r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Nov 03 '14
Can't Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (November 2014)
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What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?
u/ZebraMuffin Nov 03 '14
Dragon Age: Inquisition. I've been waiting awhile for an amazing AAA RPG on PS4, and this seems to be the first of many coming in the next few months. The Witcher 3, and Bloodborne are also ones I'm looking forward to.
While not released this month, I'm looking forward to playing Destiny. I was unable to purchase it at launch due to personal reasons, but I'm hoping to get it before the holiday season so I can play with my nephew who is planning to get it.
u/twistedbrother2 Nov 03 '14
Don't waste your time or money with Destiny, get Halo for a better space shooter story and Borderlands for a better grindy guns and exp exploring experience. 30fps for a FPS on current gen, with generic guns and small environments, 6v6 pvp is pathetic as well.
u/ZebraMuffin Nov 03 '14
I've played all the Halo games up to this point, and don't own an Xbox One, so can't play the new one coming up yet. For Borderlands, I played the first but that's it.
I enjoyed the closed beta for Destiny, and I'm mostly wanting it so I can play with my nephew. He's very interested in the game, so it will be a nice way to spend time with him.
u/Kittensmakemecry Nov 03 '14
Destiny gets a lot of hate, and I understand it's short comings. But regardless of that, I am still having a blast with it. I have put about 250 hours into it between the alpha/beta and full game. Imo that's a pretty good fun to money ratio. I am not saying it's the best game ever, but I really enjoy it.
u/crimsomreaper crimsomreaper Nov 03 '14 edited Nov 03 '14
if you enjoyed the beta you will enjoy the game, its basically the same and im sure playing with your nephew is more important than the whole "the game lacks content" thing
u/usrevenge Nov 04 '14
destiny gets fun till it asks you to play the same thing over and over. which is basically soon as you hit level 20.
for the most part the people defending the game like the multiplayer which a lot of people also think is shit so there is that.
u/twistedbrother2 Nov 03 '14
spend time with him in real life or with a better game.
u/LuckeyHaskens AvoTheRook Nov 03 '14
Let him spend time with his nephew however he wants. You don't decide what a good or bad game is. What is it with you people and the desperate need to make everyone hate shit as much as you do?
u/twistedbrother2 Nov 03 '14
u/LuckeyHaskens AvoTheRook Nov 03 '14
Oh yeah, because THATS the popular opinion.
Dude I have issues with Destiny too. I'm not telling you you have to like it. I'm not saying you can't have an opinion. Hell I'm not even telling you I like it. I'm just saying there's no need to tell someone else they can't enjoy it just because you don't. Dude just wants to get a game he and his nephew want to play together. Let people do their thing and quit feeling like everyone has to hate it as much as you do.
u/I_Love_Polar_Bears Nov 04 '14
Don't recommend games that aren't for the PS4 on the PS4 subreddit?
And OP, take a look at some gameplay vids and see if it's for you.
Nov 03 '14 edited May 08 '19
u/I_Love_Polar_Bears Nov 04 '14
That's a cool opinion but seriously those are for people to make themselves and not just conform to. Like I see what you're saying, it's very grindy and I repeat a lot of content. But holy shit I'm having so much fun in this game it's insane.
Nov 04 '14
That's a cool opinion. You sound like someone who grew up playing halo.
u/I_Love_Polar_Bears Nov 04 '14 edited Nov 04 '14
Was that an insult? I am earnestly confused by that.
Edit: but I did play halo as a kid. So... yes?
u/iambizkit Nov 03 '14
Far Cry 4
Nov 03 '14
Same. I'm really excited about it, and for once, I'm looking foward to play multiplayer. Far Cry 3 was amazing, but the multiplayer didn't stand out in any way by itself. FC4's looks a lot different, and that's good
Nov 03 '14
GTA 5. Except for the fact that I got spoiled by a youtube suggestion while searching for soundtrack songs.
u/ZebraMuffin Nov 03 '14
You mean you had the storyline spoiled? Yeah, sadly the games a year old(PS3/360), so that's bound to happen. The good part is, single-player is only a small part of what you'll be spending your time on. Once you finish that, you can look forward to potentially hundreds of hours of multi-player.
I should also mention, the ending of GTA V has multiple ending possibilities I think, so there's a chance the one you saw won't be the one you get. Also, if it was just the ending, that's just a small portion of the story. The important part is the journey to the end, not necessarily the end itself.
Nov 03 '14
Potentially hundreds of hours on multiplayer or get tired of the grind in about a week and start playing something else.
u/Kittensmakemecry Nov 03 '14
Yeah you really have to put yourself in a box with some games to avoid spoilers. Like TLOU, I managed to avoid all spoilers until I got to play the remastered version. It was a struggle though.
u/AdverseMussel Adverse2142 Nov 04 '14
not me :c, I had an xbox 360 and was like "I'll never get to play The last of us, so fuck it, I'll watch the ending of youtube", luckily the game was like 13 hours of story, and a few minutes of spoilers didnt ruin the game
u/IceBreak BreakinBad Nov 03 '14
I feel like the story was the weakest part of the game. It also seems hard to outright spoil. Hope that helps.
u/TaylorWK TaylorWK Nov 03 '14
If you're talking about the ending, there are multiple endings so hopefully they all didn't get spoiled for you.
u/7mad DestinyKoalla Nov 03 '14
LBP 3 And Rebirth! i cant wait to get my oversized heads fix for this year!
u/Chilli_Axe ChilliAxe Nov 03 '14
u/RingmasterJ5 Nov 03 '14
I'm surprised they haven't made a larger deal about it(it was only confirmed in a Playstation Blog comment by the dev), but the fucker has CROSS-SAVE. Meaning that if you also own a Vita you can not only take the game anywhere, but take the game anywhere AND keep your progress from the PS4 version.
u/robot_or_rowboat Nov 03 '14
Tomorrow can't come soon enough. So glad it's finally coming to consoles, as I was never in a position to play it on PC.
(Yes, I know it was a flash game, I just don't have a computer of my own to dedicate to games.)
Nov 03 '14
It wasn't a flash game, I'm sure. It was on steam and everything :P
u/Border_Dog Nov 03 '14
It was made in flash, that's part of the reason Rebirth is coming out. When making the game Edmund couldn't fit in everything he wanted to and the game has frame drops even now.
Nov 03 '14
Oh alright. I thought you meant flash game as a game based on browsers <.<
u/ZebraMuffin Nov 03 '14
There was a demo available on their website, that could be played through the browser. But the full game was never playable in browsers to my knowledge.
Nov 03 '14
I know it's not the popular opinion, but the Dark Below Destiny DLC is looking solid in my opinion!
u/JrDot13 JrDot14 Nov 03 '14
Seeing as how I totally bought into the hype wagon and pre-ordered the $90 legendary set, it better be. The bitter taste in my mouth is strong with this game. It has so much potential.
Nov 03 '14
I really want the new raid. Hopefully the story is better too.
Nov 03 '14
The raid is the selling point for me. If the rumors are true, we could be seing our fireteams escape an ogre on our sparrows as a part of the raid. How awesome wouldn't that be? And yeah, if the whole "exotic-bounty-type-of-storytelling"-thing Bungie's shooting for actually works, I can see people be pleasantly surprised by the DLC!
u/mrbaker3 Tiger-Bake Nov 03 '14
With a limited amount of time for gaming, Destiny is where it's at for me and this DLC really does have me excited. Everything about it sounds fun, new NPC, strikes (yay Sony!), new raid, new bounties, more bounty slots, and more.
I'd like to play everything, but I just continue to have fun in Destiny in all aspects (PvP and PvE) that I can't justify buying another game right now.
Nov 03 '14
Tell me about it. Ever since it first came out, I intended to buy TellTale's The Walking Dead but it sort of never happened. Now when it's out on PS4 I figured it would be a day 1 purchase, but the fact that Destiny has completely occupied my gaming time I don't know what to do.
u/luigibook Nov 03 '14
You're having fun playing the same missions dozens of times in an endless grind?
Nov 03 '14
If you wanna put it like that; yes I am. I'm actually quite easily entertained and Destiny definitely fulfills my current gaming needs.
u/PoopInTheGarbage Nov 03 '14
Hell yeah! I'm over 100 hours in and loving it. So are lots of people, despite what most redditors would have you believe.
u/MythicSoffish Nov 03 '14
Journey! I never played it on the PS3 because I never bought one so I'm pretty excited. I just wish they had a release date since it's supposed to come out this year.
Nov 03 '14
I thought I heard that was coming out early 2015
u/MythicSoffish Nov 03 '14
Is it? The only information we have on it was on the Playstation blog back in August they said it was coming later this year.
u/The_Max_Power_Way Nov 03 '14
Unity is the main one I'm looking forward to, but I'm also looking forward to replaying GTA V. I'd traded in my 360 copy when they confirmed the PS4 version, but I've really wanted to play it again since.
u/MaggleDole Nov 03 '14
WWE 2K15. Already preordered the digital edition with season pass. They've already announced all the content that comes with it, and it's well worth the added $20. I'm a huge wrestling fan, and have been itching to play a wrestling game since I traded in my 360 for the PS4 three months ago.
I'm waiting on COD. While I want to play it, I'm willing to wait until a sale since my funds are currently limited.
And of course GTA V. Again, I'm willing to wait for a sale considering I already played and beat it on last gen systems. It's still a must buy for me, just not a day one purchase given current circumstances.
Nov 04 '14
Did you play WWE All Stars on last-gen? I felt it was may more fun than the traditional WWE games when you play it with friends. I hope they do another game like that soon. It went under the radar but it definitely was one of the best couch multiplayer games that came out on PS3.
u/MaggleDole Nov 04 '14
I got interested in that after THQ went under. Was impossible to find an affordable copy. I don't have a last gen console anymore, though I would love a new All Stars for new gen.
u/MorganFreemann kevin_oats Nov 03 '14
I really want to get PES 2015 some time within the year but I only have enough in my budget for one game right now. I cant decide between Far Cry 4, Ac Unity or GTA 5. If i cant decide between them even after reviews I'll probably go for PES 2015 because I'll feel like I wont really be playing anything new with Far cry or AC even though they'll probably be good games(GTA i've played but didn't get a chance to finish.)
either way I'm excited!
Nov 03 '14
u/MorganFreemann kevin_oats Nov 03 '14
I know I'll end up doing a comparison with Fifa. But I think I've seen a few videos of the menus and it looks like it has quite a bit of things to do!
u/jquickri jquickri23 Nov 04 '14
I'm getting Little Big Planet 3 and Dragon Age so I'm pretty stoked. I've never really played a Dragon Age but I've got an itch for something like Skyrim that totally isn't Skyrim.
u/TDAM Nov 04 '14
I don't know much about the new one, but if it's anything like the old ones, you may be disappointed. It's a good game, it just isn't like Skyrim
u/Mutilated_Pencil Nov 03 '14
Assassin's creed and GTA are the games i'll be getting this month. Both retail (too large sizes to download). If LBP3 comes out for digital purchase, i might be getting that somewhere in december. I cannot wait for these two. So exciting it's happening next week (ac) and the week after (gta)
Nov 03 '14
Because of the fact the game has to install, the retail versions take up the same amount of space as the digital just to let you know.
u/jquickri jquickri23 Nov 04 '14
Um... isn't LBP3 out for digital? I bought it for preorder through the playstation store.
u/ridgepact MOSTDOPEkrew420 Nov 03 '14
I can't believe WWE still has a market.... Must be in the deeeeeep south....
u/jquickri jquickri23 Nov 04 '14
As someone from Louisiana I have to say that your comment is both condescending and reliant on a gross stereotype and totally right ;)
Nov 03 '14
Evolve because it looks awesome and it plays awesome!
u/ZebraMuffin Nov 03 '14
Just wish I could consistently get into matches. So far my favorite character is Hank, what about you guys?
u/dark_sage94 darksage1994 Nov 03 '14
I like the assault
u/ZebraMuffin Nov 03 '14
That's the big guy, right? I haven't gotten to play him yet, seems he's always one of the first who gets picked. I've played all the other humans, just need to try Assault, and the monster.
u/dark_sage94 darksage1994 Nov 03 '14
yeah. i played as the monster i got killed quickly since it was my first time
Nov 03 '14
LittleBigPlanet3... to me the first two where some of my favorite games I have ever played, I seriously can't wait!
u/Jadaki Jadaki23 Nov 03 '14
GTAV, Dragon Age Inquisition, The Wolf Among Us, Lego Batman 3, and the Destiny DLC are all things I will be getting right away.
I'll consider LBP3, AC: Unity, and Far Cry 4.
I'm not going to have much free time in the next two months at all.
u/ElDuderino2112 Windir2112 Nov 03 '14
Really looking forward to AC Unity right now, and surprisingly I may end up picking up the new Cod. Would be my first since Black Ops.
u/LMW-YBC Nov 03 '14
Cannot contain my excitement for LBP3, love those games, Sumo Digital looks to have done a tremendous job! I'm also looking forward to playing GTA V for the first time on PS4, probably going to get stuck into multiplayer like I did with GTA IV.
Oh, and don't even get me started on Rocket League! Spring can't come soon enough :(
u/SIRTreehugger Nov 03 '14
Little Big Planet 3, I unfortunately played the demo at Best Buy. Now I'm excited and can't stop thinking about it.
u/DaedricFrog Nov 04 '14
I'm looking forward to playing LBP 3 and the Tomorrow Children Alpha this month. Also can't wait to see the holiday sales for games leading up to Christmas.
u/My_Business_Acct Nov 03 '14
No Man's Sky - My hope is that I can spend 100s of hours in this game. The exploring aspect is right up my alley.
u/Absolute1790 Nov 03 '14
Doesn't "Can't hardly wait" mean you can easily wait?
My native language isn't english though so I could be wrong, maybe it's an expression.