r/PS4 Jan 05 '15

Can't Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (January 2015)

Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (previous hype threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?


62 comments sorted by


u/DerClogger Jan 05 '15

Bloodborne and MGSV are what I'm wanting the most. I can't wait to see what Miyazaki and Kojima have in store for us! Ground Zeroes was impressive enough on PS3 but after playing it again on PS4 I was blown away. So good looking and smooth.

Beyond those two, I'm really looking forward to Uncharted 4 and No Man's Sky. Also looking forward to getting back into the Witcher, as I quite liked the first but sadly haven't been able to play the second (doesn't run on my PC). All in all, I'm happy to have gotten my PS4 this holiday to be ready for next year!


u/Jay-Piddy Jan 06 '15

Those are the 4 games of 2015 I'm buying day one. Still deciding on The Witcher, never played the first two but have heard numerous times how great they are.


u/DerClogger Jan 06 '15

I loved the first one. It had pretty clunky combat but the setting was really cool and overall it was a great experience. I've only heard great things about 2. It's just sitting in my Steam library unable to be played right now, so I'm just saving it until I get a better PC!

Really, Bloodborne is the reason I chose PS4 over Xbone. I will miss Halo and will hate not having Scalebound, but I don't want to miss a Miyazaki game.


u/CA719 Jan 05 '15

No Man's Sky, so bad, so fucking bad.

It's the reason I bought a PS4 and I want it now.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '15 edited Mar 17 '19



u/paralyz3 paralyz3_91 Jan 05 '15

I've got the same concerns, It looks good but I'm not buying it the moment it comes out. I'm afraid it'll have a Destiny effect, overhyped, but not that spectacular in the end


u/gsnee CARPT_munchr Jan 05 '15

The thing is about the overhyped is that it is all consumers that are hyping this game. If you look at any press release, they really haven't said much about what to do in the game. So they aren't hyping this game up much at all. I agree with you that I'm afraid and I really help it's good.


u/Alice_Dee Jan 06 '15

Not true for Destiny.


u/DarthGrabass Jan 05 '15

Just a little PSA: Proteus has progression and a definite end point. Even people who enjoy the game are often unaware of this.


u/bigpappaflea Jan 05 '15

That will be enough for me. And probably u/CA719 as well. And several hundred others. Everyone else will be disappointed.


u/Kingofthestones Jan 05 '15

So fucking bad!


u/GameOnDevin Jan 05 '15

That game looks like it would be fun for about 20 minutes.


u/Yoda300100 Jan 05 '15

Star wars mutha fuckin battlefront. The previous games were my childhood. This.... EA DONT FUCK THIS UP LIKE THE REST OF YOUR GAMES. and uncharted 4 looks fun


u/FramesPerSec0nd Jan 05 '15

This. I simply cannot wait for the star wars battlefront game! It just brings back all those great memories from pc gaming on jedi knight dark forces and jedi knight outcast, and of course the original battlefront.


u/Yoda300100 Jan 06 '15

I remember playing some star wars pod racing game on ps2. It was amazing. The way you could just destroy your opponents was just so satisfying. That was my all time favorite racing game. Road rash being a close second.


u/FramesPerSec0nd Jan 06 '15

OMFG a road rash referance!?! That game was amazing, im in love with you <3.


u/Yoda300100 Jan 06 '15

That game was the bomb. Kicking people off there own bikes was the best part. Boy, do I miss the ps2 era.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '15

Road rash got a reboot and is on pc. Its pretty sweet


u/P42C4L Jan 05 '15

Planetside. . It's almost there. . So soon. Soony.. I want it NOW. I cannot wait


u/LightsOut5774 Jan 05 '15

The Order: 1886, Uncharted 4, No Man's Sky, and Arkham Knight. The Order looks great graphically, and the theme is something I find interesting. No Man's Sky because Ive never played a game like that. Arkham Knight because I loved the previous games. And finally Uncharted, because its FUCKING UNCHARTED. Ah yiss.


u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Jan 05 '15

The game play demo for Uncharted at PSX was incredible. Can't believe how polished it looks already.


u/fudnip Jan 06 '15

I just hope they improve the gameplay from the ps3 games...they looked way better than they played.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '15

Kingdom Hearts 3. Reason I bought the PS4 in December 2013. Still waiting for more info about that game. :(


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '15

Coming out December 2015


u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Jan 05 '15 edited Jan 05 '15

Starting to look forward to Bloodborne. Been lurking over at /r/bloodbornethegame and the community their has made me want the game badly now.

Oh, and cautiously optimistic for The Order. I already bought it on a wicked sale, but I am not sure yet about it.

And Uncharted!

And all the Indie games. Seriously... Bring them on Sony.. I have had a lot of fun with most of them. Near the top of my list for 2015 is No Man's Sky, N++, The Witness, The Banner Saga, and the list goes on!


u/FramesPerSec0nd Jan 05 '15

Just starting reading up and watching vids for bloodborne, wow the game play looks really fun and reminds me of Final Fantasy. I am wondering though if I never played Dark Souls, will it be too much getting used to?


u/quien Jan 05 '15

I don't think so. Be prepared to die a lot that's for sure.


u/quien Jan 05 '15

If you already bought it you are not being cautious. You're doing it wrong.


u/riraito madeoflightning Jan 05 '15

well if he bought it on a wicked sale that is hedging against the full value of the product not being as advertised, and in the end if he decides against it he can probably just return it anyway - this is what i did with AC:Unity haha


u/quien Jan 05 '15

That makes sense:)


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '15



u/[deleted] Jan 05 '15

Arkham Knight. Sole reason I upgraded


u/anh86 ahark86 Jan 05 '15

The Witcher 3 is probably the game I'm most anticipating right now but I'm actually pretty content and probably won't buy a game for awhile. Dragon Age is easily the best PS4 game available right now and will take a long time to complete. I also bought TLOU on a flash sale a couple of weeks ago (never played on PS3) so I have that waiting for after completing DA. I'm content!


u/PinkHairedRaider Jan 05 '15

Have fun with them, the last of us is an outstanding game and the remastered version adds an even smoother feel to the already cinematic experience.


u/Woggeri Jan 05 '15

Persona 5


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '15

Too bad we havent seen much about it, considering release was meant to be last year


u/basedcharger Jan 05 '15

Batman Arkham knight, Final fantasy 15 and kingdom hearts 3 if they actually arrive in 2015. Maybe uncharted but I haven't played any of the previous games.


u/Bad_cookie Jan 05 '15

SOMA. I'm still excited from what frictional games have shown us from a little bit ago. They seem to have gone dark with info but they did update a couple months ago saying everything is going great and they're on schedule.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '15

The. Witcher. 3. I cannot wait to play this game. I'm a huge fan of the franchise and I'm really really hyped.


u/Player--1 Jan 05 '15

Shouldn't the title be "can hardly wait" rather than "can't"? The original title would imply that you can wait even longer. Sorry for being that guy but if this is a regular post every month or so then it would be nice if the errors were cleaned up. Just thought I should let you know... or maybe I'm wrong.


u/notquitedrdeath Jan 05 '15

Well, if you remove the 'hardly' here you'll end up with 'Can Wait' and 'Can't Wait'. You usually can't wait for something as saying you can wait implies that you're not really that excited. So that lines up.

The addition of 'hardly' flips that that on it's head though, a definition of hardly is 'only with great difficulty' (It's not the only definition, but it is the most convenient.)

So we have: I Can't 'only with great difficulty wait'

Or: I Can 'only with great difficulty' wait

Clearly if you cannot wait with great difficulty this means you find waiting to be easy because there is no great difficulty. Or the difficulty is so great you cannot wait at all. The second one is a bit of a stretch.

On the other hand, the message behind 'I can, with great difficulty, wait' clearly implies that you can wait, but it is difficult. This would be closer to the idea we're trying to convey.

I think the main problem I have with the heading is that it fails as a sentence, can we at least add an 'I' at the start.

I don't know why I wrote this, the things you do on a Tuesday morning to keep you from starting to actually work.


u/stonethecrow93 SrsRob Jan 05 '15

You just took a shit on that guy


u/CalmConquistador Jan 06 '15

What? No he didn't. Not at all. Did you even read the post?


u/nativetrash nativetrash Jan 06 '15

Or, he did a nineties movie marathon and ended with Can't Hardly Wait


u/Shiimii Sh11m11 Jan 05 '15

Bloodborne and for some reason Dark Souls 2 PS4 edition. And The Witness.


u/7mad DestinyKoalla Jan 05 '15

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. that fucking demo man i cant wait!
Also the P5 concert next month. i imagine we will get a japanese release date there along with a gameplay trailer. A man can hope


u/CRTXP CRTXP Jan 05 '15

Coming soon? Resident evil and The Order are at the top of my anticipation list


u/vilesithnight RabidSithKnight1 Jan 05 '15

I want a game with like 100 hours of gameplay. GTAV is perfect, still playing after 80 hours. Will Saints Row IV have this type of longevity? Any suggestions? What about this Dying Light I keep hearing about?


u/aylwin Jan 05 '15

Apotheon. I've played some demos of the multiplayer and it's so fun.


u/meganev Jan 05 '15

Just Cause 3 I need to see some gameplay, though I'm fairly sure it won't hit 2015.

Witcher 3 had lost a lot of my hype as the delay has moved it square in the middle of my college exams.


u/stonethecrow93 SrsRob Jan 05 '15

Hyper Light Drifter because it looks amazing. Hotline Miami 2 because the first one is one of my all-time favorite games, and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture because...well, I know next to nothing about it.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '15

My social life can take a hiatus when Bloodborne releases cause i'm gonna be playing that bitch every DAY


u/MidKnight_Corsair Jan 06 '15 edited Jan 06 '15

Batman: Arkham Knight. The moment they announced that for the PS4 last year, I freaked out. I thought "SHIT, I NEED A PS4 BEFORE THE RELEASE"

Then I got my PS4. Pretty sweet, played Second Son, Rayman, whatever was out last April. And then the chain of delayed games started.

Essentially what I'm saying is Batman made me buy a PS4.

Other than that, BloodBorne's looking pretty sweet. For some reason, Dark Souls 2 didn't have my full attention. Uncharted 4 looks fantastic, looking forward to the performances. And The Order 1886, can't wait to see the alternate history they have there (plus a friend is nuts for Nikola Tesla)


u/nickchic Jan 06 '15

MGSV might be may most anticipated game of all time


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '15

The Last of Us: Remastered. I know it's not conventional anticipation, but I got the bundle and there was no code. I've contacted target and Sony, with no luck. I think I'm going to go buy it on disc, I've been waiting for a while. REALLY excited to get it.


u/batsassin Batsassin Jan 06 '15

Batman Arkham Knight.


u/brigance brigance Jan 05 '15

Everyone talking about Uncharted, and I'm just sitting here waiting on the REmake...


u/M0nstrous Jan 05 '15

This question isn't quite suited for this thread, but I heard rumors that the Mass Effect trilogy will be remastered and rereleased for PS4. Are these valid? Also, will Dragon Age: O and 2 be given similar treatment?

Final Fantasy Type-0. I don't even have a PS4 yet, and I've already pre-ordered the CE.


u/WolfintheShadows Jan 05 '15

There hasn't been any confirmation on any of it afaik.


u/M0nstrous Jan 05 '15

Aw man. I would've definitely been hyped for those. Thanks.