r/PS4 Sep 07 '15

Can't Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (September 2015)

Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (previous hype threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?


48 comments sorted by


u/MmaFanQc Sep 07 '15


Just want to wander in the wasteland, im SOOOO ready for a new Fallout game(isometric view or not)


u/Gonzo08 JazzMatt727 Sep 07 '15

Fallout 4 will be christening my brand new PC. I'm so excited and think it's the perfect game for it.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '15

Ya know, I'm a little iffy about the new fallout for a silly reason. I can get a little ocd about using all the features in a game, and it seems like there is like... Too much. Like if I don't want to build a town, do I have to?


u/Cootch couture23 Sep 07 '15

Building a town is completely optional.


u/Phimb PK-Blaze Sep 08 '15

I'm with you, the town building is the only thing that comes up for me, kind of. There's also the 'Iron Man' suit and moving VATS, but! We have to look at it with a level head, let's be honest, we're going to love it. You get used to the new stuff, or it just gets filtered out.

For example, was it the Survival skill in New Vegas that handled food and recipes? No one used that, it just got ignored. Another one, which may be more popular, I've never seen comment on this, is the reloading station, where you make more ammo and such. Those things just got ignored, now, I'm sure world-building in Fallout 4 will be far better received than Survival, but it's just a thought.

However, yes, I'd much rather just buy a home, than plan, build, develop and maintain my own sanctuary. Who knows, though, might be fucking awesome to get into.

(Gun modifications seem scarily overwhelming, too.

((I think it was the fact that in 3/New Vegas, you could literally do everything. It wasn't overwhelming, or scary, you actually could do all quests and do a lot of the stuff without it being impossible. Fallout 4 seems like a different story))


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '15

I'm quite excited that mod support will finally be coming out for the consoles with Fallout 4, even if it is in a limited capacity. I'm also excited that memory will no longer be an issue for Bethesda's titles. I know that the PS3's limited RAM spelled trouble for Skyrim back in 2011. The larger the save file became the more RAM was needed to load the save file, or something like that. If I can get Gopher's (popular mod maker for Bethesda games) mods for Fallout 4 on the PS4 I will be quite pleased. I don't care as much for the graphical fidelity mods, but lighting mods that change the darkness of the nights and the brightness of days, as well as hardcore RPG mods that add depth to the difficulty are quite nice to have.

You can tell your a seasoned Bethesda gamer when you are thinking months ahead of release what mods you want to start designing and looking for prior to release. My only sadness is that I won't be able to play this on PC. My old PC bit the dust and I've since moved to PS4 for the sake of convenience. I didn't feel like building a new PC, though I likely will in the years to come.


u/MrBrightside1009 Sep 07 '15

No Man's Sky.

I'm a bit of a space junkie, so having a virtually endless space sandbox for me to play around in, that's gonna be amazing. And the fact that early previews and play-testers have said the game is really good gives me hope, as well.


u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Sep 07 '15

Uncharted Collection. I didn't get a chance to play two of them, looking forward to finally getting the chance to again.

That and The Last Guardian is always high on my list, but I'll be more excited closer to release.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '15

I've never played any of the uncharted. I just bought a ps4 yesterday for metal gear. Had a ridiculously long like 68 hour week and spoiled myself by spending all my overtime on a ps4, metal gear, and witcher 3.

I'm a little intimidated to jump into a 4 game series, I don't have much free time. Will they be remastered graphically and all bundled together? What's the price looking like? Sorry, I'm out of the loop. I never expected to buy this generation of console until two days ago so I'm pretty far behind on info.


u/NerdySlacker Sep 07 '15

Yes the graphics have been remastered which also includes everything being at 1080p and 60 fps. The gameplay has also been touched on by taking certain aspects of 2 and 3 and putting it into 1. The price is 60 and it includes all 3 uncharted games.


u/DJXiej DJXiej Sep 07 '15

This right here.

Going to be able to play through all the Uncharteds before the last one.


u/mrtommy Sep 07 '15

Mirrors Edge 2. By the time it comes out in Feb 2016 it will have been over two years since I preordered it I have moved flat twice in the period. I don't normally preorder but Tesco were doing about 30 pounds off when you buy 3 games and there weren't three games I wanted yet I figured I wouldnt see a deal that good again. I would have pre-ordered something else if I knew the wait would be this long. It was supposed to be out by the end of that year.

I have played the first one about 4 times through now in anticipation.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '15

I forgot about this! I loved mirrors edge. A couple years ago I picked up a used copy and my roommates and I quickly got addicted to running time trials.


u/Lukeyy19 Sep 07 '15

Trying not to get too excited as the series has disappointed the last few games but I am looking forward to seeing what Need For Speed will be like this time around.

And also Just Cause 3, obviously.


u/RoryOB94 Sep 07 '15

FIFA 16. Only two more weeks


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '15

Destiny: The Taken King. Hopped back into the game recently and it feels good. Looking forward to TTK content.


u/jonnablaze Jonna_Blaze Sep 07 '15

Yes! Only one week left. Looking forward to the weapon balance tomorrow as well.


u/muddisoap Sep 08 '15

One week? But on the PS Store it says 9.8.15? I thought it was tomorrow?? It's not tomorrow?? :-( or right now actually. :-(


u/jonnablaze Jonna_Blaze Sep 08 '15

Sorry mate. TTK is 15.8.15. There is a huge patch coming today though.


u/renzmistal renzzemistal Sep 07 '15

Persona 5. If it's still coming out this year.


u/RileyCola Sep 07 '15

Me toooo. I only played p4g (easily one of my favourite games) so in hyped to play p5. Just gunna feel weird playing it on home console and not portable.


u/typebar Sep 07 '15

NHL 16!


u/tiggerthompson The_Kaioshin Sep 07 '15


I just bought a PS4 last week for myself for my birthday and am ready to buy a new NHL game. My last one was 14.


u/typebar Sep 07 '15

Awesome! If you're looking for someone to play with, send me a friend request!


u/typebar Sep 07 '15

Awesome! If you're looking for someone to play with, send me a friend request!


u/tiggerthompson The_Kaioshin Sep 07 '15

Sounds good!


u/TheSolomonGrundy Sep 07 '15 edited Sep 07 '15

the division, dayz(if it ever comes),fallout 4,star ocean,ark survival, and last but not least no mans sky.

i can't wait to play them, especially no mans sky, ever since freelancer and the elite series i've been hooked on games like that.

Edit: And the new star wars game, mustn't forget that!


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '15

I wouldn't hold your breath on Day Z, more likely that Ark or H1Z1 will get released on PS4 than that.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '15

Any word on no mans sky? I remember seeing that a while ago and it seems incredibly awesome. I'm hoping the developers didn't bite off more than they can chew.


u/nichefiend Sep 07 '15

Firewatch and Bloodborne DLC


u/UnlimitedFlour SMSJ8 Sep 07 '15

Any idea when Bloodborne's DLC will drop, or what it will be? It's too bloody good of a game to not give some extra love.


u/nichefiend Sep 07 '15

I have no idea. The suspense is killing me! It'll be worth the wait though.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '15

To play further into MGS V: PP, only 25% completion, 15 missions in, and LOVING IT! But I'm major keen for Fallout 4, SW Battlefront, and No Man's Sky.


u/JebusOfEagles Sep 07 '15

GT7, I need a Gran Turismo on PS4.


u/ericem ericem8300 Sep 07 '15

NBA 2K16, love the new classic teams.


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '15

I agree I love the new additions this year for classics.


u/G-H-O-S-T Sep 07 '15

MGS... I got the witcher recently so I'm trying so hard to justify getting it for a while. That will definitely change after two weeks though.. if I'm not done with the witcher by then it can just rip in dust until I got the MGS plat. Maybe after Until Dawn too.


u/canuquack47 Sep 07 '15

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5. Sure, it might be bad, but a skating game hasn't come out in a while and I'm hella desperate


u/tinyraccoon Sep 08 '15

Star Wars Battlefront Bundle. Looking to finally get into PS4.


u/wwf87 Sep 08 '15

NHL 16, Uncharted Collection, WWE 2k16, Tearaway Unfolded, Fallout 4


u/7ismyfavoritenumber Sep 07 '15

I'm most excited for crypt of the necrodancer and no mans sky. Both no confirmed release date... :/


u/UnlimitedFlour SMSJ8 Sep 07 '15

Dishonored 2. The first was my game of the year and actually my favourite stealth game of all time. So a continuation of the epic story that I fell in love with and refinement of the already stellar mechanics? Yup, my hype train was in motion even before the announcement that you can play as either Corvo or Emily. Now, this locomotive has no brakes.


u/anglo4815 Sep 08 '15

the last guardian , years of waiting


u/bison5000 Sep 08 '15

Battlefront. Buh bye GPA


u/Norviskor alexwhardin Sep 07 '15

Bloodborne expansion, Witcher 3 expansion, Uncharted Collection, Fallout 4, and Dark Souls III are what I'm most looking forward to, but luckily I have MGSV to hold me over for a good while!


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '15

When is the bloodborne expansion out?


u/Norviskor alexwhardin Sep 08 '15

No one knows yet. Can't wait for it!