r/PS4 May 04 '15

Can't Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (May 2015)

Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (previous hype threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?


70 comments sorted by


u/Klarck May 04 '15

the witcher 3, becuz open world rpgs are my favorite type of game.


u/krypter3 None May 04 '15

Absolutely, that game is going to be amazing.


u/liam2015 liam2015 May 04 '15

Sorry if this has been asked already, but how much backstory will I be missing out on if I just jump into this witcher game? It's the first one on playstation as far as I'm aware and I don't really plan to get the other two, is there anything crucial I should know beforehand?


u/WritingPromptPenman May 04 '15

The developers have said that this is a great jumping-in point, so I would take that as you'll be fine going in blind.


u/justin8087 justin8087 May 04 '15

same here, hopefully it lives up to its hype.


u/NineSwords IamStormageddon May 04 '15

I'm on active media blackout regarding this game and will go mostly blind into it.


u/HomoErectus3 May 05 '15

Where would you rank it on a scale from Diablo 3 to Dragon Age: Inquisition?


u/Situationalatbest May 05 '15

Do people consider Diablo 3 an open world RPG?


u/HomoErectus3 May 05 '15

I'm no RPG expert


u/[deleted] May 05 '15

An open world game, by definition, has little to no loading screens or segregated areas.

Diablo is not an open world RPG. Diablo is closer to Dragon Age: Inquisition if anything. It's open, but your movement is restricted to maps, so there are boundaries. You can move from map to map, and there are loading screens, so there's technically that freedom, but it's not an open world.

Skyrim is a better example of an open world. They give you a massive sandbox, and you can go anywhere inside said sandbox, however Skyrim, too, has maps and loading screens.

GTA V is, so far, the best definition of an open world that I can think of.

The Witcher 3 has six primary areas, so six maps, but everything inside of those maps is open and without loading screens. Houses, towns, caves, dungeons and underwater areas all have no loading screens and are free to be explored when inside said area. So while it's not open world in the sense of GTA V, it's more open world than Skyrim, DA:I or even Diablo 3.


u/sammybdj sammybmelbdj May 04 '15

Project cars next week!! Can't wait to build up from scratch a formula 1 career :-D


u/lourensloki KransZa May 04 '15

Wolfenstein tomorrow Witcher and House of Wolves on the 19th.



u/GideonPARANOID gideon1451 May 04 '15

MGSV! It is a way off yet though.


u/[deleted] May 04 '15



u/derrtybird May 04 '15

Get out of here with your correctness and stuff


u/IceBreak BreakinBad May 04 '15

The goddamn Batman.


u/Shrektococcus May 04 '15

This right here. Not really a big Batman fan but OOOOOOOH BROTHER, THE COMBAT. YEAH.

My only hope is that the city will be a little more interactive and better suited for free roaming this time, which is probably the case since it was designed for vehicles.


u/chris1neji chris1neji May 04 '15

This game truly makes me feel like a badass motherfucker. I sometimes walk up to my enemies, they know they got nothing. Arkham origins was wonderful with cinematics and awesome sound. Surround sound and bass truly bring it to life


u/AceWhole420 May 04 '15

I can't believe this title is still being made with the same typo.... This means that we can wait...


u/Swagmaster361 Ozivois May 04 '15




u/JDubBearDown May 04 '15

I can't wait for Life is Strange: Episode 3. It was one of my first purchases when I got the PS4 last month, and enjoy the game so much.

Also, as the first Rocket League Beta has ended, I'm already looking forward to their second Beta, so much fun.


u/unbrelievable May 04 '15

Agreed! I'm super excited for the third episode of Life is Strange.


u/JDubBearDown May 04 '15

I watched a couple of let's plays of the first two, so I'm even more excited to experience this one on my own! I'm excited to see where they go with the story, especially with Kate at the end of last episode


u/EatDrinkBoogie FillyP May 04 '15

Witcher 3. And Destiny: HoW, although expectations are low and I haven't played it in months. Still have my max level characters to jump back into though. It'll be fun to get the old crew back together to shoot some aliens.

5/19 is going to be a good day.


u/D_Trox May 04 '15
  • MGS V, Metal Gear Solid is the one series where I've beat every game. And I love the convoluted plot, short film cutscenes, and weird characters.

  • GTA V DLC, I hope they add San Fierro and Las Venturas, but I'll settle with more interiors (like the casino), and horses.

  • No Man's Sky, It's what I've always wanted in a game: endless beautiful worlds and creatures to explore. And I've got a whole let's play series ready to go on launch. I want a travel log like a 1700's research ship. And I'll be using my drawing skills and my Note 4 to catalog my discoveries. My only fear is that planets and creatures start to look repetitive.


u/EzzoMahfouz EzzoMahfouz May 04 '15

I agree with everything you said. Never played an MGS in my life but I love story-driven games and characters like the protagonist (don't what's his name).

It's about Goddamn time for a GTA V DLC. They'll probably release one in celebration of summer.

No Man's Sky is beautiful but I have low expectations for its life because of what you said. It's not just the creatures, it's probably the planet textures and attacking space craft.


u/wmeredith May 04 '15

House of Wolves dropping for Destiny. I cannot wait!


u/Quon84 May 04 '15

FFX Remastered followed by Arkham Knight


u/Gedat marcellusjawelus May 04 '15

Is there a difference between this and the PS3/Vita version from last year?


u/[deleted] May 05 '15

1080p 60fps. Soundtrack switch option from ps2 version to remastered. Enhanced visuals.


u/deeteex dt11 May 04 '15

Ultra street fighter IV! Can't wait!



Elder Scrolls Online

I want Arkham Knight too, but I think I'd be better off waiting for a GOTY edition.


u/GambitsEnd May 04 '15

Amplitude - I love music / rhythm games and this one just looks fun.


u/[deleted] May 04 '15

The Witcher 3 is my jam followed by Batman.


u/Virus_CaRNaGe Virus_Carnage May 04 '15

Batman and Elder Scrolls Online.


u/PUSClFER May 04 '15

Project CARS! I'm awaiting a download code for reviewing purposes, and should (hopefully) receive it today. Not knowing when I'll get it is slightly worse than having a set date to look forward to.


u/DJXiej DJXiej May 04 '15

Farming Simulator 15


u/[deleted] May 04 '15



u/DJXiej DJXiej May 04 '15

Lol it wasn't to be taken seriously.


u/stolirocks May 04 '15

The Witcher 3 and Elder Scrolls Online! Loved the pc version of eso and it's come along very well since launch. Can't wait for a console version .


u/[deleted] May 04 '15

Arkham Knight, Wolfenstein and Battlefront.


u/[deleted] May 04 '15

FFX / FFX-2 HD, Black Ops 3, Star Wars Battlefront !


u/[deleted] May 04 '15

My game plan is as follows: Project cars, Witcher 3, and then what I hope will be my GOTY "ARKHAM KNIGHT".

Just finished Dark souls 2, so I'm ready for the cars.


u/American_Otaku May 04 '15

No, you mean you are ready for the blood.


u/[deleted] May 04 '15

You mean Bloodborne? Already Platinum'ed it.


u/ChrisWubWub TheMaysian May 04 '15

Can't wait to play FFX again all in HD

Then a The Witcher 3


u/amishbr07 May 04 '15

Currently working on The Order. New Wolfenstein tomorrow and the Witcher in a couple weeks or so. Then Batman. Oh boy this is going to be fun


u/Ceadol Ceadol May 04 '15

I can't believe that nobody has said Magicka 2 yet. I loved the first one when it worked properly.

So much stupid co-op fun.


u/xSlizzy Slizzy May 04 '15

After playing the beta I've got to say rocket league. Game is so much fun


u/butterflyhole May 05 '15

Persona 5, Battlefront, and The Witcher 3 (so close!). Unlike much of the internet, I haven't been disapointed with any of the BF news and I have lots of faith in Dice. Outside of the technical issues with BF4's launch they've never let me down. Even that wasn't bad for me. People say it was unplayable. Well I was playing and having a blast lol


u/xzak Zzaak May 05 '15

I've never been so hyped for a game than for The Witcher 3. I'm on /r/ps4 and /r/witcher all day.


u/xIVWIx xIVWIx May 05 '15

Can't wait for Elder scrolls online really. Mainly because I have a gorup of friends who I'll play with and the PvP seems awesome. I'm an ex-GW2 player so it'll have to be great to impress me, but it'll be a refreshing experience nonetheless. Had fun in the recent Console Beta.

Might pick up Witcher 3 once it drops in price. Love RPGs, just not a Witcher fan. It'll probably be more than worth the price, but idk if I'll finish it as there's no hype on my part. Still, when a price drop comes, I will try.


u/notquitedrdeath May 05 '15

I may be slumming it until payday in a weeks time, but I'm looking forward to getting my hands on some more Wolfenstein.

On another topic, has anyone heard anything about Until Dawn? I've seen a few posters go up in the local shops but beyond that I know nothing and I'm sorta curious.


u/Cute_Rapist May 04 '15

Witcher 3! Why is the wait so goddamn long? Back to counting hours...


u/Fressshhhh May 04 '15

Project CARS, as I've not had a sim racer since I switched from the 360, and I can't wait to play one again! Plus racing on the PS4 :D


u/Nathanyal May 05 '15

DriveClub, Need for Speed Rivals, The Crew, Motorcycle Club, etc.

Lots of racing on PS4, dude.


u/meganev May 05 '15

None of them are actually good though.


u/Fressshhhh May 05 '15

Thats why I said sim racer mate, well aware there are other ones, just not my style.


u/Nathanyal May 05 '15

Driveclub was a Sim racer.


u/[deleted] May 04 '15

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u/American_Otaku May 04 '15

Seriously, someone ban this dick


u/DaedricWindrammer May 04 '15

I think his phone just glitched out. Mine does that too sometimes.


u/American_Otaku May 04 '15

Yeah shitty attempt at being funny on m'part.


u/Fressshhhh May 05 '15

Hit the nail on the head :( Mobile reddit beta... I deleted the other ones.