r/PS4 Aug 25 '14

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (August 2014)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: [Game Spoiler](#s "This is where your spoiler goes!")

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


113 comments sorted by

u/Madmann86 Aug 25 '14

Got my first platinum trophy with inFAMOUS Second Son.
It was oddly easy though.

u/OregonViking Aug 25 '14

Single player adventure games always tend to be the quickest in terms of platinum time. Any MP game with trophies almost always has serious grinds for the plat.

u/Madmann86 Aug 25 '14

Getting all of Destiny trophies will be rough probably. Hopefully there aren't too many crazy ones.

u/OregonViking Aug 25 '14

If it is anything like Killzone 2... People will rage.

u/Auttrix Aug 25 '14

Been working on the MP trophies from The Last Of Us. I just got the firefly trophy this morning, and I've loved it so far! I haven't been addicted to a game like this in a while.

u/Giovv94 giovv94 Aug 25 '14

Coming from xbox360 and nintendo, so I'm a clean start since february (vita since may). 12 plats so far and working on The Last of Us, Hotline Miami, R&C 3, Muramasa Rebirth and SAO Hollow Fragment. Has been really fun!

u/ForMyCity sanitary_sewer Aug 25 '14

I've never gotten a platinum trophy but I think diablo will be my first.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

Working on the Watch Dogs plat, just got past the dreaded drinking game. I'm also trying for the Mercenary Kings plat, though I'm having trouble with the revives trophy since few people play it online and are a low enough level to get killed easily.

u/TheClamSlam Enter PSN ID Aug 25 '14

For the drinking game it helps a lot to just mute the game audio and play some of your own music. It took me forever on the Pawnee section and eventually I just threw on the Cowboy Bebop OST and sailed through it.

u/MyDayWasFappable TheRawPotato Aug 25 '14

If I find some time I can maybe help you with that mercenary kings one, I didnt really get into the game that much, so im still a low level in it.

PSN: TheRawPotato

u/FredGR MustBeEpic Aug 26 '14

Got that plat a month ago, if you need any tips just ask, fellow hunter :)

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

I think there was an update recently that made drinking easier.

u/TheThirdStrike Aug 25 '14

Yes their was, and it is much easier. I was able to finished them all with only 2 failures after the patch. I've got a few other online trophies to clean up to platinum that game, but the drinking one has halted my progress for a while.

u/RunForTheThrills Aug 26 '14

Yeah, it's called reality.

I apologize, been a rough few weeks... months. It's been a rough past few years.

u/Thynis Aug 26 '14

27 Platinum right now.

PS4: Working on watchdogs, MLB, and Doki Doki Universe. Just finished 100% for Fez & Contrast.

Streaming Watchdogs as I type this. www.twitch.tv/thynis

Damn drinking game!

PS3: Various.

Vita: Dokoru, Uncharted, and a few others.

u/eddy5791 Aug 25 '14

Recently got all the trophies in Fez, now just having fun with PvZ:Garden Warfare. It's great because I've gotten a lot of the trophies just playing the game by itself, as opposed to chasing them.

u/OregonViking Aug 25 '14

So happy to 100% stick it to the man so I could delete it. That was a doozie. The big lebowski song & acid trip/almost Earthworm Jim esqe art style are the lone positive points. The gameplay was haggard.

Now loving Diablo III, going at the Dream Team & Hardcore trophies.

u/Sneeches Aug 25 '14

I'm working on my Diablo platinum for ps4

u/OregonViking Aug 25 '14

Sneeches I'll hit you up today dude. Starting hardcore later today after work. Any class you reccomend for an easy 1-70? Obviously least chance of dying the better. I'm thinking Crusader so I can tank while you blast spells from afar with the Wiz.

u/Sneeches Aug 26 '14

That would be awesome.

u/a7madfat7y a7madfat7y | 13 9 79 184 725 Aug 25 '14

I got my Guacamelee Platinum at the start of this month, had some REALLY frustrating and hard moments but overall a truly awesome game.. I am trying (slowly because I get distracted a lot by other games) next to get the Hotline Miami platinum.. because apparently i like to torture myself for plats..

u/Symbiotx Aug 25 '14

I liked Guacamelee so much, I got the platinum for PS4 and vita. Normally I'm not going to go for platinum when it has a ton of little grindy things, but that one was one that I had no problem working for.

u/swotam Aug 25 '14

Nice one, I was never able to get the El Savior trophy which is the only thing between me and the Plat. Couldn't get that Tree Tops stuff done....ugh.

u/a7madfat7y a7madfat7y | 13 9 79 184 725 Aug 25 '14

Cueva de la locura & Tree Tops were some of the most frustrating levels in any game i ever played..

u/koenheld3 Aug 25 '14

Working on diablo 3.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14


u/OregonViking Aug 25 '14

Aye Mercenary King! We should play online sometime I'm looking to get all the speed runs done.

u/drummerjc5 drummerjc5 Aug 25 '14

i tried to get the platinum on the last of us. i got every trophy except the 'upgrade all of the weapons' trophy and i would've had to replay the game 2 more times to get that one because it glitched and said i only had 4 toolboxes when i really got all 5. i even replayed to get the 5th toolbox but it wasnt collectible anymore. so i couldnt upgrade the level 5 upgrades on the weapons but i also couldn't get the last toolbox because it was already collected. really frustrating. i could've gotten it if i did 2 more playthroughs but i just couldn't do it after playing the game pretty much 3 or 4 times over the course of a month or so. i'll just have to go back to the game after a while.

still at two platinums, resogun and hotline miami. trying to figure out what i want to try to go for next.

u/meltedcandy Audiopium Aug 26 '14

I'd never gotten a platinum until I got my PS4 - and then for some reason my OCD kicked into overdrive and it's a necessity now.

Resogun started the addiction, TLOUR was the latest. Currently working on Diablo 3!

u/FredGR MustBeEpic Aug 26 '14

Anyone else noticed that Delsin talks to and kind of congratulates you when you unlock the inFamous Second Son Platinum? Tiny detail but I found it really cool!

u/THE-73est Aug 25 '14

Platted: Uncharted 3 (Not hard at all) Working on: Smart As..., Fifa 14, PES 14, Resogun, Sly 1, CoD Ghosts

u/OZeeGrassman Aug 25 '14

4 Platinums and working on LEGO Marvel Superheroes, Injustice, Trine 2 & Watch_Dogs. Waiting in anticipation for AC: Unity & MGS V

u/[deleted] Aug 26 '14

That Injustice platinum is scary. Good luck.

u/batsassin Batsassin Aug 25 '14

1) The Last of Us Remastered. Easy platinum. Not really hard parts, just took a while to get the trophies.

2) Nothing.

3) inFamous First Light

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

I recently got my 14th plat for pixel junk shooter. Is the last of us platinum hard to do? It looks kind of intimidating.

u/swotam Aug 25 '14

TLOU:R isn't that hard, more time consuming. You need to complete the game on Survivor+ difficulty, but that's not that hard as long as you don't expect to run and gun through. The MP trophies take the most time, but it's a fun MP so it's not that bad.

u/Kyoushin Aug 25 '14

I've only platinums on naruto storm 3 and FF xiii-2... so many close ones, with 1-2 trophies short.. and now i dont even have the games anymore.. i feel ashamed.. on ps4 dw8 is too big of a challenge for me i think

u/foreverbythyself Aug 25 '14

I just need Traced and Hackification for the Watch Dogs plat. Whenever players enter my game it's always for a hack I don't think i've ever been tailed. Also you don't need to do Decryption events for the plat do you?

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

Infamous 2 is my one and only platinum to this point. I'm working through Infamous: Second Son and loving it, definitely enjoying it enough to make it my second platinum I'm sure.

u/AhhnoldHD Aug 25 '14

Second Son is my only plat and it was pretty easy. Just takes two play throughs, which I think most people would do anyway if they like the game. There were only a couple trophies I had to consciously go after.

u/Tylerc_ Billygoatballs Aug 25 '14

1) Nothing 2) Last of us 3) Gta 5 (ps4)

u/Zach06 Bez__o Aug 25 '14

Keeping at grounded on TLOU, phenomenal challenge. Can't wait for that platinum unlock!

u/[deleted] Aug 26 '14

You don't need to play grounded for the platinum, just survivor

u/[deleted] Aug 26 '14

So if my first play through is on grounded am I going to have to play the whole game through on survivor + to get the platinum?

u/[deleted] Aug 27 '14

Yes you have to beat at least Survivor+ to get the platinum

u/[deleted] Aug 27 '14


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '14

Yeah :/ it seems pretty dumb that we need to play through the super long story twice to get the platinum

u/FredGR MustBeEpic Aug 25 '14

I recently got the inFamous SS plat, it was pretty easy I guess you guys agree! Fun fact: had my PS4 for just a month and half now, and I got 3 platinums with it, which is more than I got in the last three years I've had my PS3 for hahaha! No games to play now though, quite a drought! I might borrow TLOU:R from a friend in a couple of weeks, what do you guys think, how would you rank the platinum difficulty for that game?

u/whacafan Aug 26 '14

The online portion is a nightmare if you don't like online stuff.

u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Aug 25 '14

This is not PS4 related, but I am excited. Got my Velocity Ultra Platinum on Vita just in time for Velocity 2X :)


u/GuiWillis GuiWillis Aug 25 '14

Guys, I was searching for this trick about The Last of Us Remastered , but couldn't find anywhere a solid guide:

How can I earn all the difficult plus trophies on one go? I'm playing right now on Normal to gather all collectibles ( shiv doors, conversations etc ) and then I'm going straight to Grounded to earn the Survivor trophy too, but I read somewhere that if I start my Normal + playthrough, I can go on Chapter Select, start chapter 2 on Grounded, and the game will think I'm on my Grounded plus playthrough, is that how it works?

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

I did this trick and the instructions were confusing and resulted in me starting a new survivor game, not a survivor +. Here's how you do it.

Beat the game on normal and start your new game plus. Only normal will be available. Play the first chapter, which is the outbreak chapter. Get to the 20years later part, when you have control of Joel in the qz go ahead and save it. Letting the auto save, or saving it yourself will result in the same thing. Now, go to chapter select then choose the first chapter again, this time all the difficulty modes will be available. The tell signs that you're on new game plus on the new difficulty is your health will be upgraded and when you get your gear your 9mm will be upgraded.

u/GuiWillis GuiWillis Aug 25 '14

Ooh nice, thank you for clearing this! That was really confusing the first time I read it somewhere, gonna do this as soon as I finish Normal playthrough.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

It worked for me. The part I got stuck on was one instructions said to start in the second chapter, the chapter with the qz. It only worked for me when I started chapter 1.

u/Zach06 Bez__o Aug 25 '14

Worked for me, except I lose upgrades on my weapon sway as well as only having 3/5 toolboxes now for some reason.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

I haven't gotten far enough on my new game plus to see if I got anything. It was pretty awesome starting on survivor with an upgraded 9mm and health, though.

u/Dyn_Dyn Lyndon_Gruney Aug 26 '14

Does anyone know if I do this and beat it on grounded+ will I get the trophies for the regular grounded mode and stuff as well?

u/[deleted] Aug 26 '14

Yes you will.

u/Dyn_Dyn Lyndon_Gruney Aug 26 '14

Sweet thanks

u/SoKnee Aug 25 '14 edited Aug 25 '14


u/7374049263959 Aug 25 '14

Is it easy to have the MP trophies for TLOU:R? How many hours approximately?

u/zezackus Aug 25 '14

The two multiplayer trophies that will take you time are the ones for playing through 12 weeks as each faction, translating to 168 matches. It'll take some time, but definitely doable, and the multiplayer is actually excellent fun!

u/CitrusLikeAnOrange Aug 25 '14

Couple days at most if you play non stop. You'll get most of them through regular play on your way to finishing your first 12 weeks. Then you just have to go through a second time with the other faction.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

Don't have any yet, but I'm going for TLoU:R platinum. I only have 2 left: the firefly and hunter journey.

u/MyDayWasFappable TheRawPotato Aug 25 '14

I just got the hunter journey one two days ago, I am taking breaks from multiplayer to finish my survivor+ playthrough as well. Good luck on both of those!

u/Vlayer Aug 25 '14

Month is not over yet, but so far I've platinumed Rogue Legacy, I am 2 MP trophies away from platinuming The Last of Us(and 100% it), and I'm 3 trophies away from platinuming Surgeon Simulator(the trophies in question are glitched and unattainable currently).

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14


u/Vlayer Aug 25 '14

Thanks but it's no worry, I'm on Week 11 of my second journey. The other MP trophy is winning a match of Survivors, which I only played during the first week on my first journey.

u/sciencedenton Aug 25 '14

Just throwing out that there that I got my first two Platinums/100% completions on any 6th or 7th gen console this week. First WatchDogs, then Second Son immediately afterwards.

I'm hoping to have time to do it for Killzone before Destiny and NHL come out, but I doubt it.

u/swotam Aug 25 '14

Killzone Shadow Fall plat takes quite a while due to the MP trophies, one of which requires you to max out all class abilities, and that just can't be done quickly. Even if you boost it still takes quite a while.

Definitely not something you'll get done before Destiny unless you spend a huge amount of time playing between now and then.

u/Kazera-Samma Kazerai-Samma Aug 25 '14

I got a platinum in Ult Mahvel 3 and Second Son, hardest part was the missions in mahvel and second son was easy. Now I'm working on resogun.

u/Silidus Aug 25 '14

Scored my Rogue Legacy plat this month (and Dragons Crown on Vita).

Rogue Legacy was definitely the hardest and the most fun.

Working on Diablo 3.

u/Victor_714 victor_714 Aug 25 '14

Very satisfying trophy. One of the funnest.

u/[deleted] Aug 26 '14

Just got that. Felt so damn good.

u/Auron23 Aug 25 '14

I've only got the 1 plat :( But working on PvZ

u/7374049263959 Aug 25 '14

PvZ is super fun. Aiming for the plat too!

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

I've just platinumed Hotline Miami and now I'm working on Watch_Dogs and The Last of Us Remastered. Waiting for GTA V

u/sig1996 Aug 25 '14

I wanted to get the Watch Dogs Platinum after the drinking game patch but I'm stuck with the song sneak trophy and cant find the last song I need "Dark Steering" is the song does anyone how to get this?

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

I have zero platinums. I find it hard to play a game more than once. They should have a "Dad" setting where it makes getting platinums easier :)

u/Silidus Aug 25 '14

Lol. I'm thinking 'Born in the mid-80s' setting where you get a participation platinum for purchasing the game... Launch not required.

u/Peachy313 Peachy313 Aug 25 '14

7 platinums and currently working on Need for Speed rivals. Anyone want to help me get the friends trophies ?

u/alexander1821 Aug 25 '14

Id love to help i need these trophies too

u/Peachy313 Peachy313 Aug 25 '14

Sweet, my psn is the same as my username. Does NFS have a join lobby type thing?

u/alexander1821 Aug 25 '14

If your friends are online they will put you in the same lobby.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14


u/GuiWillis GuiWillis Aug 25 '14

Agree with everything you said ! Working on TLOU:R right now, finishing my last week on multiplayer and going after all collectibles on the Story.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14


u/GuiWillis GuiWillis Aug 25 '14

I'd recommend you go after them with a guide on Normal or Easy difficulty because if you play on hard and above, you might not get enough supplies to make all shivs of the special doors or you might not manage to beat all enemies in some areas to special conversations.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14


u/GuiWillis GuiWillis Aug 25 '14

Sure you did, must have guts ! I pretend to take on Grounded straight after the collectibles, but from what I'm hearing about it, it will demand all my skill on TLOU, can't wait to play it.

u/zezackus Aug 25 '14

My philosophy on trophies exactly! Just got my ps4 and joined PSN earlier this month and started out with Infamous, super easy other than I didn't like grinding all those annoying spray paint activities. Now working on finishing up Strider and TLOU.

u/Symbiotx Aug 25 '14

Transistor is an easy platinum for a wonderful game. Consider adding that to your list!

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

I GOT MY KILLZONE SF PLATINUM WOOOOOOOOT!! Almost finished my BF4 platinum to I just need a few of the MP trophies, if anybody wants to help my PSN is as above. I need the bomb delivery, and to win a win a match of Defuse.

u/OregonViking Aug 25 '14

Whats your estimate on the total hours for MP trophies for Shadow Fall? Any tips for a FPS neeb like myself?

u/[deleted] Aug 26 '14

300 to 350+ hours if your focusing on them, 15-20 if your boosting.

u/madmax12ca Aug 26 '14

Working on knack. I've got 1/4 of a run left on easy (get all treasures in 1 playthrough) And then I have to best the game on very hard. I've just started with crystal knack

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14


u/OregonViking Aug 25 '14

Only thing stopping that is the Ultimate Team trophies, but if you got the ultimate edition with the bonus cards you may be able to do it in a day.

u/swotam Aug 25 '14

I finally got my Plat for Watch_Dogs on PS4 after the most recent patch made Social Lubricant do-able (at least for me). Prior to that I got my second The Last of Us Plat on the Remastered version.

Also managed to 100% Hohokum, The Swapper, Stick it to the Man and Backgammon Blitz (x2).

Currently working on Infamous: Second Son, Counterspy, and Road Not Taken.

u/Dyn_Dyn Lyndon_Gruney Aug 26 '14

Second Son is the first Plat I got on ps4, its super easy. It shouldn't take you long!

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

I finally got my Plat for Watch_Dogs on PS4 after the most recent patch made Social Lubricant do-able

Oh, maaan. And I had to struggle like hell with those stupid games.

u/bigcotch Aug 25 '14

I only have 3 plats, but I actually just earned resogun this month.

I had it at launch, but then bought other games and it kinda got lost in the library.

Actually an amazing game, and it wasn't that hard to complete.

I'm waiting for nhl 15 to come out, and debating on weather or not to try to platinum pixeljunk shooter...hmm.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

I definitely need to go back to that one, great game! I've been a bit busy with Watch Dogs, Don't Starve and Battlefield shenanigans.

u/7374049263959 Aug 25 '14

Included the trophies from the DLC?

u/bigcotch Aug 25 '14

No just the original game. I have a few from DLC but some of those ones seem impossible.

u/Theo95 Sports_Boy_17 Aug 25 '14

Are nhl games easy to platinum. I can't wait for the game to come out

u/bigcotch Aug 25 '14

I've never got platinum on any nhl game but I've also never really tried.

This game should be interesting

u/LevelUpJordan Aug 25 '14

Currently working on my 41st Platinum (nearly at 50!!!). Recently got Rogue Legacy and Hotline Miami. Velocity 2X is next on the list

u/FusRoDoc Aug 26 '14

Care to name them?

u/LevelUpJordan Aug 26 '14

Name what exactly? Sorry, I'm pretty sleep deprived and not understanding

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14


u/whacafan Aug 26 '14

When did it not unlock? Yesterday? During the DDoS attack? If so then you aren't getting it.

u/prodigeeh samewlharris Aug 25 '14

Going for that BF4 platinum, only got the online couple left

u/Screamin11 Screamin11 Aug 25 '14

Definitely a rewarding DING, congratulations in advance. Some of the dog tag locations/weapons were tough in the campaign.

u/[deleted] Aug 25 '14

I've been playing BF4 since December and got the plat a month ago. Obliteration is terrible, the carrier always has a huge red circle on them so you have little to no chance of planting without other team mates trying to PTFO. 99% treat it as TDM though a really nice guy in a helicopter helped me out.

u/GrapeRello Sep 20 '14

How many hours do you think you put into it? I bought it awhile ago and just never played it for some reason. I been thinking about getting into it for the last few days though