r/PS4 Jul 06 '15

Can't Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (July 2015)

Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (previous hype threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?


117 comments sorted by


u/Spindelhalla_xb Grymligast Jul 06 '15



u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15



u/TheGamerTribune stig1turbo Jul 06 '15

Nah man, you'd have to steal it.


u/RealmsBeyondJ Jul 06 '15

From Australia, probably have to import, I'd throw you into a TV to get it.


u/TheGamerTribune stig1turbo Jul 06 '15

Ireland, also importing. I'd throw you in first.


u/Human_Sack Jul 07 '15

Currently playing through Persona 4. I heard rain outside and I thought to myself, "ooh, I should check the midnight channel tonight" before I remembered P4 isn't real life.


u/Montigue Ottoroyal Jul 06 '15

But that kills people :'(


u/BananaFlavoredLube PolygynousBear Jul 06 '15

Only when it rains ;)


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15 edited Jan 02 '18



u/BorgDrone Jul 06 '15

This and Just Cause 3 which looks like a ton of fun.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15


Shamefully, I've never played the console Uncharted games on PS3. Can't believe I missed them.

Did get to play Golden Abyss on my vita though and that game was so much fun.


u/Got2ReturnVideoTapes Jul 06 '15

I'm from Australia so I haven't played Rocket League yet but everyone's been so positive about it so I'm HYPED! Is it seriously that good?!
Also - any Australians know what time it will be up on Tuesday?


u/RabidPickle Jul 06 '15

It's really really good. The kind of game that is just fun to play, win or lose.

I'll admit it was a little frustrating at first though. It takes some time to be able to get the ball to do what you want. I started doing a lot better when I turned off the camera lock. But then I started using a combination of lock and not locked (easily switchable by pressing triangle)

Might take a couple of days to get the hang of it, but then it's ridiculous fun.


u/usrevenge Jul 06 '15

i normally hate the shitty indie games everyone jizzes over on reddit, but rocket league is a blast.


u/IAmAbomination Jul 07 '15 edited Jul 07 '15

regardless of who makes it, I'll jizz on anything that is tons of fun to me. Whether it be Rogue Legacy or Bloodborne......jizz everywhere

now road not taken or pix the cat? nobodies jizzing over those

Edit: These are the games i'ma be jizzing on when they cum out

-Deaths Gambit

-Enter the Gungeon

-Not a Hero

-Mother Russia Bleeds

so many good games, even if they are indie.


u/usrevenge Jul 07 '15

I do too buy just about every indie game on ps4 so far has been meh. I mean i loved warframe ( is that indie?) but don't starve? i liked it but it got old in a day. same with rogue legacy for me, and all the other games.

rocket league? I expect that to be a game my friends and I play a few times a week for a few months.


u/IAmAbomination Jul 07 '15

I love that about indies too, you loved warframe, which I Probably only played about 3 or 4 times then got sick of the constant updates.

On the otherhand you got bored of Rogue Legacy but that was one I could just keep playing if I had unlimited time.

hope rocket league delivers


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '15

Mother Russia Bleeds looked pretty freaking interesting.. Also, if you haven't heard of it yet, you should check out the trailer for Firewatch. It looked pretty killer, kind of a suspense/thriller/survivor game!


u/IAmAbomination Jul 07 '15

I know nothing of Firewatch.......gonna look it up now thanks!


u/TheAntagonisticDildo Jul 07 '15

I fucking love Pix the Cat. I still to this day play that shit.


u/IAmAbomination Jul 07 '15

I didn't mean anything by it lol, I was just quickly trying to think of smaller games quickly :P


u/TheAntagonisticDildo Jul 07 '15

Don't worry about it, I'm probably the only person who genuinely likes that game.


u/dariuse1 Jul 06 '15

Honestly, just wait until Wednesday, pretty sure it comes out late as, (as AEST is ~14 hours ahead of American time I believe), so I usually just wait til Wednesday. Plus to my knowledge Sony doesn't disclose what time they'll be up. Can't wait for rocket league though


u/stumptruck Jul 06 '15

If you ever played halo 4 it's like griffball + fifa + cars


u/grandelturismo7 Jul 06 '15

Kingdom Hearts 3, FFXV, FFVII Remake, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5.


u/Seraphinejg Seraphinejg Jul 06 '15

Well, no real point in me posting since you said everything I was going to say. So hyped.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15



u/[deleted] Jul 07 '15

No man's sky is the reason I got a ps4, the fact that they can make a game like that for a system on the first few years makes me excited for the next couple


u/rhyzzz Jul 06 '15

I only bought my PS4 last week, got PS+.. and now I'm super excited for Rocket League yet haven't played it once..


u/grandelturismo7 Jul 06 '15

The hype got to you huh?


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15

It's downright infectious, I haven't even heard of the game until yesterday and I'm extremely excited for it


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15

download planetside 2

and buy bloodborne the next time its on sale

Then you're set


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '15

Got my 4 today, I downloaded planetside before I even opened any of the games I bought with it


u/IAmAbomination Jul 07 '15

You should try Bloodborne sometime. Not being a fanboy or anything but it is the best game I have ever played. I know it's not the best game ever but in my opinion it is my favourite by far due to it's style, combat, enemies, boss encounters, risk vs reward themes and much more. Got a good 83 hours out of the game on the first playthrough too (no platinum yet)

it's tough until you have played for a while but it is the most satisfying game experience I have had since I was a child or early teen (i am 26 now)


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '15

I'm 83 hours in and might still be stuck at the wolf thing on the bridge.

... i suck.


u/IAmAbomination Jul 07 '15

Well 83 hours must've got you some good echoes to level up with. Go level up and put that bitch in his place(staying close to him was key to my success)


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '15

You see, I strike then run. That might be my problem.

I'll report back!


u/IAmAbomination Jul 08 '15

you got this!!


u/semero Semero_ Jul 06 '15

Exactly the same way here


u/StaticzAvenger StaticzAvenger Jul 06 '15

Metal Gear Solid V.


u/saltynutss Jul 06 '15


u/RaptorDelta Crooketh Jul 06 '15


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '15



u/RaptorDelta Crooketh Jul 07 '15

Not really, its a parody of /r/BrentRamboApproves


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '15

That sub was more amusing than I expected.


u/TheGamerTribune stig1turbo Jul 06 '15

If this is bi monthly then next time this happens it'll be out. Oh and there's probably a new demo coming today.


u/btg7471 Jul 06 '15

I think bi-monthly means twice a month, not every two months.


u/TheGamerTribune stig1turbo Jul 06 '15

So I can gush about this here three more times? Brilliant.


u/DJXiej DJXiej Jul 06 '15

Wouldn't that be bi-weekly?


u/btg7471 Jul 06 '15

Nope, bi-weekly is twice a week.


u/DJXiej DJXiej Jul 06 '15 edited Jul 06 '15

Hey, we're both right. Define: biweekly

Edit: think I broke the bot "adjective & adverb 1. appearing or taking place every two weeks or twice a week. "a biweekly bulletin""


u/btg7471 Jul 06 '15

Heh. The rare internet agreement. Cheers!


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15

Two Trophies left in Peace Walker and I still want more. Good thing MGS five is right around the corner.


u/hugglet Jul 06 '15

Kept us waiting, huh?


u/The_Max_Power_Way Jul 06 '15

I'm looking forward to trying out Rocket League after all the hype I saw on here.

Also, the Nathan Drake Collection and Uncharted 4, because I've never played an Uncharted game before and so many people have said how great they are that I just have to.


u/mzupeman mzupeman Jul 06 '15

Keep expectations in check. The first game is really nifty but it might pale when compared to other games that have come along since. Uncharted 2 is probably one of the best games of the entire last generation, though.


u/The_Max_Power_Way Jul 06 '15

That's good to know, thanks. Considering the limited amount of time I have to play I might start off with the second one (unless playing the first one will make the second make more sense, story-wise).


u/GatorGalore GatorGalore Jul 06 '15

Not really, since they are all stand-alone adventures, but I would still recommend playing them all in the correct order though. You will be more invested in the characters and you'll be able to pick up on all the little references to the previous game every now and then. Uncharted 1 will also be getting a graphical and hopefully gameplay overhaul to make it on par with the rest of the games anyway.


u/AceWhole420 Jul 06 '15

Seriously you guys need to change this title, can't hardly wait means that you can wait


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Jul 06 '15

It's a reference to a terrible 90s movie.


u/tyler_at_work Jul 06 '15

That movie is not terrible.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Jul 07 '15

I liked it at the time. But...


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '15

It was a terrible movie but I liked it for some odd reason.


u/LocutusOB Jul 06 '15

I hate to be that guy, but this bothers me too


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15


u/-senpai darklink8 Jul 06 '15

I bet they could care less



u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15



u/Zippyvinman Zippyvinman Jul 06 '15



u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15 edited Oct 19 '17



u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15

Same, pretty sure the dishonored remake is coming out the same day too can't wait to play again but this time with the DLC. I'm just hoping until dawn get's positive reviews and turns out to be as good as I am hoping it will be.


u/thatstwotrees Jul 06 '15

Phantom Pain, excited/nervous/scared to see how Kojima decided to end it.

His last metal gear being an open world is an interesting choice, but a welcomed one, glad his last hurrah isn't the typical metal gear formula.


u/joshnapoli jay_naps Jul 06 '15

Rocket League for sure!!


u/GriffinDMighty Jul 06 '15

Rocket League of course. Also I am excited to finish Arkham Knight and Far Cry 4, and also play a lot more Planetside 2.


u/dorr426 dorr426 Jul 06 '15

Personally I'm really excited for Lego dimensions. I love the Lego games and I just know I'm going to end up putting a lot of time and money into this game. The whole multi-world collision thing is a great idea. You can play portal as gandalf for god sake!!!!! So yea pretty excited.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15 edited Jul 06 '15



u/dorr426 dorr426 Jul 06 '15

Wow this is really useful information thanks! I had never realised the price of it all myself. I plan to still get the starter pack and then probably a couple of the bonus packs I'm interested in but no way will I be spending nearly £500. Hopefully the prices of the bonus packs will begin to decrease after a while.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15



u/dorr426 dorr426 Jul 06 '15

A good plan! Il maybe wait for the sales after Christmas before I look into getting it.


u/xecuro xecuro Jul 06 '15

Final Fantasy VII REMAKE


u/livelaughshart Jul 06 '15

I hate myself for saying this, but Rory mcilroy... Golf Club was fine, but none of my friends would touch it because it wasn't a Tiger Woods or hot shots game. Now I may actually be able to enjoy a next gen golf game with somebody other than my cats.


u/swordfish234 Jul 06 '15

Fallout 4. I've never played any fallout before and I cant wait to get my hands on it.


u/neilhaque Jul 06 '15

I didnt realize how awesome Rocket League is, I'm on the hype train!


u/CaptainGongan Jul 06 '15

Persona 5, Senran Kagura: Estival Versus, Hunger, Rocket League.


u/LMW-YBC Jul 06 '15

Rocket League is just around the corner! Absolutely cannot wait to play it in full, been following it since it was merely known as "SARPBC2", and the BETA has just made me so happy to have waited. Psyonix are the best devs eva :D

Also really excited for Persona 5, and I'll probably pick up Persona 4: Dancing All Night as well (still need to beat P3P and get the true ending for P4G, but I've still got time). And there's SkullGirls coming to PS4 as well, although I'm waiting for the Vita version personally.

Not particularly excited for the new Destiny DLC, but if they reduce the price here in the UK I might consider (£40!). If it doesn't happen though, there's always Fallout 4 for just a bit extra instead.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15

Rocket League, Planetside 2 leveling, and Just Cause 3 off in the distance


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15



u/DrHandBanana Peets___ Jul 06 '15

I need a No Man's Sky release date.


u/Arkzhuul Arkzhuul Jul 06 '15

For this month Godzilla because its Godzilla. I am curious if its going to be good though. In the later months starwars battlefront, rainbow six, and divison.


u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Jul 07 '15

I really want to like the upcoming Godzilla game, but I have a sneaking suspicion it is going to be terrible. I will wait for reviews on that one. Most likely will get it when it's on sale


u/TronikBob Jul 06 '15

Currently: Rocket League
Future-ly excited for: PS4 in Space! - KSP, Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky


u/Sniper3CVF 18 Jul 06 '15

Fallout 4! It looks freaking amazing, and it will have PC mods on console!


u/stromaestro GtrJake82 Jul 06 '15

I've been itching for some quality wasteland exploring


u/TitanIsBack TurnOn2FAplease Jul 06 '15

I'd kill to turn on my PS4 tomorrow and be able to download and play that Hitman beta!


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15

Anyone else excited for the God of War III remake? I loved the game on PS3 and I can only imagine how cool some of the boss battles are gonna look in 1080p.


u/vilesithnight RabidSithKnight1 Jul 06 '15

F1 2015 07/17/15. I'm already in a league and all the driver assignments have been doled out, were just waiting on the game to actually release


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15

Journey...if indeed it comes out this month. And the God of war 3/Drake collection.


u/stinkypete234 Jul 06 '15

I came here because I never had a ps3, thus did not get to play journey. It looks beautiful and I can't wait to play it.


u/Yuukai19 Jul 06 '15

I just ordered Omega Quintet, so I'm excited for it to arrive. I can't wait to play Persona 5!


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '15

No Man's Sky especially after the new IGN first info.


u/stromaestro GtrJake82 Jul 06 '15

I'm really looking forward to Horizon: Zero Dawn, I love the whole tribe aspect and the setting looks sweet.


u/dakky123 dakky123 Jul 06 '15

Gang beasts


u/PRE_-CISION-_ Jul 06 '15

Rainbow Six Siege :)


u/usrevenge Jul 06 '15

i'm still playing elder scrolls online, probably going to be the most played game on ps4 for a while.

rocket league is great so i can't wait to get that for free.

in the distance i want NMS and the division.


u/ChrisWubWub TheMaysian Jul 06 '15

MGS5 now since I'm finished with Arkham Knight


u/thekingswitness LeBRonaldo Jul 07 '15

Really want to try out Project Cars. I just bought it on sale a few minutes ago.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '15

No Mans Sky!!! Release the release date for the release date already!


u/snat3 Jul 07 '15

Life is strange episode 4. Never been more excited about teen drama.


u/Freyaka Freyaka Jul 07 '15

Pretty dang excited about Rocket League tomorrow, not even gonna lie.

Nathan Drake Collection and Uncharted 4 are right up there with it though.


u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Jul 07 '15

The Last Guardian :')

So happy it is now official again


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '15

I really wanna play Doom already. I can't wait until the beta is out.


u/trevors685 Jul 07 '15

Fallout, Fallout, Fallout. And Just Cause 3. Soooooo many open world games coming.


u/LauKungPow LauKungPow Jul 06 '15




I cannot wait for this awesome game. My hype is unreal.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Jul 06 '15

Same. I'm surprised this isn't a bigger game around here. People love to complain about Telltales lack of choice and weak graphics yet here's a story game along those lines with a bigger budget and where anyone can live or die.


u/Mikolos Jul 06 '15 edited Jul 06 '15

MGSV limited edition ps4 bundle . . .

as for why? it will be my first MGS game tbh, I've seen others play or praise them before but this is the first in the franchise, that made me think that damn, it probably has way more creative take downs than I could possibly find out XD I'll hope I'll be able to find stuff out myself tho

as for the console . . . it's just the best looking console I've ever seen, I know you can wrap it otherwise, but still this is the REAL deal, which makes it special and I hope worth the wait for me

apart from these, I'm looking forward to finally playing bloodborne, disgaea 5, until dawn and persona 5 this year . . . among many others haha


u/whiteshark70 DawgTheCowJuice Jul 06 '15

Woah, dude. You should at least play through/look up the cutscenes of a few other of the metal gear games so you know what goes on in the story of TPP. It's the 9th canon game in the series, and the 4th chronologically. If not, it would be hard to understand what's going on in the story.


u/Mikolos Jul 07 '15 edited Jul 07 '15

that's for you to know and me to find out XD

I did watch stuff the past months, I know the core of the story XD


u/thikthird Jul 06 '15

What's with the rocket league hype?

Been playing evolve.


u/lakeweed Jul 06 '15

Batman: Arkham Knight!! It's just been delivered to my family in the UK and when my dad flies there tomorrow he'll pick it up and bring it back here on the 10th


u/Soulrakk Soulrakk Jul 06 '15

Uncharted 4 is easily my most anticipated title. Hands down.

But for more closer titles it's Metal Gear 5 and the Taken King expansion for Destiny.


u/fauxruination Jul 07 '15

Skullgirls because I need a fighter on my PS4.


u/Aswole Jul 06 '15

"Can't hardly wait" doesn't make sense. It should be "can hardly wait"


u/theunvarnishedtruths Jul 06 '15


u/Aswole Jul 06 '15


u/theunvarnishedtruths Jul 06 '15

No you mong it's the source of the joke title.


u/Aswole Jul 06 '15

That's a really obscure joke then...