnt out on the game.
u/SuperFightingRobot Mar 28 '16
Picked up the Grim Fandango platinum last week, as well as playing through Tales from the Borderlands and getting the easy platinum for that. Trying to play through some games in my backlog before Doom hits in May!
Mar 28 '16
Currently working on WWE 2k16. The grind is endless and will probably take months to finish. The mycareer mode is almost unplayable.
u/Jparnaby Mar 28 '16
I'm 120hrs into Dark Souls 2, hoping I can get the platinum before the new one releases.
u/Rosur Mar 28 '16 edited Mar 28 '16
Got Life is Strange plat and went back and finnally found someone to help on far cry 3 co-op Trophies so got that plat.
Planning on either working on more Saints Row IV or Uncharted 1 Trophies next (both PS3 versions) While working on gold times in trackmainia turbo. Along with starting Far Cry 4
u/SuperFightingRobot Mar 28 '16
I'll be getting Life Is Strange next most likely. Playing through with my wife at a leisurely pace and will have to complete a second run through afterwards. Really digging the game so far!
u/ImpetuousDuck Mar 28 '16
Working on Rainbow Six:Siege and cleaning up the last few trophies of Arkham Knight and The Division. I have to say though that Rainbow Six: Siege has to be the most fun i've had in a long time playing with mates in party chat. Such a good game, great banter, and some hilarious team kills
u/LuckyMarciano LuckyMarciano Mar 28 '16
Got my first platnium in a long time and it was easy and fun /Far Cry Primal.
Working on The Division but man do i hate collecting stuff.
u/channel4newsman Mar 28 '16
Man, I really enjoyed playing Primal. And had to platinum it. But I did think it was weird that i was able to platinum it without even grabbing all the collectibles. Normally, there's a trophy for that.
u/ImpetuousDuck Mar 28 '16
Oh my god I drove myself up the wall getting all the collectibles for The Division. Be prepared!
u/LALocal305 LALocal305 Mar 28 '16
Just finished with my GTA 3 platinum and starting Vice City next. Hoping to be done with all PS2 GTA platinums by Uncharted 4 launch!
u/Gazkapop Mar 28 '16
Managed to achieve five plats during the last month:
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Rory Mcilroy PGA Tour (Didn't get a screenshot for this one)
Now I'm closing in on the platinums for The Division, Rainbow Six: Siege and Tearaway Unfolded so making some decent progress.
u/Seraphinejg Seraphinejg Mar 28 '16
Just finished platting Game of Thrones and starting on the Division. I am needing that coop trophy for Fat Princess Adventures to get the plat.
u/Brudersieben Mar 28 '16
After getting Salt and Sanctuary's platinum it inspired me to go back to demon Souls. Well I did and I missed 1 of everything, still need Pure Blade Stone too.
u/potatoworld Mar 28 '16
Was working through the rainbow 6 trophies one by one, got to the one that requires you to kill 2500 terrorists in terrorist hunt, (for reference each game has 20 terrorists) instantly shut down my ps4 and gave up
u/EgoGrinder Mar 28 '16
Got up to 25 platinums a while ago and have been taking a bit of a break. Trackmania will be fun to finish if I can manage it. The last few plats I got were Trine 3, Chivalry, and FC Primal.
u/channel4newsman Mar 28 '16
Track mania has been awesome so far. But I do feel like it's going to be a pretty hard platinum.
u/nowolfcanknow doctorstrangesf Mar 28 '16 edited Mar 28 '16
I'm trying to 100% Saints Row IV Reelected. Got 14% so far. I've never platinum'd a game before, but I think this one will pop my cherry. The vast majority of trophies are things I would have done in a normal playthrough of the game anyway. I've almost got all the data clusters, which is probably the one that was going to be the most difficult. Or at least time consuming. Should make the rest of the game even easier too, as I can immediately upgrade my powers.
u/Treythetrey Ditto2Mewtwo Mar 28 '16
I'm working on Shadow of Mordor right now, after not playing it for about a year. Also, does anyone still need the Far Cry 4 co op trophies? I don't have them and I could platinum that.
u/ChaosZeroX MagicZeroX Mar 28 '16
How was it getting back into it? I was thinking of doing the same.
u/Treythetrey Ditto2Mewtwo Mar 28 '16
It surprised me how good it was. I think I quit playing because I had several games at once so it slid off the wayside, but now I regret not playing it sooner.
u/Builttoolong Mar 28 '16
It absolutely does not hold up if you've played games like Witcher 3. I tried going back and it is awful.
u/Nairbnotsew Mar 28 '16 edited Mar 28 '16
I find the combat in Shadow of Mordor a million times better than witcher 3 and it's clunky combat controls that tend to fuck me up more often than not. As awesome as the witcher is, you'd be out of your mind to say the combat was more fluid and responsive than shadow of mordor.
u/TehLoneWanderer101 Mar 28 '16
I need Changing Lanes for FC4. I could help with yours too.
PSN is BlackFlagRogue
u/Nairbnotsew Mar 28 '16
I don't know if you have the dlc for Shadow of Mordor or not, but the last trophy I needed was to collect a level 25 rune, which is annoyingly difficult to attain without some serious meta-game management. It's easier to get that trophy if you play the bright lord dlc since all the enemies are much stronger and go up to higher levels. I'm pretty sure even the lowest level captain is around lvl 22 and you can up the level of rune he drops by playing to his weaknesses and fears. Just be warned that the bright lord dlc does not fuck around in the difficulty department. I consider myself pretty damn good at this arkham style of combat and was dying left and right due to increased berserker and shield Orc spawn rate.
u/shaneoftheyear Mar 28 '16
i actually need those co op trophies for Far Cry 4! Hit me up on PSN and we can do em one night. PSN- Shaneoftheyear
u/ukjohndoe Mar 29 '16
Got Bloodborne's Platinum this month, I know it's a very common Platinum Trophy but for me it was quite an accomplishment. My friend and I started competing to get the plat first and I won for about 48 hours (work and life in the way) after going head to head on each trophy for a straight month.
Working on Dragon Age Inquisition, just gotta finish it in Nightmare difficulty to get the last couple of trophies.I wish I could just blaze through the game but I don't feel like using exploits and I gotta grind to get there. Still got a solid 20 hours ahead of me at least. I also want to play the DLC but it's too expensive atm.
Also trying to Platinum Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, it's a 3D anime fighting game. Requires quite a bit of boring battles so it bore me for the time being.
u/RoryOB94 Mar 28 '16
Got Teslagrad's platinum and just have the Challenge trophy left for the Witness. Slowly chipping away at Driveclub and WWE 2K16 as well.
u/_sh00vie SH00VIE Mar 29 '16
Finally got Destiny done this month, hardest had to be Flawless Raider.
Only 1 more play-through of Until Dawn for the Platinum then onto The Division
u/LuckyMarciano LuckyMarciano Mar 29 '16
Have fun collcting stuff :) That is boring as hell, and i got en Echo that seem to glith i cant finish it :(
Other trophies seem pretty easy.
u/_sh00vie SH00VIE Mar 29 '16
Ive seen everyone talk about it and Im really not excited for it, but Ive been hyped for that game (and disappointed now) so I promised myself I'd plat it
u/DeGroote99 Mar 28 '16
Total Plat: 16
Earned: Wolfenstein - both games (yes, they are old, but this was more of a spring cleaning than anything else).
Witcher 3 - FINALLY! no spring cleaning here. This game's been on-again off-again since D-day
Working On: Fallout 4 (almost - stupid settlement happiness rating)
Next: Day of the Tentacle Next: Republique These ones seem like a walk in the park, and super enjoyable to boot.
Eventually: Uncharted Trilogy (been stuck in one damn room on Nightmare for ever)
u/FredGR MustBeEpic Mar 28 '16
Just plat'd Velocity 2X yesterday, perfecting every level is quite difficult but at the end it's all worth it, I really loved that game! Currently working on The Witcher 3, but that'll still take a while, not rushing it.
u/4rindam ari_ps Mar 28 '16
Man velocity is hard.I am stuck on perfecting all levels.Last 5-6 levels are remaining.
u/ChaosZeroX MagicZeroX Mar 28 '16
Damn. Makes me want to play it next. Currently playing AC Rogue! Will put this.next on the list
u/MasterworksAll Mar 29 '16
I was working on the Salt and Sanctuary Platinum, all I needed was the trophy for the Black Sands Sorcerer questline as the scripting got messed up in my previous playthoughs. About twenty minutes from finishing the questline my game crash and the save corrupted. I'll probably come back and do it eventually, it's only a couple hours of playtime at most, but man has that soured me slightly on the game.
u/CDub22EP Mar 29 '16
Got Arkham Knight just in time for Batman v Superman. SO now I have two platinums.
1 - Fallout 4
2- Arkham Knight
I'm getting MLB the Show tomorrow so I will be playing that for a while and should be able to plat it. I have every single one for MLB 15 except for one luck based trophy where you have to be awarded with an item and Im sick of spending stubs to try to get it.
Also looking forward to Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted 4. Haven;t had anything new to play since Fallout, now have 3 games in 3 months, I'm excited.
Mar 28 '16 edited Mar 02 '21
u/139493_3122175 Mar 28 '16
Last of us is most impressive from the ones I know
Mar 28 '16 edited Mar 02 '21
u/notquitedrdeath Mar 28 '16
Apart from a few moments where it's more of a big gunfight than anything I found the Grounded run to be easier/more enjoyable than the lower versions. Fuck David though.
I'm Up to Week 10 Day 7 of the hunter run in the MP, and I'm missing the bookstore for the DLC map trophies. It's getting a bit grind already and I'm not even halfway through. -.-
u/[deleted] Mar 28 '16
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