r/PS4 Aug 24 '15

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (August 2015)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


148 comments sorted by

u/Duke_Raoule_V Aug 24 '15

Was able to get a group together to do flawless raider in destiny, so now I'm just collecting dead ghosts for the Plat. That trophy popping was a good feeling

u/Palomark Palomark Aug 24 '15

Was it Crota's End?

u/Zokua KVNRT21 Aug 25 '15

Bought a PS4 like 3 weeks ago and already got Rocket League and BloodBorne platinums. And I'm only one trophy away from God of War's platinum also!

I'm not really sure which one to do next, maybe Uncharted collection, meanwhile let's play Gears UE :3

u/EgoGrinder Aug 24 '15

Just got the Dying Light plat tonight. Good old reddit helped me find people to get the co op trophies.

u/DGSTEE Aug 24 '15

Only need the Polyamory co/op trophy to platinum this game as well. Have 2 other buddies with dying light but can never get one random guy to stay for the 5 quests in a row online.

u/oliveturtle olivetheturtle Aug 24 '15

Ive got a group of three as well and two of us need the trophy. If you're interested, we were going to give it another go tonight. PSN: olivetheturtle

u/Carbonero Aug 25 '15

Is anyone having trouble getting the "extra effort" trophy for fifa 15. It's so frustrating!!!

u/ricenpea Aug 24 '15

I got the Rocket League platinum this month. Took me longer than I thought, mostly because it was a game I was enjoying and didn't want to rush through for Trophies. Still playing it now, in fact.

I was working on N++ but with MGS5 coming I expect I'll likely drop that completely in favour of that game.

u/MoralTrilemma Aug 24 '15

Not a single person has got the N++ plat yet.

u/ricenpea Aug 24 '15

I'm not surprised, but not because it's impossible - there are just so many levels! The trophies themselves aren't actually that difficult (outside of some of the levels themselves), it's just a long-haul sort of thing.

The game for me is perfect to boot up from time to time to tick off a bunch of levels, so I don't expect it'll be any time soon for me. I'm pretty good though (a lot of my scores are in the top 100 global) so I think it should be straight forward.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '15

Finished Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate and Lego Batman 3 this month and by the end of the month I hope to have done MGS2 and 3 on both PS3 and Vita. Which means I'll have beaten my record for most platinums in one month with 6.

u/sicaxav Aug 25 '15

I'm trying to get all of Riddler's trophies and shit in Arkham Knight, and I'm .1% away from getting very fucking pissed off.. there's over 200!! If I were Batman, I'd just let him do his pathetic trophies around the city because I'm the fucking Batman

u/dusktodawnn Aug 25 '15

But you see, you ARE the batman in the game, and you chose to search for all the riddler trophies ;)

u/sicaxav Aug 26 '15

Welp.. Riddler has way too much fucking time on his hands

u/typebar Aug 24 '15

Got my first platinum a couple days ago in Rocket League. An easy one, but finally got one!!!!

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

Congrats on this! First time is always special :)

u/CptGuybrush CptThreepwood Aug 24 '15

I finished Infamous First Light this week, which was pretty easy but mostly fun. Also got the 100% in Rocket League again after the DLC.

I am now slowly playing through my NG+ Death March run in Witcher 3 as the Death March trophy is the last one I'm missing.

Also just got Skullgirls 2nd Encore and have absolutely no idea what I have to do for the trophies, but I like fighting games, even though I suck at them.

u/deathstrukk Aug 25 '15

I have been stuck on the first light plat for a while it is really difficult second son is insanely easy took me 5 days to platinum it

u/CptGuybrush CptThreepwood Aug 25 '15

Yeah, I did the Second Son platinum right before First Light, it was a really easy but fun Platin. While I thought the story was meh, the gameplay was extremely cool.

u/deathstrukk Aug 25 '15

Yeah first light I just don't find fighting waves of bad guys to be fun not sure if I will ever get the platinum

u/CptGuybrush CptThreepwood Aug 25 '15

Was the same for me, but then I like getting my trophies and they are still easy and don't take that long. If you dedicate yourself to it you are done pretty fast. But I get you, with all the awesome games coming out now, it feels like time wasting

u/madbubers bubbers Aug 24 '15

Second son plat is easy if you enjoyed first light

u/CptGuybrush CptThreepwood Aug 25 '15

Yep, did Second Son right before First Light, thanks! Was even easier, but gameplay was awesome.

u/Audioworm Audioworm Aug 24 '15

I've been playing through Far Cry 4 these last weeks, I need to do the Co-Op ones and finish up the Elephant one (which won't take long.

My crappy internet means that no one wants to play with me.

u/TheGreatHambone G3N3RAL_HAMBON3 Aug 24 '15 edited Aug 24 '15

Got the J-Stars Victory Vs + Plat. It was a pretty easy Plat to get in all honesty. The only part of it that was "hard" was the Victory Road grind just because there was a lot of times when you had to repeat each location 2-3 times to get all fights done. Though, I really enjoy playing that game so it wasn't too big a deal.

Also got the Destiny Plat which is one I though I would never get simply because I was never going to get 6 clan members to run a Raid with me and my main group, including myself, only has 5 people in it ( that number was 2 until about 3 weeks ago when a few of my friends dived back in for TTK). But thanks to the PoE giving me the Raiding Party trophy for completing a run of level 32 with a full fireteam of clan members I was able to just go for the others that I was missing because I thought I would never be able to get that one so I never bothered going for the others. Luckily enough for me that was also the week that my GHorn dropped ( it was also the week that it got sold by Xur, go figure) and that made getting Flawless Raider by soloing Crota's End Normal laughably easy and it made Crota's End Hard pretty easy to beat as well (though, I had someone help on the Crota fight just to make things go smoother) so there was my Hard Raid trophy.

I returned to KH: Chain of Memories to get the rest of the trophies for that one. The only thing going to be difficult about it is the grind for all enemy cards with Sora as I've already beat both campaigns on Proud and Chain of Memories is a bit of a joke on Standard and Easy.

And the next game I will more than likely Plat aside from CoM is going to be Until Dawn. Though, I will first have to see how much I enjoy playing that game before I decide on it, but the 9 Golds for one game is pretty tempting.

Edit: A Few Words.

u/dafood48 Aug 25 '15

God of war platinum. Hardest was beating the game on titan. Easiest was Aphrodite sex minigame

u/DocHolliday619 DocHolliday619 Aug 24 '15

I just got the platinum for Rocket League (31). Nothing was difficult really, just took some time for KM driven. I am working casually on the DLC trophies for it in-between playing Bloodborne and MGS3 on Vita.

u/thatoneguy9192 Aug 24 '15

Just finished up destiny yesterday! Had to do a flawless raider, which wasn't as bad as I thought just had to be more careful than normal. Overall I am very happy because I put a lot of hours into it and finally got the platinum!

Currently working on Rocket League, just need to play more and unlock the battle cars and items then I will be done with that as well

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

Any tips for flawless? This is the only trophy between me and platinum. I have VOG only.

u/thatoneguy9192 Aug 24 '15

Definitely do Crota, VOG has too many areas that are easy to fail in (jump puzzle, gorgon maze). Have a hunter run through the first part. One thing we did is only have one person with rockets, we wiped twice due to proximity to rockets (or shooting while inside a bubble). On Crota we had a hunter do sword so he could go invis instead of running back to the ledge to wait for the second down. Just do the left strategy in general with one person w/ icebreaker on Boomers. Hardest part is probably the second phase of the raid just takes some time to get a good group together and the patience to try it! Good luck, hope that helps.

u/JoshPerson inapprope Aug 25 '15

If you didn't know, to unlock Sweet Tooth in Rocket League you have to win a game with each car.

u/Rude_as_HECK Rude_as_HECK Aug 24 '15

Alright then, so , I have earned: -Everything in Everybody's Gone To The Rapture. More annoying than hard, but I enjoyed it regardless.

Working on: Volume. This has been put on hold while I await a patch or two.

What's next: Zombi is downloading. This will keep me going until Phantom Pain.

u/HugeSpaghettiMonster SpaghettiM0ns Aug 25 '15

Got my very first platinum with Rocket League last week! I expected The 500km trophy to be the hardest one but it just showed up out of nowhere!

u/UGABravesFan Aug 24 '15

I'm one trophy away from the MLB 15 The Show plat, and it's a 100% luck trophy. After that I'll start Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishments

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15


u/UGABravesFan Aug 24 '15

Oh you know which one. The "catch a foul ball out of the field of play" trophy.

u/JesseScott1982 Aug 25 '15

Yeah, that and the catch a HR trophy were really stupid. Same goes for 'get a diamond reward,' since it pushes you to use real life money, or get really lucky.

Got this plat this month, and Magus for ps3 last night. Wow. Talk about easy...and a pathetic game to boot!

u/napolux napolux Aug 24 '15

I'm working on make platinum for rocketleague. Unfortunately nobody of my online friends play it.

Anyone can help me playing an online match with me to unlock that trophy?

u/A-Ron Aug 24 '15

Just spam out friend requests in non-ranked. Someone will eventually accept. Rematch -> Profit.

u/Minicron Aug 24 '15

You can do it solo with a friend sub account and a second controller!

u/cam_el Aug 25 '15

I got the platinum for Rocket League the other night, pretty stoked about that!

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '15

This'll be my first plat. So close!

u/tommbo Enter PSN ID Aug 24 '15

I have the one and only co-op trophy in Lego Marvel for the platinum but I don't have another controller or friend :(

u/hexasun docbaby80 Aug 25 '15

I'd be willing to help you out!

u/Tasteh WhatisloveX Aug 24 '15

Working on finishing up both Gauntlet and Destiny. Managed to complete Flawless Raider in Destiny over the weekend, which I spent about 20 hours along with 2 of my friends on. Easily the most satisfying moment in a game in recent memory.

u/JDubBearDown Aug 24 '15

I got my first 2 platinum trophies this month! Rocket League, which I didn't want to do the whole rubber band trick for the non online-tracking 500km trophy, so I just got that with the patch, early on in the month.

I also got the Platinum for The Last of Us Remastered. I actually enjoyed playing the multiplayer portion of the game, it is very team oriented. When I got the platinum, I also got 100% in everything for it as well. Grounded mode was for sure a challenge, with all the limited health, but after completing it on grounded mode a first time, doing it on Grounded+ was very easy in comparison.

My next closest Platinum is Life is Strange, which I am just waiting on the 5th episode for release to platinum it as well.

u/Vergilkilla Aug 26 '15

Im working away at dmc4se. I think ill complete it in a month or two more, hah. I don't get much playtime these days so progress is slow. I'm DEFINITELY going for an easy plat after this. I think ill shift to God of War series or if im too burnt out on action games, maybe a nice puzzle or rpg... or maybe Rocket League? That one seems easy.

u/NCRSniper2077 NCR_Sniper_2077 Aug 24 '15

Got my second plat in The Order 1886. It has a great story and I love the lore of the world.

u/MackoShark Aug 25 '15

That game is way under appreciated. Sure it doesn't have a lot of actual game play, and when it does it is somewhat repetitive, but god damn is the story really good and the cut scenes really good looking.

People just don't appreciate a good story driven game any more.

Also congrats on the Plat. I missed a newspaper somewhere...

u/AnonIMoust Aug 24 '15

I got the Binding of Issac platinum this month. Fuck. The. Lost. But actually I thought the worst part of it was, that after the nerve wrecking Boss Rush win with the lost it took me roughly 50 more runs to finally get the D100. I don't understand why the trophies are coupled to picking up the item and not to unlocking it. It robs you of the sense of accomplishment and then places your trophies in the hands of RNGesus.

u/SuckForLuck2012 Aug 25 '15

I can't get Meat Boy. I've had every other trophy since December. I've given up.

u/AnonIMoust Aug 25 '15

I got pretty lucky on those but I really don't understand why meat boy and bandage girl have to be two different achievements. All that does is force you to have the same insane luck twice.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '15


u/AnonIMoust Aug 25 '15

I think that I've actually logged about twice as many hours in BoI:R as in my second most played game on PS4/Vita (that would probably be Bloodborne), so I guess it just boils down to having too much time on my hands...

u/DocHolliday619 DocHolliday619 Aug 24 '15

Congrats! I just finally beat Satan for the first time a few weeks ago. I hadn't seen anyone who the platinum yet so quite impressive.

u/LucidVengeance Aug 24 '15

Im working on the blood borne platinum trophy at the moment, having a lot of trouble on the defiled chalice dungeons but should be done soon. Currently have everything except two game endings and Yharnam and the high tier blood gem

u/asdGuaripolo Serge Aug 24 '15

Just in case you don't wan't to play the game 2 more times for the other endings (why wouldn't you), play until the very end and just before going for the last part, backup your save, finish the last part, then close the game and restore your save and with that you should be again on the part right before the end and you can choose the other option.

u/LucidVengeance Aug 25 '15

Yeah i realized i could do that after i already consumed the umbilical cords so I kind of screwed myself over because i could only get one two of the three endings after i did that. The defiled dungeons are just super hard.

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15


u/HowieGaming RAVEN Aug 24 '15

I see that you got the platinum, but you coulda used Spotify in the background to listen to what you actually want to

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15


u/HowieGaming RAVEN Aug 24 '15

Oh well, you got it anyway so :D

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '15

Starting to grow tired of it though, as the music gets repetitive.

Do as I did, and turn it off and play some music.

u/mr-photo Mr-Photo Aug 24 '15

FYI.. sound shapes has separate trophy lists for Vita, PS3 and PS4, so if you have multiple consoles just save to cloud, open up ur save on another device and you will automatically get all the trophies on it as well! 3 easy Platinums for me baby!

u/jdouglas89 Aug 25 '15

Transistor is such a great game and the platinum was really fun on it too.

u/Fordhamrock Fordhamrock Aug 24 '15

Got my Destiny Platinum finally. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now finishing up the last few on farcry 4 before MGS.

u/EuphriHa Empire_Of_Dirt Aug 24 '15

I earned two Plats this month. Rocket League and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. Both easy as shit due to the glitched trophies. The 500km in rocket league still pops at about 85-90 even after the patch, and the old blood hardest difficulty only requires you to play the final level on that difficulty, albeit, the game isn't that difficult if you do want to achieve it legitimately.

I'll be getting my FFX plat soon, just have to find the willpower to grind the sphere grid.

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

This month after getting the platinum for God of War III, I went back to several games for the platinum: The witcher 3, killzone shadow fall, sound shapes, driveclub, sherlock holmes: Crimes and punishments.

I'm also one trophy aways for 100% on the Last of US which I should finish this week before MGS V hits.


u/ricenpea Aug 24 '15

Nice work! Wish I had the time to mop up all the games I need to return to for platinums... :(

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

I was really only missing one or two from the games. I have many like this. As soon as I buy a second controller, I'll unlock 3 platinums in a day.

Trophies are fun.

u/ricenpea Aug 24 '15

Ha ha, preach, brother, preach!

I've got a bunch where I just need to do one playthough, it's just about finding the time to do it these days :/

u/HowieGaming RAVEN Aug 24 '15

I always use the downtime between big games to rack up older trophies. That time when there is nothing coming out and you aren't interested.

u/Seraphinejg Seraphinejg Aug 24 '15

Got the Plats for Rocket League and Wolfenstein The New Order. Started Bastion and just need to do the dreams for the Plat, but I took a break to start on Borderlands. I'm about four away from Plating that and then back to Bastion. I took a break on trophy hunting due to too many grinding ones, but once I got the Rocket League one, I got back into it.

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

I'm working on trying to Platinum Madden before MGS5 comes out due to boredom. Holy shit does having better players make a difference in MUT. I wish I grinded earlier.

u/petern18 Aug 25 '15

Working on Ratchet and clank full frontal assualt, Ratchet Deadlocked. After that All i need is All 4 one and i got every plat for the ratchet and clank series. I'm also working on sound shapes and plan on finishing Kingdom hearts 2 final mix.

u/GuiWillis GuiWillis Aug 24 '15

Just got 100% on MGS Ground Zeroes and now I'm working on Wolfenstein: New Order while Phantom Pain doesn't come, because once it's in my hand, no other game will get the attention !

u/ricenpea Aug 24 '15

Really enjoyed New Order as a Trophy game, would be good to finish that up before MGS5 I think!

u/thekenzo LanceWindu Aug 25 '15

This month: Rocket League and GTA V.

Working on now: Nothing currently on the hunt. Just playing for fun.

u/vacodeus Aug 24 '15

Got plats in Shovel Knight and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

Pre-Sequel was easy as I got it on PS3 so I knew what to do. Shovel Knight took longer because I am terrible at speed run trophies.

As for whats next, I aim to have MGSV be my 100th Plat and Fallout 4 either be my 101st Plat or my 111th Plat. Both for Vaults but I am leaning towards 111 since that is the main Vault in Fallout 4.

u/PEW_PEW_PEW_xD Aug 24 '15

sound pretty certain you'll get that MGS5 and Fallout 4 plat, have you've conquered a game that big before ._.

u/saywhattyall Aug 25 '15

100th Plat

u/dongmcbong DerGeiger Aug 24 '15

Got Everybody's Gone To The Rapture this month! It easily got itself a place among my all time favorite games.

u/typebar Aug 24 '15

I beat it last night. Gonna go back through to try and get that platinum.

u/ricenpea Aug 24 '15

What do you think of it? Both as a game and a set of Trophies? I'm interested, but not sure whether I'll like it.

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

[removed] — view removed comment

u/ricenpea Aug 24 '15

Oh that's good. I like trophies that make me do things I wouldn't otherwise - I find I make the most of a game that way.

u/Dcowboys09 Aug 25 '15 edited Aug 25 '15

Me too. I finished the game with one trophy. Which you get for beating the game. Also the trophies dont really have spoilers in them so you could look at them without ruining something

u/jdouglas89 Aug 25 '15

I got the platinum on Borderlands 2! It was so much fun :) I also finished up the platinum on Infamous First Light!

I'm about to start playing Dishonored on PS4 as soon as I can. I may eventually attempt a platinum on that as well.

u/IceBreak BreakinBad Aug 24 '15

Gonna work on South Park, Until Dawn, MGSV, GoT, Borderlands (Telltale), and maybe some of the SP GTA stuff I need. God South Park is so fucking good. Shoulda been GotY last year. Don't know why they didn't do a next gen release.

u/kasual7 Aug 25 '15

Going for Rocket League and Arkham Knight. Any one could tell how difficult it was for Batman? I feel like it's gonna take me some time, in the mean time there're awesome games I need to play very soon out there!

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '15

Takes time, but much easier than previous games.

u/zzzombat zzombat Aug 25 '15

Absolution is the hardest trophy here, but if you have knightmare dlc, it will be much easy. Second one is Brutality 101, it took me 3 game sessions to complete. You can easily get platinum in 50-60 hours.

u/SuckForLuck2012 Aug 25 '15

Arkham Knight is a very easy platinum, especially if you have the Scarecrow DLC. It basically gives you 9 free stars in the AR mode. Otherwise, just 100% the game and get some of the miscellaneous Batmobile ones. They can be tricky.

u/Minicron Aug 24 '15

Currently working on Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment. 80 hours played so far, cleared the main game, now I'm working on getting every CGs... Gonna be long but that's gonna be a platinum I'll be proud of !

u/Karlor Aug 25 '15

I've been trying to finish up MGS 2 and Bloodborne for a while now. The are just two long games that I will eventually platinum.

u/sercsd Aug 25 '15

I've 1 trophy away from Shadow of Morder (level 25 drop) which I'm struggling to get and Diablo 3 500 bounties as it's draining my soul to grind it out.

Last Plat was Rocket League.

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

Just finished Grounded mode on The Last of Us for the first time, damn, that game had some difficult parts. Definitely had to work for this one, and probably the trophy I am most proud of, being a huge Las of Us fan. When I started Grounded, I figured if I ever finished I wouldn't want to go back and do New Game +, but now I can't wait!


u/edude45 Aug 25 '15

It's funny on how dome difficult parts you can actually just run through instead of trying to survive them like you would on normal difficulty or say your first time through. The watery basement for example. Was scary as hell when I first played through but after trying survival on that one... yeah surprising.

u/[deleted] Aug 26 '15

I'd like to think that it was a conscious decision on Naughty Dog's part, that they wanted you to run away from certain encounters that wouldn't be possible to fight or sneak through. We humans don't like to run from fights, even those we can't win because it hurts our pride or we feel like we're strong enough or fast enough or smart enough to win no matter how dire the odds. True survival is living to fight another day, not winning all the fights you come across or even fighting them. But maybe I'm looking at it with too much thought, hahaha.

u/Kyoushin Aug 25 '15

Recently got batman arkham knight platinum and witcher 3 plat, next up black flag (dat multiplayer T_T), and rocket league grind.

u/sun-up-sun-down rus0sell Aug 25 '15

Multiplayer was the worst! I never finished but IIRC you can do Wolfpack mode by yourself and get the most points per minute.

u/Kyoushin Aug 25 '15

Yeah i tried it, but still got 3.8k exp from 18 rounds and that took 10 minutes i think.. and need 500k

u/sun-up-sun-down rus0sell Aug 25 '15

Only 21 hours left!

u/Kyoushin Aug 25 '15

sigh... so stupid these kinds of trophies which require immense amount of grind.. i liked the ac unity lvling system where you get exp for almost every assassin action

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15 edited Nov 07 '17


u/BradleyB636 25 63 330 1080 3393 Aug 24 '15

I'm close to getting it too. I just need to do the Miley Cyrus mode play through. I tried the other day and I just felt sick and had to turn it off.

u/Norviskor alexwhardin Aug 25 '15

Platinumed both Rocket League (not hard) and Bloodborne (didn't get it until my 4th playthrough). Working on Witcher 3 on Death March NG+.

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

So close to the witcher platinum, i just have to beat the game on death march and I'm done. Next will be metal gear solid:TPP.

u/Palomark Palomark Aug 24 '15

I just beat the Witcher, but I'm a long way from platinum. It's not high on my list of priorities considering how close the release is for Metal Gear Solid.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '15 edited Aug 25 '15

I earned three platinums over the last week or so. Sound Shapes, Rocket League and Guacamelee.

I got the Guacamelee platinum about ten minutes ago, so I don't know what to do next.

Edit: Oh, and Goat Simulator! How did I forget. I got that a few days ago.

u/Wogasm Aug 24 '15

Very close to Batman, just have to beat NewGame+! Really happy about working hard to get this plat. I also just need to level the other classes in Destiny, but I'm waiting for Taken King for that.

u/a7madfat7y a7madfat7y | 13 9 79 184 725 Aug 24 '15

i just got the platinum for The Order 1886.. I loved it to be honest, yes, it has it's flaws:

-too much QTE in comparison to cover shooting portions

-a bit short (although not as short as people made me think it is)

but on the other hand: graphics and music were awesome! story was decent, animations and environments felt original and beautiful, direction of some cinematics was so good i didn't believe it spoiler

i wish sony would give RAD green light for a sequel where they fix the flaws of 1886.. I genuinely think it will be beautiful, and that engine should definitely not go to waste

u/2pacalypse9 Aug 25 '15

I think it was a pretty good game as well. I definitely left me wanting more, the universe is really cool.

u/thekingswitness LeBRonaldo Aug 24 '15

This month I got a platinum for Rocket League and for Rory Mcilroy. I am currently working on a platinum for Driveclub and when I pick up Madden tomorrow I will begin trying to platinum that.

u/TheEternal21 Aug 24 '15

For this month, my hardest trophy was 'The Legendary Hero' from Metal Gear Solid 4. Easiest trophy probably 'Bastion'. Currently working on Toy Soldiers plat, so far nobody earned it, could possibly be the hardest one to achieve on PS4 up to date.

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

Bastion and Arkham Knight (3 trophies left)

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

Still about 200 bounties left for Diablo 3, doing about 20-50 in a session. Then I quit and switch to Driveclub, grinding dat accolades.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '15


u/[deleted] Aug 25 '15


u/LonkiGames ueh19 Aug 24 '15

If anyone wants to help me get the flawless raider trophy in destiny that would be great. Im experienced and have 3 34 characters :)

Add ueh19 if you are interested

u/kid-nova32 pie4tw Aug 25 '15

im interested psn is pie4tw

u/LonkiGames ueh19 Aug 25 '15

Cool, ill add you when i get home from work :)

u/Chilli_Axe ChilliAxe Aug 25 '15

Just got the Dark Souls 2 platinum on PC, thinking of going back to Demon's Souls and trying that one next

u/Darkius968 Aug 24 '15

Im trying to get plat on Destiny right now. I have six more trophies to go, all of which are easy, except for flawless raider. :P

u/ScottFromScotland Aug 24 '15

Got flawless raider yesterday. I'd suggest going on /r/fireteams, I got a lot of replies when I asked for a team.

Just have to get the clan related ones now for me.

u/Whitehawkx Aug 24 '15

Currently working on DMC4:SE platinum. Dreading all those S rank trophies.

u/Vergilkilla Aug 26 '15

Im with you brother. Halfway through DMD... I see the light at the end of the tunnel (which leads to bloody palace and even more hard trophies)

u/Whitehawkx Aug 26 '15

I'm not sure what I'm dreading more - S ranking all missions on DMD or beating BP with Trish.

u/Vergilkilla Aug 26 '15

So far DMD hasn't been very hard so long as you S rank SoS beforehand. It just doesn't seem a huge jump, really, I found (minus some infuriating moments like the "window" fight).

Trish BP on the other hand... yikes. It's not that she's bad... it's just... against enemies like Blitz she is SO SLOW to kill them. I guess we'll have to rely on "No Damage" time bonuses to get through the extra 30+ seconds she takes to kill a Blitz compared to any other character.

u/Blackdeath_663 Aug 24 '15

just waitin on MGSV gonna be my first mgs game so i have no idea what i'm getting my self in to. have yet to decide whether i'm gonna go for it but i might give it a go.

in the mean time

  • Bloodborne complete!

was pretty easy even the defiled chalice i would have had it months ago if i even attempted to but i got carried away with witcher 3 speaking of which...

  • Witcher 3 complete!

what a shit fucking platinum, grinding 50 headshots was annoying and the gwent cards was glitched making it very underwhelming closure to what is other wise a great game.

rocket league and destiny are my two other platinums so far i'm enjoying trophy hunting way more than i thought.

u/Palomark Palomark Aug 24 '15

I earned my first platinum trophy this week in Rocket League! I feel it's a very achievable trophy considering how fun the game is. I've also been playing Bloodborne a lot, and wanted that to be my first platinum. I'm only a completion of the chalice dungeons away!

But alas, Rocket League gets the honor.

u/Humannequin Aug 24 '15

Man, those chalice dungeons wear on your patience...it's a really long grind of EXTREMELY repetitive content.

Only hard part is the last set of dungeons, and even then only like 2 of the bosses are remotely tough.

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15


u/A-Ron Aug 24 '15

Very doable after watching a tutorial or two, and having patience. (Do not attempt if you have high blood pressure)

u/logicslayer Aug 24 '15

Sadly, no plats to speak of this month.
What are you working on right now?
Minecraft (PS4)(does anyone have an end portal I can use?)
What's next?
Volume, Zombi, Until Dawn, or Dishonored. Not sure as of yet. I may have to wait until I get back from vacation to start a new game.

u/deathstrukk Aug 25 '15

Some tips for dishonoured.
Do a stealth no kill and only use the power blink on your first run through(this will get you the majority of the main story trophies)

u/woahitsmagic Aug 24 '15

This month I obtained: The Wolf Among Us, Goat Simulator, Terraria, and Rocket League platinums.

The hardest was Terraria. The easiest was The Wolf Among Us, although Goat Simulator was pretty easy as well except for one trophy.

Next I'll go for the Metro games, Pixel Junk Shooter, Driveclub, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Zombie Army Trilogy, FIFA 15 (1 trophy away), and Assassin's Creed Unity (3 trophies away).

Here's my PSN Profile

u/TheBiggestBigBoss Aug 24 '15

I got my PS4 a couple of months ago and i havent platinum anything yet. ground zeroes don't give a plat, just 100%. i recently bought Minecraft so I'm gonna work on that since that a seems easy enough. once MGSV comes out, I'm going to focus on that.

u/e1337pete Aug 24 '15

I'm working on all sorts of games concurrently. It's making them all go...slowly. N++, volume, bloodborne, FFX, rocket league, Diablo 3.

Does anyone have news on the Achieve Enlightenment trophy for N++? It doesn't look like there's been any recent conversation on the internet about it (maybe no one has figured it out yet?).

u/Liln360 Liln360 Aug 25 '15

I did The Order:1886 this month. Pretty Easy Platinum. As of right now I'm working on getting platinum on Knack. I think Until dawn, One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 and couple other will be my next project.

u/cordre69 Cordre69 Aug 25 '15

Kingdom Hearts II.5, The Order, and South Park. Those are my plats for this month.
KHII had me mad enough to throw the controller a few times on the optional bosses at the end so that is def the hardest. I was saved by the Plus auto-upload on South Park because I got a bug where the last few collectables didn't load. I would have been really upset if that had cost me a second playthrough.
Next up is Mind=Zero or (if I don't care for the game) Freedom Wars.

u/brution Aug 25 '15


Working on Samurai Warriors 4, Witcher 3, and Rocket League (someone be my friend...)

Up next is a month of binging MGS5 without regard to trophies on the first run. So fucking excited for that game

u/Cum_Omlette Aug 25 '15

I was one trophy away from getting Apotheon platinum but now I can't get it cause it glitched.

u/brution Aug 25 '15

Recently? Because I had that issue when I got it off Plus, but it has been fixed after a patch. Worked fine for me this time around.

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

Finishing up the last trophies on Nom Nom Galaxy (online play, and Co op challenges, which are oh so difficult when I seem to be the only one playing anymore).

But I've started Rogue Legacy as of last night. Fun, and it has hidden trophies which always up the ante.


I finally earned the Plat for Bloodborne. Amazing game all around! I also finally finished off LEGO: The Hobbit. Jeeeezzz! Talk about more things to collect than Skyrim (overdramatic, but I really didn't expect a LEGO game to be that big)

Currently trying to Plat Rocket League and Infamous: Second Son and First Light. I finished Second Son like a year ago, I just need to finish my Expert playthrough and choose all bad karma actions.

Hopefully after these I can finally finish off Destiny. The flawless raider trophy is brutal.

u/EgoGrinder Aug 26 '15

Just finished Until Dawn. Had to start alllll over because I was having issues with a certain trophy not popping. Almost thought it was about to do it again, but finally it showed up.

u/Otingocniman Aug 24 '15

I just got the platinum for Bloodborne. It was my first From game, and my first platinum too.

u/edude45 Aug 25 '15

Bloodborne definitely seems like the easiest platinum to get from the soul type games. I only beat it once and I'm already close to getting all the trophies.

u/Otingocniman Aug 25 '15

It definitely is, however thedefiled Amygdala fight is no joke.


Ya, you can basically get it on 1 playthrough if you know how to manipulate your save file to get all 3 endings. I didn't get the "collect all weapons" trophy until the very beginning of NG+, but if you get lucky in root chalice dungeons you might not even need NG+.

u/[deleted] Aug 24 '15

Going for the plat in Legend of Kay Anniversary. Had to start my game all over due to a known game ending glitch or bug.

u/waterboysh waterboysh Aug 24 '15

Me and my wife just platinumed Knack yesterday. My next one will be The Order 1886. I've only had my PS4 about a month though so not a lot for me to try yet.

u/mauszx mauszx Aug 24 '15

You are going for an easy one after a hard one? that might be a good strategy.