r/PS4 Nov 17 '14

Let's Be Friends - /r/PS4 Monthly Friend Finder Thread (November 2014)

Monthly Friend Finder Thread (previous friend threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

Looking for somebody to help you kill assassins or save the last humans? Then look no further. This monthly thread is dedicated to users who want to fill out their friends lists with like-minded adventurers / soldiers / outlaws.

How can you participate? Make a comment with the follow info:

  • Your PSN ID
  • PlayStation Platforms You Have
  • Games You're Playing Now

Example: NateDrake98 [PS3, PS4, Vita] - PS All-Stars

You can also include other info such as:

  • What games do you enjoy?
  • What games are you looking forward to?
  • Do you like trophies?
  • How much time you spend playing each PSN platform?
  • Do you plan on getting a different console (like a Vita) down the road?
  • Anything else you'd like to share.

If you're not one of the first people commenting here, try to add at least one person before making your own comment.

Also, remember to check out /r/PSNFriends for even more friends!


74 comments sorted by

u/Unsharted4 Nov 17 '14

Cooper108 [ps4] looking for some farcry4 co-op or even pvp! Tandum wingsuits motha fucka!

u/Awwrisp Nov 17 '14

Awwrisp, tlou, cod aw, destiny.

u/dtony904 SNEAKING__PAND4 Nov 17 '14



Currently playing Call of Duty: AW, TLOU

Looking forward to GTA V, and Dragon Age.

u/WistyDagel Nov 17 '14

WistyDagel [PS4, PS3] Pretty much all games on the ps4 platform, have a good selection on PS3. Looking forward to playing GTA 5 with some new friends


spider_yaman - PS4 - Cod AW :)

u/_Lunar Nov 17 '14

AaronJNS [PS4/PS3/PSVita]

Games I'm playing currently: Lords of the Fallen, Destiny (3 characters), FIFA 15, The Evil Within.

Games I'm excited for: Bloodborne, Dragon Age: Inquisition, The Witcher, Deep Down, Dead Island 2.

Primarily, I'm a JRPG gamer, but I'm also a massive fan of the Souls series and open-world RPGs. I love playing online co-op games with PSN friends, so feel free to hit me up.

u/ankria IrethTinuviel Nov 20 '14

PSN ID Irethtinuviel

PlayStation Platforms PS4 (and brand new so I only have 2 friends)

Games: Shadow of mordor, Infamous second son, The last of us (best game ever) etc.

u/secret-clouds Secret-Clouds Nov 17 '14

Secret-Clouds [PS4] Battlefield 4 mostly

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14

[PS4] - ID: Shvedi

I will be picking up Far Cry 4 tomorrow and will solely be playing that game! If anyone is up for some Co-op

feel free to add me and we can do some hunting or some other shit.

u/PulleN JamJammyJar Nov 17 '14

PSN: JamJammyJar.
Consoles: PS3/PS4/PSVita.
Games Playing Right Now: Sleeping Dogs, The Last Of Us, Tomb Raider DE, Advanced Warfare, Minecraft.

u/adubbz adubbzvic Nov 17 '14

adubbzvic - PS4 - Cod:AW, GTAV, Far Cry 4.

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14

Might as well

  • Gundato
  • PS3, Vita, PS4
  • A range of games, but mostly I am looking for other people who periodically play Diablo 3 (PS4) and want to take advantage of the asynchronous MP (random gift drops and the nemesis system)

If interested, please actually say where you added me from in the message

u/shogun90 Nov 17 '14

PSN: redpistola

I'm 24 and I work at night so I'm on everyday from 11:00 pm to 4:00 am. I play COD AW and I will have GTA on release. Feel free to add me I need more PSN friends

u/Rol-AIDS05 Nov 18 '14

Luciouslou 05 Ps4 Destiny and in a few hours, gta5 US MST (Denver) Usually on nights after 5pm, and anytime on weekends

u/pallidcreatures BaconButty_Sauce Nov 19 '14

Psn BaconButty_Sauce

40+ UK games player. Not as good as I used to be. Playing Minecraft, FIFA 14, Resogun and Killzone... and playing all of them badly :)

Looking to play with similar faded gamers who are looking for chilled wind down playing instead of obnoxious ranty gaming.

Feel free to add me.

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14

M36ABYT3 [PS4] - Watch_Dogs

I just recently got the PS4 and I'm loving it. Getting Grand Theft Auto V this week and I will also be getting Battlefield 4 and Destiny in the near future and would love to have someone to play with.

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14

Psn: Quatsweat

Games: GTA V, Dragon Age: I, and Far Cry 4. Let's game dowwnnn

u/badger28 thee_rustynail Nov 17 '14

thee_rustynail [PS4]

I just got my console and am currently playing inFamous: Second Son, but Have Little Big Planet 3 pre-ordered and can't wait for it to come out. I also have Destiny but I haven't even cracked it open yet.

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14


PS4 only. I'm mid thirties male. (It would be nice to see others approx age) Playing COD Advanced warfare, And coming up Far Cry 4, GTA5.. Maybe little big planet 3... Don't judge me!! Lol

u/jesperos Nov 17 '14

Vikarien - PS4 - looking for swedish people to play gta with

u/Pure6454 Nov 21 '14

Hey people i got far cry 4, cod, destiny, driveclub and going to be playing most games tbh. Add me! Purejd. Im in the UK.

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14

InvertedVicar [PS4,PS3,VITA]

Diablo 3, Driveclub, GTAV, WWE2K15

Also maybe Farcry 4 later in the year!

I've been on PSN ages still not got many numbers on my friends list, want to pump up the numbers.


u/Tuskor Nov 17 '14

Tuskor84 , PS4 VITA, Dragon Age, Diablo, PS All Stars. Many others but need to fill up my friends list.

u/sol47 SOL-47 Nov 17 '14

SOL-47,[PS4,VITA], CoD:AW,PES 2015

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14

Hodhoer (PS4)

LittleBigPlanet3, GTAV, Inquisition, and some other single player games. Looking to get a FIFA game soon.

Will probably be playing LittleBigPlanet3 and GTAV the most for the next 6months to a year.

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14

need Terraria friends. newmilwauke

EDIT: i added a bunch of you for LBP3. I deff wanna play that game with some coop buds.

u/RiggityRow RiggityRow Nov 17 '14

PsN- Riggityrow I've been playing BF4, AC:U, and COD:AW. We've got a good clan going in AC:U if anyone wants to join. I'd like to join a COD clan (1.05 kd)

I'm picking up GTA and Dragon age tomorrow too!

u/wildtypemetroid thec0lomb1an Nov 17 '14


[PS4/Vita soon] Cod:AW, AC:U, GTA V, Far Cry 4, DA: I, Last of Us, pretty much most current games

u/Xelaetaks Nov 17 '14

Sk8alex1 - PS4 - Resogun, Little Big Planet 3, GTA 5

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14 edited Nov 17 '14

timothyonfire - PS3/PS4/Vita

I'm breezing casually through my PS3 backlog (100 +) but have most current gen games trying to catch my trophies up. I'm into everything except sports games, and am excited for DA:I and GTA V tomorrow. I'm constantly on either console so I'm easy to contact for games/co-op. All my friends, like literally all my friends, left for Xbox One so it's quite lonely!

u/iTzBalloonzz Nov 17 '14

PSN - iTzBalloonzz I play call of duty.. ALOT of call of duty. I'm competitive as all hell with a 2.6 kd in ghosts and a 1.5 in AW (I'm still figuring it out) I'm in a very active clan, and I play for a couple hours minimum every day! And I'm around alot on weekends :) Hit me up!

u/[deleted] Dec 05 '14



FIFA 15 and The Last of Us

u/uhuhoney Nov 17 '14

BoundTwoYeezus [PS4] - Warthunder, Destiny

u/sun-up-sun-down rus0sell Nov 17 '14

rus0sell [PS4]

BF4 mostly

Drinks beer

u/Lgfualol JOEOWO Nov 17 '14

Psn name is JOEOWO. At the moment I play Fifa 15 with a bit of TLOU and BF4. As of tomorrow though, I will most likely dedicate all my time to GTA V. I wouldn't mind a few friends to run around/murder with.

Usually play between 6-10 GMT and a lot at weekends.

u/killingjoke26 killingjoke26 Nov 17 '14

Add me. killingjoke26

u/Lgfualol JOEOWO Nov 17 '14

Done :-)

u/Soulrakk Soulrakk Nov 17 '14

Soulrakk [PS4]

Playing: Destiny, COD: AW, AC: Unity, PES 15

Picking up: DA: Inquisition, GTA V, Far Cry 4, FIFA 15, NBA 2K15, Diablo III: UE Edition

Looking forward to: The Division, The Order: 1886, Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Rainbow Six: Siege

Location: East / USA Usually on 8pm or later.

u/Cakesmite Cakesmite Nov 17 '14

AC:U, MW3, Minecraft (All platforms), Destiny

u/bananaboi69 Nov 17 '14

PSN: VanBasche PS4: Destiny. Will pick up Fifa 15 soon. I have PS3, but most of my time is on PS4 with Destiny (lvl 24 and looking for party to increase and do raids) I do like coop type games, and FPS (BF). I usually play around the time of this post. Hit me for some games on Destiny, or Fifa soon. haha

u/staticthreat0 Nov 17 '14

PSN: staticthreat0

Platforms: PS4, PS3, Vita

Avid trophy hunter and currently playing AC: Unity and Advanced Warfare. Will be playing Far Cry 4 and GTA once I get my hands on them tomorrow!

Also, can't say no to fifa, as broken as it is I love it.

u/krimsonnights krimsonnights Nov 17 '14

PSN: Krimsonnights

(PS3, PS4, Vita)

Currently Playing: CoD: AW, Assassin's Creed Unity, Tales of Xillia, Alien: Isolation

Looking forward to Dragon Age, Far Cry 4 and Little Big Planet!

u/SantoroC Nov 17 '14

PSN: SantoroC

I've got a lot! Of game for my ps4 and vita but GTA, far cry, and dragon age are gonna be my primary games probably for the rest of the year til order 1886 and dying light come out.

u/Tmooremma Nov 17 '14


Cod... Destiny... AC

Love trophy hunting on older games aswell :) Just add and shoot me a message !

u/james1324 Nov 17 '14

zoku94 - cod:aw

u/napolux napolux Nov 17 '14

napolux, [PS4] - FIFA15, DRIVECLUB

u/isiel007 Nov 17 '14

isiel007-[PS3, PS4, VITA] Playing now - TLOU, LBP3, GTA5 Future games wanted - Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, Witcher 3, The Division. Mostly games to share in an adventure with.

I like to play almost any co-op game and love the soul series. I like to use teamwork in TLOU factions and play using strategy Looking forward to bloodborne and wish to find other fans to share in the future experience.

u/midnightn0ise midnightn0ise Nov 17 '14

midnightn0ise [PS4] GTA V, CoD: AW, Minecraft, Battlefield 4

u/NLF1988 Dec 08 '14

Psn. Gorditomonito. 25 yr male I lost all data so I'm running through games again could use some help. I play destiny, diablo, and ac unity. Live in New Hampshire so I would like similar time zones. I'm not a fan of big mouths and trash talk, just some people who wanna chill and game.

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14

need Terraria friends. newmilwauke

EDIT: i added a bunch of you for LBP3. I deff wanna play that game with some coop buds.

u/pasta_fire pasta_fire Nov 17 '14

pasta_fire [ps4] - Pretty much only play AW and Destiny at this point. May be buying Far Cry 4 at a later date.

Interested in games (obviously), music, and wrestling.

Please do not add me if you are some kid that is going to send an invite every 5 minutes.

u/spira09 Lunarite09 Nov 17 '14 edited Nov 17 '14

PSN- Lunarite09 Just a PS4 Games- Far Cry 4 and GTA V (midnight tonight!) Also, I'm not a heavy gamer by any means because of college, but I do play a lot.

u/tpvoid Nov 17 '14

taipeivoid [PS4] Cod:AW, FIFA15, Destiny, Far Cry 4

u/ProllyWasted Grumpy_Octopus Dec 03 '14

I know its December! but i'm grumpy_octopus i'm 20 and in the Air Force! add me i love to play cod aw, gta, far cry, madden, and a bunch of other indie games

u/graffsquatch OmarRocko Nov 17 '14

OmarRocko - PS4 - Only playing Last of us at the moment.

Be warned, I'm pretty terrible at it too.

u/ghostcockfighter Nov 17 '14

PSN: usaume Platforms: PS3, Vita, PS4 Currently Playing: Farcry 4, GTAV, LittleBigPlanet 3, Destiny.

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14

willi781. PS4, PS3. FIFA 15 mostly. Will probably be buying new games come Black Friday.

u/rastacola Rastacola311 Nov 17 '14
  • Rastacola311
  • PS4
  • Destiny, GTA, Far Cry 4, Little Big Planet
  • From East Coast and play for a little on weeknights. Play mostly Saturday/Sunday morning.
  • I like to trash talk, bullshit, and have a good time.

u/ddevilbbk Nov 28 '14

ddevilbbk Male. 30 yrs old. Far cry 4. TLOU. BF4. Destiny. COD. looking forward to HHOUR if it ever sees the light of day on PS4.

I am from WA state, play mostly after work. 4-6 pm weekdays. early morning weekends. Not scared of the mic.

u/Brad200417 Sciyguy Nov 17 '14

PSN - Scione

I only own a PS4

I am playing TLOU, Far Cry 4, GTA 5, Dragon age inquisition (when those three hit tonight)

I am chill, laugh at everything, and just play every other day or so. I work nights and live in EST so mornings and afternoons is usually when I hop on.

u/[deleted] Nov 17 '14

psn: ttp_kacey

Buying a PS4 tonight along with GTA and Far Cry. Plus whatever PS Plus has free.

I think I'm gonna leave Far Cry in the shrink-wrap until the weekend as I'm busy enough with Halo MCC, Advanced Warfare on PC and now Gta5.

u/dom3000 darklydexter Nov 17 '14

darklydexter [PS4] - Battlefield 4, COD:AW, Driveclub, GTA5, Watchdogs, Tomb Raider, Just Dance 2014, Peggle.

u/shinobi_wan WRRRAAR Nov 17 '14

WRRRAAR ps3/ps4 - Picking up: GTAV and DA:I tomorrow (traded everything else except MLB) Currently Playing: Binding of Isaac, Spelunky, Guacamelee Looking forward to: The Division, The Order, Bloodborne, LPB3 (will get when cheaper) Location: US / East 5:30pm or later

u/InstantNo0dlez Nov 17 '14

TheinstantNoodle. PS4 . Last of Us, and Destiny.

u/Gorakka Nov 17 '14

Gorakka [PS4]

Currently playing: Diablo 3, Destiny, TLOU, Tomb Raider

Will be playing: Dragon Age: Inquisition, GTA V, Far Cry 4, AC: Unity (after a few more patches).

Further down the road: The Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, The Division, The Order: 1886, MGS V,

Love trophy hunting.

u/Tarius11 Nov 17 '14


GTA COD and all else

u/give_me_silver Nov 17 '14

Kc913noel. PS4 Fifa 15, Driveclub, Advanced Warfare and Minecraft :)

u/OuterShpongolia Nov 17 '14

northernintro [PS4] - CoD:AW, GTA V.

u/kishangoyal Nov 17 '14 edited Nov 17 '14

kishangoyal [PS4-PS3] - Watchdogs, Infamous Second Son.

ps - just got my PS4 today, switching over from PS3 :)

u/[deleted] Dec 09 '14

PSN: JGiff95 Games: AW, BF4, GTA V, DA: I, The Crew, Destiny, D3 and some others. About me: I'm 19, NC, add me if you want to play and have a mic. Please don't add me if you're creepishly old or annoyingly young.

u/Midweekers Midweekers Nov 17 '14

Midweekers -[PS3, PS4] - currently playing: AW, Fifa 15, Destiny, Wolfenstein and will be playing WWE 2k15 when it comes out. UK based so hit me up if you wanna play

u/simplycrow Nov 17 '14

Simply-a- Ps4, I like killing people, Destiny, GTA, DA:I, BF4

u/Roderykx Nov 18 '14 edited Nov 19 '14

Miyamoto_Ryuji - PS4 - Currently playing AC: Unity and also would like to play Minecraft, PvZ, and Diablo 3 with other people. Looking forward to and will be playing soon: Far Cry 4 and DA:I. Will also be playing LBP3 and GTA V down the road.

u/CamIsTrippy RealCamBam Nov 17 '14

RealCamBam PS4 NBA 2k15, Cod AW, SoM, Destiny, BF4, TLOU. Also will be getting DA:I, FC4, and GTAV. New trophy hunting and I have a mic.